Thursday, April 19, 2012

About Mel Gibson

I finally listened to the recording that Joe Eszterhaus' son made in Costa Rica of Mel Gibson going on one of his famous rants. I don't know if they are a product of booze or just that the booze has damaged his mind so much that it is affecting his brain and what he says. I do know that he called Joe a liar until Joe produced the recording. Mel also called Oksana a liar until she produced a recording. It sounds like Mel still hates her and I worry that one day he will be with the daughter he has with Oksana and maybe have a drink or two and that this rage will transform itself and somehow his daughter will end up hurt or dead. There is a lot of violence in Mel and I think if something does happen to his daughter, people will say they never thought it would get like this. The man did this rant in front of kids, so you think he would not do something violent other than knocking down furniture and throwing phones? Remember what he did to Oksana and how he threatened to kill her? Imagine what goes on when Mel is not in front of "houseguests, staff and children."


Henriette said...

Mel has 20 kids with his first wife, and they are all still alive, so I don't know about one kid being in danger.

Topper Madison said...

To me this doesn't sound like a man who is in anyway in control of his behavior. I'm waiting for the video of him ranting naked on a public street corner.

Patty said...

Alcohol kills...
It killed his looks.
It killed the admiration people had for him and his talent.
It killed any decency he may have had and fuels his hate.

I miss the Mel Gibson from Lethal Weapon and Bravehart days. His rants, drunken or otherwise have destroyed him for me. I will watch is old movies but wish that his future had a different outcome.

Cathy said...

As disgusting as his rants are, I'm kind of glad that he had them... that way, I know what a disgusting excuse for a human being he is and know not to support any of his movies. I'm sure he had the same anti-semetic, racist views even when he was at his peak; he was just better at concealing them then.

timebob said...

personally my favorite line is "Who wants to eat? Who the fuck wants to eat? Go have something to eat. Hurraaayyyyy!"

Even when he is a raging lunatic his comedic timing is spot on.

I don't think he would hurt his daughter either. I get the feeling he wants to be the "hero" to the kids and just takes his shit out on the mother's and co-workers.

mikey said...

The husband I just left, after many years, also drank and raged. It's horrible. Now that he's in counseling he claims he doesn't remember raging and that he's a changed person. Too bad for him, I do remember all the rage he spewed in my direction. It's a horrible way to live.

Ms Cool said...

I don't think I've ever heard someone so angry. I don't know what to say other than I feel sorry for the people in his life that have to deal with that.

Elizabeth said...

I think he's a danger to his daughter and to himself. In Ezterhas' nine page letter, he describes all these incidents and Mel called him a liar. When you listen, it is consistent with what Eszterhas described, even the knocking down of the totem pole. Eszterhas said the house staff were sending their children to leave the house. Yes, I could see something bad happening eventually.

Anonymous said...

Oh please! Mel Gibson may be a verbal raving lunatic, but I seriously doubt he would ever hurt one of his kids. He's got many with his first wife, Robyn and to my knowledge she NEVER asked that he have supervised visitation with them, which tells me she had no concerns in that regard.

I believe Oksana is more than likely a gold-digging biotch and Mel feels used. Does that mean he's going to do something to his daughter? No.

AbderianLaughter said...

I tend to think if you have that much hate for someone's mother, it's going to show through in how you treat them -- even if it's just talking nasty about the kid's mother in front of them, that does damage.

Alcohol plays a huge, huge factor in early dementia...Mel seems like he has zero self-control over his emotions. Pretty sad for a grown man with so much money and resources.

Evil Kumquat said...

Spending the last forty years of your life being convinced by all the sycophants surrounding you that your shit doesn't stink just sets your psyche up for a huge letdown when the time comes when you realize you're a putz.

Frankly, though, I've never understood the motivations behind people like Mel who literally have enough money and fame to buy themselves out of almost any situation up to and including murder, yet still act as if their world is coming to an end because they aren't getting their way anymore.

Gibson's rants sound like a desperate child backed into a corner of his own bad decisions where everything he tries to extricate himself backfires.

emma yardy said...

He sounds absolutely wandered to me! Those kids must have been petrified!

Elizabeth said...

FW, Mel's behavior seems progressive. Did he do this when he was younger? Probably not. But if you listen to the Oksana recordings on RadarOnline, this is how he is now. Eszterhas said Mel told his son he wanted to rape Oksana anally while stabbing her to death. What kind of brain even comes up with such a thing, much less says it to a 15 year old while they're walking to the beach.

emma yardy said...

