Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Academy Award Winning Woman Beater And Date Raper

It seems recently that actresses have been the mean and nasty ones in the blind items. Let me tell you about this man who is an Academy Award winner. No fussing or messing about determining whether he is a nominee or winner. He is a winner. He is also alive and not that old. I would say that most of you would have dated him until you read about him right here. A boozer of epic proportions, he is apparently generally a nice guy until he gets some booze in him. Over the years he has destroyed not only his share of marriages, but also put dates into the hospital and paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep himself out of the spotlight.

Back in the day he was friends with this foreign born actress. She is an A lister too as much as it pains me to say it. They would always hang out and would always be spotted together doing promotional work together. Then one day they went out and he got drunk and she got tipsy and he sexually assaulted her. She had been recently divorced and he had been in and out of the news. They had been spotted together several times and things were going well until then. They have never spoken since. Not once.

One time he broke up a celebrity marriage. That relationship crashed and burned quickly because he would drink and regularly beat the B list movie actress. She had to cancel a publicity tour for a movie because our actor beat her so bad.

He has gone to rehab numerous times and producers have threatened him with banning him from giving him big roles but he is just too good of an actor and too big of a star to keep him away. Producers and studios will take him regardless of his issues. In his current relationship, he poses with his significant other when he has something important. He has to pay her. She has long ago given up on anything pretending to be normal. He has beaten her. One of their kids came when he forced her to have sex. She hates him too, but is willing to swallow her pride for the money.

He once tried to sexually assault another Academy award winning actress. She managed to beat him off and kicked him in the balls. She then told her husband who continued the beating. They had to stop shooting on the movie for a week to allow him to recover. The crazy thing is the guy who beat up our woman beater still worked with him again even after he had tried to rape his wife. How messed up is that?


  1. Whoever this is is a monster.

  2. Sean Penn.
    Natalie Portman? She's foreign born.
    ScarJo for the second actress.

  3. I'm guessing Sean Penn too. I think Liev Shriever is the guy who kicked his ass for Naomi Watts.

  4. Who would date Sean Penn? ~shudder~

  5. I don't think most of us would date Sean Penn. At least I'm hoping not.

  6. Benicio del Toro.

  7. But Enty states we all would have dated this guy until we read this. No way any of us would want to date Sean Penn.
    *thinking of another guess*

  8. "One of their kids came when he forced her to have sex."

    Came where? What does this mean? He forced his daughter, or his mother? Jeez, I can never quite follow these things.

    1. She got pregnant from the assult.

  9. Great guesses,but to throw another name into the mix, how about Mel Gibson?

    Had Val Kilmer won an Oscar I would have stated him, since he was extremely abusive to his ex wife Joanne Waley Kilmer.

  10. *HER mother, I meant.

  11. Except that Sean Penn's less-than-charming character has been known for quite a while and I wonder how many people generally think he's a nice guy or how many of us would have dated him? Not me. I can still remember the reports from the time he left Madonna tied to a chair.

  12. "He is a winner" must mean something. I just can't figure out what it means.

  13. I remember when Sean and Madonna were married, their fights were stuff of legends.

  14. I took that to mean that one of their kids was a result of a forced sexual encounter.

  15. Oh whoops, Oscar winner. Not Johnny. I would never have dated Sean Penn, even before reading this.

  16. ^Yes, she became pregnant with their child from him forcing her to have sex.

  17. I'm rethinking my Sean Penn guess. The blind says current relationship and as far as I know Sean Penn isn't in one.

  18. Ok, so who are attractive Oscar winning actors under 50 with multiple kids?...

  19. Russell Crowe broke up two celebrity marriages, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid and Nicole and Tom's.

  20. Feel like the foreign born "pained to say" A list actress is Nicole Kidman, so maybe Russell Crowe does work?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Nic Cage was my thought, but he only has two kids. Weston (an abuser) and Kal-el (eyeroll)

  24. Russell Crowe. The actress who he broke up the marriage was Meg Ryan. The actress he assaulted Jennifer Connelly with the husband being Paul Bettany and they starred in Master and Commander after A Beautiful Mind. Still thinking on the foreign-born actress. He did hook up with Nicole Kidman.

  25. What about Christian Bale?

  26. Johnny Depp- the man every woman has wanted to date. He's a nasty drunk.

  27. I don't think it's Penn b/c would any of you really date him?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Academy Award winner that "everybody likes" with more than one kid. Hmmm.

  30. Holy crap!

    Sure sounds like Sean Penn, although, when I read the sentence "In his current relationship, he poses with his significant other when he has something important," I thought George Clooney for just a second, but then it mentioned kids, which neither of them have.

    I don't think the actress referred to in the last paragraph is Naomi Watts - she has never won an Academy Award, nor is she married (technically).

  31. Oooh- Christian Bale is a good guess, too.

  32. Crap, blogger ate my comment.

    Russell w/ Nicole Kidman being the foreign buddy. They hung out all the time when Tom left her.

  33. Russell Crowe...foreign born actress Nicole Kidman

  34. I think Proof of Life was the promotional tour that Meg Ryan cancelled...I don't recall her doing all the talk shows, etc., just Crowe...also, think about this: she had TONS of plastic surgery not too long after that...her face was so beautiful in Proof of Life and then she had the duck lips and fillers, etc...I wonder if that had anything to do with it...

