Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gabriel Aubry Accused Of Battery & Child Endangerment

Halle Berry is headed to court this week to make sure that Gabriel Aubry can only see their child Nahla while being supervised. Apparently last week Gabriel kept Nahla home from school and when Gabriel & Halle's joint nanny came over to Gabriel's house and asked why, Gabriel basically told her it was not any of her business and that she was nothing on the totem pole of life and slammed her into a door while she was holding Nahla. The nanny filed a police report and now CPS is also investigating. Hmm, could not get his daughter up for school. Violent mood swings. Who wants to put money on some kind of drug use?


Sevenmack said...

Or could it be that this is another one of Halle's crazy chick efforts to punish Gabriel for leaving her? After all, she made similar claims -- and accused him of being a racist -- during their fight over custody last year.

Sorry, but when it comes to Berry these days, I think she has proven one of the reasons why she's had two failed marriages and three failed relationships. Her poor choice in men is one reason. Her own psyche is the other.

Vicky said...

Whether it's true or not, this whole thing breaks my heart. That poor child doesn't have a chance:(

parissucksliterally said...

I feel bad for Nahla.

timebob said...

I admit I was totally team Gabriel until this story. Something does seem to be off with him. I can't imagine at this point Halle would have the Nanny set him up like this, too much to risk.

All that matters is the welfare of the child. Hope she is ok.

MISCH said...

Lets not jump the gun, Halle has been trying forever to limit his time with Nahla...
Think her living with Oliver helps....There is way more here.

Beth said...

I think this is a Halle thing. I think she's bat shit crazy.

Am I mistaken or does Nahla appear happier when she's with her father (obviously based on a limited number of photos)?

Anonymous said...

I think Halle got mad about the school thing and has decided on some revenge. But I don't KNOW that. Really shouldn't speculate, I guess. I do get that bat shit crazy vibe from her also, @Beth

Liz said...

For a long time I have believed that Gabriel was every bit as manipulative and mean spirited as Halle. While Halle may have her own issues, that does not excuse his behavior.

I recall when she had to film a movie in NY and she offered to put pay for s hotel so that he could visit and spend time with Nahla. What does he do? Goes to court to prevent her from taking Nahla to NY.

This guy is every bit ad controlling as she is. I don't buy the pretty facade.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Kelly from The Office, how can people so beautiful be so unhappy?

flor avila said...

Considering the media manipulation. I believe this is all Halle. She does this "woe is me" act an shreds all her exes. She's the problem. Halle doesn't want to abide by the custody terms and her PR peeps twist the truth to make her look good. Can't wait til Oliver leaves her and maybe she can redirect her crazy. Poor Nahla. Living with anyone this demented really jacks it! I know. I have a mother!!

figgy said...

haha, exactly @anita_mark!

Things Nahla will have going for her: $ and beauty. With those parents, there's no way she could miss being gorgeous. Say what you will, both money and looks can make life easier.

Things against her: 2 batshit crazy parents?

But I think Halle's mom is pretty normal and stable, right?

Pogue Mahone said...

It may not be drugs, maybe the guy's just an ass?

Maggie said...

He, a father who has had previous unfounded claims made against him in a custody suit, said.

She, an employee of the person who made the previous unfounded claims, said

Patty said...

I don't think missing a week of pre-schooll spells the end of the world for her.

I need to wait till more comes out. Given Halle's track record I need to see more facts.

Liz said...

The question is why was she out of school? Why did he have such an aggressive reaction to a question? A simple, I will discuss this with Halle later, would have sufficed. This 35 year old man is responsible for his own behavior.

Lotus262 said...

Does no one think that Halle is paying off the nanny? She has Borderline Personality Disorder tendencies, and BPD people can be very convincing in their "poor me" tactics.

I don't think he is a bad guy, and I don't believe this went down the way this story is written. Why would the nanny have been informed that she didn't go to pre-school, and then why would she show up at his house? His reaction to her questioning might just be one of frustration. I'm guessing Halle is all over his ass all the time and he's probably just annoyed as hell.

MISCH said...

It also must make Halle crazy that Nahla looks so much like Gabe...

ac said...

I have to admit I was all team G since Halle is batshit nuts. I mean she seems annoying but something also seems off about him. Granted the baby is always smiling with him(maybe the paps don't get that anonymous call) and she's grumpy looking with Halle, something about all this seems off.

I'm not there. I don't know but I'm just saying.

timebob said...

@Lotus I do see your point. You know everything that happens in that house the Nanny is reporting back to Halle in fine detail. That must make him paranoid and frustrated. But it doesn't give him the right to disrepect or chuck her out of the house. As always there are three sides to every story, his, hers and the truth.

Linnea said...

Yeah, I have no idea what the truth is here, considering Halle's background.

I will say this: a childhood (former) friend is borderline and it is pretty scary stuff. She has manipulated one person after another, and they all buy her sob stories and work to get her whatever she wants. Smart, independent women who are doing her shitty work because they believe her.

Right now she is a reality star, sobbing her eyes out about how she was abused by yet another ex (something that we know didnt happen)

timebob said...

after reading the police report, I take it as the guy barely gets any time with his child and would rather spend time with her then her sit in pre-K. It is not like he was breaking any truant laws, it is Pre-K for gosh sakes.

He got snappy with her, right? no justified? maybe with the shit Halle has dumped on him. The nanny is Halle's employee. I do question if he truly pushed her with Nahla in his arms. That seems embellished to me. Unless Nahla can confirm it happened (do 3 year olds have the vocabulary at that age?)

Pookie said...

no idea who's in the right here...but poor little girl.

MISCH said...

It's going to be interesting on how long it will take Nahla to ask to live with her dad....oh its going to happen.

figgy said...

