Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Two And Half Billionaires starring Mark Zuckerberg, Snoop Dogg and Sean Parker.
Angelina Jolie takes Maddox on her flying lesson.
Another Coppola? They come out of nowhere. This one is Gia.
And Hugh Jackman broke Dolph's jaw with this punch. Seriously.
Jason Alexander, his new hair and Karina Smirnoff. Has anyone ever seen her boyfriend?
Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston continue to match.
Jennifer Love Hewitt and her new hair extensions.
Jena Malone is all dressed up which is something rarely seen.
Jason Mewes is still alive and has a girlfriend.
Katy Perry wears a Carmen Miranda mask as she lands in Brazil.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Kyle Richards helps Camille Grammer celebrate her birthday while half naked men watch over them.
Lisa Vanderpump was there with Giggy.
And Paul and Adrienne were there too. Did Paul get some plugs?
Not getting any plugs yet is Hank Baskett who had nothing better to do yesterday so went with Kendra Wilkinson to her interview with Mario Lopez.
Liam Neeson is meeting lots of new friends lately.
Maggie Gyllenhaal got her own milk commercial. She is not the person I would think of for one.
Marisa Tomei with her serious, I have not found the bar yet look.
Nathan Fillion gets help with carrying his bags, because you know, he is a star. They don't do those kinds of things.
The New York City Ballet brought out some stars last night. Stella McCartney, Naomi Watts, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jessica Seinfeld.
Liv Tyler looking gorgeous was there too.
Ditto Paul McCartney and his wife to be Nancy Shevell.
Oh yeah, one of your favorites, Christopher Meloni was also there.
Is Shanna Moakler quoting a price here or going to eat the chip?
Notice how all the crew manages to take their break right when Sofia Vergara arrives.

Your Turn

While watching some Best Of Antiques Roadshow thing last night, my mom and dad and some neighbors from across the street got into a discussion about if you went on the show and someone told you that your painting or whatever thing you brought was worth $1M would you sell it or keep it. The obvious answer is you would sell it, but what if it had been in your family for 100 years. What if you really liked whatever it was, or thought it would go up more. I would like to know what you would do in the situation.

Alex McCord & Simon Van Kempen Beg For Their Jobs

Apparently Alex McCord and Simon Van Kempen really do not want to have regular jobs anymore. I think they have probably spent every penny of their Housewives money and all the money they got from events and promotional appearances and probably thought the money train would never stop. Now that they have been fired though, that train not only stopped, it threw on the emergency brakes, kicked them off and sped off before they could catch their breath.

So, what are two people who love fame going to do about it? They are going to the Bravo offices in New York and beg Andy Cohen for their jobs back. It is kind of sad actually that the be all end all of your existence is being on a cable reality show and that you need it to survive. I think the couple has grown addicted to the fame and I think there is still hope for them to get back on the air if Alex runs off with some other member of Journey or if Simon does the same.

Of course their begging will probably be aired which would probably satisfy them as long as there is a paycheck.

Kim Delaney Should Lay Off The Booze

Army Wives actress Kim Delaney has had some problems with booze before and went to rehab back in 2003. She needs to go again if this speech she gave last night is any indication. She gave the speech as part of a tribute to the Defense Secretary and had to be escorted off the stage. It is not like she had to do anything but read a script and really could not do that. I am anxious to hear the explanation on this one. This is the longest two minutes ever. It is painful to watch.

Ted C Blind Item

You know how some cheating husbands (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) really do want to get caught, so they do stupid things and leave obvious clues? Same thing with sexually conflicted Hollywood stars such as Crotch Uh-Lastic and Toothy Tile. Now, mind you, most closeted gay guys in Hollywood are more of the Fey Oiled-Tush variety and do not want to be known—under any circumstances.

However, there are exceptions, such as Crotch, Toothy and—we dare say—Lloyd Boy-Toy, who's totally pushing the gay envelope lately. Certainly the bisexual one:

Lloyd, always a most fascinating actor, is busy maintaining quite the dichotomy-filled existence: While he dates more and more (and younger and younger) attractive women, he's also continuing to hire male prostitutes.

Now, keep in mind these women Mr. Boy-Toy goes out with are not just pretty fixtures for the famous guy to be seen with, as Lloyd also enjoys sexual relationships with these gals.

