Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Crash & Burn

It was not that long ago that this actress was headed for A list status. She kept getting the female leads in movies and was getting her name above the title and then one day it just seemed to vanish out of nowhere. The biggest clue I can give you is that she dated someone who also dated a blind item star of the past few weeks. She also has starred in a very big franchise.

This actress is probably a C- right now for what she is doing now, but still has great name recognition. She might even have an A list name recognition. Before our actress hit the big time, I knew her and she was just someone who was trying to make it. Her only vices were shots and chain smoking. When she began to hit it big she got introduced to coke. She told me about the first time she did coke and said she wanted to stay awake for days on end and never stop doing it and she felt like it was her best friend. This was after just one night. Our actress got so hooked on coke that she spent an entire paycheck from a movie on coke. Over $1M in just a few months was gone on coke. Then, still addicted, but not really able to pay for it, she got involved with a group of guys who kept her supplied but they had to do her favors. Not for them. They thought she was already too cracked out, but they certainly gave her to investors because they wanted to prove they had connections and because our actress at the time drove guys crazy. The group of guys got their money which they used for businesses but also skimmed off a huge chunk.

Meanwhile, our actress was still addicted to coke, and was not getting any parts. She still had fame and was making money doing promotions, but the bulk of her income came from hiring herself out to whoever could afford her. Just because she was strung out does not mean she could not charge high prices. A night with our actress cost upwards of $25,000, plus she got free booze and drugs and it was not a bad way to make a living. Her family staged several interventions, but they never worked. Our actress became known as someone who could keep her mouth quiet and was up for anything. If you had enough money, anything was game.

Actors, athletes, actresses, anyone and everyone this actress f**ked for money. No matter that her most recent movie was becoming a faded memory, people still lined up to give her money to sleep with them. She slept with the entire male cast of this very popular hit comedy that has launched a bunch of careers. They had a party and invited her. She was the only guest. When this A++ list movie actor and former co-star was having premature problems, he called her and they spent once a week together for a year until he felt confident again.

Then about 18 months ago, the drugs and booze finally got to our actress and she had an overdose/heart attack. Something serious happened. She was in Europe on a yacht and almost died. This was her wakeup call. Her rock bottom. She was not earning as much money from selling her body and her body was not going to last much longer anyway. She said she went four years straight of doing coke everyday but a week when she was with a guy who would not let her do any. She had charged him extra.

So, our actress started reconnecting with people and the next thing you know she got an indie and a guest spot on a very popular show and even a nice feature film. She even managed to get back in touch with me and says she is on a very precarious edge. She slips frequently and has accepted offers from men, but is slowly turning her ship around. Would be nice to see.


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Anonymous said...

I vote for Heather Graham. She was in Drugstore Cowboy with all that cute baby fat on her, which sadly went away (stupid cocaine). Between a movie like that and Boogie Nights, I can easily see a gorgeous upcoming female star getting hooked into a love for coke and um cock...

DontRainOnMyPrada said...
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Sydney21221 said...

I really don't want this to be Lucy Liu. I'm having a hard time believing that men would be willing to pay $25K to have sex with Tara Reid. I'm going with the Heather Graham guess.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...
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Felicia said...

You gals know next to nothing about the world of models, celebs, minor celebs, and paid sex. Which is a good thing! It's a horrid world.

$25,000 a night is nothing if you're a current "name." You don't even have to be an A list name. Rich Saudis and Bahrainian princes LOVE to pay for American celebs to come over and party. It's not usually $25,000 a night, more like a weekend or per trip, with other expenses like travel and food paid for separately.

You have to understand that somebody we might think of as not being much of a star anymore, or we might not even EVER think of them as a big star, can often be perceived as huge overseas. Sometimes this is because they've done ads in places like Japan or the Middle East and become super famous abroad because of that, even if their work here in the US doesn't merit them super AAA+++ status. have huge groups of celebs, reality stars, and minor celebs who can command very good rates. Models, too, even over the hill models or minor models.

Just about all the guesses people have shared here would fit the bill.

Sometimes, if a model is lucky and tricky, she can turn one of these gigs into a pregnancy and a marriage ....or a marriage and a pregnancy. Think every model who ended up with an ugly and/or repulsive rock star circa 1980 through 1995. These are always paid companion gigs first, "relationships" second.

I really adore everyone here because you're all so fucking CUTE about not knowing how this stuff works. And thank god, none of this is what happens in "normal-land," which is a much healthier place to inhabit.

Looks like Enty and Hmmmm are on a roll together showing a VERY tiny portion of what really goes on, how both men and women in the biz without sufficient status and power get shopped around sexually and forced into what's basically prostitution even just on a regular movie set.....let alone those gigs they are offered when times get tough and they're not getting acting work anymore.

The illusion is that it is "easy" money. Drugs are supplied in copious amounts for free, which adds to the performers thinking they can "handle it," or "it's just another gig." But it destroys the soul over time.

