Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Angelina Jolie Ignores Stacy Keibler On Jet

According to US Weekly, George Clooney and Stacy Keibler shared a private jet ride with Brangelina from LA to Palm Springs. Talk about some environmental impact. It is like a two hour drive and instead they fire up a private jet? Wow. Anyway, what do you think the flight time would be? 30 minutes? Maybe less? Angelina did not talk to Stacy the whole time. I was just 30 minutes. Maybe she had nothing to say. Maybe she was talking to her kids on the phone. Maybe she was making out with her brother. Who knows? I don't think it is that big of a deal if she did or did not, but I also know she probably has seen 10 of these Clooney women in as many years so probably does not really care.


nolachickee said...

Angie's probably like "I'm not going to bother even learning their names until they make it to six months with George".

I'm with you, Enty. Firing up a private jet for that short of a flight is beyond disgusting. Here we have three of Hollywood's biggest do-gooders and this is how they role? Or are they that stupid?

nolachickee said...

Sorry. I meant roll. This got me pissed off.

Belle said...

Do as I say. Not as I do. Probably bought carbon credits.

crila16 said...

I thought Ang and George didn't like each other at all. Either way...who is the person going around saying they didn't speak at all? Maybe they weren't facing each other.

selenakyle said...

I like Stacy and I hope she's not being mistreated by George or any of his cronies.

And she can prolly kick AJ's butt-tocks... so AJ better watch it!

MISCH said...

For a woman who is bi-sexual Angie really doesn't like women...
Stacy, no loss. Use your time well....
As for the jet, well they simply deserve not to mingle with the common folk..

Princess said...

Stacy has a personality whereas Angelina does not. Plus she's one of those horrid bitter women that claim they only ever have guy friends/are close to guys. Usually with the excuse that women are bitches or women will backstab you, but we all know that's not true. It's just an excuse for women that crave men and want to feel wanted by them all because they have issues.
So she sat around like a stuck-up bitch with a stick in her ass because there was another female around.
No surprise.

Cheryl said...

AJ doesn't strike me as the chatty type anyway. I can't imagine her having many female friends. Stacy probably considers all women a threat to her position so I can't see these two hanging out.

Maria said...

the guys are friends, doesn't mean their girlfriends will like or even get along with each other. it happens. they prolly stared each other up and down, said hmm hmm and kept it moving

pr787 said...

Jolie only tolerates women who she sleeps with.

BigMama said...

how do we know Stacy didn't snub Angie? ;)

msgirl said...

US Weekly is very believable!

RocketQueen said...

Enty actually giving Angie the benefit of the doubt? I never thought I'd see the day! ;)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I have no tolerance for women who claim they don't get along with other women, and Angelina strikes me as that type. Does she have ANY female friends? Gwen Stefani doesn't count, because it seems like their only interactions are playdate-related.

What a bitch, honestly. Stacy might not have a towering intellect, but she's probably more pleasant to be around.

tara17 said...

How would anyone know? Did the staff on that airplane observe the 2 couples for the entire flight? I find this unlikely.

Unknown said...

If it was a private jet, who would have reported this? It's obviously nonsense.

__-__=__ said...

Clooney women are a different breed entirely. I don't blame AJ.

timebob said...

@unknown Private Jets have flight attendants just like commercial flights.

I believe it, Angie isn't exactly a girl's girl unless she is f'ing them.

Bridget said...

Ugh, not to defend Jolie, but I don't have a ton of female friends either. It doesn't make me a bitch. It doesn't make me a homewrecker. And I do have female friends. I just happen to get along with guys better. (And by the way, I am faithful to my partner and always have been).

/steps off soapbox

Bridget said...

Ugh, not to defend Jolie, but I don't have a ton of female friends either. It doesn't make me a bitch. It doesn't make me a homewrecker. And I do have female friends. I just happen to get along with guys better. (And by the way, I am faithful to my partner and always have been).

/steps off soapbox

weezy said...

