Monday, April 09, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Buys Casper A Truck

Casper does not need to keep borrowing Jennifer Lopez's cars to drive her everywhere. Now he can drive the truck she bought him for his birthday and follow her driver and wait for her in his truck alone until she is finished and gets back in her car and he follows her home. I don't think Jennifer is going to get shuttled around in Casper's truck. She got him a Dodge Ram which is a fine truck, but I don't see Jennifer hopping in and out of it. Well, at least Casper will have some nice parting gifts when he gets dumped. For the next 20 years when he is driving that truck he can tell everyone who gave it to him. Or he might sell it right away after they break up. I can't decide which he would do. I think the fact that it is painted with Jennifer Lopez's image all over it would make it a big seller, but could be kind of embarrassing when she breaks up with him. I'm kind of surprised she did not get him a Fiat since she could probably get one for free.


  1. This whole relationship is so embarrassing, Casper tries so hard to act like a thug it's gross. I can't help but think that when they break up, Jennifer is going to look back one day and die of embarrassment that she ever dated him. There *are* adults that have the libido of a 22-year-old Jennifer.

  2. Is that a herpes sore or baby's first soul patch?

  3. A Fiat would have been more size appropriate for Casper than a big ole truck.

  4. I am shocked she didn't rent it. That way when she dumps him, she can stop paying the monthly payment.

  5. I had the same WTF feelings when she dated Ben Affleck. At least he was a (then) successful and wealthy actor who could afford to buy you nice things.

    Why? Why? Why? JLo. Why? He's not that good looking and he's short and your new video featuring him made me throw up in my mouth. He's just a spring break fling that you should have left at the beach!!!

    This farce makes me dislike her even more. Can we please send her to the KK and PH banishment area?

  6. Is he an actual boyfriend or is it just some kind of *insert male body for photo-ops* so it looks like she's moved on from her previous marriage? I just can't see this as being a real relationship - unless it's an employer/employee kind of thing. Maybe it's just me.

  7. Dizzel

    My iPhone wanted to spell Fizzle?!
    His mouth grosses me out!!!

    He still reminds me of Verne Troyer!

  8. Ah well, good sex makes you do really questionable things. Like thinking you are in love and stuff. Hey, she looks great and if she wants to have a fling with a young guy, more power to her. But I agree that parading it around and putting him in music videos and taking him to red carpet events - it's all a bit much. I mean, yeah, the Ben Affleck nuzzling her booty on video thing was embarrassing enough - you'd think she'd have learned. She needs a grown man who can give her what she needs. She always goes out with babies and little guys or kind of immature jerks.

  9. @Hannah Palindrome:
    He still reminds me of Verne Troyer!

    OMG, yes, THAT'S IT!!! lol

  10. Christ you guys are all so freaking bitter. Shes 42, looks fantastic, is worth well over 100mill, can have any man she choses, and choses hot younger men. Take a look at your life and compare.

  11. @Greg

    You think Verne Troyer is hot?!?

  12. Oh, to be a fly on the wall. Can you imagine what these two talk about?

  13. "Greg said...
    Take a look at your life and compare."

    Okay: I have not been married and divorced three times. I've never been involved in a nightclub shooting. I can't sing either, but I've never had a recording contract and used someone else's voice instead of my own. I have plenty of money but I don't feel the need to parade around half-naked, draped in fur, in $100,000+ cars to flaunt said wealth.

    Shall I go on?

  14. @chopchop- right on. I'm in good shape for my age, still get interest from young guys even tho I've been married (and faithful) for years and raised up some great kids. I'm not saying I'm better than JLo, but I certainly don't feel like I'm worse off, except in the money dept. And I'd love a new little Fiat for free, lol.

  15. @Chopshop

    Youre a fat bored houswife reading this from your couch. You can only DREAM of even fitting your leg into one of JLo's dresses.

    The fact that Enty has to make draw attention to the fact that JLo bought her man a truck means its a slow gossip Monday.

