Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today's Blind Items - I Did What He Told Me To Do

About two years ago, this foreign born A list movie actor who is one good role from probably being A+ list met this college student. Despite the fact that our actor was in a serious relationship at the time, he hooked up with the college student who when they started was just 17, but later turned 18. The student says that she met the actor when they happened to walk by each other outside one day. One thing led to another and they went out for coffee. She knew who he was but had never been a fan, but the next thing you know she says she was in his web. Coffee led to him kissing her and groping her in the alley behind Starbucks. He said he wanted her right then, but she said she had to go to class. They made plans for dinner that night. Dinner was not so much of a dinner as the actor inviting her over to his place where they had sex and then he said he had a meeting so dinner would have to be another time.

The woman did not hear from our actor for two days. He called and said lets have lunch. Instead they had sex again at his place.

Two days later he sent over a piece of jewelry to her place and blew her away. That night was dinner and she really thought he was crazy about her. That night he introduced her to the woman he was dating at the time. The woman, a B- list movie actress said she had no problems with the student having sex with her boyfriend but that is all it was going to be. The student had no idea he even had a girlfriend, but when the actor told her to have sex with the actress she did it without question. She said, "I felt like I still had a chance with him and if I did this then maybe he would keep me around and something would click with us."

During that night, the actor and actress were doing lines of coke and the student had never done coke. The actor told her to try it and again she complied. That was the first night of one year straight of doing coke. The student could not afford coke, and the actor could. At some point the student realized he was just using her and not going to leave his girlfriend (they did split though) and that she was simply his toy that he played with like a puppet. If she wanted coke and she did want lots he would make her do things like walk around the outside of his building naked or crawl around it. He made her serve drinks naked to several of his co-stars of the film he was shooting. In the back of her head she hoped she could change his mind and be with him permanently so she kept doing more and more degrading things. He would watch soccer and bet her during the games and she just accepted it. "I would sit there watching the game and dreading if he lost a bet. If i did not smile though he would get really angry and verbally abusive. He never hit me but did spit on me a couple of times and told me if I didn't want to be there to leave. I stayed though. I hated myself everyday but I stayed."

"One day something snapped. I was failing out of school; had not seen my friends in months; and was spending everyday doing coke and being a doormat to a guy who was an a-hole. One night I left and I never went back. Now when I see him with some new woman by his side I wonder if she is going through the same crap I did and I wish I could call her and tell her to run."


cheesegrater15 said...

Uh, wow.

AbderianLaughter said...

I don't feel sorry for people like this. She kept staying because she hoped that he would want her to be his girlfriend eventually? She allowed herself to be treated like a throwaway entertainment piece and just complied with everything he told her to do...I can see if someone is beating you, blackmailing you, or the like - why would she agree to this (pre-coke addiction of course...)

There is a huge self-esteem issue with young girls & women, worries me about our world.

kcqueen said...

What is wrong with me that blinds like this always make me think of Ryan Gosling right off the bat? I think it's the B list ex girlfriend.

AbderianLaughter said...

Ok, but Foreign A lister--- Russell Crowe?

spacecowboy78 said...

Yeah, really. I know there were some Gerry Butler blinds about him dating high schoolers, but this doesn't sound like it was him, can't think of any B- ers he was dating around 2 years ago. Plus I'd say he's more like one bad role away from being a B- or C+ than he is a good role from being A+. No other ideas right now.

NernersHuman said...

Robert Pattinson?

Jessica said...

Colin whats-his-name. Irish guy.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I'm glad the girl got out. I have no clue who this is.

MontanaMarriott said...

I am sorry but it is hard for me to have sympathy for this chick. If anything she should have been empowered and threatened his ass with statutory rape since they did the deed before she was 18.

As for my guess no clue yet.

spacecowboy78 said...

Well, I should say no ideas other than not Gosling. Can't see the guy who's breaking up street fights and pulling tourists out of the way of speeding NYC taxis doing this in his free time.

kltx said...

Jarvier Bardem and Penelope Cruz

hromaki said...

Andrew Garfield? The "web" reference was suspicious ....

Fijigrrl said...

I thought colin farrell not sure why...

cheesegrater15 said...

Colin Farrell?

kltx said...

robert patterson and Kristin Stewart

danatestingsite said...

Colin Farrell? Or Jude Law, but I don't think he's A-list.

rhinovodka said...

Michael Fassbender

BigMama said...

I bet this kinda thing happens ALOT more than people think. I varying degrees of course.

spacecowboy78 said...

Hasn't Farrell been supposedly sober for about 4 years?

Anonymous said...

I got a big Jude Law vibe from this. I can see Sienna being OK with him sleeping with someone else, as long as Sienna could control it, or was at least a part of it.

Erin B said...

Chris Evans? The former girlfriend being Jessica Biel. The timeline doesn't fit though because they broke up sooner than two years ago, but I wanted to throw it out there.

Regarding some of the guesses, this sounds like someone who is up & coming, not on the way down like I perceive Jude Law or Russell Crowe to be.

figgy said...

I don't feel sorry for her either. Geez, this description makes her sound like a dog, obeying commands.

Twin Fist said...

says A list, that take Colin Ferrel out of the running, he was never A List. Niether was/is Pattinson so he is out. Only forign born A listers are Crowe, Gibson, Orlando Bloom.....Hmmmm, Orlando Bloom is well known for his coke habit, this might be something

nolachickee said...

The points that jumped out at me:

a)He bet her during soccer games - I guess to his friends for sex???

b)He never hit her but he did spit on her a couple of times???

I like the Colin guess. He's so swarmy. But I'm sorry, I have no sympathy for this girl. She got hooked on coke and would do anything to keep it up her nose. Gross. Especially the spitting part. That's so fucking nasty.

Twin Fist said...

Plus bloom is the only one young enough to land a college student

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I was thinking of Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett J the whole time I read this blind.

Erin B said...

Thinking about the Colin Farrell guesses, who would the B-list actress girlfriend be? Plus, he's been sober for awhile supposedly.

crila16 said...

Jude Law - B- girlfriend would be Sienna (though it doesn't specify foreign born B list actress)

Collin Ferrell is not even close to an A list. He's lucky if he's a B. He certainly couldn't open a movie on his name alone.

kcqueen said...