  35. Does Christian Bale have 2to kids or just one? I like the Russel Crowe guess but wondering about the actress he was always with until he took it too far...

  36. Nicole Kidman isn't foreign born. Foreign, yes; but born in Hawaii.

  37. Johnny Depp's a good guess but who would be the foreign born actress he had been hanging out with?

    DAMN I want to find out this blind!

  38. Best Actor Winners:

    Gene Hackman
    Jack Nicholson
    Richard Dreyfuss
    Jon Voight
    Dustin Hoffman
    Robert DeNiro
    Ben Kingsley
    Robert Duvall
    F. Murray Abraham
    William Hurt (past of abuse)
    Michael Douglas
    Daniel Day-Lewis
    Jeremy Irons
    Anthony Hopkins
    Al Pacino
    Tom Hanks
    Nic Cage
    Geoffrey Rush
    Kevin Spacey (um, not if it involves women, I think)
    Russell Crowe
    Denzel Washington
    Adrien Brody
    Sean Penn
    Jamie Foxx
    Jeff Bridges (lots of rumours of his drinking)
    Colin Firth (I refuse to believe this could be him)

    Haven't looked up Supporting Actors yet.

  39. Nicole Kidman was born in Honolulu, not in Australia.

  40. I knew everyone was going to mention Nicole K being born in HA. I still think this is them. It fits too perfectly. Maybe he fudged that a tiny bit so it wouldn't be too easy....

  41. I thought Ben Affleck was the go-to for this sort of thing. It doesn't say they won Best Actor - only that they won. He's a good actor and we know he's been to rehab for alcohol. It would pain me as I love me some Jennifer Garner.

  42. Academy Award Winners who are nice guys made me think "Denzil Washington? Jeff Bridges?"

    But then it has to be someone with a kid, and there has to be an Academy Award winnning actress who has a husband in the film/tv industry so....

    Jamie Foxx, Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes?


    Benicio Del Toro, Kate Winslet and Same Mendes?

    Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany would work too.

  43. Russell Crowe married an Australian actress, they have two kids...they were old, old friends from before they were famous, and after the Meg Ryan thing and he started getting such bad press they got married...it seemed kind of an odd PR thing...

  44. Would never have dated Penn or Crowe. Their reputations have neen nasty for a long time.

  45. I don't think Christian Bale has won and Oscar yet.

  46. "She managed to beat him off". . . Very unfortunate choice of words, Enty. That said, I have no idea. I'm sick now.

  47. At some point in my life, I would have dated Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington, Jeff Bridges, and Colin Firth. I'll have to look up the supporting actors.

  48. Just to throw it out there ...

    Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman appeared on Oprah together about 18 months ago for her Australian Adventure ... so I don't think it's them.

  49. Anonymous10:31 AM

    christian bale is my guess.

  50. I think it is Crowe. Enty may refer to Kidman as foreign born either mistakenly or intentionally. Lots of people see her as Australian even thought she is technically American. Everything else fits.

    It doesn't surprise me really. He's known for drinking and he famously has a temper.

  51. I thought the rumour was that Nicole Kidman was involved with Ewan McGregor, when they filmed Mouin Rouge.

  52. I don't believe Johnny Depp has ever won an Oscar. Also, as much bad press as he has received lately, I still refuse to believe he is a bad person.

  53. The "pains me to say" is what Enty thinks of Nicole so that fits.

  54. Oops - that should be Moulin Rouge

  55. Gotta be Russel Crowe.

    By the way, Enty's blinds have been exceptionally juicy lately!

  56. Russell Crowe. The first actress is Nicole Kidman ("she is an A lister too as much as it pains me to say it"), after she divorced Tom. The second actress whose marriage he broke up is Meg Ryan. Not sure who third actress is

  57. I don't see anyone on that Oscar list who women would want to date that fits the rest of this blind...I think the "significant other" and "foreign born A-list" are just red herrings...Crowe has a horrific reputation for being a violent drunk. It pains me to say it though...I met him once and he was (sober) extremely sweet, charming, gentle and those blue eyes were UNREAL...the media came around though and he switched off like a light and turned into a huge prick toward them.

  58. It has to be someone we would have dated. No one would date Sean Penn, Russell Crowe or anyone with a bad boy rep. We have to pick one that we didn't think had a rep.

  59. The "boozer" description makes me think Russell Crowe. Which would make the recent-divorcee actress he raped Nicole Kidman, the B-list actress he beat (and whose marriage he destroyed) Meg Ryan, and the Oscar winner who fought him off Jennifer Connelly. Paul Bettany did work with Crowe on Master and Commander.

  60. Best Supporting Actors

    Joel Grey
    Robert DeNiro
    Christopher Walken
    Timothy Hutton (known alcohol issues and I seem to remember allegations of abuse)
    Louis Gossett Jr.
    Jack Nicholson
    Michael Caine
    Sean Connery (past abuse allegation IIRC)
    Kevin Kline
    Denzel Washington
    Joe Pesci
    Gene Hackman
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Kevin Spacey
    Cuba Gooding Jr
    Robin Williams
    James Coburn
    Benicio del Toro
    Chris Cooper
    Tim Robbins
    Morgan Freeman
    George Clooney
    Javier Bardem
    Christian Bale

    I would STILL date Colin Firth, if he was available. :)

  61. The couple is still together and has multiple kids, "One of their kids..."

    I vote for Russell Crowe.