And these people have NOWHERE to go to. NOWHERE. Complain and you dont' get work in the industry anymore. Complain to authorities and you get killed or suicided. Ask Heath Ledger what he wanted to spill but never got a chance to, because his Olsen friend made a few phone calls and prevented him from spilling the beans. He was presented with certain "deals" as a condition of his forthcoming super stardom as the Joker. But he blew it. And we don't have Heath anymore. Which is a tragedy.

Maya Sambora said...

What about Pamela Anderson or Sharon Stone?

Sis said...

I was also thinking Heather Graham, and the movie that launched careers...Boogie Nights, Julianne Moore and Mark Walberg.

Otherwise I have nothing.

Maya Sambora said...

I defiantly think Pamela Anderson could demand that kind of money for sex...and consistantly get it.

Dena said...

Tara Reid because of what Jilly said and also she was a BI reveal that ARod and Cameron Diaz paid her for a 3-way. She wasn't always a trainwreck - she started out as a fresh-faced starlet who a lot of guys thought was hot.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

My theory: Katie Cassidy

"It was not that long ago that this actress was headed for A list status."

2006 - 4 movies
2007 - 3 movies

*****sudden drop-off in work, and during this time a couple of projects that she started were shelved, perhaps partly due to her train-wreckiness****

2008 - 1 movie, 1 TV series
2009 - 2 TV series (one was Melrose Place), 1 movie
2010 - 1 TV series (Gossip Girl)
2011 - Monte Carlo movie, which wrapped mid-2010

*****things are picking up again now*****
"she got an indie and a guest spot on a very popular show and even a nice feature film"
2011-2012 - Guest spot on "New Girl," 2 indie movies and 1 feature film and 1 TV movie currently in production

"The biggest clue I can give you is that she dated someone who also dated a blind item star of the past few weeks."
* Her long-term boyfriend, Jesse McCartney, also dated Hayden Panettiere

"She also has starred in a very big franchise."
* Melrose Place & Gossip Girl

"This actress is probably a C- right now for what she is doing now, but still has great name recognition. She might even have an A list name recognition."
* She's David Cassidy's daughter, so I think she has some name recognition due to that. At any rate, I know many people will say that Katie Cassidy can't possibly be considered to have A list name recognition, but I think in Los Angeles, they may see things differently than we do...I have a feeling that from their perspective, she could have A list name recognition. Enty never says she was ever A list - he says "headed for A list status" and he says "might even have an A list name recognition." Those are two pretty luke-warmish and noncommittal statements.

"She slept with the entire male cast of this very popular hit comedy that has launched a bunch of careers."
* She dated Topher Grace in 2009

"When this A++ list movie actor and former co-star was having premature problems, he called her and they spent once a week together for a year until he felt confident again."
* Adam Sandler, with whom she co-starred in Click

"Then about 18 months ago, the drugs and booze finally got to our actress and she had an overdose/heart attack. Something serious happened. She was in Europe on a yacht and almost died."
* Monte Carlo wrapped 20 months ago - July 7, 2010
* The film includes "Yacht parties"
* Was shot in Romania, Paris, France, and Monte Carlo, Monaco

Other clues:
* Himmmm said, in the context of people we should be considering for blind items: "Katie Cassidy - (the queen of CW in about 5 shows. Likely a B-list due to name/face recognition and film roles too. Most nights she could outrun the whole Bolivian Army in a foot race for marching powder, but itís killing her career and reliability. Iíve known her since her childhood, and even with a famous name and dad, still no cash. ) Oddly (ahem!) she keeps getting replaced in roles, or whole movies donít get released. Odd. But she still gets cast in big flicks like one coming up by director Chris Carter. NOT exactly a D-list filmmaker. Sadly, sheíll self-destruct."

"Her family staged several interventions, but they never worked."
* I read in her imdb biography that "Her mother insisted that she complete college prep classes in high school before she embarked on her acting career" - so obviously her mom is the caring type.

Today's photos:
* Selena Gomez is in today's photos, and she co-starred with Katie in "Monte Carlo," the film when Katie might possibly have hit her rock bottom.
* I don't doubt that Enty is cagey with those photos - Tara Reid in the photos is probably a red herring since he knows so many of you are guessing her.

So…that's my theory. Anyone agree with me? Anyone? (echo…) :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I just don't see men falling over themselves and paying $25k for Tara Reid. I'm not a man, and no expert on what they find attractive, but I just can't see that it would be Tara Reid.
So following on from hunter's hint with the A-D list story, couldn't this be either Kirsten Dunst or Sarah Michelle Gellar???
My initial thought was Kirsten Dunst who I think used to be gorgeous, but then re-reading it, Lindsay Lohan seemed obvious. But then again, I'm no expert, but I can't imagine anyone paying $25k for her... unless she knows tricks. I can, however, imagine her shagging the entire cast of That 70s Show.

tracynator said...

@aaronk BEE = the next Truman Capote..his last book sucked bad. Still living in 25 years ago. Twitter is his only relevance. A mean old queen inmho.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Sorry about my duplicate comments...I deleted the duplicates. :P

ac said...