AJ is a screenwriter and motion picture director; she probably doesn't think she should have to be relegated to playing The Little Woman Welcoming The Skank Of The Week in the limo.

cheesegrater15 said...

Angie Jo was just pissed Stacy Keebler-Elf didn't kneel at her feet and present her with a quart of fresh virgin blood.

bits of moxy said...

Maybe - just maybe they chatted pre flight, were tired and took the time on the plane for a quick "quiet time".
Why do people have to be "on" all the time?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Stacy with some defenders here!

Laura said...

Did Stacy try to talk to Angie? Ask her questions? Conversation is a two-way street.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I don't know about this. Some people don't feel the need to chat your ear off all the time. Maybe they are both like that. Or maybe they are shy when meeting new people? Who the hell knows?

This is pretty dumb IMO.

Vikingwench said...

Ms. Kiebler was probably relieved. Besides, both of them are more famous for who they are "with" than for any talent of their own.

Tara said...

Skeletorina doesn't seem like the female friends type, but who knows what was going on? Maybe she was hanging out with the kids or maybe she was just having a shitty day. And, maybe they just didn't have anything to talk about. *shrug* It might have been worse if it was a longer flight, but maybe not. Do you chat with people on the bus or on a plane or carpooling?

And, I feel that I must defend those women who don't have a lot of women friends. I have a few, but many 'friends' I've had in the past have screwed me over in some of the worst ways possible, so I'm a little jaded when it comes to female friends. I'm not saying that all are like that, but most that I've known are. Maybe it comes from the Southern barracuda thing, I dunno.

Just throwin' that out there.

ms snarky said...

I can't imagine any kind of pleasant conversation with Angelina Jolie. It would have to be all about her.

cheesegrater15 said...

Angelina probably figured since she couldn't adopt her and she couldn't cheat on Brad with her, then she had no use for her.

Shay said...

If this is true, there's probalbe a lot more to this story.

digal704 said...

Sometimes I don't feel like talking to anybody. Even those close to me and vice versa. No big deal! Plus small talk is overrated.

digal704 said...

Sometimes I don't feel like talking to anybody. Even those close to me and vice versa. No big deal! Plus small talk is overrated.

Diane said...

I wouldn't blame Angie. I have an extremely wealthy cousin & he is such a whore. Every event we go to he has a new 'flavor of the month." We dont even acknowledge his 'dates' anymore because they all look alike. Good for Angie.

MISCH said...

Angie doesn't like George's influence on Brad...

Unknown said...


yes I know private jets have attendants. Do you rrrrreally think that George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would use a private jet service that was not 100% discreet?

Beth said...

I don't know what went on on this flight obviously, but as many have said, AJ doesn't seem to be particularly woman-friendly unless she's having sex with a woman or doing her UN thing.

She seems like she would be a really cold person.

timebob said...

@unknows, well, I guess they didn't or maybe the pilots tattled.

I'm just saying I believe the story.

Lioness70 said...

I don't have a lot of female friends, either. I do, however, make an effort to hang out with and cultivate at least a casual friendship with genuinely nice people.

The RHONJ-like broads in my neighborhood defended another RHONJ type over me - her son and my son don't get along - because she's their drinking buddy. Funk that shit. Men in general are much more easygoing, which is why I always got along better with them than women. I have no time for head games and high maintenance garbage, and too many women I know play those games.

Lioness70 said...

Oh, and Stacy Keibler looks like shit in that photo. I can't tell if that tan is fake or not, but it and that lipstick ages her at least 15 years. Yuck.

MnGddess said...

Please remember Angelina is a primo man-stealer. I bet she doesn't trust women because she knows what SHE'S like. And it was only an hour flight - where are they getting this info from? A stewardess? If I was Stacey I wouldn't even be bothered.

And I, too, choose my girl-friends carefully. Been screwed (figuratively) twice already by "good" friends. They were both Leos; I wonder if that has anything to do with it...?

Nosey Parker said...

