Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Talk Show Host

This national television talk show host has a perceived reputation of being super nice and always smiling. That is what is shown to the public anyway. There have been one or two public slips, but were quickly swept under the rug. Working for the talk show host is nothing short of oppressive.

Our talk show host only speaks to people on the show that are within the inner circle and does not bother to learn any name unless required to for the show. Our host will yell at the drop of a hat.

A hairstylist was fired for recommending hair products to the host. Our host wants no products and if you mention any, or that the host needs them, you are fired. Oh, and when the hairstylist was fired, her bag was checked to make sure she was not stealing any of the supplies.

That hairstylist was hired because the host's previous hairstylist was fired after it was discovered he was HIV+.

Our host regularly begins drinking shortly after the show tapes, and sometimes has a taste before it tapes. Most nights, the host passes out drunk.

Our host acts as if they are not vain, but their face has numerous plastic surgery scars from lifts.

The crew has a tough time finding replacements because no one wants to work for the host. One crew member was offered a great job on the show and told them he would rather file for unemployment than work for the talk show host.

Oh, as for our host's significant other? They are eternally grateful each night when the host passes out drunk because the nice act on television does not extend to the homefront either.


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Caitlyn said...

I would think this is definitely Ellen. I've known several people who worked for her (including my husband) and she is a nightmare.

Lelaina Pierce said...

There is no way this is Conan.

I don't want to believe it could be Ellen, so I'm going to go with Rachael Ray, who's had those bitch rumors about her for years. I don't think she does that good a job of concealing her disdain for staff. Ever see the look of rage in her eyes when she is missing something during a cooking segment?? ;)

love/hate said...

I vote Oprah. There was a blind reveal about her at her holiday party and that she wouldn't mingle with her employees, only those she deemed worthy. But who knows, all these talk show people are making me not want to watch ANY of them!

Liplash said...

This is NOT Chelsea Handler. I have very difficult time believing that she would fire someone for being HIV positive.

Rachel Ray. Period.

Anonymous said...

Ann Curry from Today Show

Anonymous said...

Ann Curry from Today Show

BIRK said...

anderson cooper - gut feeling. Plus an early afternoon show would be the perfect time to have a quick drink before and get hammered and pass out after taping. He is gloria vanderbilt's son, so you could see how there would be a finely crafted machine behind him to protect his image. The failure of Enty to divulge male or female makes me think its got to be a guy and the significant other comment makes me think it's definitely not a hetero relationship. Hands down my worst nightmare (because I think he's great) - anderson. :(

Leo by day said...

I interned for Conan and I can say this is not him at all. He was friendly and kind to people like me, and everyone in the studio. I was part of two of his sketches and he is as humble as his last speech on NBC.
My money is on Rachel Ray.

lisa said...

Andy Cohen

XCentric said...

I'm thinking it's Ellen. This is from 2010: http://voices.yahoo.com/ellen-degeneres-show-toxic-5344663.html

XCentric said...
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