It would work but wasn't she at school in New York-Columbia? for awhile anyway... But I like the guess

lzahart said...

Ha @Anita I'm not a guy but my thoughts exactly if I were-- your husband is right! I would make Stiles pay me too though :)

I don't know who Katie Cassidy is and I love this gossip shiz so I really don't see how she could have near A list name recognition. But I goggled her and she is on that new Keifer Sutherland show. So maybe?

Lucy L seemed to be a good guess but the point of her working on Broadway is a good one-- that is an intense job for someone railing constantly.

Cathsen said...

I actually like the Minnie Driver suggestion. She hasnt been racking up a lot of jobs over the last years (also before her kid was born), she was in a Bond movie, had her name on the Grosse Pointe Blanke movie, was on Modern Family in 2010 and has some indie credentials lately. She dated Brolin, which could also explain the dating someone who dated someone whos in blinds lately, though Brolin seems to be a blind himself a lot lately.

A quick google search also revealed that shes working on a memoir, with a quote about how shes not surprised that so many hollywood actresses go off the rails. And shes stated several times that she smoked too many cigarettes in the 90s.

The blind doesnt seem to indicate anything about her kid though, or her music career.

spacecowboy78 said...

@Don't rain... - That's a lot of thought and research for Katie Cassidy, and while she may very well be outrunning those Bolivians, a franchise always relates to films, not TV series. e.g. Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men, Transformers, American Pie, Twilight.

Kate16 said...

Can we please do a quick wiki before suggesting someone new?
Uma was quiet for a bit - she was off being married to Ethan Hawke and popping out kids!
Julia Stiles also disappeared for a bit. Heavens knows the girl wasn't doing much, except studying English Lit at Columbia! Does that sound like someone who in her spare time is coked out, screwing anyone with a wallet? No way.
Enty's recently said someone A-list is someone you go to see the movie because that person is in it. Nobody's going to shell out money to see Tara Reid.
Kirsten Dunst? Maybe, but she had some mental stresses too.
This blind emphasises discretion. Tara is a hot mess. You're not going to trust her to keep it together and under wraps.

Spike Ghost said...

This is weird but i also think Tara Reid, and for the movie that made a lot of careers i am thinking The Hangover.

jordansmom said...

I Googled "Tara Reid hospital" and found out there is a Dr. Tara Reid in Long Beach. Now I'm scared.

Chick_on_Speed said...

Guys....Liv Tyler?

Sue T. said...

Liv seems like a good guess but "guest spot on a very popular show"? I can't find any TV acting credits in her IMDb profile.

spacecowboy78 said...

@ Chick on speed - I thought of her too early on, but she literally has 0 TV credits other than talk show appearances, so she's out.

truepaul said...

Tara was actually in france on a yacht june of 2010..which is what 17-19 months ago?

Kidsis said...

And now we all want to have drinks with commenter Felicia!

MondelloRanchEngineering said...

Tara Reid.

1. She was partying on a yacht in France about 18 months ago.
2. No major projects to speak of since 2007 (except recently).
3. Went through a nutty period of dating wealthy European businessmen in 2010, even claiming to marry one in Greece. He said he hadn't even seen her since earlier that year. Think being whacked out on drugs could have something to do with that? Then later she claims to have married *another* wealthy businessman. Later claimed they weren't legally married.
4. Has/had a clothing line with Ed Hardy (could be the business referred to).
5. Was in "Big Lebowski" with Jeff Bridges (the A++ actor mentioned).
6. Recently appeared on Celebrity Big Brother 2011 UK, which gave Channel 5 its highest-ever audience, top 5 ratings of all time, and a 21.9% launch share.
7. Has both an Indy (The Fields) and a feature (American Reunion) due out.

Seems to fit pretty well to me.

Carol Cheibub said...

KirstEn Dunst
Ex bff Frabizio Moretti
Blind item star Drew (ryan oneal)
Indie movie melanCholia
Franchise spiderman
Guest spot on tv show kickin it
Nice featured film on the road

Anonymous said...

I agree with the commenter who said Heather Graham. She was mentioned in that Blind Item Himmmm revealed. Remember?

Definitely Heather Graham

MikeAdamson said...

She kept getting the female leads in movies and was getting her name above the title and then one day it just seemed to vanish out of nowhere.

I don't think Tara Reid qualifies but Heather Graham or Minnie Driver might. Tough blind.

Anonymous said...
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MondelloRanchEngineering said...

Oh, and to my previous comment I will add:

8. Was in the American Pie franchise
9. Was "above the title" in Josie and the Pussycats

Anonymous said...

I just have a really hard time imagining men paying $25K to sleep with her. She is not attractive at all.

tracynator said...

Heather was also cruising the Mediterranean the Sumner of 2010 and no long term relationships in a while. Minnie has a baby boy and has been working. Tara doesn't strike me as the "discreet" type.

truepaul said...

just more of my mom doesn't know heather graham by name, my roommates, my mom, heck even my dad know tara reid and her exploits. She's not "hot" now, but when american pie came out and I was in highschool, everyone thought she was beautiful. Wasn't she ranked 1 in fhm and maxim back then?!

also on the A++ are all saying Jeff Bridges...but she was in a movie with Richard Gere, who I think is more A++ then JB.