@linnea, that's very interesting! I wish you could tell us who she is/which reality show :-P

__-__=__ said...

linnea - the pity ploy is the main sign. Add that to anything else noticeable and the crazy pops right out.

Linnea said...

Figgy - I would tell you, but you wouldnt know her! She is from a different country. :P

Linnea said...

@__-__=__ You are right. What baffles me is how convicing she can be! I mean, she is just sooo darn good at making people believe she was abused by her father, her brother, her mother, her ex, her other ex, her social service worker, another social service worker... I mean the list goes on and on.

Cheryl said...

I need more info here. Nahla looks happy and well taken care of when she is with her daddy and Halle is not my favorite person.

Don't forget how nasty custody battles can be. My ex-brother in law dragged my sister into court over everything and made up every lie he could think of. The lies didn't stick, but she still had to waste time and money in court repeatedly and constantly defend herself against accusations. I think that is a lot of what is going on with Halle and Gabriel. They are both being spiteful.

Amartel said...

Impossible to tell who is right here, if anyone. Berry seems like the vengeful type and who knows what a formerly kept man gets up to.

RenoBlondee said...

Yes, that's what I was thinking too, timebob. Pre K for 3 year olds is basically fun day care. It's not required at all.
I'm leaning heavily towards his side for all the reasons y'all stated. She *does* look so happy with him. Halle seems so crazy.

Deep said...

What I find interesting, is when Halle made these accusations in the past- a lot of website had plastered the info over multiple articles, especially Kneepads and TMZ. As of today- only one article between TMZ and People. I wonder why People magazine haven't posted anything?

I hope Nahla is okay and doesn't become a bigger victim in all of this.

RocketQueen said...

lol I can't believe so many people are willing to give Gabriel the benefit of the doubt here. You guys, as much as you hate Halle, you might need to consider that Gabriel's not an angel, either.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

He is correct he shouldn't have to explain to a nanny if he wants to keep his kid home from school, but if he pushed her and got loud and ignorant then he is an ass.

There is a polite way to handle this and he just did it all wrong.

Makes me wonder about his sanity.

His hatred of Halle is more important than his love for his daughter.

Amy in MI said...

Why is a 3 year old in school anyways?

MISCH said...

I think Gabe knows Halle is waiting and watching his every move, thats a crappy way to live but he does it because he loves his child.
Halle wants him gone and she will do anything to make it happen...and if this relationship with Oliver goes south....she will really go after Gabe.

MISCH said...

I think Gabe knows Halle is waiting and watching his every move, thats a crappy way to live but he does it because he loves his child.
Halle wants him gone and she will do anything to make it happen...and if this relationship with Oliver goes south....she will really go after Gabe.

The Flower Girl said...

what anita_mark said...

Bubbles said...

If the nanny wasn't notified that the child wasn't in school and went to pick her up; of course she's going to wonder why the child wasn't where she was told she would be. Asking a question, even if its of the parent doesn't entitle them to put their hands on you.

And it says their shared nanny so unless that's a lie I assume it means both parents had to sign off on her being a care giver to their child.

Krissie said...

Halle is fuckin' nuts.

I've figured there was something "off" about her way back when she caused that hit-and-run accident (circa early 2000s). Right after the accident she told InStyle magazine that it was hard to be a celebrity because she was always made to take responsibility for everything she did. WTF? You just left the scene of an accident YOU caused, and now you are complaining that people think you have to take too much responsibility? What an entitled, delusional and just plain *odd* statement to make at that time. Immediately I went, "Something is wrong with this chick", and ever since then she has been proving me right.

I have a sister who is just like this. Absolutely delusional and brushes aside anything that could be considered her fault, ever, while at the same time complaining that everybody's out to get her for some fabricated reason when really they aren't, at all.

it's possible Gabriel did what Halle said. But I wouldn't take Halle's word for it.

Not A Ninny said...

I cannot believe that Enty and you all missed the obvious: the kid is not old enough for school. Dad may have kept her home from preschool and been perfectly within his rights to do so.

In a typical shared-custody schedule, the custody handover is specified as the end of the school day. If the kid is a toddler there's no reason why the dad can't take the kid to the zoo instead of preschool if he has the time free. That's his time with the tot, legally, not mom's.

This really looks like a set up, with the nanny used to corroborate perjury. If dad plays his cards right the nanny will be fired, he'll get permission to hire his own nanny (and charge Berry the cost) and Berry will get a stiff warning from the judge. Believe me, there is nothing sweeter than hearing a custody mediator say, "You're out of line, mom, and I'm endorsing Dad's requests in the report."

The real question is why celeb moms aren't vilified for estrangement tactics like these when dads would be raked over the coals.

Liz said...

@Rocketqueen I am with you. I don't give Gabriel the benefit of the doubt. He, like Halle, have proven to place their selfish needs for control of Nahla instead of what is in her best interest.

Gabriel needs to show respect to the nanny despite his contentious relationship with Halle. His behavior has no excuses. Zero. Too bad the nanny did not have a tape recorder - the next one should carry one around.

Also, while Nahla may only go to pre-school, going there is part of her routine. Nanny might have wondered if she was too ill to go, decided to just spend some play time together, whatever. Again, no excuses for his reaction.

Selock said...

In my experience, money and beauty don't make life that much better unless you come across them after experiencing their opposite.

Kelly said...

^ myself and several did comment on that actually. you must have missed us. Agreed.

Kelly said...

^ myself and several did comment on that actually. you must have missed us. Agreed.

Selock said...

Woops - shame on my lazy commentary (I skimmed)! I should've known this wise bunch'd beat me to it. :)


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