*wankered...damn autocorrect! Lol

nettalovesrobin said...

I dont know why anyone would ever want to be a fan, marry, or want to work with him. Why r some celebs villianized and blacklisted and others r free to do what they want. He is a sexist racist shit and will ALWAYS be that way!

Connie151 said...

I would definitely be concerned about his daughter with Oksana...when he's that unhinged, I don't think anyone could safely predict that she's not in danger. especially if it is progressive behavior or dependent on whether he's drinking or not.

angie said...

I'm convinced he's bipolar.

BigMama said...

We have often, on here, commented about people we would love to sit and have a few drinks with. No, I am not saying Mel. I would, however, love to take his ex-wife out for a few. I bet she has some incredible stories to tell. I honestly think Mel needs some serious medication. I don't say this irronically, I actually think he is clinically nuts. Being so famous with so many lackies, he probably is in extreme denial about it. For all his children's sake, I hope he get help. I have a friend who's husband went from great guy to raging lunitic after about 25 years of marriage. She says she doesn't even know him now, I imagine his ex-wife would probably say the same thing.

L'auteur said...

I think this is more than bipolar--he may also have a personality disorder such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder or more likely Borderline Personality Disorder.

I've read comments about Mel's answer to Joe E. Almost to a person, they support Mel Gibson. I'm shocked at the loyalty people have for him. He has a history of violence and anti-Semitic rants. With so many supporters and sycophants, there's no way this will end well.

Brenda L said...

I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to just LET IT ALL OUT. For someone like me, it might be pretty invigorating.

Litre-a-cola said...

Just because his ex-wife didn't ask for his visitation to be supervised when they first divorced, doesn't mean she wouldn't do it TODAY. I bet he had his moments with her back in the day, but I'm sure his anger/rage has severely progressed.

auntliddy said...

Yes, WHAT he says is crazy and disturbing. What I want to know is, why is everyone taping him? Wtf is that about? How do we know that people just incite him to get a reaction, and then tape it. You dont tape your friends unless u r trying to help them.
And yes, I think his brain is fried on alcohol, and mb he does hv dementia or bi polar disease. He shld go domewhere, detox, and try to live healthy, and see what, if any meds he needs.
In the interium, everyone stop taping each ither snd teleasing it to the public!!!!!!

Pookie said...

holy crap, that's some serious rage. that can't possibly be normal, not even for a colossal douche like him. do we know if he's ever gotten any help/rehab/something? so sad for his kids.

Lauren Vento said...

That is not a normal angry rant, that is someone who needs therapy, meds, and possibly rehab. I have never seen someone scream like that. Terrifying.

Pink_Palace said...

Mel needs some kind of rehab stat. On the other hand, am I the only one who remembers Joe Eszterhaus's crap? I remember some scandalous headlines about how he left his wife or had a blatant affair around the Basic Instinct time period. Sounds like a couple of crummy guys to me. Eszterhaus has just managed to keep his personal life out of the public eye ever since.

AKM said...

I don't even know what to think. I cannot believe this man was my big crush 20 years ago. YIKES. That's...all I can say.

Kelly Simmons said...

The reason so many actors and directors in Hollywood are so supportive of him? Because they understand he is mentally ill and off his meds.

Kelly Simmons said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

Mental illness? Bipolar?? Alcoholic? How about he's just an asshole who has managed to keep his true colors from showing for the better part of his career.

About 15 years ago he made racist demeaning comments towards some of my co-workers so I've known for some time what kind of a prick he is.

A man who makes negative remarks/verbally abusive about his wife, ex-girlfriend is inexcusable. I don't doubt for one second that his children have been subjected to his verbal abuse or heard him abuse others. There is no way i would allow this misogynistic lunatic near my children to poison their minds with his filthy baggage.

This is beside the point, but I laughed when I saw his height listed at 5'10". The guy is about 5'6". Short man syndrome??

Erin said...

I'm glad you got out alive @mikey. My ex is sober now, but it hasn't made him less selfish.

KatD said...

As someone who grew up around an alcoholic and drug addict and experienced similar situations on a regular basis, it sounds like he's under the influence. The man needs help. Lots of it. I hope he gets it. The addict I grew up around got the help he needed and is a completely different person today and would never have an outburst like Mel's now. During the days he used, his outbursts would easily rival Mel's or outdo them.

nettalovesrobin said...

Mental health my ass! Whatever it is he wont get help if people just excuse it with mental health. That still isnt an excuse, he should get help then.