MondelloRanchEngineering said...

@truepaul We must be about the same age because yes she was considered hot. She also did Playboy not too long ago (though I'm told she was not nude, I haven't seen it).

Interesting about Richard Gere, I missed that. You might be right there. Plus Jeff B. has been married to the same lady since 1977.

spacecowboy78 said...

IF it's Tara Reid, doesn't Ryan Reynolds make the most sense for the co-star?

Whitney said...

It's probably Tara.

Definitely not Keira- she's been working steadily getting top billing in arthouse films. Just because she hasn't done anything that's been a national release doesn't mean the girl hasn't been working regularly. She's just doing more indie fare.

Anotheramy said...

Julia Stiles was missing because she was blacklisted, Uma Thurman was busy having babies, so was Liz Hurley, anyway shes a model. Lucy Liu is bi polar and a drug addict but its never been a secret. Instead of discrete shes more likely to be hanging off the yacht in a tutu and nothing else. Lindsay Lohan has never been clean let alone clean for a whole 18 months. Discrete? Puleeze.
Tera Reed prostituting herself and going through a million in blow is not a blind. She did and she has. She sure fits though.
I can see it being Mena Suvari.

Anonymous said...

It cannot be Tara Reid, since she was never opening movies on her name alone, which this item implies the person in question was capable of doing.

SaraHeart said...

I am new to celeb gossip and blinds. I can say that the only acctress mentioned that I think has the A+ status Enty mentions, as in someone the general public would recognize, and who seems to fit the parameters is Uma Thurman. I can totally see men paying $25,000 for her after her roles in Tarantino's movies.

She was mentioned above and no one seemed to concur. thoughts?

Lauren said...

Ok, Kate...Here is some research for you on Uma.

First, she last had kids in 2002 and is now subsequently divorced. I'm suggesting she later developed a coke problem, and that is why she fell off the radar.

Second, Enty KNOWS Uma. In fact, he stated some of his juciest blinds came from her. I'm guessing the coke mom blinds.

She is good friends with Angie Harmon, who is also good buddies with suspected coke mom Debra Messing. Guess who stars on Smash (Debra Messing)and who was a guest star recently, yep, Uma Thurman.

Pictures of her on yachts in Europe over the last 3 years. From Italy to Cannes.

Known to be a big smoker and drinker.

Very attractive and could easily garner $25,000/night. This blind is about a person who has been passed around to rich investors and business men. Uma has been attached to Andre Balazas (hotelier and residential developer) and Arpad Busson (hedge fund investor)among others. Also says she is starting to reconnect with people in the blind and she just rekindled her relationship with Arpad. They may have been trying to have a baby, which is why she has not been using for 18 months.

She went from Oscar nominated, to having to call the paparazzi to take pictures of her in the last couple of years. Do a search on this site under Uma and you will find it. She was headed toward A list and went from being Oscar nominated and in franchise films, to now starring in low budget no-name movies and a small cameo on tv.

Also, does everyone remember the notorious pic of her with white stuff all over her nose? Could have been make-up, but maybe not.
Scroll through pics to see

Anyway, it's just a guess and this is gossip, so chill out.

CaliGirlinVA said...

RDJ fits as the A++ actor and former costar for both Heather and Lucy. He was in Two Girls and a Guy with Heather. And don't forget about Allly MacBeal with Lucy.

Shocky said...

Catherine Zeta-Jones?

Anonymous said...

@anotheramy - what's this about julia stiles being blacklisted??? I obviously missed something, I just thought she was at school.

I have another thought - what about Natalie Portman? There's something just too squeaky clean there. I heard she eats cheeseburgers - with meat in them and everything.

BobNYC said...

Betty White

Anonymous said...

@Lauren: I agree with you.

If you look up Uma Thurman you find lots of stuff about her being a coke head.

I agree it fits.

I know someone who worked at a hotel in NYC where Ethan Hawke lived and they had to throw her out many a time when she would go ape shit in the lobby on Ethan and make a scene.

Jennifer H. said...

Most of my friends probably have no idea who Tara Reid, Mena Suvari, or Julia Stiles is. I will have to test that theory out on a few of them to see if they have a clue or not. If I'm right, then I want to see how many examples I have to give them before they say, "Oh, okay, now I know who you're talking about!" I'll bet for Tara, I'll have to break out Lebowski.

Heather Graham though, my husband knows exactly who she is and I'll bet his friends to, too. He loved her in Austin Powers and LOVED her even more as Roller Girl in "Boogie Nights." Guaranteed, men know who she is. I do agree with a comment upthread though, that she has a whole laid back, bohemian vibe that doesn't seem to go well with cocaine, but then again, she hasn't been around as much. I don't know, still doesn't seem quite right.

I don't think anyone has guessed it yet. Maybe we should focus on the big hint, that this person is known for having dated the same same person as a recent blind item answer?