Doesn't being born in Canada make you foreign born? I agree that Ryan Gosling seems way too nice to do this, but everything else fits.

Brenda L said...

For once I am speechless. Glad that little lightbulb finally went off in her head. Sheesh.

Erin B said...

Never mind about my Chris Evans post. I forgot about the foreign born part. I was focused on which actress I think likes to get down with the ladies.

CJ said...

Alexander Skarsgard

Kate Bosworth for the B- girlfriend

liteNOTSObrite said...

This is an old, recycled blind.

RenoBlondee said...

That's exactly what I'm thinking too. It's very sad.

Seachica said...

Twin Fist - *any* A-list actor can get a high school girl. And I'd argue that Robert Pattinson is A list, especially with the high school set. He has opened many films, and starred in the Twilight series. What isn't A list about that?

Colin Farrell was A list for a few years there. Maybe A-, but I wouldn't call him B list.

CJ said...

Just wanted to add that apparently Skarsgard is a big soccer fan; donated a bunch of stuff for an auction for the Hammarby football club.

spacecowboy78 said...

Canada is a foreign country, so yes that makes you foreign born. Still don't think Gosling, Reynolds more likely of the Canadian Ryans, but the fact that he liked to watch soccer makes me think more of someone from Europe. Not that a Canadian wouldn't like soccer, but just sayin.

Carley O'Gorman said...

I think it is someone from europe or south america, where soccer or ahem 'football' is bigger. Personally I am betting on Sienna and Jude.

His exploits are wild in the UK press.

makeupbynumbers said...

This is why kids shouldn't fuck with adults. Lesson learned.

~Z~ said...

Newsflash to girls everywhere ~ Don't do degrading things for anyone! They are sure as hell not gonna fall in love with someone who will degrade themselves! GROSS.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I did a 2.5 second google search on RR and soccer. I guess him and Charlize have a fund to build soccer fields in Africa. A stretch, but...

Plus Scarlett hooked up with Sean Penn, so she may be o.k with someone else banging her fella.

Anonymous said...

"she was in his web" + "one good role from probably being A+ list" + timing of his casting in what might be that one good role = Andrew Garfield.

makeupbynumbers said...

Twin Fist said...
says A list, that take Colin Ferrel out of the running, he was never A List. Niether was/is Pattinson so he is out. Only forign born A listers are Crowe, Gibson, Orlando Bloom.....Hmmmm, Orlando Bloom is well known for his coke habit, this might be something

How is Orlando Bloom known for his coke problem except for in your fantasies? Inquiring minds want to know.

Frufra said...

Skarsgard. Per Wikipedia, broke up with Kate Bosworth in 2011. Is she B -, though?

Basil said...

This does sound like someone European (soccor is a big deal there), but I couldn't tell you was one role away from A+ list.

Maja With a J said...

I read the whole thing with Daniel Craig in my head, dryhumping students in the alley behind Starbucks...*L*

OneGirlRevolution said...

"foreign born" comes across to me as someone who isn't American but people in the US don't generally think of as foreign because they sound a Canadian or someone born elsewhere but raised here (like Gillian Anderson). I think if it was someone obviously foreign, enty would've just said "foreign". Also, I think the gf is likely American since enty usually qualifies foreign significant others as such.

No real guesses...just my thoughts.

Frufra said...

But, now that I think about it, Skarsgard doesn't seem one role away from A+. Hmmmmm, must keep pondering.

Land Manatee said...

My guess is Dominic Copper and Amanda Seyfried as B- girlfriend at time. He is in everything and a role away from being A+. They were dating about 2 years ago. I could see him coking it up. He loves soccer too. He was part of Soccer Aid in 2010:

Just saying.

Land Manatee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
david91 said...

Jude Law and Sienna Miller, it fits too well IMO

Selock said...

I went to NYU and girls were getting caught up in this garbage all the time. I remember this girl who was at the mercy of Craig Kilborn (from the pre John Stewart Daily Show) - he made her walk 10 paces behind him if they ever went anywhere "together". And who knows what else but she disappeared for ages!

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

At least the college girl came to her senses. For that I say, Bravo. Gah. So many women make such BAD decisions before age 25.

I feel like this is Jude Law.

crila16 said...

For some reason I can't see Dominic Cooper opening a movie. Amanda has far more movie pull than he does.

Ryan Gosling/Rachel McAdams? That's the only couple I can think of and Ryan would definitely fit 1 role away from A+ status...though they're both foreign born.

I think I'm sticking with the Jude Law/Sienna guess. Sienna is known for snorting coke, Rachel seems too decent.

Twin Fist said...

how does anyone NOT know about Blooms coke problem???? is well known that Bloom got Kate Bosworth hooked, and that is why she went from "Blue Crush" buff to the skin and bones look she was sporting around 2008.

Bloom, fits, but he hasnt been "a List" for years except name recognician

MAYBE Pattinson, not Skarsgard tho, he is nowhere near A-List by Enty standards. Ferrrel hasnt been A List, if he ever was, in almost 10 years

Gosling maybe, but this BI would be totally out of character

this is a tough one

Frufra said...

Girls who have a crappy relationship with their dads, IMO, are just ripe for this kind of shit. They don't have the self esteem to see it for the sick power play that it is; they just want a man to "love" them, but they've got sexual attention confused with love. Trust me, I know.

Bit dams said...

how sad that so many of you have no sympathy for a 17 year old being used for sex and given illegal drugs by adults. have you been reading this site for so long that its not "big" enough? this is A CHILD being involved in illegal activity by ADULTS, and it should be reported as such.

Frufra said...

It's sick all right, but the age of consent in some states is 17 ( or younger). Just looked it up; in CA it's 18, so I guess it's a grey area legally. BI does state she turned 18 during all this.

CJ said...

@ Frufra: you totally took the words out of my mouth. I completely agree - years of being treated like garbage by my father messed me up with men like no one's business. Thankfully I have no contact with that asshole, and I'm straightened out, but my heart bleeds for anyone who's been taught that men treating you like crap is standard practice.

Anyways, I still kind of think Skarsgard is A list - he's considered pretty sexy by a lot of people. And he was nom'd for a SAG award, does that count for A list?

Frufra said...

NY is 17, FYI.

nicola said...

Am I they only Canadian on here who thinks it's cute (really I do) that the Americans (I think) are on here stating that "Canada is a foreign"?

hunter said...