Thanks Bridget and Tara, ITA.

I have lots of female friends, but I talk to my male friends if it's something I want kept private.

About 5 years ago I had a boyfriend that wasn't answering his cell phone. I asked my girlfriend to dial his # to see if he was blocking my calls. He said hello, and she explained that it was a wrong #. She called me back and said he sounded really cute. 2 days later she got drunk and started calling him even though I had dated him for 2 years and she had never met him!

Lioness70 said...

LOL. Leos have huge egos, but most are generous and caring.

(I am one, can you tell? ;) )

My rival is also a Leo...big ego too, but is always in competition with everyone she knows. Haven't spoken to this one in a decade. No prizes for guessing why.

Barton Fink said...

Oh you people posting mean things about Angelina, you make my heart warm and happy. She was an okay actress who made that one good film about a model who dies of HIV/AIDS, and then she made fifteen movies that reek of desperation to be taken seriously. And then the latest "rape is love" film. I say, let's not overrate her.

RocketQueen said...

lol I love you mngddess, but "primo man stealer"? I wasn't aware a man could be "stolen" without his permission.

Maja With a J said...

Maybe it was the other way around. Maybe Stacy Keibler has better things to do than fawning over Angelina Jolie! *L*

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

It's possible to suffer fools. I don't care HOW smart you are, and how dumb your company may be. Remember those shots of Cate Blanchett politely chatting to Megan Fox at a fashion show? There's NO excuse for ignoring someone if there are only four of you on an airplane for a duration of time -- particularly if you're comprised of two couples. This wasn't like she was randomly seated next to Keibler in coach and didn't feel like chatting. IF this story is true, it's just fucking rude of Angelina. Period.

I can believe this story, though. The way she treats people like Seacrest is bothersome. Yes, the man became famous because of some dipshit reality show, and YES, he's responsible for unleashing the Kardashians on us all, but celebrities who are interviewed by him have their asses kissed the whole time. He's NICE to them. They way she narrows her eyes at him and delivers her curt and pretentious little responses drives me insane. And it would drive her even crazier if he DIDN'T give a shit about interviewing her. She's one of the biggest famewhores out there.

Okay. I never said I think there's something wrong with women who *do* have lots of male friends, and feel as if they have a special rapport with those dudes. I am one of those women myself.

But in *my* personal experience, the women who say things like, "I don't have any female friends because they're all catty/jealous/I just can't trust them" have been the biggest backstabbers I've ever encountered.

Back to AJ for a minute -- men aren't objects that can be *stolen* -- but Angelina definitely has shown a preference for the ones who are in longterm relationships when she first meets them. Before Brad, there was Billy Bob. He's no prize, but he WAS with Laura Dern at the time.

I am just so sick of Saint Angie. The daily papped pics of her child army while she smiles smugly in the background, her boringass descriptions of her supposed domesticity (when you KNOW she and Brad have about twenty nannies who are NEVER mentioned or photographed), her aura of general superiority, etc.

She's gorgeous, and I do think she's intelligent, but she just bores me to death nowadays.

Okay. Rant over. I promise.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Stacey told Huffington P. today that it isn't true:


That's nice Stacey. By the way - there's a poster of your naked ass on my 19 year old brother's wall. Just thought you should know. Bye.

Janet said...

Two thoughts usually come to mind when I hear (or read of) women who proudly proclaim they have no female friends. One is a quote from the author Jay
McInerney, “Beware the woman who doesn’t like other women; she’s probably generalizing from her own character.” The other is, I wonder why they are sexist.

xoApril said...

Screams to me as US Weekly making up something from nowhere.
Angie seems introverted to myself, and I take a bit tO warm up to strangers at the initial meeting.
Also, throw me in the group of girls with minimal female friends. I seem to be attracted to female friends who are insecure and they bring the drama. I'll always take men over women.

gee-gee said...

It's alright Angie Jo. I'm ignoring her too. I doubt George even gives her much thought, so why should you?

jax said...

i have friends. Whether they have a penis or a vagina is fucking irrelevant.