Lindsey said...

Can someone please tell me why people always reference the pictures of the day when it comes to the blinds?

Jaime said...

I read this and Tara was first thought. Honestly she does have a list name rec b/c ever since her American pie franchise she's stayed in the news for being a hot mess.

Totally Tara! Make the change work,!!

Pazitively Hot said...

This is Uma Thurman.

Final answer.

Her boyfriends have been international businessmen and she is always coasting around the world. it makes total sense.

I met Uma 15 years ago on a flight and she was beautiful. Not a stich of makeup beatiful. All I kept telling everyone was how I couldnt get over how beautiful she was in person. Then 3-4 ago I met her again in Israel (strange place for her to pop up but she was with some business guy there) and she looked sweaty, her hair was thinning out and she was too skinny. I was in shock at her transormation. This is SO her.

so now. lets go with Uma and work out the other ppl in the blind. She was in Kill bill but also was in Poison Ivy...

truepaul said...

I like the Uma theory too BUT she doesn't have any tv appearence on a big show.

Ya big brother doesn't seem big, but all my UK friends watch BB every week. like every single one. That and Eastenders.

Anonymous said...

@truepaul: Actually, Uma Therman has a part on the new big tv show "Smash".

Anonymous said...

"Thurman" typo ooops

truepaul said...

@olvia twist hmmmm intriguing, thanks for pointing that out, I was missing it apparently. Hmm..

so the question is...15-20 months ago where was Uma?!

Shelly said...

I agree with nicanon. Except, I don't think Lindsay's family actually cared about getting her sober, but I wouldn't put it past them to "stage" an intervention or two for the publicity.

Pazitively Hot said...

This is a good blind. If Uma is reaching out to ppl and giving an honest explanation to the last 5 years, then she's a brave gal and good for her.
I believe in second chances. I just read her IMDB bio and she was so up and coming its unbeleivable! She worked so hard and made so many lists.

She's a could be a good example out there to the younger generation as long as shes honest and it sounds like she is

spacecowboy78 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shan said...

how about gretchen mol????

Shocky said...

Uma is pregnant, that doesn't seem to fit with her still slipping frequently

Julie said...

The whole time I was reading this, I was thinking Eva Mendes. Too lazy to do the legwork, though.

shan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

List if big actors Uma Thurman has co-starred with. You guys decide who could be considered A++

Robert Downey Jr
Richard Gere
John Malcovich
Robert DeNiero
Bill Murray
John Travolta
Samuel L. Jackson
Keanu Reeves
Jamie Foxx
Matt Dillon
Jude Law
George Clooney
Liam Neeson
Geoffrey Rush
Sean Penn
Ben Affleck
Aaron Eckhart
Vince Vaughn
Will Ferrell
Matthew Broderick
Luke WIlson
Colin Firth
Robert Pattison
Gerard Butler
Hugh Jackman
Benecio Del Toro

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe the "slip" refers to sleeping with men for $ not the cocaine use.

Zara said...

Also, the slip ups could refer to the drug use if you cross check this with Lainey's blind, which she revealed to be Uma. It was about Uma using drugs around the time she became pregnant.

Audrey said...

I really like the Uma guess, especially given the Lainey blind. However, once, long ago, the subject of Enty's blind always appeared in the Random Photos. I honestly don't know how true this is now, but assuming it is, this blind is definitely about Tara Reid.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Gotta be Blohan, who claims to be sober, fucked/fucks men for money, was just on Saturday Night Live, and got a film recently. Blohan for the WIN

Anonymous said...

So any more guesses on who the A++ star in the blind is????

Susan said...

You guys definitely sold me on the Uma guess. She is SO much closer to A-list than many of the guesses. And with her turn on Smash, it makes sense. And I could totally see men fronting major cash for her. She was HOT back in the day. And that whole powder on her nose last year was highly suspect.

Has Enty ever stated on this blog that he runs blind answers in the Random Photos? I always thought it was kinda like urban legend.

Anonymous said...

@Susan: The blind actually says she is C- right now but was headed for A list status "not that long ago".

Anonymous said...
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Centaurea said...

Tara Reid was not headed up the ladder of fame though. She was never higher then a B-. Not saying she doesn't get paid for it, just not 25k and ruining her "career."

von said...

I don't think it's Uma. The blind implies that the actress in question was running out of money and doing this stuff to get money. Uma's bf is loaded, seriously loaded. She doesn't need to sell herself. She just hangs with him and enjoys the life. The coke problem fits and her little stint on Smash but she doesn't need the money. Plus, even with her slower career she's not a C-.

Tara Reid is C- but she doesn't have a recent TV credit and she was hardly on her way to A list status.

Heather Graham has been working consistently for years and years. Also, not recent TV stint.

Susan said...

Olivia - It also says "she might even have A-list name recognition." I took that to mean close to A-list name rec now.

Audrey said...

@ Susan, I think I remember Enty some referencing random photos regarding blinds long ago, but it was never a rule, per se. But, over time, one can see how the most popular subjects of the blinds end up in random photos. Or, perhaps it's "chicken before the egg"?