I have to say, this does not surprise me that at 17/18 a girl (especially one who got hooked on coke) would get sucked into all this. I was not a picture of self-esteem at that age (and yes, I had daddy issues). I'm kind of a fierce bitch though, so I don't see myself putting up with the degradation.

That said, Jude Law and Sienna Miller sound reasonable.

Jennifer H. said...

TheGWA, I don't understand. Are you saying Canada isn't a separate country from the United States? Any country other than your own is "foreign" by definition.

Maybe I'm missing something, which is entirely possible.

Gabby said...

@Selock - I was going to say, this sounds like total NYU-type business. I guessed the school before I even had an inkling of the actor!

Sarah MacManus said...

I still recall vividly what I was capable of at 17, and my only sympathy is for what an idiot this girl was.

Lesson learned, I hope. No guy and no amount of coke is worth it.

Frufra said...

CJ - glad to hear you came out the other side happy and healthy - me too! It took a while to sort it all out and understand why I did the things I did. But life is very sweet for me now - and I can vouch that there are some wonderful men out there. The bitter makes the sweet so much sweeter!

And, I'm old so I barely know who Skarsgard is - just saying maybe not A 'cause I wouldn't know him if I passed him on the street. But again, I'm old :-).

Jules_345 said...

bwah...dont think that fits but totally made me laugh!

ash said...

Alex Skarsgard is not an A list movie actor. A list TV maybe, not movies. I also don't think Enty would consider Dominic Cooper A list and one role away from A+. No way could a studio bank on him alone to open a movie.

I would say The Butler did it, but I can't think of a B- list actress gf he had a couple yrs ago.

My instinct was also that this is more likely to be someone European or Latin American than Canadian bc of the soccer reference.

Just gonna run thru/eliminate some possibles:
Daniel Craig: nope, didn't have a B-list actress gf two years ago that he then broke up with

Javier Bardem: ditto - two yrs ago he was with Penny Cruz and still is

Ryan Gosling - fits the description I guess, but I have a hard time believing he'd be such a scumbucket

Ryan Reynolds - maybe, altho 2 yrs ago RR and ScarJo were married, not bf/gf.

russell crowe- nope, two yrs ago he was married and still is

jude/sienna could fit, although I think one good role away from A+ is a strange way to describe jude law - i agree that sounds more like someone who is up and coming than someone who's been around for a long time.

also maaybe pattinson/stewart, although i find it odd to describe pattinson as A and stewart as B- minus in the same breath.

HannahPalindrome said...

Lol! What a fucking Idiot!!!

Jules_345 said...

i thought Colin Farrel because he is so greasy and a couple years ago he had a collegeattending gf, but agree he is not on the verge of A.

cinephreak said...

I like the guesses of Bloom, Gosling, and Pattison, who in my 20 year old eyes are A/high high high B+, one awesome movie away from A+ list... All have been in blockbuster super popular movies, and all of them would make any 17/18/19 year olds panties drop, IDC if you're a fan or not. Like the girl said, she wasn't even a fan... Andrew Garfield is an alright guess, BUT I dont think he's "one good role away from A+"

HannahPalindrome said...

Lol! What a fucking Idiot!!!

SusanB said...

Canada is a lovely country and one of our best allies and a great neighbor. However, to the United States it is a foreign country. Just as to Canadians, the United States is a foreign country. There is no disrespect in these statements. These are facts.

RenoBlondee said...

Pattinson was not with a B- actress a couple years ago that he is now broken up with people.

Goober said...

Am I the only one who thought of Hugh Grant? With Elizabeth Hurley as the girlfriend? He has always struck me as a complete
"arsehole" - as they say across the pond.

Cake said...

This also says "she was never a fan", so could be someone who was not in a Twlight type movie. I think Jude fits.

Hope springs eternal. I hope she learned her lesson and finds a good guy, someone she doesn't have to "fix".

cinephreak said...

Goober: i love that guess, didnt even occur to me. I could totally see him using and abusing a younger girl...

Roman Holiday said...

How about James Franco?

MadLyb said...

She was a gullible kid - but I give her a lot of credit for getting out of that mess. Shame on that actor. I hope this is revealed so I can make sure I don't watch his movies. I'd also like to know who the costars were who didn't seem to have a problem with the degradation this girl was put through - no one questions why a young girl is serving drinks naked. What a bunch of despicable pigs.

Susan said...

Hugh Grant is an interesting guess. He was definitely outed as A-list on this blog recently. I remember being shocked by that. LOL.

Susan said...

MadLyb - I totally agree with you. That's what cracks me up about this world. So many Hollywood types get up in arms about saving dogs and the animals and all that, and yet, according to these blinds, so many of these people turn a blind eye to another human getting used and abused and tossed around like a piece of trash. Totally fucking baffles me, and makes me appreciate my ho-hum existence in little old southern New Jersey.

ash said...

but two yrs ago hugh grant wasn't in a serious reln with elizabeth hurley. tho haven't there been rumors that they've kept on sleeping together on and off, through her marriage etc.

hmmm i'm reconsidering colin farrell - he was definitely A list at one point, has dropped but i forgot he's having a bit of a comeback, he's starring in that total recall remake. that could be the one good role that puts him back on top? two yrs ago he was in a serious reln with his babymomma who is a actress, tho more like a Z-list than B- minus.

Julie said...

No way is pattinson A if Stewart is b-. Plus, they're as together now as they've always been.

Julie said...

No way is pattinson A if Stewart is b-. Plus, they're as together now as they've always been.

Julie said...

No way is pattinson A if Stewart is b-. Plus, they're as together now as they've always been.

Mhdz said...

I like the Andrew Garfield guess, if he does a good job as Spidey he'll zoom to A+. Only thing is he was born in L.A.

FrenchGirl said...

with who did Ryan Gosling date 2 years ago? not with Rachel Adams!

kltx said...

@susan, it is not just celebrities that are more concerned about pets than people. A few years ago my city built a huge pet shelter, even though we were in dire need of a human shelter. I guess the shame of that occurred to someone because finally a people shelter was built but like a year later.

Kiki said...

Andrew Garfield was dating actress Shannon Woodward 2 years ago. They were a long time couple, but did "end up splitting." Spiderman will make him a star, just as it did for Tobey.

Mr. Chopoffalof said...