But he's also just as enamored with young men, trust us!

Add to this somewhat complicated life path the fact that Lloyd's also been caught screaming anti-gay epithets, as Lloyd's temper has never been something he's too great at controlling. Hmmm. Wonder what that means?

Probably exactly what it looks like: The handsome guy's not only conflicted about how he feels about other people's sexuality (hence, his own), but part of him is dying to be called out for who he really is!

Keep up the name-calling, Lloyd, and that's exactly what will happen.

And It Ain't: Daniel Craig, Robert Downey Jr., Hugh Jackman

Steven Powell Arrested For Child Porn

The father-in-law of Susan Powell was arrested last night after police found a bunch of video of women who were taped without their knowledge including Susan and they also charged the guy with one count of child porn. Susan Powell disappeared two years ago and Steven said he had a sexual relationship with her. Steven currently lives in Washington with his son, Josh who was married to Susan. See, everyone thinks Josh did this and I think more and more it was either Steven or maybe the two of them together. The videos of all the women were taken between 2006-2007 and lots and lots were of minors. Anyone who secretly records that much stuff and either did have or wanted to have sex with his daughter-in-law is a sick guy. I have no problems believing he killed Susan.

Police have been spending much of the last few months really trying to get a break in the case and have not found anything yet.

16 & Pregnant Couple Arrested

This one is pretty sad. A couple from the first season of 16 & Pregnant, Joshua and Ebony Rendon were both arrested in Arkansas and charged with maintaining a drug premises and using another's property to facilitate a crime. I think that last charge is because they were living in military housing. Also added to the list are child endangerment, possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Quite the list isn't it?

Well it gets worse. The couple lost their child to authorities who declared the living conditions in the home were deplorable. There was human and animal feces on the floors and the walls in every room. Not just one room, but every room. The house was filled with flies and maggots and three dogs were also taken away which were living inside the house. Joshua Rendon is in the Air Force and it was base officials who called in the police. What I want to know is this couple were living on the base and no one noticed until it got this bad? No one bothered to call the police or tell base officials before? In a close environment like the military I can't believe no one noticed.

Four For Friday

#1 - This foreign born actress/model who always seems to stay in the spotlight without actually doing much other than occasionally dating a celebrity spends most of her time now hustling rich guys to take her out. She is hoping to land a big fish, but most get tired of her after a few days because of the financial demands she puts on them right from the beginning. Definitely going to be revealed.

#2 - This award winning director who specializes in social documentaries that create a whole lot of buzz was asked recently if he would ever do any mainstream movie directing and he said, "Why should I? I make a great living and I get plenty of ass already."

#3 - This former tweener and now a married adult with child/ren is hardly what you would call the stay at home mom type or anything. She used to be an A list television actress and now stays in that B- range. Never a movie actress, always television. She has been in here before for some things, but at this point she is getting a little too old to be out every night getting hammered on free booze from parties and hitting on any guy she sees. Oh, she only hits on the guys when she is drunk, but the problem is she is almost always drunk.

#4 - This A+ talk show host depends on family values to stay popular and relevant. So, what happens when the celebrity spouse cheats all the time and the host knows it. They can't split up because the fan base would leave in droves, especially if they found out that the talk show host is the polar opposite to the nice person they play on television.

Larry Flynt Offering $1M Reward For Sex Info On Rick Perry

Every few years, Larry Flynt opens up his wallet and offers a huge reward to people who have information about politicians cheating. He has had some great results in the past. I think last time he offered a reward, several Congressman and Senators had their affairs come to light. Now, Larry is offering $1M for anyone who has proof that Presidential candidate and current Governor of Texas (where have I heard that before) has had an illicit sexual liaison. So, in essence that means if Rick Perry has had sex outside of marriage he better hope that person still loves them a lot or that Rick can find someone with a bigger checkbook. That is a whole lot of money and I find that politicians are generally never without their skeletons. Do you think this kind of thing should be done?

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH beloved TV sitcom dad is having major issues over his current series and highly anticipated return to prime time?

The actor thinks his new comedy series could use some major improvements, which have resulted in huge clashes with the network and its executives!

