Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bobby Brown Is Full Of It

Bobby Brown is going to be on Today on Wednesday. The interview is pretaped which I really don't agree with in this case, but it is not like Matt Lauer is going to ask tough questions or anything. I bet if he did though or did some kind of journalism or news gathering he could have made Bobby squirm. Instead, Matt asked questions and let Bobby answer however he wanted and challenged him on nothing which is how you keep celebrities coming to your show. You pretend to ask the tough questions, but when they give answers that are untrue or crap, you just smile and move on.

In the interview, Bobby says he didn't get Whitney addicted to drugs. Pretty much everyone will tell you that Whitney did some pot prior to meeting Bobby, but nothing else. If he didn't get Whitney addicted to drugs, then why not say what she was doing when they met and explain it all. He doesn't. Second, and this is where his nose might have trouble leaving the room is that Bobby says he has been clean and sober for seven years and that he had no idea his ex-wife still was struggling with addiction. Please. He never spoke to Whitney on the phone? Never talked to Bobbi about it? Maybe Bobby was just so drunk off his butt everyday that he never noticed. Just because you aren't "using narcotics," doesn't mean you aren't getting wasted and still just as miserably addicted as before. He knew Whiteny was addicted, but if he admits she was then people will wonder why he didn't do more.


Agent**It said...

Happy May Day everybody! Hope some of you will get a May Basket:)

(Don't care about the actual post..)

JoElla said...

Happy May Day to you Agent =)

Like you, don't really care about the post either)

BigMama said...

Happy May Day right back at cha

Bobby Brown is a douche. But they were divorced and I am sure she wasn't exactly "sharing" what was going on with her. He probaly didn't care either. I also don't thing you "get someone addicted" who is a grown person. Just because he was using doesn't mean she was obligated to participate. Like I said, she was a grown woman when they started dating. She is ultimately responsible. Besides, it isn't like he was going to sober up enough to recognize she needed help. Now, as far as their child is concerned, he should have been all about keeping her away from it. Ergo, he is a douche

a non a miss said...

Happy may day!! I just read on the huffington post that MV err JLO is going on tour, wonder if enty will mention it!

MnGddess said...

I worked with someone who knows Whitney's family, and she says that Whitney got Bobby hooked on the heavy drugs. Is it because Whitney was so beautiful and talented that she couldn't possibly ave gotten into drugs herself? Or is it that Bobby looks like a thug so naturally he must have been on the heavy stuff early on. From what I understand, BB was a drinker but did not partake in the heavy drugs until he met Whitney.

Cathy said...

"If he didn't get Whitney addicted to drugs, then why not say what she was doing when they met and explain it all."

Bobby Brown is trash, but if he HAD said what Whitney was doing when they met, you'd be ripping on him for making accusations about someone who isn't alive to defend herself.

Anonymous said...

They were both fucked up before they met and got even more fucked up after. People need to understand that Whitney had a lot of demons she was dealing with, or better yet, wasn't dealing with, and she wasn't the innocent victim everyone wants to believe just like Bobby isn't the devil everyone wants to believe either. We're all responsible for our own behavior.

JoElla said...

Well crap! Now I do care about this post LOL!

I don't know about all of you, but I am fed up with the whole 'blame bobby' thing. Not saying he is the angel in this, but we have surpassed redonk on the blame game.

nettalovesrobin said...

People need to stop blaming bobby for whitney's addiction. I know that bobby wont win any father of the year award but Whitney was doing drugs before Bobby and it just continued after they got together. Whitney is responsible for her own down fall just like we all are!

Meg said...

She was his ex-wife, what "more" was he supposed to do? How about all of those assistants and bodyguards and relatives and other hangers on? It doesn't appear Whitney was trying too hard to hide her drinking, smoking and drug use from any of them...why didn't THEY do anything?

auntliddy said...

I dont blame bobby at all for Whitney. She must have had dome demons-some trauma in her life she was medicating. I can totally see her doing drugs before he showd up- a sober person does not choose a druggie husband, and then stay with him for years and years, if shes all straight. I'd love to see some digging into her life to find out WHY she embraced drugs the way she did. Was she molested? Raped? Some family crap?? The WHY is much more interesting to me, and a jumping off point to heal. Too late, I know. And of course Bobby high as a kite,always. Wonder what his deal is?? And please, if anyone is looking to Matt Lauer for news, ive got a bridge to sell u. Never watch daytime shows, and Im doing just fine! Lol

Katie said...

I don't know how enty says that "everyone" knows that Whitney was not into hard drugs before she met bobby. I have heard the exact opposite. She was a crackhead before she got discovered and got bobby hooked. She was still young and beautiful, so no one really caught on. And they love to blame bobby.

hunter said...

Happy May Day! What's a "May basket?"

Bobby is NOT sober and Whitney was into the bad shit before they met. Pretty much everyone agrees on this.

Bobby must be a homebody like Lindsay. They probably knit together.

selenakyle said...

while I think you might be a tad harsh on BB, Whitney almost surely was using before they hooked up.

selenakyle said...

And I don't mean just smoking a little pot.

Cathy said...

@hunter - amanda bynes must be part of their knitting parties too!

RJ said...