Jason Statham..?

Kiki said...

Andrew Garfield was dating actress Shannon Woodward 2 years ago. They were a long time couple, but did "end up splitting." Spiderman will make him a star, just as it did for Tobey.

msgirl said...

BTW my husband just came back from a business trip to NY and saw Garfield in Death of a Salesman opposite Philip Hoffman Seymour, and was astonished at how good he was. My husband comes from a NY theater background so he's no slouch at judging. So it could be Garfield who is on the cusp of A+ with Spidey. But isn't he with Emma Stone, I can't see her with a douche. Aside from the fact that someone said he's LA born.

As for those with no sympathy for this poor girl, I think you're forgetting what it's like to be 17 or 18. In addition, Coke is highly addictive, when I was 22 I had a job where the boss was a coke fiend, hardly came in but when he did gave me lines, and I was shocked how I began to need it every day. Fortunately he'd come in one week out of every 4 and couldn't afford it myself so I didn't become addictive. For a kid who has severe esteem insecurities, coke makes you feel great.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

God, if this is Skars im gonna cry.. It does seem to fit though, the relationship between him and Bosworth never seemed like a real relationship: look at their bodylanguage, fights at festivals etc. Skars is always seen with his friends and is a huge soccerfan, to me it seems that his friends will always be number one. And look at Kate now (or before,during the relationship). She looks like she's high constantly.

However, when he and Kate started dating Alex was just climbing the fame ladder. I doubt he could affort mountains of coke back then (maybe he can now, but then, no). And I am not sure I should consider him A-list. Basically, if u don't watch True Blood, you don't know him. He hasn't been in a lot of succesful mainstream stuff besides TB..

Amit! said...

I can buy it being Garfield. Two years ago, he was in the Social Network, which was his biggest movie until that point, iirc. And then there's the "web" line, and Amazing Spider-Man would likely shoot him into the A-List.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Yeah, but the blind says currently A list, and one role away from being A+. This has to be a name most people know. And tbh, i dont even know who Garfield is, never heard of him (sorry fans, pls dont kill me:P).
I spend a lot of time on gossipsites and ive never seen his name, so is he really A-list?

chi said...

Moosefan said...


Ms Cool said...

@Maja - In my dreams I'd dry hump Daniel Craig behind Starbucks. LOL.

No clue on this blind, as usual.

Anonymous said...

I'm Going With The Jude Law & Sienna Miller Guess Even Though Orlando Blooms Name Was First To Come To Mind.

Fairmaiden327 said...

Andrew Garfield always seems to have a douchetastic/smugness about him.

Profetissan said...

Skarsgård is a good guy, trust me, can't be him.

I think "his web" is a BIG clue!

Agent**It said...

@ chi- great link ! !

Robert said...

RE Canada: I actually had a teenager ask me, "When did Canada become a state?" a while back. Unreal. Although in these blinds, Canada doesn't seem as "foreign" as Europe or South America due to the proximity, common language (more or less) and the fact that so many Canadians are working in America and so much American television is shot in Canada.

CarolMR said...

Andrew Garfield is not foreign-born.

CJ said...

I dunno about Jude Law. I guess I just have trouble with the "one role away" thing. Jude's been in a whack of movies. It doesn't seem like he's on the verge of big fame like the blind implies.

And I don't think it's Gosling - The Notebook was a huge hit and really pushed him to heartthrob status.

Orlando Bloom married Miranda Kerr in the summer of 2010 but apparently they met in 2006.

I read it like this: If this happened about two years ago, we're looking for a foreign born movie actor who was just starting to appear places enough for him to be recognized but not totally on top. And is still in a similar position now - since he's still waiting for "that" role to make him A+.

Fairmaiden327 said...

There goes my guess. Why did I want it to be him so badly???

Fairmaiden327 said...

Just saw someone post that. Ack!

Litre-a-cola said...

LONG time lurker, first time poster! I agree with what someone else posted. Andrew Garfield is not foreign born. He was born in LA and moved to England when he was 3.

KellyLynn said...

I don't have any clues for this one, but I am also glad this girl got out of this situation before it was too late. If you're reading this, college girl, don't worry about the commenters up there who apparently have never made any mistakes and have led such perfect lives that they can judge you so harshly. I'm sure there are more people around here who can sympathize with your situation than who can't.

ecua said...

Tom Hardy?

Agent**It said...

"About two years ago" - in "Enty" time does that mean a 2-10 year range? Or really 2 years ?

msgirl said...

Foreign born does sound like an American born somewhere else. Or someone born elsewhere but we think of him as American especially because they play Hollywood movies so much. I am pretty out of the loop about most stars, but Jude is definitely British. Don't know about Jason? As for Garfield, Enty could possibly have switched it around. Still, I can't see it being him.

Wil said...

Yuck! I don't know who the actor and actress in question are - scumbag *ssh*les to be sure, but names .. no idea - but the girl reminds me way too much of myself as a very young early 20-something at university. [Yes gentle readers .. I was a trainwreck back yonder albeit a trainwreck who wrecked herself and didn't need some star to push her over the edge!] I hope she will be okay and, as per my usual riff, is getting some professional help to deal with the aftermath.

Damn .. why the F*CK can't we all just be nice and caring to one another? This sh*t just bums me out. I mean, it is obvious Mr. A-Lister has some mental health issues, as does his former B-List paramour. Get help! Don't drag other people into your sick shit to feel powerful and in control. And if you see or know someone acting like this .. point out they need help. Damn!


DueDiligence said...

Jason Statham. Pretty fanatical soccer ("football") fan, sweats like he does coke constantly, and seems like the type to fap in a dirty alley and have a violent edge. Dated Kelly Brook, although they broke up more than two years ago. He is currently dating a V-Secret model.

AND he's in the random photos today.

MISCH said...

Garfield was born in L.A to an English mom and raised in England..

Not A Ninny said...

Statham is a loooong way from A-list.

Interplanet Janet said...

From IMDB re: Jude Law

Supports Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in London, UK.

Reconciled with former fiancée Sienna Miller after they appeared in separate stage productions in New York (October 2009).

Jude and Sienna Miller have ended their relationship, again [February 9, 2011].

He's been nominated for 2 Oscars but has never won one. I would say that qualifies him as being "one great role away from being A+ list."