  62. ^ @ Magsey. Bale won for _The Fighter_ in 2010.

  63. Agree with RenoBlondee - Russell Crowe, and I think Enty added foreign born actress to to keep him safe, or Enty isn't 100% sober and forget Nicole was born in Hawaii, and think she is Australian, as many people do.

  64. Wow that was fast! Sounds like Russell Crowe/Nicole Kidman(?)/Meg Ryan/Jennifer Connelly

    On a side note... interesting that Michael Douglas is in the Awards list. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He may have given his wife, CZJ, a nervous breakdown or sent her to rehab due to abuse.

  65. @ Emme Paul Bettany worked with Crowe on A Beautiful Mind (with jennfier Connelly) and then did Master and Commander 2 years later with Russell. All the clues fit for Crowe, Kidman (even though born in HI), Ryan, Connelly, Bettany.

  66. Tom Hanks.

    Just kidding. But Kate Winslet is who I kept thinking of as the woman who got away from him.

  67. Also let me point out it doesn't say Academy Award winning ACTOR. So it could be director, Writer? But I have no clue as to who this could be.
    My thoughts initially were, Matt Damon or Ben Affleck but I am sure that is wrong.

  68. I just noticed that Kidman interviewed Crowe for an Oprah Oscar special in 2007. That doesn't jibe with the "never spoken since" part. Especially as she was already married to Keith Urban at that point, so she was recently divorced either.

    Hmmmm.....this is tricky.

  69. I don't want it to be Russell Crowe. I really had a thing for him in the Gladiator days.

  70. Oh woops. Paragraph 4 says actor. So.... um yea. Carry on you awesome people, I totally SUCK at these.

  71. I am going to recant my Sean Penn guess. Russell Crowe is a possibility (which hurts me, because I freakin' love Gladiator) but I am not yet convinced.

    Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii - not foreign born. And they interviewed each other for an Oprah special in 2007.

  72. After seeing Russell Crowe's blue eyes up close, and not knowing these horrible things, I would date him in a heartbeat...he has unbelievable charisma and charm in person. A total movie star. The blind also says he is "too big of a star," for studios to blackball him so it can't be someone who has faded away or fallen far from A list. Meg Ryan wouldn't be B list to me, but Enty's ranks are often not what I think they are.

  73. Anonymous10:42 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. The sentence 'he is a winner' means exactly that. Narrow our guesses to Academy Award winners, not nominees. Christian Bale won an Oscar just over a year ago for The Fighter. Good observation that Enty doesn't specifically say acting award winner, but I've never thought that Enty was that sneaky about his blinds, other than the odd red herring clue to protect himself.

    Many, many people think that Nicole Kidmen is foreign born (same with Mel Gibson, also born in the US). It's possible Enty has also forgotten. Russell Crowe fits in many ways, but I'm still not quite sure just yet. Somehow I'm thinking we should go just a few years older. Most of us have known about Crowe's anger issues for a while haven't we?

  75. It's Russell Crowe. Double Oscar Winner, reputation as a boozehound, fighter and Lothario back in the day. He broke up Meg Ryan's marriage and rumors about he and Nicole Kidman have gone around for ages.

  76. I'm thinking Ben Affleck..

  77. Also, the foreign born actress he assaulted may not be Kidman...they knew each other back in the day but it might be someone else...

  78. Does it mean that he had forced sex with his wife, while she was pregnant, causing the baby to come early?

  79. It has to be Crowe. I know I am totally flip-flopping on this one. But he's the only winner who famously broke up a celebrity marriage. That clue doesn't fit anyone else. Some of the other details must be dodgy on purpose, it wouldn't be the first time Enty had confused us intentionally.

  80. Nicole Kidman could still work as the divorced actress he was friends with--who says "foreign born" has to mean foreign to the US? She WAS foreign born if you take it as meaning born in a different country than her citizenship--Australians would say Nicole is foreign born, after all.

    Everything fits for Russell Crowe. Academy Award winner
    Not that old
    Well-known drinking issues
    Well-known violent temper
    Was friends with Kidman but hasn't been seen with her in ages
    Broke up Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid
    Has been to rehab
    Has two children
    Worked with Jennifer Connelly, who won an Oscar; her husband, Paul Bettany worked with Crowe twice.

  81. What about Kevin costner ...won for directing

  82. Thank you Comma Chaser!

  83. Also reference to 'he had been in and out of the news' could refer to Crowe's phone throwing incident - or whatever it was he was throwing at someone who sued him for it

  84. i think meg ryan russell crowe and dennis quaid were are responsible for that breakup

    whatever meg did, i do not blamer her. dennis quaid fucks anything with two legs and walks around like he's special because his last name is quaid

  85. It could still be Crowe even if it isn't Kidman. I don't think it's her since they have been seen together. Besides Oprah, they were photographed together when he won his Oscar which would've been after the assault happened.

    I hate it, but I do think it's him. I can't think of anyone else who fits all of the clues. The only thing that I initially doubted was it saying "significant other" instead of wife, but I could see holding something back to make it less obvious.

