Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Coverup

I would normally save this kind of blind item for Friday, but I honestly could not wait three more days to share it so here it is now. This deception is almost movie worthy. You have a foreign born B list actress and singer who is barely known here in the US but is A list back home and has had some very interesting boyfriends in the past. Their previous choices makes you wonder how she ended up with them. Anyway, her part of the deception was simple. She found a former A list tweener and convinced him she was in like with him. He even got to fool around with her once or twice.

On the other side of the equation is a former almost A list singer. Now you feel like the singer is not far from playing casinos and state fairs. Anyway, our singer is married to a reality star and has been for quite some time. There are kids involved. So, we have the foreign born star and the singer and they have been together for about six months. The thing is they can never go anywhere when she is in LA and have to really sneak around and use her friend's apartments even with her pretending to be the girlfriend of the former A list tweener. Now though they will have several weeks together alone while they film a new show out of the country. They are going to use this time to decide if the final cut should be made and the singer can move on with the foreign born star.


  1. Uh......*head explodes*

    1. Yeah. I think I need to make an Excel spreadsheet for this.

  2. Ditto Vicki's comment. I can't understand a damn thing in this blind.

  3. Delta Goodrem, A list back in Australia, practically unknown in the states until she started dating Nick Jonas and appeared on Dancing with the Stars. She once dated Mark Philipousis, a tennis player.

    No idea on the guy.

  4. WTF? Enty, you have fantastic blinds, but you're not the best story teller. :) My head hurts.

  5. I feel like this is an LSAT question.

  6. I had to read that three times to even start to make sense of it. I'm still not totally sure. I'm going to go drop some acid then come back and read it again.

  7. Barely known foreign born b list Actress/ singer. Tweener she dated for a minute. Former almost a list singer married to a reality star.
    My brain power went to translation. I am tapping out

  8. I agree with my fellow confused commenters.

    Gonna have to go with FS on this one (thanks!!!).

  9. Hmmm former alist married to a reality star hhmmmm Seal and Heidi although they are divorcing though

  10. Maybe we should focus on the former almost A singer. I would guess it's someone who has basically given up on singing and turned to acting. And married with children.

  11. Singer is Delta
    Tweener Nick Jonas
    Guy is Joel Madden. Theyre on The Australian version of the voice together
    Reality star-Nicole Ritchie

  12. I think I got it.

    Foreign born B list singer, barely known in the states but A list back home. She found A list tweener and convinced him she liked him, fooled around once or twice.

    Former almost A list singer is married to a reality star and they have kids (does he ever say this is a man or a woman?)

    Foreign born B lister is in a secret relationship with former almost A lister. Been together for 6 months.

  13. 1) Foreign-born B list Actress/Singer who is fake-dating

    2) Former A list tweener, but she is really sleeping with

    3) Former almost A list singer, who is thinking about leaving

    4) Reality star, to whom he is married and has kids with.

    No clue on who anyone is, but hopefully that makes guessing easier!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous10:23 AM

    No idea who the foreign actress is but the singer definitely has to be Joel Madden.

  16. If this does center around Delta, Nick, Joel, and Nicole, Blind Gossip already covered this a couple of weeks ago.

  17. Foreign-born B lister - Delta Goodrem
    A-List Tweener - Nick Jonas
    Former A-List Singer - Joel Madden
    Reality Star Wife - Nicole Ritchie
    Show - The Voice Australia

  18. It's Delta Goodrem and Seal. They are doing The Voice together in Australia.

    - foreign born
    - B list; barely known in the US but A list at home
    - actress and singer
    - interesting past boyfriend choices

    - former almost A list
    - now close to doing the state fair/casino circuit
    - married with kids

    Both of them:
    - Living in LA
    - filming a show together abroad

  19. I agree with FS and SweetRuby

  20. Even if I could understand this (my mind is still trying to slowly snap back from being blown big bang style by the writing) I guess I fail to see how it really is all the interesting? Is it just me?


  21. (hmmm....I didn't think about Joel Madden. I haven't kept up with his career, but is his band likely to fit the casino/state fair circuit?)

  22. The woman in paragraph 1 (unknown in US but famous elsewhere) is having a long term affair with the man in paragraph 2 (former almost A-list singer married w/ children to a reality star)

    The woman dated an almost tweeter as part of the coverup.

    I agree w/ the Delta/Jonas/Madden/Richie guess

  23. Would Nicole Richie and Joel Madden? I don't know. I can't think of any other reality stars married to singers.

  24. ENT you are going to have to start making up names like Ted C does when it's more than 3 people involved.

  25. Whoa. Damn sweetruby! I think you nailed it

  26. Seal and Madden are "not far from playing casinos and state fairs"? Aren't they both more popular than that?

  27. *Creates Venn diagram*...nope still can't figure this one out.

