Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Michael Fassbender Used His Parents As Chaperones

What do you do if you have to go to an award show and after parties and are known for being a colossal mess if you start drinking? Well, if you are Michael Fassbender you bring your parents along which is what he did this weekend at the BAFTA's. See, for me this would not work because my parents like to booze it up as much as me. Oh, I would be on better behavior with them around probably but the booze would not get cut off. I think that it was nice of Michael to admit he brought them along as chaperons but also wonder if you need your parents there to make sure you behave if it is not time you maybe headed off to rehab and some anger management classes. Just saying that when you are in multiple blind items, perhaps it is time to take a look at yourself and head off for some help.


  1. what?? Fassbender was in multiple blind items????!!!! i never thought it!!

  2. I'm tryin to think of a blind about a man drinkin w/ rage issues. Wasn't there one about a star jeopardizing his new movie bc of his drinking or is that really old?

  3. oh really??????? hmmmmmm

  4. Hey at least he's owning up to his problems and trying to control them.

    I would have no problem keeping him away from the booze by keeping my tongue jammed down his throat.

  5. See I was thinking he might be the guy from yesterday who's career could be jeopardized because he slept with the directors wife.

    Its too bad the guy seems to be such an ass I loved him in Jane Erye, still have yet to see Shame, yes shameful!

  6. Shame will break your heart, and your ears with Carey Mulligan's painful singing, spectacular performance by Fassbender though.
    I went back a few months in Enty's blinds and couldn't find any about anger or drunken antics.
    He's Irish and German so really what can you expect.
    The only one that could remotely fit was about a foreign-born B-list with bedroom shortcomings and I think Hunger and Shame have made it clear that is not a problem.

  7. Some of the pap photos must have really embarrassed him...good, he needs to get it together his career is flying the only think that could slow it down is his own behavior.

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    When I go to an event/party/etc. and I know I shouldn't drink, I bring my car. If I don't, I'll crack. I don't need rehab but it's just hard to turn down a drink for no reason. If I'm driving, it's simple.

  9. Wasn't there a blind about some method actor who had forced himself on his wife/girlfriend and some thought it was Christian Bale?

    What if it was Fassbender instead?

  10. This guy is abusive just like Chris Brown. Allegedly.

  11. I hope we get a Fassbender blind item reveal this weekend.

  12. I agree with Vicki. At least he's taking some small steps toward getting in control. When you have a tendency to get carried away and everyone is handing you drink after drink, it's easy to get too drunk, too quickly.

    Then again, I have the super hots for him and hope that maybe he's just going to pull it together all around. I like that he brought his parents and didn't just ask some buddy to keep him line.

  13. Layna and Rose, I really hope that's not true. :(

  14. I hope the same thing, Vicki. He's talented, handsome, fast moving career-- a lot going for him. But after someone here mentioned the abuse allegations a while a back, I started reading up on Fassbender and at the very least, the man has underlying issues to resolve. Maybe he's taking the first step in doing that. I hope so.

  15. and yet he was seen making out with his ex-girlfriend who had taken out a restraining order on him. If your good looking/famous you can pretty much do what you want to people.

  16. I think another blind item that could be Fassbender is the one where an up-and-coming actor wants to sleep with an A-list actress and that when he would now that he made it

  17. I am shocked. Multiple blind items? WTF! I am really disappointed. He is so hot and a fantastic actor. Why?

  18. Oh wow...multiple blinds eh?? Poor Fassy!!! Although I think any one of us girls in here would gladly help him with his troubles. Keeping him too busy to drink...;-)

  19. He couldn't take the pressure from having used a stunt peen in Shame.

  20. I can think of MANY things I'd like to do with him that don't require alcohol.

    If he needs help, he should get it now. He has already proven what a great actor he is.

    If you haven't seen Shame, go see it. The movie is OK, but he is excellent. He lets it all hang out - emotions wise and junk wise!

  21. Sorry, I wouldn't help him with anything. He is unattractive and has an alcohol problem that may result in abuse.

  22. Did he admit that he brought them as "chaperones" though? The article just states that he did? There's no direct quote.
    A lot of stars bring a parent instead of a date to awards, the BAFTAs would be important to him and his parents.

    I'm off to get blotto now, because I'm Irish and obviously all Irish have a drink problem....

  23. I am curious what really happened with that ex-girlfriend of his. The info that's out there is too limited to have any idea if she's telling the truth or not.

  24. Wow. I'm having déjà vu. It's just like reading the repugnant Chris Brown tweets but with an alcoholic in place of the girlfriend beater. Or maybe we have a girlfriend beater in this story, too, but he's an alcoholic. We're just not sure. Since we don't have a body in this story, it's okay to lust after this one but not okay in the other.

    I'm gonna go vomit. Whatta buncha hypocrites. "come to ME, alcoholic! I'll provide succor! Not like the dildos who like Chris Brown!" Urp.



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