Me2 said...

one thing I've not seen in the reports of this rant & recording is...

when precisely was it recorded? Didn't mel sell his estate in costa rice like a month ago?

not being an apologist I too was married to a violet drunk and wouldn't tolerate it ever again.

But I'm quite honestly wondering if this recording was made months ago when Mel was still undergoing anger management.

saying those things in front of a kid is TERRIBLE but WTF made Joe leave his child around a man with those problems?

ardleighstreet said...

I feel sorry for his kids.
He obviously has issues but why someone feels the need to tape it is beyond me. Now everyone in the world knows...including his kids peers.

I'm also agreeing with Me. Who the hell lets their kid around someone in a rage???

Me2 said...

*shaking* man I just listened to the recording. *still shaking inside*

it brought back terrible memories (that i'll keep to myself thanks) and i couldn't get more than a third of the way thru.

its a bit dificult for me to believe based on that recording, that mel's issues were taken care of healed or fixed (pick your favorite phrase) by anger management.

I hope he is on medication or some kind of stronger therapy. I love his body of work and will continue to watch his films but that recording was horrible I couldn't listen to the end.

Elizabeth said...

The recording was made in December, four months ago. What's interesting is, according to Eszterhaus, the house staff were frightened of Mel and sent their children away. His home is remote, as you would expect, so it's not like these guests could easily leave. Mel selling the house makes this event seem all the more real. Maybe the local gossip there became too much.

He invited these guests to stay at his vacation house, then goes nuts. "Who wants to eat?!" Yeah, thanks Mel, not hungry, can I go now? But this vacation is a script in the making.

Opie said...

Yes if this was at his Costa Rica compound it is remote and hard to get to/leave so everyone probably stays there in guest houses, including staff and their family's. You don't fly all the way out there to do work for only a few days so the writer brought his son and they were probably all stuck there for a week.
So Mel and the son go walking down to his private beach and Mel starts talking about anal rape and killing of his baby Momma, I can see it. And yes, I think THIS should be turned into a movie!
Maybe he had a mini stroke that he does not even know about. That changed my grandma from cranky into raging psycho crazy bitch, so can amplify the mean in a person and they start speaking without filters. I think he has always been mean/bigot, but something has changed where he can't control it anymore. And hell yes, if I was there I would turn on my phone recording b/c this is just insanity and you want the world to know how disturbed this person is.

Elizabeth said...

Eszterhas said his son slept with a knife from the kitchen. I think his son recorded it because that's what a fifteen year old would do. Mel should not have denied it and called Eszterhas a liar. Especially when there were so many witnesses.

seaward said...

Come on, people. Use your brains. He never did anything to his kids with his ex wife because he doesn't have boiling over the top LUNATIC LEVEL rage directed towards her. He does towards Oksana, what the hell makes you think this batshit insane asshole won't at some point direct that rage at a smaller, weaker, powerless version of Oksana??

ForSure said...

I really wish that Mel would go to that place in Arizona that Stevie Nicks and others go to, the ones that are really motivated to get better. He could do about 60 days there and they could probably take care of all of this anger, hatred, and whatever else inside him. Maybe I'm just being naive, but I would like to see the return of the guy that made Lethal Weapon and hosted SNL.

kim said...

Where is he when we need Himmmm? Reality check folks, consider the source of this one. Eszterhas is no prize in the gentleman contest.

Elizabeth said...

Don't know about Eszterhas (liked Music Box and Basic Instinct) but he did have the recorded proof, there are other witnesses and Mel sold the house right after.

supapimp said...

Paging himmmm...paging himmmm

chopchop said...

I believe Mel was once a solid person but his demons/mental illness/addictions/whatever you wanna call it have taken over. I've seen it happen. I was Daddy's Little Girl. Sure, my father had moments when he could be a dick to us when I was a kid, but now? He's gone. I haven't spoken to him in about 10 years ... I don't even know who he is anymore. Any shred of who he used to be is completely gone and whatever it is has taken over. I think this is the case with Mel Gibson as well.

RJ said...

I think he has serious mental issues that he self-medicates with alcohol and other drugs. I also wonder if he isn't taking something to stop drinking. I know there is a prescription medicine that people can take to help them stop drinking. I know for some people Chantix (that may be spelled wrong - it is the drug many take to stop smoking) helps with drinking, but there is another drug that I can't remember. The drug I can't remember predates Chantix by several years. Anyway, I knew a man who took this other drug years ago to stop drinking, and it did help with the drinking but then he started having CRAZY mood swings. He was sort of hard to get along with before he started taking the drug and it got a lot worse. He had to stop taking the drug, started drinking again, and a few years later died from health complications related to alcoholism. It was a very sad story. Mel's behavior makes me wonder what he might be taking. And yes, I think his out of control rage does make him dangerous. Not just to Oksana and their daughter, but to anyone.