Anyhow, I'm calling on "old timers" to set me straight on the random photos/blind items link. :)

Susan said...

@Olivia - In my realm, A++ are Pitt and Clooney. Maybe the blind would be easier to solve if we figure out who the A++ actor is. Anyone have any thoughts??

London Ali said...

I like the Julia Stiles Guess. What if the A++ actor is Heath Ledger. When 10 Things I Hate About You came out, she was bigger than he, but he wound up on top.

Anonymous said...

@Susan: If you scroll up a bit you'll see that I posted a long list of the names of all famous actors Uma has co-starred with.

Pick out the A++ from the list.

I see George Clooney, Ben Affleck, and ???

Audrey said...

Julie Stiles does not have A list name recognition. That's why Uma is a good guess (and perhaps Tara), all demographics know Uma's name.

Pazitively Hot said...

If you look at Umas history she's quite famous in the foreign countries... her mother is european socialite and former model. Alot of her publicity contracts in these last few years have been foreign - Asia, mideast, france.... these are places where she cld get caught up in the cash deals.

It doesn't matter how rich your boyfriend is, it matters more how much your salary for being his girlfriend is.

I think A++ costar is BEN AFFLECK from movie PAYCHECK in 2003 ... which fits nicely with the timeline.

I think the movie she spent all money on drugs was BE COOL in 2005 which officially she made 3 million, but figure the taxes and fees - she ended up with 1 million.

Also, Uma strikes me as classy and I do think she would keep her mouth quiet.

Now for the recent blind item connection...not sure

Audrey said...

@ Paz... I'm really leaning towards Uma, especially when so much of her contracts were for merchandise, i.e. watches, diamonds, etc.

Kringlebert Fistyebuns said...

I'm going with either Ashley Judd or Uma Thurman

Audrey said...

So "many" of her contracts...oy, my apologies!

Anonymous said...

I think Uma Thurman is close to having A list name recognition.

@Susan: Do you think Ben Affleck could be considered flirting with A++ list status?

Anonymous said...

@PAZ: I'm on board with the Uma Thurman Ben Affleck guess.

That's my final answer!

Anonymous said...

And the "popular franchise" was Kill Bill

Kate16 said...

Ouch, my apologies. I'm sorry if I came across as rude. I guess the internet has no tone.
I guess I won't refute why I think Catherine Zeta-Jones or Lindsay Lohan are bad ideas, I was merely trying to say that this is a difficult blind with a lot of components.
I actually think Uma's a good guess except you're putting her going off the rails post Ethan Hawke, right?
March 2003 to 2006 she's with André Balazs and then in June 2008 she's engaged to Arpad Busson. They could have been passing her around, and it's possible this was 2006 to 2008 but she was starring in projects in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Granted they weren't super successful but she was still clearly working and 'together'. Someone thought she could carry a movie. (And her co-stars in these projects are Colin Firth, Luke Wilson, Evan Rachel Wood...)
$25k is not a lot of money to pay for a night with a 'star' (they drop that much on bar tabs) so to me that suggests a hint of desperation.
It still could be her, though.
Now I'm going to go back to lurking lest you feel the need to attack me again.

kinda said...
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kinda said...

Considering Tara might be it and since she has not had any movie work to speak for a while How else was she making a living???

I think it might be her or maybe someone on this list of actresses from 2007...which is part of the link someone else on here posted from facebook...

10:52 PM

J-Mo said...

UMA THURMAN has an A-List name: uma -oprah, uma -oprah.Has a caring family and is a known chain-smoker. Travelling in Europe on yachts and on five episodes of Smash!!!!!

J-Mo said...

My comment disappeared! It is UMA THURMAN! Took breaths away in her prime, was in Kill Bill, discrete with a caring family. Travelling in Europe on yachts and in 5 episodes of SMASH!!!!!!!!

MondelloRanchEngineering said...

Alright I have to turn in for the night, but I wanted to say this to everyone before I do.

Thanks to everyone for letting me lurk so long before actually typing stuff in the comments. It took me a long time before I (think I) had anything useful to add. Thanks for all the amazing info you all bring. I Wish I could remember those details.

Thanks Enty for getting me so addicted to blind items. You rock! Except for the part where I now want to waste time at work researching the clues.

And to you know who, you gave me the tools to finally figure out how these blind items work. I sure wish you and yours the best.

To everyone else, you rock too. Best hearts I've encountered in a while. Remember, MOST people are good at heart. Some, though, are like what has been mentioned in the recent past. My brain is still processing that.

And darn it, I'm now not sure. I will have to research Uma tomorrow. You guys are so sure, and you've almost always been right in the past.

Good night all. I'm beat.

Janet said...


ardleighstreet said...

Gina Gershon.

Vicki said...

@kinda, you might be right.

that list contains the following exact wording in relation to who is and who isn't A-list:

"Halle Berry is almost there. [...] she is right on the edge every year of A list B list".