  86. In Hmmmm's story about Kirk Douglas, didn't he specifically mention that Michael was just as bad? I remember thinking thay surely, hopefully he wasn't. At his age though, I can't imagine wantong to date him, plus CZJ is actually married to him, right, not a "significant other?"

    OK, I think I just crossed him off my list and it looks like, from the list if disqualifiers developing, Crowe and Penn are ruled out, too.

    The blind is presented as if this would be a disappointment and a surprise. :-(

  87. Ha! Crowe's wiki page has a section on 'Altercations and controversies'

  88. Russel Crowe doesnt work that much anymore... I think its Jude Law.

  89. If I find out who this is, I am going to boycott the hell out of his work.
    When I think of all you know Enty....Now I want a bacon blanket.

  90. But Johnny Depp is the only one anyone would really want to date.
    Crowe is gross
    We all heard Mel.
    Kevin is a known Womanizer..but I could see him having a temper.
    I believe Johnny Depp once trashed a hotel room. If I remember right, he was drunk at the time, smashing stuff..etc.
    Who would we date, that's the clue..and many on the list, aren't people we'd date, but men we know are violent, crazy, unfaithful..etc.

  91. and who is Russel Crowe with now that he has to pay?

  92. What if he won the Oscar for directing, not for acting?

    Kevin Costner?
    Clint Eastwood?
    Mel Gibson?

  93. If he's that bad, then he must have dated Halle at some point. She really knows how to pick 'em.

  94. Depp has 0 Oscar wins. Bale has never broken up a celebrity marriage. I think we can forget them.

  95. What about Adrien Brody? I've had a crush on him for years, I feel that many women have.

  96. I really think this is Crowe...not so sure the foreign born actress is Kidman but the rest fits him to a T.

  97. Lizzie, I think the datability factor can help eliminate some guys, for sure. I'd walk on broken glass to date Depp, but never if this is him.

  98. Could Meg Ryan have been considered B when she made Proof of Life with Russell Crowe? He does seem to fit most of it, but I stopped wanting to date him shortly after Gladiator when he started being such an arse everywhere he went.

    You know these kind of blinds really disturb me. We are talking about Rape here! and domestic violence and NOTHING and NOBODY doing a damn thing to help these women because the guy is just too good of an actor? how messed up is that? God hollyweird is a pit!

  99. Michael Douglas. Like father, like son.

  100. Okay, so not Johny..whew...Glad I'm bad at these.

  101. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon..didn't they win for best screenplay for Good Will Hunting..Didn't Ben break up J-Lo's marriage to Cris Judd? Don't know how the rest fits.

  102. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This is a very angry man, whoever it is. Wow.

  103. Ben Affleck once told Oprah that Matt Damon was the kind of friend he could call if he had a dead hooker in a hotel room. I remember Oprah asking him.." what does that mean?"
    Someone that would shock us. Before the Kirk Douglas thing, I would have said Michael Douglas, but now, he was one to the first I thought of....
    I'm starting to think nothing will shock me anymore with Hollywood people. :-(

  104. I was thinking Clooney until the kids comment.

    Hmm, Ben Affleck might be a good choice. He's been to rehab. And he pretty much broke up J.Lo's marriage with Chris Judd. But I don't think she would take abuse. He is known for touching women inappropriately, or at least he used to be.

  105. I also think it sounds like Crowe, but I thought Ryan was A list (at that time.) I do remember a photo of the two of them dodging paps while walking through Soho maybe a day after Quaid filed for divorce. It was wicked hot, but Ryan was wearing a long-sleeved, high-necked sweater.

  106. Redheat...these bother me a great deal as well. He should be exposed as the rapist he is. It bother's me that it's a blind!

  107. yes, some of these blinds of late are very very disturbing. since himmm gave us the kirk douglas story, some of the subsequent blinds have shown people to be awful.

    I used to think of hollywood was a rich person's high school, now I believe its more like twin peaks/mulholland drive. sick and creepy.

  108. You guys are right. Nobody fits this better than Russell Crowe.

    (his poor wife. That's sad.)

  109. B. Profane said...
    OK, two things:

    --Is no one realizing how improbable this non-stop stream of actually scandalous BI's about "A-list" celebrities is?

    --Crowe is a rugger. Asshole or not (and yes, he apparently is a huge one), he's not going to get his ass kicked by a pencil-neck like Bettany, let alone an anorexic twig-with-tits like Connelly.

    Good point on both accounts.

  110. I don't think this is Ben Affleck. Yeah, he likes to drink and gamble, but we've never heard a peep about him being violent. And besides, I think Jennifer Garner would draw the line at violence. She seems like too good a mother to put her kids at risk.

  111. What's a rugger?

    Someone who thinks that running face-first into a concrete abutment sounds like fun.

  112. Thanks, B. To each his own, I suppose.

  113. My first thought was Sean Penn. I can't bring to mind anyone else who would fit this. Disgusting.

  114. B. Profane - Yes!! I totally think many of these blinds of late are total BS. But it sure is fun reading all the thoughts of the CDANers. It definitely was more believable when we had a couple weeks of nobodies/reality stars and then all of a sudden a huge A-list crazy blind. I find it rather odd that the past couple weeks have been chockful of doozies.