Whoever this is, shame on you.

crila16 said...

I know a lot of Canadians read this blog too, so to them the U.S. would be foreign. The only problem is Hollywood is located in L.A., which is in the Enty is writing from a Hollywood perspective, L.A. in the U.S. All other countries are considered foreign. It's nothing personal, just happens to be where Hollywood is located.

Andrew Garfield is not A list yet. He will be A or even possibly A+ after spiderman comes out...definitely not A list yet, and the actor in question as of 2 years ago was A list.

Jude Law is A list. He's had some great roles, could definitely sell a movie on his name, but never got that "IT" role that pushed him into A+ level. I think when Enty says the actor in question needs that one good role that just hasn't come to him yet, to push him into A list status.

Russel Crowe is A+. He has had already had that 1 role with Gladiator.

Rob Pattinson is young, too young. He and Kristen are equal in whatever A/B status they both are. Not them.

Hugh way was Liz ever a B actress. Never ever ever. She was C at best.

Colin Ferrel is not an A list. If Enty does consider him an A list, what B list actress did he date 2 years ago?

Alex Skaargard is in no way an A list actor...TV actor maybe, but not movie actor. If Enty was talking about an A list TV actor, he normally would specify.

Orlando Bloom. Never heard about his coke problem. Heard about Kate's anorexia...but never heard about her coke problem either. Orlando is also married, and the college student says "now I see him with some girl.", which sounds to me like the actor is seeing some new woman (doesn't specify if the new woman is in the business or not)...but it doesn't sound like the actor is married.

Anonymous said...

Crila16, Sienna is an American, no matter how much she likes to pretend she is English (born in NYC, mom is South African, dad is American). But the blind doesn't specify what nationality the gf is.

I don't think this is either Gosling or Bloom. It doesn't seem to fit with either of their personalities. And I agree, this is the first I am hearing of Bloom supposedly being some huge coke fiend.

Sorry, put me in the group that doesn't have a lot of sympathy for this girl. She was 17-almost-18, not 13. She was old enough to know better. She seems like she has a lot of self-esteem issues and/or is a starfarker. I hope she gets help for her issues.

Like someone else said, I don't think this is a Canadian (which, BTW @GWA, is a foreign country to Americans ... and everyone else who is not Canadian). I would bet on it being someone British because of the soccer stuff. Not South American or continental Europe, because how many actors from there would be known by a 17 year-old American girl? Is soccer big in Australia? I always think of it as more ARF and rugby-mad than soccer crazy.

How come no one ever noticed or took photos of her running around his building while nude? I question at least this part of the tale.

Some possibilities:
Henry Cavill-just got engaged, but I don't know who he was dating 2 years ago

Benedict Cumberpatch - dated actress Olivia Poulet until March 2011. Now dating Lydia Hearst-Shaw

Rhys Ifans-was dating Sienna Miller until mid-to-late 2008. Big soccer fan

Dominic Monaghan-dated Evangeline Lilly until 2009, big soccer fan

Alex Pettyfor-relationships with both Diana Agron and Emma Roberts. Just got engaged to Riley Keough, Lisa Marie Presley's daughter

Ed Westwick -- wouldn't call him A-list, though. Born in England. Dated/dating Jessica Szohr on/off since 2008.

Any other ideas?

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

If this is an old recycled blind as someone accused, could it be Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

ecua said...

Tom Hardy?

Jamie Bell?

ChasingHeaven said...

I'm sure there's many of us who were naive and have done things against their better judgment. Throwing in the celebrity's affection and attraction to you in the mix, I can see how it can be easy to get swept up a bit in all of this. Add in a dash of cocaine addiction that you couldn't afford to cater to, well...It's all a recipe for ugly things. I'm so glad she got out of the situation and now I'm just dying to know if she finished school and how this has affected her going forward.

katsm0711 said...

Dear Enty, this is a formal request for you to include this blind in one of your very kind reveals. Preferably this weekend and not as late as the big June reveal.

Very Truly Yours,

it took forever said...

It has been rumoured for years that Kate Bos is a coke fiend, i remember reading on one gossip site that she and wilmer liferuiner valderama are allegedly drug suppliers to the stars.
My guess is Jude Law and Sienna mil, jude when he was married to sadie frost were very big swingers.

MadLyb said...

I love the sympathetic people not ragging on the teen girl. I can't even count the dumb stuff I did at that age. The thing I respect her for is getting out of it. There are women our age still in these sort of sick relationships. A girl who wisens up at 18 is quite impressive. An asshole who exploits minors is irredeemable. And his girlfriend and friends who played along are no better. People like this should be flushed into the sewer where they belong.

Unknown said...

I have empathy, people do stupid things all the time. It's really easy to judge or to reserve your sympathy but I think that's weird. If this were your sister or best friend I doubt you'd all be so judgmental.

Brittany said...

I'm thinking Alex pettyfer (not sure how to spell it. B list actress Dianna Agron. The role that may take him to Alist Magic Mike? Just a guess, he seems like a total chode. Plus he was born in the UK

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Just reread the blind and it says 'and then I see him with some girl', thinks that convinces me even more right now that its not Skarsgard: when do u see him with women? When he actually is seen with one its never 'real' (as in, dating her, for example all the E.Olsen and C.Theron rumors). Apparantly the collegegirl still sometimes runs into him and he is with a girl then. So, nah, can't be Skars then: he would have been papped with a girl, since ppl are nowadays very much on the lookout for him and women, so the datingrumors can start again.

Off topic:
What the hell did he think when he dated Kate? She seems so desperate and famewhory. She also has all the symptons of a heavy druguser, look at the girl. All this while Skars seems a down to earth good guy, that likes to drink beer, but not much into drugs. He seems too professional for that.

I also find the mention of Starbucks odd. It is too specific: why not coffeeplace, cafe etc? Maybe its a hint too, someone who known to go to starbucks very often?

B626 said...

I agree with SueEllen RyanReynolds for the douchebag prize

deree said...

I have empathy for victims but we have a real problem in our society remembering accountability is a concept 17 year olds should honor more. I was a wild-ish teen. I knew those things were not ok and did them anyway.I didn't do drugs but that was really the only intelligent choice I was making from 16 to 18.

I got very lucky to have wised up when I did. I don't expect people to empathize with my poor decisions because I was old enough to know right from wrong. I hold myself accountable for what I did.

