Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Snoop Dogg On The Price Is Right

I have never seen Snoop Dogg as happy as he was during his appearance during charity week on The Price Is Right. The show has always been his favorite and you can absolutely tell. Of course it could have been because he took the wheel and turned it into the world's biggest bong.


  1. i love drew carey.

    snoop was actually--*gulp*--endearing.

    the 'model' (<--is that what they're called?) really needs to never, ever dance around a car. ever. seriously.

  2. I really do love Snoop. He is rather endearing. I love when he did his One Life To Live appearances - even loved the new opening he did for them. He seems like a pretty normal guy in a lot of ways.

  3. Snoop probably watches a lot of tv while indulging in his other favorite thing to do.

  4. I saw this the other day. I loved Snoop! He really did seem to enjoy being on the show and he made me smile. He did really good with the games too. I was pleasantly surprised.

  5. My favorite thing about Snoop is that he coaches his son's peewee football team. So cute!

  6. Anonymous10:57 AM

    His One Life to Live appearances were always great. You can tell that he enjoyed being there and the actors seemed to like him a lot. All in all, I think Snoop's a cool guy. All that *medicine* keeps him chill, LOL!

  7. I agree with MacVixen. I don't follow the rap music scene at all (middle aged mom more into Simon Le Bon) but Snoop seems fun. I did see the episode of Cribs where he was sneaking snacks out of the kitchen and he coaches his son's football team.

  8. That car was incredible. I couldn't focus on much else.

  9. "the 'model' (<--is that what they're called?) really needs to never, ever dance around a car. ever. seriously."

    This! *LOL* So awkward!

    I really like Snoop - I'm not a big rap fan, but I like HIM. Every interview I've seen or read, especially in the last few years, he just seems like a really smart and decent person. And funny too!

    And, OMG...that CAR!!!

  10. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Snoop - a - loop! Haha couldnt resist.. One of my favorite lines from Old School.

    Love Snoop. He always has that Cheshire Cat grin I adore.

  11. I love Snoop, have you ever seen his wife when she gets after him for his eating habits ? It's a riot...she is the boss.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I, too, love me some Snoop. But let's not anoint the guy a saint. He was a bona fide pimp in real life, with all the violence and degrading women that goes along with it.

    That said, I still love him. What fun he'd be at a party. Or picture him for a neighbor. hee.

  14. ^THANK YOU Ms Snarky!!!! For reminding us his misogynistic past. I think Snoop Dogg is cool too, and yet We have this unfortunate tendency to hero worship or gloss over some celebs lives, simply because they seem 'cool' or down to earth in real life. SO WHAT? Just because 90% of celebs seem to be assholes doesnt mean the 10% that are cool peeps deserve to be abdicated from judgement. Snoop does seem to be cool in real life but being a pimp says a lot about him as well.

  15. He's not a pimp anymore, his wife rules his house and family, he has been married to his wife forever, he steps up for his kids -- I think maybe the guy is trying to do better in his life and for that, should be applauded.

    No, he's not a saint, but at the very least he's trying.

  16. Well, it would suck if we were all judged by dumb shit we did in the past, especially if we have made an effort to change, or perhaps didn't have much of a choice in doing those things.

  17. Yep I like Snoop too. Loved him on his reality show. His man-cave was the garage with plastic lawn chairs. It was too funny! And his wife definitely rules that household.

  18. Maja- I get what you're saying regarding not having much choice depending on your situation/circumstances and I'm sure that played a huge role in Snoop's decision to be a pimp.
    HOWEVER, I just take more umbrage with this decision because, as Ms Snarky mentioned, there IS a degree of violence/intimadation and degredation of women that go hand in hand with that profession. And NO, that is not so easily swept under the rug, even if he's got a dominant wife now, that is besides the point.

  19. I like him....I have always heard that the "persona" he portrays to the hip-hop world is nothing like how he is in real life. He's supposedly a great family man and a good husband who's been married to the same woman for years. Kudos to her. LOL

  20. If his song lyrics are any indication, he treated his "girls" pretty horribly. I agree, he has changed, but I don't like to think about his past. Especially after his FFF - dear god, can you imagine him "breaking them in?" :(

  21. To those of you that love him and own a GPS, you should download his GPS voice to your device. Hilarious.

  22. RQ - I am against buying a GPS for my car (JUST LOOK AT A FUCKING MAP, DUDE), but I have considered getting one for this reason alone.

  23. We should all believe in redemption, because all humans have the ability to change. We want mercy & compassion, it starts with us. Off soapbox, now! I like Snoop & cant wait to see if we can get him on our GPS. Namaste Friends, Cadence

  24. Full frontal Friday. A feature that Enty used to have here



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