ChasingHeaven said...

I thought Himmmm supports Mel because of how Mel treated Himmmm back in the day. Which, again, it seems who Mel was then is not who Mel is now. Either way, you can't incite someone to say the things he said in rage if it wasn't already there in him. Record me for a year, get me enraged, saying where I'd bury the body or how I'd want to stab someone wouldn't come out of my mouth. He's too volatile, no one is safe. Just because he hasn't physically hurt one of his kids (that we know of before) doesn't mean this behavior shouldn't warrant us to think the potential is there for that now.

P.S. Enough with the bi-polar diagnosis to everything.

libby said...

Despite my hatred of this man, I do believe he's truly, irretrievably mentally ill, not just a substance abuser, and has reached the point where he needs hospitalization. Permanent retirement.
For his dignity, and to save taxpayer $$$, he should be placed on house arrest w/ a LARGE, MALE psych nurse 24/7. I think he's definitely a danger to himself and others, and is deteriorating markedly over the years.

I spent my childhood with a rage-filled alcoholic, and I've known mentally ill people. He pings much more on the side of mentally ill & self-medicating than simply a long-time drunk. jme

Liz said...

As I stated above, people who had the misfortune of dealing with him on non-public personal and professional matters have known for a long time what an asshole he was. The only difference is that some people decided that they would not continue to look the other way.

It's sad that people like him get lumped in with other truly mentally ill people. I hear the words mentally ill and addicts thrown around way too often to try and excuse the vile behavior of grown adults. One can never convince me that a disease like cancer compares close to that of drug/alcohol addiction. An addict who truly wants to get clean and takes responsibility for their actions can kick their habit, but a cancer patient can't just "kick" their disease.

Robin AND his children I'm sure were subjected to his behavior, but for whatever reason she chose to stay.

libby said...

I just want to be clear that I mean no disparagement of mental illness. I don't normally talk about it, but I am technically 'mentally ill' myself and am currently disabled from work for it (it's bad). Unlike my parents, I never self-medicated with alcohol though. If I did, I'd probably act just like Mel at my worst(without the hitting or antisemitism).

I just didn't want to sound dismissive of anyone with an illness. You'd be surprised how many of us you know.

Leslie said...

Long term alcohol abuse messes with your brain. It tends to make you think that everything is all about you and anything anyone does can be turned into something they have done against that person. 2 people in my life lately have turned into paranoia blamers just like Mel. It is best to step away, no one can help them, and it is sad. In the end they end up alienating all the real people who truly cared about them. I do not see a happy ending for Mel and that is sad. I prefer to remember him in his Braveheart days.

Sis said...

It sounds like Enty might have some other information about Mel's violence for him to be concerned about Mel's young daughter.

Sis Cesspool said...

Gibson is mentally ill, and Eszterhaus is disgusting for putting this forth as an excuse for his shit writing.

Gotta love Hollywood.

Steppy said...

I think Mel's kids will be just fine. Most of us have grown up with parents that rant/swear. I'd be more concerned about the money grubbing whore mother.

mooshki said...

I wouldn't worry too much, Steppy. After all, a lot of politicians' kids turn out just fine.

Snautrag said...

Remember when he had Britney Spears down there after her breakdown.

Trébuchet said...

I don't know if it's mental or from alcohol abuse, but the stroke idea is pretty cool. There's really no healing from that kind of brain damage; like @opie above, I've seen an older woman go from bad to criminally dangerous after a mini-stroke. The change is shocking, and nobody (professionals) knows how to deal with it (ahem, state hospital and lots of haldol).

And I think MG did some awesome work through his career, then there was a definite change (in his work and his demeanor) in a relatively short period of time.

kim said...

* This isn't the first time Eszterhas has written a scathing letter that he "leaked" to the press. Back in 1989, he had a well-documented feud with Mike Ovitz. In that letter, he accused Ovitz of trying to blackmail him amongst other things.
* In Eszterhas' 752 page memoir (blowhard much?), he re-invents history and repeatedly takes credit for others' accomplishments.
* Eszterhas acknowledges his own father as an anti-semite. Rejection by Mel -> transference of feelings and self-hatred?

Mel is no angel but it sounds like he's not the only one that needs help.


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