The girl in this blind was in college. Hardly a child. I hope she got her stuff together and this experience got her on the straight path..

This guy was a real douchebag but she had choices all along too. Had she not became a coke addict I doubt his hold would have ever been so tight on her life. She made herself a victim. Sorry if that sounds judgemental. Glad she got away!

That is where my sympathy begans to wane. My spouse's extended family full of addicts. Nothing that has ever befallen them is "their" fault. It can make those of us who took the clean path or straightened up our acts very bitter when those problems wreck havoc on those who are the true innocents.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Ok, another guess, Gerard Butler! I remember blinds about him dating highschool seniors (and them not caring he has a small peen or something like that..)
Tbh, he comes off as a huge douchebag.
No idea who the Blist actress would be in this case :o

Talha Aziz said...

Andrew Garfield doesn't seem the type. Neither does Emma Stone. But then again, the moment i started reading it, i thought about him and the second i read "web" it felt like the right guess.

9922 said...

Jim Carrey.....B-list actress was jenny mcarthey. Hes always hanging out with young chicks now and is Canadian

K said...

Let's discuss Michael Fassbender... He is hot right now! Lots of roles, lots of attention... Definitely a role or 2 away from A+ if he plays his cards right...

K said...

Let's discuss Michael Fassbender... He is hot right now! Lots of roles, lots of attention... Definitely a role or 2 away from A+ if he plays his cards right...

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Was gonna say for Gerard Butler, the b list would be Rosario Dawson, there were rumors they were dating..

(tbh, since the relationship wasn't high profile (or maybe didnt even exist)I doubt its actually her, but have no better guess for Gerard.. Or it must be Jennifer Aniston :o

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Fassbender also could be possible yes..
Found this on him:

Don't know if we can count that girl as the b-list actress, dont even know her, but she seems kinda unstable since she sued him for battery and then hooks up with him again:o

But he hangs out with G. Butler, and he is known for being a douchedag.. Maybe he rented out the collegegirl to him?:O bleehhh this story is sick..

Sis Cesspool said...

Is someone trolling NA meetings again?

History Snark said...

I have to preface this by saying I skipped a lot of comments, but I'm appalled that people here think she deserved any of this. I've never done drugs, but from what I read and hear, if you get addicted you'll do almost anything. And as for the asshole who did all this to her... not sure where the line is between slavery and non-slavery, but in my mind, he was across it.

Frufra said...

@ Texshan - I now MUST know who Benedict Cumberpatch is! He sounds like a character in a Beatrix Potter Story.

And Brittany, haven't heard anyone be called a "chode" in forever. I'll be working that into conversation ASAP!

This is the only place on the web where I read the comments - love you guys!

And, Future Baby Mama, I thought of Fassbender, too, but don't think he had the B- girlfriend. And, I lurved him in XMen, so it couldn't possibly be him :-).

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Fassbender's b-list actress could be Zoe Kravitz :o

Frufra said...

Ok, Cumberbatch, not Cumberpatch. And I recognize him, but feel his looks are quite unfortunate.

WUWT? said...

Usually I have more symapthy, but I don't get her playing the victim when she laid everything down, literally. Don't want to get used for sex? Don't have sex without a relationship. Don't want to use drugs? Don't try drugs. If you don't want to get treated like dirt, don't look for the dirty guy. If you find a guy that starts out the dream and then treats you like dirt (in the first week!), realize you've seen beneath the veneer and WALK. I understand the difficulty extricating yourself from a long term relationship that has turned manipulative, but if it's happening from the start, why wait for the credits to roll?
"I only did what he told me to." I bet you learned the word NO at two years old, and practiced it on your parents for years. Learn to use it again.

Sigh. "Kids these days!"

Red Pandas said...

Orlando is too super nice, imho. When he was came (back) to Kentucky for the premiere of Elizabethtown, he literally signed autographs for and took pictures with EVERY single fan outside the theater. EVERY fan. Granted, there may have only been between 75 to 100 people, but hell, I wouldn't do that. Maybe if I was on coke and had the energy....

Yuska said...

I can't picture Jude, Orlando, Skarsgard, or both Ryans. I'm stuck with Fassbender. Jeez, he reminds me of Daniel Day Lewis.

rummer said...

Definately Fassbender. Accused of beating Leasi Andrews. Definately has a violent past. B list girlfriend Zoe Kravitz. Didn't Enty make some snarky comment about him needing his parents to chaperone him at a party because of his substance issues? He was supposed to be an Oscar nomination lock in for Shame until Winestein shut that down. Currently dating costar Nicole Baharie.

SaraHeart said...

Posting once again to say that in order for someone to be A-list, I would have had to have heard of them. And I am only vaguely aware of Hollywood. I do not recognize any of the actors mentioned by Texshan, Ecua, etc. I am obviously not into celebrity gossip sites (except this one, recently) and I think this means someone has to be A or B list before I would even recognize their name. A list for me to know their face.

I vote Pattinson. Maybe Jude Law but I wouldn't consider him A list because I can't name a single movie he has been in and quite honestly couldn't pick him out of a lineup. I know what Clooney, Pitt, Affleck look like. They are A List (IMO). Pattinson is almost there after Twilight and was in the middle of Twilight two years ago. And wasn't he getting into trouble for drugs a while back?

lutefisk said...

Is Jude Law even considered attractive any longer? And Andrew Garfield---please. Last year he showed up at the Academy awards with his parents clutching his invitation. I would doubt very much that he would be abusive in any way.

psychicynical said...

Jude Law .. he is a fan of Tottenham Hotspurs

Anonymous said...

Sara, I don't mean to be offensive, but if you say yourself that you are only "vaguely aware of Hollywood," isn't it possible that maybe someone could be A list and you might not recognize their names?

BTW, Henry Cavill is the next Superman, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock (and personally, Frufra, I think he's hot), Ed Westwick is on Gossip Girl, Rhys Ifans played Hugh Grant's roommate in Notting Hill, Dominic Monaghan was in Lost and the LOTR trilogy, and Alex Pettyfor was in I Am #4 and Beastly.

Anonymous said...

I'm new at this game so I don't know if Enty is always EXACTLY accurate on certain factoids about the blinds (and they're just gossip anyway so I don't know if I even believe them all).

