Monday, February 13, 2012

Michael Lohan Wants To Do Interventions For Money

Michael Lohan is working the tabloid press almost full-time now. He told Radar that he is addicted to steroids which sounds better than the booze and coke but also explains his out of control rage on an almost daily basis. In exchange for that tidbit, Radar said that Michael is going to start a new career on a radio station in Palm Beach and will be doing interventions for people and hopes to have his own show that is a cross between Intervention and Celebrity Rehab. How about just trying to make it with a real job for once and not cutting corners and doing something you are not qualified to do. Just because you have been through rehab multiple times does not make you qualified to intervene or to be a counselor to those who have problems, especially since he wants to do both the day he gets out of the half-way house.


  1. The whore doesn't fall far from the whore tree. Jesus.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I love this fuckhead. I love the complete and total fuckery that comes out of him. Just like the lizard lady Courtney Stodden, they make these grand announcements of jobs they are going to do. No one has offered them anything but they are so filled with delusions of grandeur that they believe their own hype and really thinking bidding wards will happen over them.

    Michael Lohan (MiLo is not catching on? No? Ok) announces he's going to do this job, Courtney annouces she's doing a reality show.

    I'll never get tired of this (not true).

  3. Can March thru December be Lohan-free? D-bag on so many levels

  4. Bwa haa ha haaaaa. Ahh ha ha ha haaaaaaaa. Heee heee *choke* *gasp*

    (sides are cramping from all the laughing)

  5. exactly what I thought, Selenakyle.


  6. When I think of the word "loser" Michael Lohan comes to mind.

  7. Like the radio stations in Palm Beach County don't suck enough.........

  8. Is he gonna broadcast from the local Burger King?

  9. I thought he was working at BK?

  10. He'll do the radio show in the morning, and clean the BK bathrooms in the afternoon.

    I thought that you had to battle and win over your own addictions before you could help others?

    Oh yeah, this is a Lohan. Never mind. Rules don't apply to these fucktards.

  11. He needs to stick with Burger King. Although Whoppers are delicious - he would probably find a way to fuck with them and make them taste like shit.

  12. Holy crap, did this whole family snack on lead paint?

    Delusion and lack of self awareness run rampant in the Lohans.

    OMG, are they on the other side of the looking glass???

  13. WTF!?

    This guys is absolutely nuts and @DelRiser lmao I think you're right about the paint chips.

  14. Michael is on Radar's payroll and Demon (Dina) is on TMZ's. What advice is he going to give anyone? The proper way to kick a woman in the vag and leap 80 feet from a balcony like Spider-man? I'll bet he's going to start calling himself "Dr." Lohan now too. Hey, if "Dr." Phil can do it, I guess any idiot can.

  15. @Princess - That was hilarious. Remember those Indiana Jones burgers BK had 4 years ago? Those were incredible. They cost 8 bucks but they were worth it. And yes, he'd find a way to make it taste worse than the stench inside his daughter's grungy mouth.

  16. Maybe he should clean up his own yard before trying to advise anyone else to clean up theirs. TOOL!

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  18. Like it or not, most rehab counselors are addicts thrmselves. It's really hard for me to take any help from someone who hadn't been through the same thing.

  19. Like it or not, most rehab counselors are addicts thrmselves. It's really hard for me to take any help from someone who hadn't been through the same thing.

  20. Coaches are often recovering addicts, clean and sober XXX number of days. The old those who cant do, teach doesnt work here.

  21. He should start by getting his daughter in rehab.

  22. I totally get it that most addiction counsellors/interventionists battled their own demons in the past. However I refuse to believe for a second that Michael Lohan is doing this for any reason other then he thinks it will lead to money and fame. Why immediatley start with a radio show? If he disappeared for years and all of a sudden 10 years from now he resurfaced clean, sober and with some interventionist experience behind him I might be more open to it.

  23. Amen Dishtik, these fame sluts so want to be, well, famous for nothing they cannot stand it. It's because they are 20th century lazy. They really want to do nothing. Whores!

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  25. If I were an addict and the Hamburglar over there was my counsellor, I'd leave. How can you take his advice on anything?


    Who are these people and why do they have such an over-inflated sense of who they are??!!



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