Monday, March 19, 2012

Your Turn

The worst baby name you have ever heard? It is fine to include a celebrity baby name, but you must know good ones out there. I once knew someone who named their child Panda. The couple met at a zoo and it was their favorite animal.


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Junebug said...

My sister went to school with Patrick Hiscock (goes by the nickname "Pat").
My cousin knew a Crystal Ball.

In Quebec, there was a couple who named their child, "ABCDE" (pronounced Absidee)

I've heard of a Lottie Dawe, as well.

TeacherFromTN said...

I teach third grade, and we had a Panda at our school. When Panda was in third grade, a new little boy came several weeks after school started. The new friend sidled up next to his teacher to ask rather quietly if that was her real name, then proceeded to say how odd it was. The funny thing was his middle name was Two Feathers!

Christiane said...

Hahahaha what a great thread! Some truly impressive(ly ugly) names out there.

I knew a Mercedes and a AprilFairy Root (name and surname). It was spelt AprilPhairy or something to make matters worse and kids would add an extra period in there in between the P and H.

SoberSista said...

My hairdresser named her daughter MyShadow.



I wept.

Jesse D said...

@Texshan - I am forever in your debt for introducing me to STFU Parents. Hours of entertainment.

La Pachuquita said...

A friend's last name means "spiny nipple" in her language. I am guilty of teasing her about it, but to be fair it is the only ammunition I have against her.

SoberSista said...

Oh, I can't believe I forgot my cousin's name. It's pronounced Generic, spelled Ger-ner-ique (dashes added to he can't google). His mother was a religious nut at the time, and wanted to name him something generic to keep him "humble." He hates it and to this day will only answer to G. I don't blame him.

mooshki said...

Seachica, they just used that Adolf Hitler story in Southland. God, I love that show.

Unknown said...

heard this on the radio about a couple who had their baby in a bathroom...yep, they proudly named the baby girl 'Toiletta' (TWA-letta)!

Robert said...

Former New Hampshire congressman Richard "Dick" Swett? How about calling yourself Rick?

NYCGirl said...

Grace Slick aside, my mother really did meet a kid named God.

Tatyana said...

"Kaede (I'm assuming Katie)"

Kaede is a perfectly legitimate Japanese name, Xenia, a Russian one. Aren't y'all being to fixated on everyone having an Anglo-Saxon name?

Kate Bee said...

My cousin named her baby Cobra. And it's a girl. And they're from Bradford. So try pronouncing the name with an accent like Mel B's: "Cooobraah". Dire. The child will grow up being the butt (tee hee) of all the penis jokes. She should defo hook up with baby Panda and they could drown their miseries together. I mean, at least the sound and the connotations of Panda aren't horrid like Cobra.

Lola King said...

There is a boy in my daughter's school whose brother is named Seark (pronounced Shark). Poor kid

Admin said...

I overheard someone's name on the bus: Cinema. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was spelled Sinnama. Parents need to imagine a shady guy in a DJ booth announcing "gentlemen, welcome to the stage...Sinnama!" before they name their kids. Does it sound like it fits in at a strip club? Maybe try something else.

Unknown said...

Co-sign this....Tulane Duke was my principal when I was in middle school. Horrid name!

Unknown said...

Co-sign this....Tulane Duke was my principal when I was in middle school. Horrid name!

Unknown said...

Co-sign this...Ms. Duke was my principal in middle school, I believe, or maybe it was elementary school. Regardless, the name is 100% real.

I have heard some doozies, but the best were some names my hubby came across while reviewing some paperwork for displaced citizens after a hurricane. My favorites were LaCocky and Shititty. These were first names. Sadly, I am NOT making these up!

Digital Influence said...

I know a Fashion, Chinese (pronounced Shin-ese), Asian,Nalej(pronounced knowledge) and Aquanetta. Parents can be so cruel lol.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Totally forgot Matthew McConaughey's older brother, Rooster! Yes, that's just a nickname, but he actually named his son -- wait for it -- Miller Lyte McConaughey. No lie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my pleasure, Jesse D. I love that site. It makes my withered, unused uterus happy.

cma said...

End of discussion.

Iwinjen said...

Shan Tilly

Iwinjen said...

Not the worst but funny ... Shan Tilly

AKM said...

@WUWT? - Oh jeez, at this point, the one I was going to say is nothing. It's more just stupid-sounding than bad, I suppose. My family member thinks she made it up, but I Googled and it actually means "courses" -- like college courses? -- in Czech. So, yeah, I guess I set this all up for nothing, really. Heheheheh. :-)

shan said...

I heard a mom yell in a store to her daughter "Dijonaise get over here" and I had an elderly patient years ago named Clorine and I know it's mentioned earlier but I also had a patient named Velveeta

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