Having said that, in defense of the Andrew Garfield idea:

- Even if we was born in L.A. but raised abroad, couldn't Enty have assumed foreign born?

- Was he dating Emma Stone 2 years ago or did they meet after she was cast in Spider-Man (which was less than 2 years ago)?

- After he was cast as Spider-Man 2 years ago, wouldn't have immediately have been A-list at least by Enty's definition (which seems maybe a little broad)?

- I think the person is young enough that hooking up with a 17-year-old didn't seem like a big deal. (Though it certainly got skeezy from there if the story is true.) Also because I read the 'one good role away' bit to mean he just needs one hit to make it to A+ but hasn't already.

Of course I don't want to believe that's the right guess … but none of the other guesses smell right to me either. Maybe we're all wrong!

Jenn said...

Did anyone see that Himmmm wrote on a blog since the whole blow up? look in the comments section

Jessica said...

There is no way in hell Robert Pattinson is A-list. Same with Skaarsgard.

canadian_gurl said...

I really pray this isn't Ryan Gosling. I'd be so disappointed if he was that much of a douchebag.

mooshki said...

This is someone on a big upward trajectory. Ryan Reynolds, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, etc. - they're all too well established, I doubt they're on the verge of being huge. Do you think R.Patz could ever have a role that would be bigger for him than Twilight? Enty describes someone like Andrew Garfield as "about to be A-list." He's just starting to get the buzz. This is someone like Fassbender or Gosling. Someone who's on the top of everyone's casting lists, but your grandmother doesn't know their name yet. (I don't think Pettyfer is A-list yet, although I do think he's on the same trajectory as those others.)

Anna said...

If he had not said foreign-born, my guess would be Franco, who is in the "web" movie, spent time on more than one campus, doesn't always act nice and broke up with his girlfriend.

canadian_gurl said...

Manipulative people like this are the scum of the earth. It's amazing the sh*t some of these celebrities get away with. I really hope this person gets outed. What a terrible thing to do to somebody.

karim said...

If you should belive the blind it can't be Fassbender. Two years ago he didn't have any B-list girlfriend (he hooked up with Zoe in the autum of 2010 and they where in England filming x-men the rest of the year) and in all of 2010 he was in europe filming. So unless this is a british student it can't be him.

seenthatfacebefore said...

This is William Levy.

Frufra said...

Texshan - I will fully admit I have a very skewed view of who's hot. For example, my top celebrity crush is Will Ferrell. So I am definitely the weirdo here!

Linnea said...

Karim - I think Enty frequently messes up timelines, so I wouldnt say that it can't be Fassbender. So far, he seems to fit the best even though I am far from sure...

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Yeah, I'm staying with Fassbender and Zoe Kravitz too.. They fit best. Enty's timeline is always a bit off in blind, when he says 'not too long ago' it sometimes means 30 years ago:O

Enty, please reveal this. I wouldn't be suprised if it was Fassbender (because his substance/womenbeating issues) or Gerard Butler (general douche and big time user of women). Really, no one will be surprised, JUST REVEAL:P

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
karim said...

Really, well if you can't belive the timeline why should you belive the rest? The only time Fassbender lived in USA while he was together with Zoe was the month from februar to march 2011 when he was filming Shame in New York. Right after that he was back in London filming Prometheus. The blind made the relationship seem longer than a month, and it means Enty is wrong by a whole year. Anyway is Fassbender really A-list? He doesn't have any big film awards and if you ask ordinary people on the street 90% would not have a clue who he is. Same with Zoe, no way she is a B-list ACTRESS. B-list celebrity, yes, actress, no.

seaward said...

Am I the only American on here who thinks it's cute (really I do) that the Canadians are on here not understanding what the word "foreign" means?

XCentric said...

I think it is Andrew Garfield. He's foreign born. Plus, Enty said that Emma Stone has been known to do some Lindsay Lohan type behavior, she just hasn't been found out.

heartfull said...

@Texshan - I was maybe a bit too dismissive of my knowledge when I said vaguely aware. But I would definitely consider my knowledge of celebrities to be along the lines of the general population (though I love reading the comments here.)

I dunno. Maybe "one movie away from A-list" opens more possibilities than I initially considered.

Rereading the blind - Enty says, "She knew who he was but had never been a fan, but the next thing you know she says she was in his web." which certainly seems to reference Spiderman and thus Garfield.

(even though I hadn't heard of Garfield until I just looked him up on IMDb.)

And I can't place blame on the narrator. I did something I have always regretted when I was 18. Something I would never have done with just a few more years of maturity. I was naive, insecure and impressionable. And that was without a celebrity or drugs mixed in. I say cut her some slack.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gross, Frufra! :-)

XCentric -- I think we have clearly established that Andrew Garfield is NOT foreign-born, just foreign-raised. Mom is English, dad is American, he was born in LA and moved to England when he was three.

For what it's worth, I don't think this is Fassbender. The chick that accused him of beating her up is both stupid and shady. First of all, she recanted her story once it came out that he wasn't even in the same country when she claimed he beat her up. Second, she's made these types of allegations before about guys she's dated, and nobody has ever been charged (including Fassbender). Third, she waited almost nine months to file a complaint after the alleged beating, and only did so then because she claimed she wanted him to pay $20k to "fix" her nose, which was supposedly broken by him. Old boyfriends have said she has a persecution complex and lies to get attention. So let's stop throwing around the idea that Fassbender is a beater as if it's an accepted fact, shall we?

ash said...

andrew garfield is not foreign born, as multiple ppl have said in the comments already, he was born in LA. also, he is still dating Emma Stone so that doesn't fit, the blind says he and the B- list movie actress have now split. to say nothing of the fact that they weren't dating at all 2 yrs ago, he was dating shannon woodward who is not a B- list movie actress, more like a C list TV actress.

boobah said...

-----Jason Statham. Pretty fanatical soccer ("football") fan, sweats like he does coke constantly, and seems like the type to fap in a dirty alley and have a violent edge. Dated Kelly Brook, although they broke up more than two years ago. He is currently dating a V-Secret model.

AND he's in the random photos today.-------

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Statham is A-list in name, if not calibre of movies & Kelly Brook is, to paraphrase Mr Schu, dumb as a box of rocks. Totally fits imo

canadian_gurl said...