  115. So we've ruled Johnny out? Whew. Thank you.

  116. Okay, after reading the comments, I'm changing my guess to Russell Crowe. He's the only one of my two guesses I'd date - well, not anymore. CREEP - whoever it is, that is.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I am not discounting the possibility that the Himmmmm thing has lead to "Enty" getting slipped a relative welter of true and truly hot BI's. It's not impossible, just improbable.

  119. Throwing it out there... Leo Dicaprio & Kate..

  120. I know it's hard to remember now, but Russell was hot stuff back in his Gladiator days.

  121. Are you kidding me about Crowe not being hot? My goodness, during the days of Gladiator and Master and Commander I'd fantasize about him.And that voice! This was before the telephone incident and all those that followed.

    But Crowe would not be surprising. Even Ridley Scott doesn't want to work with him anymore after Robin Hood. And they were buds.

  122. @B. Profane - this is the second or third comment you've made that I meant to agree with you on, but was too lazy. Things, lately... something's up/off/weird/different. Playing to the newfound notoriety, perhaps?

  123. People keep commenting on Crowe not being dateable, but hell yeah he was back in the day. I'm talking pre-scandal days when he was rocking that Gladiator toga. If this is him, I'm kind of a little ticked at Paul Bettany too. Defending his lady is great, but to do a movie with him afterwards? I'm not sure about that one.

  124. I believe a lot of these BIs have happened, with a few of the details fudged here and there. If people enter this entertainment business that has so much sexual abuse in it, is seems possible that by the time they are successful, people who would otherwise be strong and self-assured could be a withering mess on the inside. And since they're all actors they know how to keep outside appearances going.

  125. Maybe this is from further in the past, someone from the 80's or 90's perhaps?

  126. I think it is Russell Crowe
    Additional points
    -His weight has gone up and down over the years.
    Plus any husband in a rage could take him- pencil neck or not

    -Salma Hayak could have worked for the foreign born friend, but she is still married.
    What about a brit for the foreign born? Elizabeth Hurley?

  127. @EmEyeKay -- Isn't this one just a recycled old BI anyway, only with more juicy (and possibly true) details? Eh, who cares. As long as the blog doesn't become a PR shill for planting slanders via false BI's, WTF...

    And, just for the record, if this was Crowe I'd be glad that JC and hub kicked his ass. If it was my wife he'd have breathed through a tube the rest of his days.

  128. Wow what a blind! Shame on Hollywood for covering up for this asshole. The women should say something and get this guy off of his high horse and make him be accountable! How long before this guy kills someone? How awful!!

  129. "Throwing it out there... Leo Dicaprio & Kate.."

    Huh?! Leo's never been married. He has no Oscar. And he and Kate are still very good friends.

  130. @EmEyeKay - What if this is some sort of last hurrah?

  131. PS...I'm thinking it is someone who has a calm/nice demeanor in public, mostly because of the comment "someone we would date". Sean Penn and Russell Crowe already have violent tendencies that we know about, and that does not want me to date him/them at all, and I would say that would be for most women as well.....

  132. This one needs to be revealed!

  133. It has to be Russell Crowe,

    As fun as the Ben Affleck and Christian Bale guesses are they just dont fit.

    The key is to look for an Academy Award Winning actor who has worked with an Academy Award Actress on the same movie as the Actress' husband. And then worked with the husband a second time.

    Russell Crowe ftw

  134. Russell Crowe is deluded enough to force employees to hang around and listen to him sing songs about himself.
    So he obviously does have a well developed sense of entitlement.
    Whomever it is, think of all the other actors, directors, producers and etc. that just keep right on making money with him.

  135. Profane...I care, and you should as well. We should Always care about Rape!!! This person needs to be outed as the sleazy rapist they are!!!!!

    Ms Cool, and Sis, I've been wondering about something big coming from this blog as well. This needs to be revealed. I can't understand why this information has been hidden.

    We need to protect women from monsters like this!!

  136. I hate to say this but this totally reads as Crowe/Kidman/Ryan/Connolly/Bettany. Yes, I think Jennifer could fight him off and Paul could kick his ass if Crowe were drunk enough.

    As for the blinds being "juicier" lately, I don't see this as Enty playing to the audience at all. Maybe Enty was inspired by the recent Himmmm activity to help expose Hollywood for what it is? Doing his part so to speak? Besides, we're always asking him to out the scumbags so he's giving us what we want.

    Thanks, Enty!

  137. @Erin - you are so right...I met him in 2001, right before he won the Oscar for Gladiator...he was seriously hot!

  138. ^ By "playing" I meant making it up.

  139. @B. Profane - I've always believed that's part of the game, but - I'm cynical.

    I wonder about PR types creating blogger accounts to comment and push people away from proper, thoughtful guesses. That would explain the comments I read that show 1) the individual didn't actually read the post and 2) the individual didn't read prior comments before commenting (which has become more and more common of late, or maybe it's just as common, but the 200+ comments per blind item make it more obvious). Dammit, we're all part of the machine, and I was just trying to have fun!

    @Ms Cool - I've thought about that, too! So much became different after THAT DAY, and it's not just all the new readers (or the disappearance of some of the regulars).

