Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kate Gosselin Whines On Dr. Drew

I was actually enjoying the several relatively quiet Kate Gosselin free months the world has had since her show went off the air. Yes, we had that whole "working" for the coupon company because Kate has to make a living and did not save any of the multiple millions she made from her television show or book or speaking fees.

On Dr. Drew, you get more of the same as she says she will never find a man and that she cooks and cleans for the kids and puts them to bed and then sits in her house alone. Please. Kate is not taking care of the kids by herself, plus it is not like they need a lot of hands on watching and probably manage just fine for the most part. She plays the martyr card every day. Yes, I know you sacrificed yourself on the cross when you married Jon Gosselin, but no one forced you to. I still think she is f**king her bodyguard and I think she was doing it way before she and Jon ever split. Oh, and if she is so poor, then don't you think your bodyguard expense for yourself, not your precious children, but yourself would be the first to go?


  1. I had almost forgotten about this whiner. It was so very nice...almost as nice as a K free February.

    Speaking of which, can February become March become the rest of eternity? I haven't missed them at all.

  2. All that was her choice. She was 100% responsible for everything she is whining about. Cry me a river.

  3. She cannot envision herself in any way responsible for her life. She is a nasty, disagreeable, petty, jealous, mean person whom no one wants to be around. But no, its always poor me. Tell ur story walking, missy!

  4. Seconding Seachica's request. A month of no Kardashians has been so lovely. Please make this a permanent situation.

  5. Don't know if she's still doing this, but Kate used to have her driver take her and the bodyguard from Reading, PA to NYC for 5 hours' orthopedic hairdressing at a major salon in Manhattan. What, they don't have a Glamarama in Reading? Or Philly? She just wanted some tape of her showing emotion so they'll put her on "The View" or "The Chew" or "The Talk" or Nate or something.

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I have no sympathy at all. She chose to marry that doofus, chose multiple births, made millions from having tons of kids, and now she's broke. Plus she let the world see her wretched personality, so no man is going to be interested in her. Boo hoo.

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    This woman is not ever going to take responsibility for her own actions, and the consequences. I read somewhere that she took fertility drugs, became pregnant, and just expected to have her fellow church-goers be on hand 24/7 and for Medicaid and other aid to be available just because. While I don't wish anyone to have to return to such meager circumstances, she has forgotten how to really be a coupon-saving, penny-pinching mom. She can't be shocked that now that everyone has seen her on TV and knows how nasty she can be, on top of having 8 kids, that no sane man would want to be with her. Seriously.

  8. From everything I've heard, she has a legendarily bad personality. The testimonies from Dancing with the Stars alone were pretty extreme.

    America was inclined to like her if she'd been even halfway decent. People would have loved to watch her and her kids ad infinitum if she'd been seen as nice and down-to-earth. But she's a stone-cold bitch, and people just don't want to have anything to do with supporting the coffer$ of someone like that.

    She should be spending what little money she has on therapy, trying to get OVER her anger and become a better person, for the sake of her children, even if it's too late for her career.

  9. She disgusts me no end.

  10. Boo frickin' hoo.

    Bet those kids will have some interesting things to say in 10 years. . .

  11. Does she really think that everyone forgets about her outbursts? How she can go into queen bitch rage in a nanosecond? That touching food with a bare hand sends her into screaming fits? Bitch please.

    This was probably her way to try to pick up Dr. Drew.

  12. i think she just wants to f*uck Dr Drew. Im sure he sees the ball of crap she is spinning

  13. What did she spend all of her money on besides plastic surgery and bad haircuts? Seriously??

  14. Ah, thanks for the Glamorama mention.

  15. The Glamarama? Hopefully Opal Gardener's still running the place!

  16. @Robert, Opal won't touch that bitch

  17. she's annoying. And, man I've got three and am on my own, and they're not even as young as her troop but let me just say, a relationship is THE LAST thing I need right now, or want.

    This chick is bananas.

    ***I think she looks decent for the first time in her life, knows it and she expects more male attention because of it. She should be focusing on that army of kids she had a doctor create for her. Raise them, and THEN maybe find a man for herself. But then again, I guess in the immortal words of the chanteuse Courtney Love, "you get what you want and you never want it again."

    Jeez, some people.

  18. She can be pretty, but it's hard to see because she is so ugly on the inside.

    It amazes me how many people there are who have no self awareness. If you taped her, put in another face and showed it to her even she would tell you she despised the person.

    Maybe that's what Dr. Drew should do.

  19. she's on the 16th minute and needs to go away. made bed, must lie in it.

  20. If she walked into Opal's shop, Opal would say. Lordy lordy , look what the cat dragged in.

  21. Did they cancel her cruise yet?

  22. What figgy said.

    She's not a good person. Yea, good luck finding husband #2, Kate.



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