  28. to throw out another couple
    Vanessa Paradis
    Johnny Depp
    Don't know the second couple

  29. I def agree with the delta goodrem/nick jonas deal... not sure if it is seal or joel. im leaning toward joel though since heidi and seal are already publicly splitting. i am bummed, i really liked nicole and joel and their little family:(

  30. But isn't Nicole known for being crazy obsessive? Would she let this go? Also, Heidi may have found out before the trial period and made the decision for him. Either way, I like the Seal guess in all this better.

  31. Defo Delta - she is A++ om Australia, has acted and mainly sings now. 'Dated' Nick Jonas. I'm gunning for Joel Madden - she is working with him on The Voice in Oz and his other half is predominantly known as a reality star (if it was seal I'm sure enty would have said model!).

  32. Oh - Seal is foreign born too so I'm sure that would have been mentioned ;).

  33. Damn, sweetruby! You cut right through the confusion there. Sounds good to me!

  34. ok, I must be crazy but I read the A list singer as a female. I really need a flow chart.

  35. The one reason I'd go for Joel and not Seal is that Heidi was a supermodel long before she was on reality tv. I still think of her as model first, and then a reality tv host second. Nicole, on the other hand, is known because of that awful reality show she did.

  36. what about deltas ex bfs? who did she date in the past that was so interesting?

  37. @ Nosey... Jonas brother.

  38. The wording of it put Joel Madden in my head before anyone else -- now that I find out about the rest, I am going to agree with sweetruby -- she's a genius :)

  39. Talk about team effort! I actually understand it.

    Good job everyone.

  40. I think it's Seal instead of Joel. When you look at Joel, do you really think "singer"? I sure don't. So I'm going with all the other choices for A-list abroad and tweener, but def Seal and Heidi for the almost A list singer and reality star, respectively. Especially the last sentence...I think it's moreso will Seal/Delta receive backlash if magically they're a couple after the show airs.

  41. Nosey, she dated a pro tennis player from Australia, a married boybander from England (they were engaged I think), and an American tweener who is 8 years younger.

  42. that makes sense then. not too mention nick jonas still looks like he is 12!! as far as seal vs joel, when good charlotte was big, when i was in highschool, i def would call them almost A list.

  43. So I put Delta Goodrem Joel Madden into google and this is the very first thing that popped up, and its dated January 14th.


  44. I'm sure none of us want to believe Seal cheated on Heidi but this Delta chick sure looks a lot like Heidi, hmmmmm.

  45. good work FS!
    a little valentines dinner the night before so he can spend hte actual holiday with his WIFE

  46. I don't know about Joel Madden, the wording of the blind makes it seem as our singer is soloist. Joel Madden isn't going to be playing and casinos or state fairs as a soloist, and the fact he's a front man for a band as opposed to just a singer probably would have been mentioned. I agree Seal would've/should've been mentioned as foreign born too, but I feel like he fits "singer" better. I could see him playing Casinos.

  47. Delta for sure!

    I think sweetruby got the rest.

    I do not understand Delta's popularity. When she mangles the word "girl" in "In This Life," it still makes me laugh. (She suddenly tries to use this uber-rhotic r -- sell it to America, babe! -- and it comes out giwl.) My friends and I would listen to it when it was on the radio just for a laugh.

  48. You guys are great at this! I'm with sweetruby too.

  49. No offense, Enty, but how could you possibly be a lawyer?

    This is such a mess, I give up. Good job, everyone.

  50. Can't be Nicole R. He says the singer "is married to a reality star and has been for quite some time." Didn't she and Joel only get married a year ago or something? Been together longer but didn't make it official til recently.

  51. Delta was engaged for years to Brian McFadden who was at one time with Irish boyband Westlife. He allegedly left his wife (Kerry Katona) for her. He's a complete tool and their match was often considered odd because she was supposed to be so sweet and wholesome.

  52. Here 'tis:


    Same scenario, same confusing wording.

    I don't care if it's true, BTW. I hate Nicole Richie.

  53. I don't think ENTY would make it so easy to say model/reality star...I'm going with Seal/Delta Goodrem. I looked up her past BF's...I didn't note anyone "interesting", but my def of interesting might be different....now putting Seal in the mix would make THAT an interesting choice.

  54. that makes me sad, sticking lip out.....

  55. I really dislike Delta Goodrem. I like Nicole and Joel as a couple (although solo, I'm not a huge fan of either) and if this is Joel, he is a fool. She is not worth the trouble. I hope it is someone else.