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. It is definitely Russell Crowe, the only one that fits the whole picture and makes sense. There are a few blurry things that you doubt in the comments, but overall is him.

    The only point I doubt is "in his current relationship" and "significant other". Well I though he was married for many years and is no longer working as an actor.

  142. "Most of you would have dated him until you read about him right here..."

    My first thought - until kids - was Clooney...multiple children makes me think Damon. He has four daughters, but the oldest is technically his step daughter. He is well-liked from 99% of stories I have read...if single? Oh yeah...lol

    Penn - I don't know anyone who would date him
    Crowe - great fit - would love to think there was a medical reason she made her face match her personality, but I don't know anyone who would date him either - save star f&@kers...
    Depp - excluded just on a tecnicality, no Oscar...
    Affleck - subject of nasty blinds for years, which leaves him out to me.

    Firth is another possibility, and he posed w/Diaz at the recent Oscar parties - wife wasn't in sight...tons of foreign born actresses to choose from. I think he has 2 daughters.

    Back to Damon, Bourne movies alone - foreign born actresses...Oceans movies, etc...

    I think we need to think of Oscar winning actors who the majority of us like, find date-worthy (I feel like I might be one of the few that adds Hanks to that list), and who this would shock us about!

    Bale - known drunk and just one daughter
    Day Lewis - gorgeous eyes, but dumped Isabelle Adjani while pregnant w/their daughter or right after, for Rebecca Miller, playwright Arthur Miller's daughter, and I remember major bad press at the time...

    Ahh, handsome/dateworthy and little to no bad press - or am I reading that wrong?!?

  143. The actor that kept swirling around in my head is Colin Farrell.
    He has won numerous awards, is so super sexy, has been married, has a few kiddos, went into rehad in 2005, I just don't know about the broken marriage...

  144. As much as I'd like to get on the Russell Crowe/Jennifer Connelly/Paul Bettany bandwagon, I didn't think that Jennifer was married to Paul at that point. Did they start dating on that flick or didn't they get together, afterwards?

    Someone want to sleuth whether production was shut down for a week on A Beautiful Mind?

    I think we look at which actress didn't do her movie promotional tour (and see which AA winner had to take a week off from a movie schedule). In the age of the internet, shouldn't be that hard to find...

  145. @EmEye - I never thought about the possibility of PR people trying to throw off the guesses!

    @Ms Cool - I hope not, but could be a possibility!

  146. Seeing pictures of Russell and his wife, I always got the impression that he was not nice to her in the least.. like I would put $ on the fact that he makes her be that skinny but I wouldn't have guessed that he was an actual abuser. Makes me dislike him him even more, I can't say I'm exactly shocked by this though.

  147. Just want to add that the Oscar-winning actress whose husband beat up this loser needn't have been married to an actor - could be a director or producer.

  148. @Laura -- There are definitely lurking flacks who shill for their clients on the 'net. Go on the IMDB boards and call Mel Gibson a wife-beater if you want to see an example. In the CDAN comments I've only seen a few instances where I thought suspiciously new posters seemed to be steering the BI guesses away from somebody likely.

  149. It's definitely not Christian Bale. He only has one kid, and he has been devoted to his wife. He might have a temper on set but he's not abusive to women or his wife. And don't believe everything you hear from his mom when he left the hotel room. He brushed passed her and she made it out to be that he shoved her. Didn't fucking happen. He might be a dick at times, but not abusive not like that anyway. It sucks to have shameless fame whoring or money grubbing parents, but that's what happened to him. He has been estranged from her since he was little for that shit. And she is still bitter about it that he chose his dad to live with and not her. Bitter that he doesn't support her financially now that he is a huge star. Fuck her.

    At first I thought it was Leo and Kate until it was revealed later in the post about having two kids. And just because Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii, doesn't mean she isn't recognized or known as an Australian actress. She was raised there, has citizenship there, and is pretty much known as a foreign based actress. Also Nicole didn't leave Tom, he left her. But Crowe was very protective of her at that time and always around her. I am curious about the observation made earlier about Meg Ryan not going on the press tour for Proof of Life. I thought it was because of the affair rumors. And then the plastic surgeries to her face. She never struck me as someone so vain to fuck her face up like that.

  150. @EmEyeKay & @BennyP ITA with the convo you guys are having, I do feel like something is different since then, I also feel less inclined to comment. But where it stems from I'm not sure-- the site or the response to the site/scrutiny it came under after the day. Either way something is different on the boards especially but content-wise too.

    As for this blind, Russell Crowe seems a good candidate based on the research above, he isn't a guy who I'd want to date but hey different tastes right?

  151. If the Crowe / Connelly guess is true, then I love Bettany even more than I did.

  152. I already know who this is. It's Christian Bale. There was a BV similar to this about 2 years ago that outed him as physically violent with an actress from a movie he was filming.

  153. @Snowstorms It's not Firth or Matt Damon. Firth loves his wife and hasn't fucked around on her. Matt Damon is the same. He is too much in love with his wife and is actually a good family man. He like Christian Bale can be a dick, but it really depends. Matt Damon was the nicest guy here in Boston during the Departed. He was nice to all the extras, happy to be home and just a good man. He has a reputation around here for being a good family man. But he can be tough when he wants something which is why they spoofed him on Entourage.

