Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Denzel Washington Lets His Wife Vote For Oscars For Him

Denzel Washington admitted he does not even watch most of the Academy Award nominated movies and just lets his wife fill out the ballot for him based on what she likes. Well, at least she is not male and not white because apparently everyone who votes to decide what movies should win are old white guys who probably have never even heard of Bridesmaids and sure are not going to watch it. At least Denzel lets his wife vote for him. I bet many people just check boxes and others let anyone who happens by the house vote for them. I would say let the people decide who wins but then it would turn into the People's Choice Awards and those are awful.


  1. Didn't Samuel L. Jackson say he let his maid vote?

  2. exactly, I sure he's not the only one...most of them don't even watch the viewers...

  3. I'm surprised he actually admitted this. Could they suspend or cancel his voting privileges, as this must be a violation of the voting rules (although I'm sure he's not the only one doing this)?

  4. Speaking of Bridesmaids, and I may be in the minority, but I hated it. Not funny at all and I quit watching after 1 hour. I was already regretting the one hour I put in and refused to lose another hour of my life. I did enjoy the Melissa McCarthy parts, but didn't think much of Kristen Wiig.

  5. The award shows are nuts to think that only ONE film/director/actor/actress, etc. are worthy to "win". I never have understood that.

  6. I was wondering the same thing, @surfer.

  7. I am not an avid movie watcher, but this really irks me. The Oscars are supposed to be so prestigious, and this is the attitude of the voters? Eff it, the wife can do it? The maid can do it? Hmmmm. Maybe my daughter's loser boyfriend can do it? Really?!? Why is he admitting to this? He should feel honored that he has the opportunity to judge his peers in his artform and influence the public on what we go out and watch. WTF?

  8. Yes, Susan, your daughter's loser boyfriend could do it... provided he knew the right people. My producer friend gave out the dvds to a bunch of us (somewhat "losers") every year and we got to vote. The whole thing's a bit of a joke anyway. But at least a bit of the time the cream seems to rise.

  9. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I doubt they can suspend Denzel's vote. If they did, they'd have to supsend 98% of the voting body. Most actors and directors admit to not watching many movies. A few will try to watch the major nominated films, but little more.

  10. And Susan, to take it a step further, I wonder how he'd feel if he discovered that he'd won his Oscar because "others" had voted for him, instead of actual members of the academy. On second thought, he might not care that much and just be happy that he has it.

  11. So much for an award based on the opinion of your peers. It begs the question...If you don't care, why should we?
    I'm sure he is not the only one doing this, they should have more pride and respect for their craft and their BIG award.

  12. All of these shows suck, IMO.

  13. Isn't this how most matured couples work?

  14. I enjoyed Bridesmaids, but I certainly don't think it is Oscar-worthy.

    And I'm sure Denzel isn't only one who doesn't cast his own vote...

  15. I liked Bridesmaids when I saw it 6 months ago but since then I've realized that Kristen Wiig basically just did the same schtick Tina Fey does on 30 Rock each week.

    Don't actors vote for actors? Denzel's wife isn't an actress is she? I could see it if it was for Best Picture or something, but I thought actors vote for actors, actresses for actresses..etc.

  16. Ha! I bet Denzel's wife secretly voted for Pacino back in '93.

  17. Patty, I agree with you. Bridesmaids was the biggest let down and I didn't laugh once...

    From the sound of it, at least Denzel's wife watches the films she votes for on his behalf!

  18. If the people they're getting to vote instead of them have seen the movies then who cares?

  19. Patty & K Im glad there's a safe place where those of us who hated Bridesmaids can go & admit it bc most of the world hails it as the funniest woman based comedy of all time & if that's the case we r in trouble... Totally unfunny, stupid premise & bad acting rolled into one movie. Oscar nominated?? I think Enty shouldve been talking about how it was robbed of the Razzie it deserved.

  20. That explains Marisa Tomei.. Anyone else remember the GASP! from the audience when they announced her name?

  21. I always suspected Marisa won because there were 4 other very strong candidates, the votes split, and she just happened to end up w/the higher percentage. People always mention that as a case of the wrong person winning, but that's not fair to her--she played that character to the hilt, and has nothing to be ashamed of, IMO. If the Academy wants to start whining about buyer's remorse, they can start w/making Crash Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain, and letting Roberto Benigni win anything, rather than ragging on a perfectly decent, hard-working actress like Marisa. Deal?

  22. Well everyone think of it this way. The vote from a non member can be (if you stretch the imagination a bit) more of a vote from the common man. Also it may be someone who actually SAW the movie and voted for it on an entertainment basis rather than those being in it were their friends (or frenemies).
    And while I enjoyed "Bridesmaids" and KW was good and MM was better I am not sure it is Oscar worthy either. There were not the huge yuk yuks everyone went on and on about.

    But here's my question: For those that hated (or found no cause to really like) that movie, how did you feel about "The Hangover"? Just curious. It's a poll and not an invitation for an argument from me. I just wonder. Or vice versa. Did you like both? Neither? One over the other?

  23. No deal! I have nothing against her but you helped prove my point: four strong candidates splitting the vote. Tomei was very good in a funny but lowbrow comedy. Not exactly classic Oscar bait. The instantaneous, collective reaction of the Academy members speaks for itself.

  24. Hey, Roberto Benigni was amazing in Life is Beautiful.

    Sherry, I thought The Hangover was hysterical, but Bridesmaids, not so much. Hangover was about a bunch of guys who were a funny mess while Bridesmaids was about a woman who was a sad, pathetic mess. I don't get why people feel the need to compare the two just because they were about Bachelor & Bachelorette parties. Not the same thing at all, imo.

  25. Mooshki: I think the media perpetuated that the movies were similar although I agree they were not. Well they surrounded a wedding with an all male/female ensemble.

    Totally agree that Roberto was wonderul in "Life is.." Why don't we see him anymore?

  26. @Mooshki - Loved that movie. And his acceptance speech.

    If Denzel's wife has actually seen the movies, I'd rather her vote than him.

    I don't get why people wouldn't want to watch?? I'm biased because I LOVE movies, but if I were an actress, I'd want to watch every one. I don't get it.

  27. Denzel just doesn't give a shit. He seems incredibly arrogant to me and not someone I would like to be around. And it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who thought The Bridesmaids was just too much Wiig (I did enjoy the first Hangover). All I got out of the movie was the renewal of my life-long dream: I really want to just punch Lorne Michaels in the face really hard. On principle.



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