  56. F*ck yeah SweetRuby! Change your name to google translate, I was so confused...

  57. @tealily said "No offense, Enty, but how could you possibly be a lawyer? This is such a mess,"

    Have you ever read stuff written by lawyers?

  58. Haha, AndrewBW -- usually it's convoluted but LOGICAL. :P

  59. @tealily, i work in a law firm...it's not always logical, either

  60. I also think SweetRuby nailed it. No matter how vague the clues or how obscure the story, someone on this site will always get it.

  61. Delta's father introduced my parents. Fun trivia fact for y'all.

  62. Btw, it's not Seal. This couple is still together; Seal and HK are separated.

  63. Agree it's Delta Goodrem, Nick Jonas as tweener and Joel Madden.

    Delta is also friends with Benji Madden...


  64. Coincidence that he posted a picture of Keith Urban arriving to tape Australian Voice? I think not!

  65. @andreaelaine
    I dont think Kieth Urban or Nicole Kidman would ever be classified as reality stars

  66. except that Nicole Kidman is not a reality star which would eliminate Keith Urban.

  67. I really wish we could see Australian Voice here in the US. That looks like it could be a lot of fun to watch

  68. Enty, Delta is anything but A List in Australia, she hasn't done ANYTHING in years. A Jonas or a Madden brother doesn't count.

    But this certainly explains why the Maddens keep coming back.

  69. timebob, you probably can if you check the internet enough

  70. Delta Goodrem, Joe Jonas. I don't understand the rest of this blind, but she seems to be going through a lot of trouble.

  71. Katie Price or Kate Price-I'm just pulling names out my hoot. I have no clue.

  72. The pictures of Delta Goodrem and Joel Madden leaving dinner together in LA don't really seem to fit the sneaking around part of this blind.

  73. Oops @Nosey didn't mean to make it sound like that was my guess for this. I'm on board with Delta & Madden. Just connecting the fact that he posted about the Australian version of The Voice and in this blind it talks about them filming a new show.

  74. solved. Seal and Delta Goodrem. Seal is going to be filming "The Voice" in Australia, where she is from. done. and done

  75. I really hope It's not Joel. I love him and nicole and their cute babes as a family. Joel had a dick for a dad growing up and he sang about it often with good charlotte. I don't think he would act like this.

  76. I really hope It's not Joel. I love him and nicole and their cute babes as a family. Joel had a dick for a dad growing up and he sang about it often with good charlotte. I don't think he would act like this.

  77. I really hope It's not Joel. I love him and nicole and their cute babes as a family. Joel had a dick for a dad growing up and he sang about it often with good charlotte. I don't think he would act like this.

  78. Sadly I think the Goodrem/Jonas/Madden/Richie is correct, after a little quick google research (all first page)...

    Search "delta goodrem joel madden" and the first hit is:
    The post is from over a month ago.

    Also, a Youtube video from 2009 shows Goodrem and both Madden brothers performing at the Aussie kids choice. Proving they know each other prior to The Voice.

    Interestingly, I found out that Goodrem "struck up a romance" with Brian McFadden after they recorded a duet in 2004.

    I still hope this is wrong! Much love to those who figured out this mess!

  79. Delta's ex-fiancée Brian McFadden used to be married to Kerry Katona, a popstar turned reality star turned drug addict whose life is a car crash. Fits with the hint about not thinking they'd be a match based on previous partners.

  80. Delta's exes are Brian FcFadden, a known drug user and HUGE partier... big time player in Australia (although he's Irish, he lives in Oz). Definitely the epitome of the bad boy. And Mark Phillipousis (Australian tennis player) who is known as a total a$$.

    And those matches are "interesting" because Delta is "Australia's Sweetheart".

  81. I love when those former A-Listers end up playing state fairs and casinos. I have seen some great shows for free that way.
    Anyway, agree with the Joel madden guesses.

  82. First time poster, long time lurker. Felt compelled to chime in. I agree with the Delta/Joel/Nicole guess, and Seal is out because was he ever a "tweener?"

  83. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I have a fucking Masters degree and I can't understand what the hell I just read.

  84. NO WAY IN HELL Joel Madden would not be considered almost A list EVER!!!!!! Seal maybe??????

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Delta and that Jonus dude have bit the dust. It's definitely them.


  87. Delta did the same in the past, she was a home wrecker to a singer tweener that was married to a TV reality show and had two children. She was quite popular and people hated DELTA.

    She recently split from him after years, so I do believe she is doing it AGAIN bitch!

  88. I think it's Delta/Seal/Heidi. Now that the Voice has premiered in Australia, all the gossip is about Delta and Seal, not Delta and Joel.



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