  154. Tom Hanks
    Colin Firth
    Would definitely shock us. Have there ever been any rumors about Tom Hanks being a drunk?
    I've heard nothing about Colin Firth. I can't even remember any kind of gossip about him.
    Aside from the obvious, who would shock us.
    I've been a long time reader, and I post in waves. Just FYIing .. :-)

  155. @ M: Bettany and Connelly met while filming A Beautiful Mind, married in 2003. the only thing is that I can't see Bettany whooping Crowe's ass.

    Re Bale: interesting possibility. He may be devoted to his wife but he has anager issues and his devotion doesn't prevent him from visiting a dominatrix (got this a couple of years back on another board, supposedly from a now-retired LA dominatrix who had reason to know). And remember how he went off on that crew member who accidentally made some noise on the set. Don't know if it's him though.

    Firth - don't think so. Hope not.

    Damon - this would disappoint me hugely.

    Haven't ever heard of Damon or Firth being legendary boozehounds.

  156. @B.Profane - I see and I'm feeling naive, it makes sense of some comments.

  157. Actually, wasn't one of the earliest Enty BI's about an Oscar-winning actor thought of as the nicest guy in the world who was secretly a huge coke fiend? A lot of people thought it was Hanks. Not that this supposed rapist is likely Hanks.

    See, there's where my credulity breaks down. The statue of limitation on forcible rape in most US jurisdictions is decades, and an attorney would be extremely careful about alleging such a crime, even in a BI.

  158. First off, Johnny Depp and Jude Law don't have Oscars, they are out.

    Secondly, Adrien Brody has no kids, so he's out.

    I think Dex got nailed the entire item way up towards the top. It's Russell Crowe.

    That Nicole Kidman isn't foreign born doesn't exclude her. For intents and purposes, everyone has forgotten or never knew that she is American-born.

  159. Lizzie,
    On another board, I've read many rumours that Hanks is a mean, mean drunk and that Rita Wilson is the only one who can calm him down when he starts raving, and even she isn't always successful. Tales also told there of the nights he spent "on the couch" when she wouldn't let him in the bedroom. Don't know how true they are, but he has often had that very puffy look, kind of like Crowe.

  160. Anonymous12:51 PM

    It's not Bale. The blind says "One of their kids...". Bale only has one.

    It's Russell Crowe. Everything fits perfectly (except for the Bettany beat up, but that's probably bullshit anyway).

  161. Supposedly Emile De Raven was sleeping with Christian Bale during one of their movies and he beat her up so badly, that she was promised the lead role on the director's next movie to keep her mouth shut. This was a couple of years ago. Just saying...i think it's him.

  162. I don't think it's Ben Affleck because I don't think Garner would stay with him strictly for gthe money (other sketchy reasons, sure). But she's got plenty of cash of her own, that wouldn't be a motivating factor.

    We're looking for someone who charges her husband to be seen with him, someone *exactly* like Danielle Spencer.

  163. I wouldn't date Russell Crowe to save my life. He's fat and gross and is known for having a bad temper, drunk or sober. Known for his bad behavior and high maintenance ways. It's not a shock.

    I also wouldn't touch Sean Penn with a 10 foot pole...even before I read this BV.

  164. I don't hold much stock in the subject of the blind being in the daily photos but I do want to add that Affleck, Garner, and J LO are in the photos.

  165. It's not Ben Affleck. He is a notorious cheater and has been doing it pretty openly for years. But he doesn't hit girls.

  166. I know a person who worked with a girl who used to want to be in show buisness. She said, she'd never, and she meant never date an actor, as they were so good at "pretending", or "acting", that it was hard to tell who they really were. She found it scary how they could just mold themselves into any character. I've never forgotten that....and I've always wondered, who did she know. She would never talk about, just came back from NYC stage,and was very disillusioned, and a bit freaked out by what she seen.

  167. @Lizzie -- That is a very, very, very typical experience. Anyone really committed to the craft would not use their training to deceive people offstage or off camera...but there are powerful, powerful structural aspects of the industry that push you to doing just that. It's all very Darwinian.

    NEVER date an actor. Never. Nice people. Talented. You want to cast them, sure...but never get in bed with them. Ever.

  168. @B. Profane I'm not one to really have dating rules, but that's one of my two. No actors or attorneys.

  169. I've wondered, what happened to her, for her not to want to talk much about it. Always seemed sad to me.....but No...No actors..

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. Here's someone list of the hottest Oscar winners and there's one not mentioned above (that I saw) who has kids:



  172. Scandalous Candice, that is JUST the reason I picked them, I love those two. Never liked Crowe and this Blind would just be MORE proof that he is a major jerk! I would love to think he is the reason Meg messed up her face - but the last time he was on any hot men list was Gladiator days...Gerard Butler reminds me of the "new" Russell Crowe - minus the wife and kids part.

    Didn't get the Firth love until Bridget Jone's Diary, but besides hearing he gets smashed from time to time - all good press - save the pre-Oscars pics w/a wasted Cammie. Most women I know love him, myself included.

    I never understood why Ben Affleck was the subject of so many blinds a few years back. Okay, so he cheats...not that I like it, but can someone please tell me why he was always the guess? I get the Chris Brown hatred, but Affleck??