You look at her on IMDB and there's a noticeable gap between 2006/7 and 2010/11. Only thing is, it doesn't seem like Enty likes her that much, whereas he seems to have a soft spot for the blind.

Uma is the other strong guess,but looking at IMDB there's not a lot of space in there.. did a bit every year, a year off here and there but fairly consistent if low-profile work.

Beats me.

Vicki said...

Nah, then again there's no other fit for Halle B except for Enty's wording in the Alist entry. Strike my comment.

jtwriter said...

Long time lurker, first time posting. I have to say for a gossip blog, I've been extremely impressed by how respectful and nice you all are to one another! And I've been extremely DE-pressed by how dark all the gossip is but like a train wreck, I can't look away!

The Uma guess really makes sense and when Enty says "the biggest clue I can give you is that she dated someone who also dated a blind item star of the past few weeks," Uma still makes sense because if you look at Whos Dated Who, Andre Balazs, who dated Uma, also dated Renee Zellweger, who I believe was the popular guess for the Passed Around Like Candy blind.

Jennifer H. said...

Audrey, you are correct. There is no rule that the blind item is always revealed in the photos. I would say it's probably not even typical.

JRG said...
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JRG said...

Tara actually headlined/hostessed a club event called, wait for it....the "Hooker Ball" in Australia back in 2007. Apparently she was also booked to perform in the wet tee shirt contest.
As a teenager, when American Pie came out, I distinctly remember my friends and I talking about how "hot" she was. Her stock was definitely on the rise for a short moment there.
And yes, sadly, there are guys who would pay $25,000 to sleep with her, just so they could say they did.
I hope she can get her life back together.

JRG said...
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JRG said...

Tara, actually headlined/hostess a club event called, wait for it....the "Hooker Ball" in Australia back in 2007. Apparently she was also booked to perform in the wet tee shirt contest.
As a teenager when American Pie came out I distinctly remember my friends and I talking about how "hot" she. Her stock was definitely on the rise for a short moment there.
And yes, sadly, there are guys who would pay $25,000 to sleep with her, just so they could say they did.
I hope she can get her life back together.

Beth said...

I don't think this is anyone who is married or has children. I think Enty would have mentioned that.

Vita19 said...

This imples Kirsten Dunst - The clue " the time drove guys crazy". She was in the film 'CRAZY'.

Raffy said...

Christina Ricci?

I've noticed she's resurfaced lately and the franchise could've been The Adams Family?

dia papaya said...

@Felicity - What What What?!?

I'm changing my guess to Heather Graham. She seems like she could be discreet through all of this and attractive enough to appeal to men and women for 25K.

I second everthing that @crila16 mentioned but would change the A++ actor to my beloved Kevin Spacey. They starred together in Father of Invention (2010). He's of the age when "problems" set in. And don't start with the KS is gay stuff so this can't be true. I love KS! Leave my KS alone...

But she doesn't seem to have the huge break Enty mentions, just a string of crappy movies. I don't want it to be her though. Rather it was Tara Reid.

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...
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dia papaya said...

Stupid Blogger! Just read all the new Uma guesses.

Well hmmmm. This is an interesting spin and a lot of it makes sense. But she has kids and Enty usually mentions that.

What about an Uma & Heather pie providing sex therapy to the wealthy of the world?

crila16 said...

It's not Tara Reid. What guest spot TV shows has she been on in the last 18 months since her heart attack when she started reconnecting with people from the past. NONE!!! what world was Tara Reid ever an A or even almost A list? Never. Mena Suvari was closer to A list than Tara Reid ever was. Sticking with Heather Graham guess.

Also not Uma. Uma reached A list status for quite a while (or at least held a B+ status for quite a while), plus was married and is married again, with children. She's not out sleeping around. She's too busy.

Amber said...

I really like the Uma guess. I realize it says that "she" was relapsing, and people have argued that Uma would've been pregnant at the time. However, that ignores the fact that addicts are ADDICTS. All too often being pregnant is just a minor inconvenience, hence "crack babies" and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Amber said...

I did look at the Katie Cassidy bit, and she was in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Wasn't that a franchise back in the day?

twirldawg said...

Tara was a guest in the Celebrity Big Brother house. Its not a big deal here,but it's popular in the UK.

gegik said...

Tara Reid wasnt, isnt and will never be a A List... not even close.

Anonymous said...

Kate Hudson.

Beth said...

@dia papaya -- While I am increasingly inclined to support the Heather Graham guess, there is no way she was helping Kevin Spacey. He's gay.

Sis Cesspool said...

Wow. Now you're crashing NA meetings?

Anonymous said...

Tara Reid and the ex she shares with a previous blind item is Carson Daly from the PO5/JLH blind (who also dated JLH)

happygrl said...

I got it! Ashley Tisdale. She was on Suite Life on Deck which would be the ship refrence and the HSM movies.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

@Ryan - A very late giggle to you for the dig at Jules Kirby. I appreciate it, good sir.

Lisa said...