  16. Hey Princess: What thuggish things has Casper done? I haven't seen anything reported in the news. Does he have a criminal record or something? Any links?

  17. Dodge Ram pickup. Oxymoron Do you dodge it, than ram it? Do you ram it than dodge it? Stupid name.

    Unless he has photographic proof of sex with J-Lo in the vehicle, I doubt he would get much in resale.

    If he does have proof of sex with J-Lo in the vehicle, than I hope it stays locked in a vault somewhere. ewwww

  18. He's gross, and I hate that she spends so much time with him around her kids. He is temporary, and these kids will be so fucked up about relationships between her and Marc and their revolving door of boyfriends/girlfriends.

  19. Oh Borg Queen - you are dead on!

    I wonder if Casper (the friendly ghost) whined and wanted something flashier, like a Camaro.

  20. If Jennifer wants to get it on with some young/same age Donald Duck good for her, but I just wish she wouldn't parade him around. Unlike some people, I don't think she does it to make Marc jealous (please!), but because she cannot/won't keep her private life, PRIVATE.

  21. You know, JLo's love life is a total trainwreck but I have to agree that we certainly have a double standard when it comes to older wealthier women buying toys for their boys vs. dirty old men & their playthings.

    Just sayin'...

  22. @Greg- I don't think anyone here is bitter from envy; rather, we see Jennifer much the way that you do but don't get why she's selling all that short.

    She's hot, wealthy, and talented. Girl should be with a BOSS.

    There's something about this situation that feels embarrassing, like Madonna and baby Braheim. It feels like they're paying for attention, giving these boys jobs, cars, an allowance.

    I honestly think that Marc was very controlling and what she's getting from this is being with someone very sweet who knows she's in charge.

  23. @hunter

    I agree with you on the double standard. I think wealthy women should be able to have their playthings too. But this situation really irks me. Maybe it's because she parades him around like a tiny little purse dog. Maybe I don't want another wanna be rapper like KFed.

    In my mind, the difference is that older men have eye candy who look pretty and stay in the background. The ladies seem to have man/boys who don't know the "rules" of being a kept piece. I dont really like either situation, but the weak men gross me out.

    This topic should be a Your Turn. The sociology of it all!

  24. @Sarah

    Shes a 43yo gorgeous mega rich woman. I dont think shes complaining about her 'choices in men' at all.

    The housefrau's on this blog are tho.

  25. Enuf with the personal attacks, please. We're all just here to have a giggle.

    Are we sure it wasn't a Tonka truck?

  26. Casper, is that you?
    Talking to you Greg.
    You don't have to be fat, a housewife or jealous to dislike her.

  27. Greg/Casper, go back to Perez please. CDaN ain't like that. You asked a question and I answered it. I compared my life to hers ... I still like mine much better. Simple as that. You must be the one who hates his life so much you like to attack "hausfraus" on the internet LMFAO.

    Love you, Himmmm, but look what you've brought out here!

  28. To me, he just looks like such a punk! Photographs aside, it's "What the fuck are YOU lookin' at?" on all other occasions.

  29. LOL'ing at all the housefrau's up in arms over JLos boytoy.

    Dont worry ladies, hes DEF NOT interested in you either LOLOLOL

  30. I am curious about Casper. If I had more respect for JLO I would think he was a carefully orchestrated come back beard. Since I have very little respect for her, I think she might actually be dating him.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Enty said:
    "For the next 20 years when he is driving that truck he can tell everyone who gave it to him."

    HAHAHA- Ba-zzzing!

    And he really DOES look like a version of Verne Troyer!

  33. Aw, she got him a Big Wheels!

  34. SERIOUSLY, chopchop. I'm indifferent about the whole Himmmm thing at this point, but there sure are undesirables making their way to this site now. It used to be much more half the time the comments sections read like the trash on tmz (see Greg above).

    Moving on, JLO's new boy looks like a trashy, uneducated frat boy (only that's an oxymoron, because at least frat boys are enrolled in school). Blurgh.