    And Damon - love him like I love Affleck, but those 2 (Firth and Damon) are about the only squeaky clean names listed that multiple people like.

    Maybe I am putting too much emphasis on who the line of most us would want to date him, until we read this...

  173. Definitely Russell Crowe
    A-lister he assaulted-Nicole Kidman??
    B-list movie actress/broken marriage- Meg Ryan
    Current relationship- Danielle Spencer
    Academy award winner that fought back- Jennifer Connelly (worked w/ him in a Beautiful Mind)
    Husband that beat him and then worked with him- Paul Bettany (worked on A Beautiful Mind in 2001 and then on Master and Commander in 2003)

  174. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Tom Hanks is a major groper. He groped several of my friends when they were waitressing in top restaurants in town before they started getting regular acting gigs (not related.) They can't stand him to this day and, truth be told, he always rubbed me the wrong way when I was younger and became aware of him, especially around his Oscar wins. Finding out that he was a creep just validated the icky vibe I always got off of him when everyone was kissing his ass and saying what a nice guy he is. He is not.

  175. Has anyone else noticed the trend of these BI comments lately where one celebrities name is mentioned over and over and over despite not fitting the clues? Its all 'it's Russel Crowe. Absolutly. All the clues that don't fit are because Enty fudged the details" It's so tedious trying to read through 180 comments when they just say the same thing!

  176. Proof of PR types on here - someone just said Tori Spelling was a pretty girl on the random photo post. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    (that's a joke)

    Hi @Laura! And @Izahart, I've noticed you're not here so much. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Things will calm down, eventually - right?

  177. There were rumors that Connelly's period of obvious anorexia was due to some kind of trauma in her personal life...dunno if the timing fits.

    It's difficult to explain to outsiders why fooling around onset or during the run of a show isn't considered cheating in the ethics of the acting world...but it isn't, to actors. NEVER date anyone who works in front of the lens or on the bright side of the footlights.

  178. To clarify - Russell Crowe won ONE Academy Award for Gladiator, and I have read both good and bad things about him. He loves kids, and he takes care of his family. On the other hand, I have read he can be a nasty drunk.

    And Christian Bale recently won an Academy Award last year, I think, for Best Supporting Actor for that fight movie with Marky Mark.

    And seriously - you've got to be drunk or have a fetish if you are dating Sean Penn.

    Maybe it's Johnny Depp - now that would be a surprise...

  179. But mngoddess - Johnny Depp never won an academy award.

  180. @EmEmKaye, and @BProfane, Can someone just make it go back to the good ole days when people used to try to legitimately sleuth it out? This place of intelligent snark and movie fans is becoming overrun with publicists that try to sneak in with "Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster" declarations. I am sure a few could be legit. But COME ON! Especially on the days following THAT day, all I could think was that there were some possible "sneaky" reporter-types saying things like "All this stuff is crazy, huh? I am a long time lurker."

  181. One thing we have to remember about Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe is that he did not break up their marriage. Dennis Quaid did that all on his own. Meg Ryan unnecessarily took the blame for being fed up and deciding to get her own piece. Quaid had cheated on her for years. He just ended his recent marriage for the same shit.

    I don't know if he is the subject of this blind but it does seem to fit. But he didn't break up Meg's marriage. It was already over.

  182. The second I saw the outdated Ben & Jen photo I knew there would be a juicy blind item, but I hardly think Jen would stay for the money. Perhaps she's not aware of the extent?

  183. I think this blind is between kevin costner or Tom (publicist deserves every cent of his money) hanks. Kevin dated elle mcpheson who is foreign born, it is rumoured he slept with ricky mantle wife and john travolta wife.
    Tom i hear is a very very mean drunk

  184. EastVillageGypsy (and everyone else) - you're so right.

    After Himmmm's blind, it seemed like every other post started with "Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster." I don't think they were all publicists, but the sudden influx of new posters certainly was a bit suspect.

  185. I am really confused by this blind. Actually, I am more confused by Enty today.

    Why was a really old picture of Ben Affleck (Academy Award winner!) in the random photos today?

    Why was Bridget Jones (starring a now Academy Award winner, Colin Firth) mentioned FOUR times in the random photos???

    I can't make the puzzle fit for either one, but I did read that Colin has several kids through more than one marriage. I will be very sad if the blind is referring to him. :(

  186. You know, many people claim that Obama, who also entered the world in Hawaii, is 'foreign born'... Just saying ;-)

  187. Really doubt it's Costner or Colin Firth. I know the guys can pound a few beers, but no one I know (and I'm not a publicist LOL) has ever said a mean thing about them. I was around Costner in his between-marriages party days and he was a nice dude who liked to bake pies to relieve stress. (bet ya haven't seen that anywhere, huh?)

    Colin Firth had an affair with Meg Tilly when they were making "Valmont" (which resulted in them making a baby, too). But I think he's been married forever to the same (somehow understanding) woman, hasn't he?

  188. @ EleanorRigby,
    Firth has only been (and still is) married once, although he has a son with Meg Tilly.

    Yeah, I kept hoping he was saving himself for me (j/k), but alas, he finally married an Italian producer.

    I really, really hope this isn't him.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.
