Thursday, January 05, 2012

Peaches Geldof Is Pregnant

Proving that a shoplifting heroin addict can get pregnant, Peaches Geldof announced that she and her current boyfriend are expecting a baby. This is probably the worst idea she has had in the past three months. The shoplifting thing was more than three months ago, so yes, the worst idea in the past three months. Oh, and a dog at Christmas time was probably the second worst idea in the past three months. Well, maybe being pregnant will get her completely off the heroin. Scientology could not do it for her, but maybe being pregnant will. I am just wondering if there is a wager available in the UK as to whether the relationship lasts longer than the pregnancy. Right now I would say the chances are pretty good they will break up before the baby is born.


  1. I was going to say, how can she be that skinny and on drugs, if one to believe rumors, and get pregnant?

    Then I remembered Nicole Ritchie...

  2. Oh god, we'll have to listen to her profound views on pregnancy for the next few months now.

  3. My, aren't they a handsome couple.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Um, is he aware that those shoes look like women's shoes? They don't look like ordinary wing tips. Of course, he is also wearing a scarf in lieu of a shirt with his three-piece, so who knows what's going on with him?

    Also, I have been sick for four days and have not left the house. He is at a red carpet event. And we have the exact same hairstyle.

  5. Wait, Nicole Richie was on drugs while prego?!?! Jesus. And I felt guilty if I took a sip of wine.

    These kinds of stories make me sad. Hope the baby is healthy, and hope he or she grows up with stable parents.

  6. This girl was doomed in the womb, hopefully her baby will fair better.

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Ugly shoes..

  8. Who cares, and I feel sorry for the baby already.

  9. People should have to pass a test in order to procreate. That girl should not be allowed to get pregnant. The other girl she's with needs to bathe.

  10. I hope this child is more than an accessory to her.

    That said isn't she filthy rich so all she has to do is birth it and hand it off to the nanny?

  11. She has lost an incredible amount of weight recently. Wow. I didn't realize it was so much. Her face looks completely different.

  12. PS - Eli Roth dodged a bullet.

  13. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Eli Roth lost all of his hotness quotient for me when he started up with Peaches. She is so gross.

  14. let's just hope she steps up to the plate here, and breaks that hereditary cycle, if you dig what I'm getting at.

    It's all up to her.

  15. Do any of these people realize that birth control is fairly effective?

  16. Why is this ugly, no-talent skank even famous? Nepotism at it's finest...

  17. WHY does no one use condoms anymore??? Not just pregnancy but herpes, HPV, HIV, etc ?? WTF???

  18. Oh Good Grief. He looks like a total choad. And she doesn't look any better......tell me again WHY we don't make people get licenses before they propagate?