  35. @Jolene

    This is a gossip site darling, if youre looking for a non trashy comment section, try the Huffington Post. But dont hold youre breath.

    Ive been reading Enty since 2006. And its always been filled with housefraus like you. So I hear ya.

  36. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I have no problem at all with women dating younger men, I did it myself...when I was 51 I dated a 24 year old for quite awhile, and have always enjoyed younger men. I just have a problem with anyone dating a guy like this, who has "douche" tattooed on his forehead. Even in my most whorish days I would not have had anything to do with this one.

  37. It would have been funnier if she had bought him a scooter so he could reenact his famous peeing in the corner shenanigans from The Surreal Life. That's what I would have done.

  38. From the title, I thought it would be about JLo adding a truck to Casper's Hot Wheels collection.

    I really don't give a shit how old Casper is. My issue with Casper is that he is frug. Verne is more attractive than this punk ass bitch. Even when he's passed out drunk and making those hideous sounds.

    C'mon, JLo. You need to be with a much more pretty boy than this.

  39. HAHAHA @Greg. I love when people like you try to insult any female on this site by calling her a "housefrau" when you don't even know the difference between YOUR and YOU ARE. Carry on.

  40. @Jolene

    sorry hun. YOUR such a housefrau..

    hows that?

    btw, YOUR jt blind items pics are wrong.

    THERE not correct.

    buh bye

  41. @Sarah, I feel like you have it exactly seems like shes looking for a situation where she is 100%legitimately in control. Good for her. I still think shes going to be embarassed when she looks back on this years from now.

  42. Did you mean Hausfrau?

  43. @Jasmine

    no, HOUSEFRAU.

  44. @Greg
    Let's compare my life to JBlows;

    I'm a year younger. I'm actually born in 1970 and not lying about it like JBlow did for ten years.

    I've been married once to the same man. I missed getting married three times.

    My husband is WAY better looking than Casper and smarter too.

    We both have twins, but mine are boys.

    Oh, I have an education and do not use men for validation.

    I'll take my life any day.

  45. I give Clooney's relationship with Kiebler longer than I give this one. In a few years his face is going to start to go and he won't be so hot then. I hope he's enjoying his time with Jen now.

    He reminds me of that sexy girl that played Kirk Douglas's girlfriend in "Greedy." It's so funny to me that Sofia Vergara has a son around the same age as Jennifer Lopez's boyfriend.

  46. @Henriette

    saying your husband looks better than casper is your word and opinion only. same as saying your husband is smarter. whos to say..and why does being married to one man make u superior to JLo or anyone else?

    yea thought so.

    1. You're the one who is sounding bitter. Give it up already. Most of us "housefraus" don't find Casper attractive. He's a short, bald seemingly dim boy who has no problem being kept by an older, wealthy, very attractive woman. That is what we're saying. We're not jealous because we all don't understand why JLo who seems like she could have any guy would choose that Verne Troyer look alike.

  47. I really dont see why people have a problem with this couple. If JLo was a man no one would say shit! So what he doesnt have money and isnt as cute as we think he should be. She seems to be having fun so let her be. When she is done with him she will toss him aside!

  48. I don't know why, but I really can't stand his face.

  49. It might be nice having such a top-of-the-line vehicle, but it only gets around six miles per gallon and insurance on it would be a bitch. After JLo kicks him to the curb, I'm guessing this guy is either going to sell it or live in it.

  50. Please don't feed the trolls.

  51. I don't think anyone's got a problem with JBlow dating a younger guy, or any woman dating a younger guy, but she could have gotten a lot better. It seems her men are just getting fuglier and poorer. Lainey can't stop ripping on her about it.

    Vadge is just as bad with her baby picks.

  52. @ChopChop, I totally agree with you.

    And there is no comment for that "Greg" type. I have no words for people like that.

  53. @hamptser party

    get off the couch, fix your sloppy WI housewife outfit and get a job.

    youre welcome..

    ps.. put down the cheese.. your skin is horrible.

  54. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Does her vag ever get a break? she reeks of desparation.