First time poster here. I was randomly looking at Wes Bentley's IMDB page last night and saw this:

In 2010, told The New York Times that he spent most of the 2000s seriously addicted to drugs including cocaine and heroin, and that he only took the few acting roles that he did so that he would have money to buy drug.

That makes me wonder if is Mena.

CaliGirlinVA said...

Yes, I think drinks with Felicia would be FUN!

Court said...

How about Milla Jovovich?
Not sure if it fits completely, but she had a franchise and was included in today's RP with Enty saying he missed her. She certainly has the name recognition and I could see people paying tons of money to be with her. Just a different guess!
I don't think Tara Reid could command that money any day...

rc71 said...

Kate Bosworth

Angela said...

It's Tara Reid.
Remember this blind item from a few years ago about a guy from New Jersey who had just won some lottery and spent some time in LA, was with Enty at a party, where coincidentally Tara Reid was. She was interested in him because she assumed he was wealthy, and was ecstatic when they realized they were both from New Jersey. She ended up spending the weekend with him.
Tara Reid was never close to A-list (unless co-starring in "Alone In The Dark" fits) and her antics have been largely documented, so I think Enty oversells her to make her fall look more tragic. But otherwise, everything in the description fits her.
Franchise: check
Great name recognition: check (but mostly because of the train wreck reputation)
Doing promotions: check
Time in Europe: check (the TV show "Taradise")
Guest spot on a very popular show: could be the UK Celebrity Big Brother
Indie movie: Last Call

KimiShuffs said...

I originally thought it was Julia Stiles but after looking at it some more I have to agree that this is Tara Reid.

Franchise - American Pie
Indie Movie - The Fields
Guest Spot - UK Big Brother
Feature Film - American Reunion

I read on sfgate blog that Tara could no longer command $26k appearance fees and had to reduce them to $3000 to keep getting gigs.

The A++ actor is Ryan Reynolds and co-stared with her in Van Wilder.

The very popular hit comedy was That 70's Show and the party was Wilmer's 25th birthday party held at Ashton Kutchers restaurant at the time.

She was doing the supposed honeymoom thing on the yacht in Greece when she overdosed.

Carson Daly is the blind item boyfiend

Star80 said...
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Del Riser said...

This is a complete guess, I'm terrible at these and I didn't look up anything to substantiate my guess.

Helen Hunt.

XCentric said...

I think it's Tara Reid. There was a blind a while back about an actress who was in a threesome with Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez. A lot of ppl assumed it was her.

Ray said...

I still do not see Tara Reid ever having her name over movies. Not that much. I hate these blinds. I need instant satisfaction in the debauchery of society.

CaliGirlinVA said...

I was going through past Reveals and found Tara Reid referenced as C+ with A list name recognition. A reveal about Heather Graham ( liking them young...seen kissing an 18 year old with her hands on his ass) listed her as B-.

I withdraw my Heather guess. Now, it's Tara vs. Uma.

babo said...

Hi everybody, I am long time lurker from Europe on this site ...

This BI stayed with me the whole weekend. I thought there were hints in the BI that were not used: the fact that the actress took coke for 4 years straight before getting out of this mess 18 months ago.

That puts us at an up and coming acress around 2005-2006. One of the big hits around that time is Kate Bosworth (Beyond the Sea, 2004) and a franchise (Superman, 2006). Since then, not much but for a couple of roles in small, indie movies around 2010-2011, which leaves the right time gap to fit the BI.

As for appearances, she is listed as a guest on Jimmy Fallon in 2011 among others.

I don t know much about KB but it seems to fit... said...

2 things that stand out to me: the chain smoking and the "too cracked out..." I worked on scrubs when Heather Graham was there and never saw her smoking. Doesn't mean she doesn't or she could have quit. But every smoker I know who works on a TV or film set, when they have a spare 2 minutes, they're smoking. Now, onto the "too cracked out..." I have never sen heather looking that way ever. If you're doing that much blow, your body is going to go through changes (look at tara reid, the olsens, etc - you could see how bad they looked). Never saw photos of Heather looking like that.

News said...

Heather Graham appeared on a HBO Sex and the City episode. Perhaps the only one fit and attractive for 25,000 per night. It made me laugh for hours to think someone would pay that for Julia Stiles ;) hilarious…
Tara Reid is now married to a cute greek entrepreneur, sold the pics of her wedding to few magazines. I can only think otherwise about Winona, not sure why

News said...

Uma Thurman, NEVER,saw her in a lunch at a sports club. She is quite the mummy, always by her man, nurturing her healthy children and it is NOT someone who would sleep around. It reminds me of my grandma, typical conservative, and she has been with Arpad for ages. They both love picnics and go horse riding on weekends. I mean, it is not her at all.

Leslie said...

OK so no one threw this name out there and she is the first one I thought of - CAMERON DIAZ and yes she has been on a lot of yachts. Other than that I am lost and I do not think looking at Tara Reid anyone would pay that much.

Presto said...

I just stumbled upon one of these older blinds and found this comment by Himmmm at the 2:08pm mark:

Further confirms my beliefs that the subject of this blind is Lindsay Lohan.

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