X Factor Is No American Idol

Although X Factor won some age demos in its premiere, it only drew 12.5M viewers in the US. To give you an idea, Jersey Shore attracted 10M viewers in its premiere this season and it is not on free television. In the number of viewers, X Factor lost to CSI, Criminal Minds, and Modern Family and this was for X Factor's premiere. It did about half the numbers American Idol does. Simon said unless 20M people watched he would be disappointed. And he should be because I have never seen so much hype or advertising for a show before. To have all that behind you and still only get those kinds of numbers show me the world is getting tired of singing or talent shows. How many different ways can you do it? I think X Factor would have done better if they had started before The Voice. The problem is that show was unique and kind of filled the gap along with America's Got Talent until the new season of Idol begins. I watched some of the premiere and it was ok, but it was nothing I had not seen before. Did you like it?

Wanda Sykes Had Breast Cancer - Is Amazing

There are not many people out there that I admire more than Wanda Sykes. The woman stays true to herself and does what she wants when she wants and if it does not fit into her beliefs then she just moves on. She is going to be on Ellen on Monday and it is an interview you should definitely watch or DVR. Wanda reveals that she had breast cancer and had both of her breasts removed. Apparently she went into the doctor to have her breasts reduced and that is when she found out that she had stage zero breast cancer. They gave her some options of coming back every three months to see if something changed or MRI's every few months but she went ahead and too the double mastectomy option. Now she is cancer free.

Although this is a sad story, this is Wanda Sykes we are talking about and only she could make you laugh and not feel sorry for her as she tells the story. She says the reason she did not speak out about it before was, "I was like, I don't know, should I talk about it or what? How many things could I have? I'm Black, then Lesbian. I can't be the poster child for everything. At least with the LGBT issues we get a parade, we get a float, it's a party. [But] I was real hesitant about doing this, because I hate walking. I got a lot of [cancer] walks coming up."

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This “actress” who is more popular on the internet than she is in getting any actual work was at a bar over the weekend. A patron there told us that she was drunk and propositioned any man that came through the doors to go back to her place. She was rejected by almost everyone until one man took her up on her offer. The patron said she stumbled out with the man into the alley where the man reportedly lives. That’s right, she picked up a homeless person.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

It was Ryan Phillippe ex-girlfriend day yesterday at the InStyle Event. Each ex-girlfriend that showed up got an autographed photo of Reese Witherspoon and a pregnancy test. On hand were Abbie Cornish and
Amanda Seyfried.
After not eating for much of September, Angelina Jolie holds on to the rail for some support.
Beyonce shows off her baby bump. Kind of.
The Desperate Housewives after watching the movie Contagion.
It wouldn't be a Desperate Housewives party without James Denton.
Randomness. Dave Stewart and A.R. Rahman.
Honestly, has anyone ever seen a Bachelorette party invitation which features the bride posing in lingerie?
Judging by her clothes and footwear, I don't think Eva Mendes was expecting her date with Ryan Gosling to be a hike.
The very skinny Gerard Butler.
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber play Brangelina.
Yesterday was pose on the stairs day in the UK. Jessica Chastain got involved as did
the lovely Helen Mirren.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

A rough looking Jamie Foxx hangs out with Chris Noth. That is an interesting combination.
Jennifer Garner is becoming the Kelly Ripa of the west coast. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw my mother wearing a dress and heels and cooking. Maybe if she was throwing a tv dinner in the oven before she and my dad went out.
Pap - "Hey Justin Theroux, could you slow down for a second. It is going to be too blurry."
Justin - "Hey kids, Parliament, Big Ben."
Kyle Richards and Mauricio make a rare public appearance together.
Kate Winslet hanging out with her new married boyfriend, Ned Rocknroll. Yep, that is his name.
Mark Salling drops off new instruments to a middle school in Los Angeles.
The seemingly always perfect Neal McDonough.
Steve Martin looking pretty pleased with his granddaughter. Oh, wait. Date?
Also looking pretty pleased with himself is Mick Jagger. Why? Well,
L'Wren did the duck pose for him so they looked the same height.
Has anyone seen this A List - Dallas show? Worth my time?
Not a good actor, but Taylor Lautner is a good looking guy. If Abduction does well, the guy will be around for a long time.