It's 2012 people. Assuming a woman is a bitch because she has more men friends is probably the reason she IS friends with more men in the first place.

What does it say about a woman with only gay males in her life? Or is that acceptable?


Murphy Brown 2020 said...


Show me a woman who claims that women are more dramatic than men, and I'll show you a woman who's probably never worked in an environment full of dudes -- passive aggressive jibes, clashing egos, chest-beating, and dick-measuring contests a-plenty. I'm primarily thinking of my years spent in the restaurant industry -- a field populated with a LOT of men at all levels. The women were EASY to work with, and for.

And most of the men I'm thinking of were straight, BTW.

Barton Fink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bunnygirl said...

Love the photos...they both look like they could spit nails.

childeroland said...

Why is Jolie supposed to talk to her?

0 said...

Co-sign every word Ida said above. I'm sick to death of hearing about how fucking holy and mighty Angie Jo is. She's an actess, for chrissakes; she portrays herself the way she wants the world to think she is- some domesticated, earth mother bullshit when in fact she is a a self-absorbed, overrated, smug bitch. Are we really supposed to all fawn over her like she's a fucking deity?

She was way more interesting and likeable when she was a crazy, tattooed, blood pendant-wearing, broether-kissing weirdo. She was honest then. Now, everything is a front for her supposed "perfect life".

And Brad Pitt has always been dull as fuck.

lutefisk said...

I don't chose my friends based on their gender, but rather those I enjoy being around. Sometimes I don't want to be around anyone, and especially don't want to have to make small talk. I don't see why Angie would have to chat with anyone if she didn't want to. Maybe she was exhausted and was hoping for some quiet time.

EmEyeKay said...

I don't like to talk to anyone when I'm on a plane. Don't know what that's about, I'm not a nervous flyer or anything like that. I put my earbuds in and turn towards the window and I like to be left alone to look at the clouds or sleep or read. But I don't believe this story.

Lurky Loo said...
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Lurky Loo said...

I am not sure why it is neccessary for there to be all this snark about women who prefer the company of men. Feel free to load heaps of hate on my head but there...I said it.

I have some female friends but in general I find men just easier to deal with. I go into each encounter with women hoping for the best, but if we are looking at ratios, I find that my relationships with men are easier.

I don't blame anyone for this and I take full responsibility. Not all of it but some of it I think has to do with my family structure. I come from a large family and my sisters are like 10 and 13 years older than I am. Two of my brothers are much closer in age and I just related to them better. My sisters seemed like surrogate moms sometimes. So in growing up I don't think I learned to deal with the day to day tussles that girls with sisters closer to their age just seem to learn and accept better than I sometimes have. I try to learn from it.

So...not every woman who finds relationships with other women challenging is a woman hater or out to steal your boyfriends or husbands. It's their issue, not yours.

lzahart said...

ITA with Ida's remarks above that 1) it's possible to be pleasant to those you would prefer not to speak to for short amounts of time, although I too do not like talking on flights (though private flights on small planes-- it is kind of rude to not talk at all to one person if you are travelling w a small group) and 2) while I too have more close friends who are men than women, which I think is largely a function of my job being rather male-dominated and also being a big sports fan, I also think that women who proclaim that they aren't friends w other women are usually totally conniving backstabby byatches. Which is funny because that is usually the excuse they give for why they don't have close female friends. One of them is sitting a few offices down from me now... last weekend she hit on my husband. So there's that data point to consider.

As to the veracity of this story and where it came from- I do agree that these types would not use a private travel service of any kind that was not totally discreet, so I don't think it was the staff. Which makes me wonder... maybe Stacy K. is the one who leaked it? It makes AJ look bitchy, it makes her look nice, and then she can come out and say "oh of course that isn't true" a day later. 2 days of press focused on Stacy herself rather than Stacy the date of celebrated actor GC. If I had to guess I would think her people are probably somehow behind this actually.


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