I really want to know who this is. I want to boycott their movies. I don't ever want to be a fan of someone who does this. So sick and disturbing. The girl isn't completely at fault. He probably saw her as young, naive and manipulatable. She fell for it, which was unfortunate. It's sure sad when it's true that most girls would probably fall prey to it. Celebrities are probably some of the worst people out there. They get away with so much, and are patted on the back. SICK!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the HUGH GRANT guess. He is always so so miserable with life in general. So bitter for somebody with so much. Could be him.
Ryan Reynolds also was one of the first that came to mind.

Diane said...

Ok, I've read the comments. Not one person mentioned what Enty describes as foreign born to him. As a very long time reader and often have a few comments, I know & remember when Enty, about 2 yrs ago, gave a list & description of what A, A+, the list goes on. One thing he got into detail about was the foreign born despcrition & what it means to him. He stated that foreign born means eventhough you where birthed in American, you grew up in another country. He gave the example of Nicole Kidman. She was born in Hawiaii, yet Enty will call her a foreign born actress because she grew up downunder. She truely is only Amerian in birth, but she is true & true an Aussie. Same as Anna Paguit ... born in Canada, moved to some other country ... she in not considered Canadian to Enty. Remember, over the years, Enty has given us these titbits of info ... sorry for typos, I'm tired. Oh BTW, I really fu*kin hate when someone post 'first' on their comment if they are one of the first persons to post a comment. Grow up or go back to perez h if you want to play tha childish game... good night.

MISCH said...

Just read a reveal that this is Butler and Aniston, I swear every new blind reveal makes him a bigger pig.

NightWatch said...

I say it's Butler and Aniston. Makes sense given the clues and the timing. Not surprised about Butler's antics, but was a little surprised to learn of Jen's girl-on-girl action.

Loki Bewitched said...

Okay, I'm relatively new to this site, and a first time poster too, so before I begin my rant, I'm just wondering when and where the reveals usually happen for the blind items?

Okay, like @Shit You Can't Buy said, I really hope this is not Alexander Skarsgard - I'm a huge fan, and this would break my heart, but some of the details fit. We've already established that he's foreign born, that he's into soccer, and that he was dating Kate Bosworth during that time. I've also noticed that he does seem to have a type - much younger, tiny little blonde girls (Kate Bosworth, Evan Rachel Wood, Amanda Seyfried, Elizabeth Olsen). Also, a while back, there was a rumour that when he did Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" video, he hurt her feelings by saying she was too fat (I've never seen this confirmed or anything, but just including it for argument's sake).

In defense of his being "A" list (or rather on the cusp of being "A" list) ... besides the fact that he is huge in Sweden (votest Sexiest Man a bunch of times, and has an impressive foreign film resume - not to mention that he is the son of a well respected actor) his star is on the rise this side of the pond also. He's one of the biggest draws on True Blood, he's one of the stars in "Battleship" which will probably be a pretty big deal when it comes out this summer, he worked on Lars von Trier's "Melancholia" which scrooped up a bunch of awards at different festivals this year, and is working on a slew of other North American films right now, including "What Maisie Knew" with the likes of Julianne Moore. As far as being papped - he seems to be one of those actors who does not go out of his way to be where the paparazzi are (with the exception of when he was dating Kate Bosworth - but, if you follow any of the stuff on Lainey Gossip, there is a theory that Kate was the one calling the paps to increase her exposure).

Now, with all of that being said, I have seen him in interviews, and read articles about him and what not, and he actually seems to be a decent guy. So, hopefully this blind item isn't about him.

And if you've read this far into my post, thanks for sticking around. :)

AugustinaMcCrae said...

I think it's Fassbender. He's A- right now but pretty close to an A. Speaking of A, he's also known to be an abusive asshole to women.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Loki: I really don't think it's him.. When I first read it I thought of him, but tbh, just can't imagine him doing it, he seems like a nice guy.. And I can't imagine Kate sharing her man with a collegegirl, she seems like a clinger, and superjealous.

And without trying to sound too stalkerish, I've seen pictures of his house (which he walked out of with Kate in a few pics). It appears to be part of an appartment complex, next to a very busy street. If the girl had to run nakes around it, she would have had to run naked on a public street for about 2 blocks to even get back to the frontdoor.. Find that highly implausible..

Think we need to look for someone who has a house (as in, backyard, gate in front, swimmingpool villa kinda house).

Also, the clues in the blind are very general, it could basically be any foreign actor with a gf in 2010. I'm still stuck on the 'web' comment, it really seems like a hint.
And at the same time I can't stop thinking about Fassbender/Gerard Butler. Really think it is one of those two, they seem douchebags, sorry;P

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Loki again:P Can't edit, haha!
The Lady Gaga thing, it seemed odd to me, him calling her fat or something.
Looked up the articles again:

Apparantly he wasn't very much into the kissingscene, he wasn't comfortable doing it. Gaga took it personal and thought it was about her weight/looks. Couldn't find any articles that actually state that he directly called her fat.

Neither one of them has ever commented on that, so it could be speculation/someone stirring the pot making up stories.

I mean, he does have a problem with kissing Gaga, but not with running around naked on a set, doing fake sex with strangers (men/women) on TB? Don't believe it:P
He comes of very professional on set if I see backstage/behind the scenes stuff, so highly doubt it he told the director of the video: 'Hell no man! I ain't kissing her, she is fat!'.

Maybe some things went wrong during the shooting of that scene, people turned it into: he is uncomfortable=> he dislikes her=> he dislikes her cause she is ugly/fat=> drama=> newsstory=> attention/money

Luv said...

Here's a list of foreign born actor, who are A,and B list.

Javier Bardem

Jonathan Rhys Meyers - He dated young girls before. He once date a high school girl.

Michael Fassbender - while he's been acting for a while, he just started to become A list 2 years ago.

Chris Hemsworth (The Huntsman in Snow white and the huntsman). He just became A list with the movie "Thor.

Liam Hemsworth - Miley Cyrus's boyfriend. He just became A list with "The Hunger game.

infairvarona said...

@ Roman Holiday: That was the first and ONLY person who came to mind for me. James Motherfuckng Franco.

My sister's childhood friend had a few classes with him and she swears up and down that he is a total D-bag and a skeeze and did end up with one of the other students for some time. Another tip-off is the caught "in the web", stattement which is a reference to his Spiderman franchise.


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