Saturday, January 07, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

November 30, 2011

#1 - This former A list movie actor who now is lucky to find work was a big sex symbol back in the 80's and 90's. At a recent event he ditched his date to have sex in the bathroom with an old flame who has risen to C list status as the host of a reality show.

Val Kilmer & China Chow


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  2. Woa Enty!!! Is it Christmas again??

    I thought Enty would be posting the FB blind, as well as an extra reveal, and that would be it.

    Thank you!

  3. Enty said he would do the FB and 2 reveals to make up for the ppl who can't friend request since he is maxed out at 5,000 friends.

    China Chow is so pretty, I can't believe she would have sex with that tub of lard in a bathroom no less.

    class it up, girl.

  4. I thought he was only doing the FB reveal & one additional reveal? I'll take it though. Thanks Enty!

  5. Thank you Enty!

    Public bathroom sex is gross and awkward. I wouldn't have it with the Val Kilmer of Top Gun, much less today's "tub of lard" version - thank you timebob!

  6. I don't want to think about China having sex with him, he looks awful now. I was a big fan before. A friend of mine dated Daryl Hannah's assistant and she told me Val was very odd, muttered to himself all the time, wasn't very friendly. She didn't like him at all.

    And, how lame are you to ditch a date and screw someone else? Tacky, tacky, tacky!

    Thanks for the reveals, Enty.

  7. oh, i looked back what he said he did say "one bonus reveal". So it is double bonus day! thank you enty!!

  8. Love the extra reveals! But I'm so out of it.. China who?!

  9. Nooooo, not my Val. I had a huge crush on him. I can't believe I didn't think of him for this blind. I don't know that he was a list -- b+ maybe.

  10. I too, had such a big crush on Val back in the day, and would totally hit it. And while I was hitting it, I'd close my eyes and remember him in, 'Thunderheart'.

    This is awesome - I didn't know Enty would be doing reveals today. I slept in, and am trying to wake up with a pot of coffee before venturing out. What a perfect way to spend a lazy morning!

  11. I've never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's beautiful. I can see why Val took the opportunity, I just can't figure out why she agreed.

  12. ITA with nolachickee. Even in his Doc Holliday heyday. Public bathroom sex is disgusting.

  13. I love "work of art" and I think China Chow is great on the show, but where the hell did she come from? She has dated alot of celebrities (like Marilyn Manson *wtf?* and now Val Kilmer) but where did she come from? What did she do before "Work of Art"?

  14. I keep mixing China Chow and Alexa Chung up bc I don't know what either of them are "famous" for. Val Kilmer is verging on becoming the human embodiment of Jabba the Hut; why would ANYONE want to have sex with him-ewww!!!!

  15. Didn't see that coming! Thanks!

  16. I had to google China Chow. She is gorgeous. And, she dated Val and Keanu. I have the sads of jealousy.

  17. China is great on "Work of Art" and I must say this surprises me. Love is blind, I guess.

  18. Anyone see the picture of Jessica Simpson wearing spike heels? All it made me think of was the discussion of Beyonce wearing heels while "pregnant".

  19. Why China ? Why ?

  20. Val Kilmer back in the day was VERY good-looking. But, then again so was Alec Baldwin ~sigh~

  21. China Chow is beautiful and great on Work of Art. Her father is Mr. Chow, owns (or owned?) a restaurant in NYC. Her mother was Tina Chow and one of the first women to die of AIDS. She was a beautiful model who also had a fling with Richard Gere and knew Andy Warhol. China talked about her mother's death on this season's Work of Art. But WTF? Val Kilmer? China also dated Mark Wahlberg.

  22. Oh my goodness, on one page: Kelsey Grammar, The Situation and the Unit, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, and Val Kilmer. It's a douchebag cornucopia!

  23. @Barton Fink - Hahaha!

    @lutefisk - Though they are bloated douches, I'd do them both in a heartbeat. I have no standards. :(

  24. VK in Top Secret was to die for!

  25. had forgotten val was, um, larger now, until i read the comments. i guess if you see an old flame, and HAVE to have them right there, it must have been pretty-damn-good back in the day.

  26. Would've NEVER guessed this one! Just got home from work and BAM...was not expecting any reveals, much less this juicy one. Love it!

  27. Guys, here is the event in question. It was hosted by a Russian Heiress (of all people) and she was throwing a BBQ?? (lol, only in HOllywood, right? :-P

    By the looks of this pic, Val continues to look WREAKED!
    Yeesh, what was she thinking?!

  28. wait a minute. Might be wrong on the date of the pic. This was dec 1st, the blind was nov 30th. My mistake.

  29. But I will say this, after watching White Palace last night and seeing James Spader now in The Office, I can safely say that Spader and Kilmer continue to shock me in terms of going from brutally hot to one giant tanned blob of a person.
    This is straight up some Marlon Brando witch craft shit.

  30. shouldn't we be giving Val (& James Spader) some credit for not going the plastic surgery route?

  31. Whether it was a public bathroom or a bathroom in someone else's house (whoa, that might be worse), this is just tacky and gross on their parts.

    If he's too damn cheap to spring for a hotel room, China, maybe you shouldn't be shagging him!

  32. I just saw an article that the woman who sued IMDB/Amazon for revealing her true age came forward publicly to the courts on Friday - she is Junie Hoang, and from her IMDB profile, appears to have a lot of bit parts on her resume:

    Sorry if this was posted earlier and I mised it!

  33. Hey!
    Does anyone remember if we had Val in the FFFs?

    Trying to put a peen to the face lololol

  34. Wonder when he was her flame because he has looked a hot mess for quite some time now.

  35. and who had the 7th for the "birth"?

  36. Woo Hoo for equality! We're now judging men for their weight almost the same as women! Now that's progress!

    (From someone who thinks Val Kilmer and James Spader are still plenty hot.)

  37. Some folks I know in the NM film industry say Val's douchiness is in remission. Sure hope so!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. #Seachica okay I just have to comment on this with regard to the woman suing imdd. I was college roommates with her!!! When I heard this news, I thought it might be her. And then when she mentioned she was from Texas I really thought it might be her. I thought about asking her as we are facebook friends (we were close in college, but you know how people drift apart..), but then decided if it was she might be senstive about it or worse. That is so funny, in an ironic way.

  40. and now you all know my age (or close to it ;-)

  41. Woohoo, I guessed Val when he first posted the blind! My 2nd one i have gotten ever! cept the obvious ones.

  42. China Chow was sort of a society "it" girl back before the paparazzi were crazy and you had to read Vogue or Bazaar to know it.

  43. Oh my god, that poor woman!

    Yes he was hot. And yes he was A-list.

    Maybe he's just an awesome person and great in bed, and she'd know, wouldn't she?

  44. China Chow is gorgeous but clearly has some self esteem issues. Don't be jealous, peeps. :|



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