Whitney and Bobby hooked up and got married because they were both into the same things. It happens all the time, a drug-user gets together with another drug-user, and due to co-dependency and the seeming "normalcy" of their mutual drug use, each user goes from (on a scale of 1 to 10) using on a Level 4 (which maybe they can handle) to using on a level 10 pretty quickly. I've seen it happen to regular people with limited finances so I'm sure it happens even faster with famous people with tons of disposable income.

Rose said...

Actually, a lot of people have mentioned that is was known that Whitney was on heavier drugs than pot when she met Bobby. In this blog for instance, just to name a few. Besides, you don't have to do crack just because someone else does. I wouldn't.

Penelope said...

Rose just stole my thunder--it's not true that Whitney didn't do any harder drugs than pot before she met Bobby. Enty, I'm surprised at you for perpetuating this myth.

NOT that he wasn't a complete enabler douchebag, mind you.

Audrey said...

Agree with everyone that knows she was doing coke prior to BB. And, even if he was an enabler, she was an adult and there's only so much one can do for another. At the end of the day, the drugs she CHOSE to take killed her. BB did not.

KLM said...

God, what is up with trying to blame Bobby Brown for Whitney's death. Okay, 1) even if he did introduce Whitney to hard drugs (spoiler alert: he didn't), she chose to do them and continue using them. 2) they were divorced when she died - what about her mother, her daughter, her employers, all of those people? Why are none of them being called on to answer what more they could have done? Because you can't blame other people for addiction - that falls squarely on the addict.

Yes, Bobby Brown is a selfish dick and won't win any father of the year awards. Yes, Bobby Brown is a drunk and an addict. So what??? What does that have to do with Whitney? Get over it and please, start assigning some blame to the person who deserves it: Whitney. Sheesh.

KLM said...

Yikes, sorry for the rant.

Audrey said...

Thank you KLM...I'm also wondering how much of a difference would it make if BB died and Whitney was still around.

Would everyone be blaming Whitney for poor, helpless, BB's death?

I smell a whiff of sexism here: A woman can't be responsible for voluntarily making the wrong choices in her life that led to her death?

mikey said...

Bottom line, I'm not responsible for all the drinking my estraged hubby is doing. Why is Bobby somehow responsible?

Whitney was responsible for Whitney, and she should have been responsible to her daughter. She was no prize.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

No one can get ME addicted to drugs.

She was a grown woman bottom line.

Mother Campfire said...

That's interesting because I have a read a ton that actually said Whitney was totally into hardcore drugs before she met him. In addition, did you ever think Whitney could be manipulated into doing anything against her will? REALLY?! She was a f*cking diva for a reason.

Why Bobby gets blamed for any of this is beyond me.

makeupbynumbers said...

HOw about Whitney was a grown ass woman who didn't need another adult to "force" her to do drugs. This is a stupid fucking argument. She chose drugs, she chose addiction, she chose death. Period.

And I've read plenty of reports that she started having alcohol problems as early as the mid 1980's. Wonder who "forced" her to drink then?

Happymostofthetime said...

Very well said, KLM.

Popcorn Sutton said...

I don't really care if he has been clean and sober. He's a grown man. The only reason I would think of caring is that his daughter needs him. Whitney was a grown woman who made bad choices. Lay off. You can't talk about what a bad person Bobby is and then expect him to have saved Whitney.

I also do not know one person who is sharing custody with an ex who would call up their ex and disclose massive drug use. I'm sure they were close, but I'm just saying.

Nina Roux said...

addicts find each other. no one is ever responsible for any other person's addiction, recovery or relapse. It is all completely up to the individual.
BB may be a douche, and their marriage was certainly not a healthy one from what we saw, but WH's struggle with addiction and staying clean was her own.

LA said...

Ent Lawyer needs to get off the "Bobby Brown is the cause of Whitneys poor life decisions" boat because that shit ain't floating no more.

It's fine if you choose not to like the dude, but it is pretty assholish to blame one adult for another adult's choices.

They were also DIVORCED. That means NOT married, which means "I'm not responsible for/to you anymore". What Doesn't Ent Lawyer get about that?

liteNOTSObrite said...

Jackee Harry pretty much outed Whitney as a fellow hussy, so Whitney was FAR from a good girl who smoked a lil pot. It is also common knowledge that Eddie Murphy was the original source of her cocaine addiction.

Shallow Gal said...

I just read an article on Daily Beast that addresses this very fact (sorry if someone's already mentioned it). In the article, it says that Whitney's brothers have/were both into drugs for years and that Whitney was partying way before Bobby came along. It was more of a "birds of a feather" thing where their relationship was concerned.

NaughtyNurse said...

WTF? Unless Bobby held her down and forced a crack pipe into her mouth, Whitney got hooked on drugs just like millions of other people. And they were divorced for several years before she died! Frankly, nobody shoved those last doses of prescription drugs, coke and alcohol into her before she drowned in the tub, either! Every dead addict's family wrongly goes to their own grave wondering if they could have done more to help their loved one. How irresponsible of anyone to blame her death on anybody but Whitney herself. And how selfish of her to leave her daughter to deal with this aftermath.

EmEyeKay said...

@hunter - May Day. People leave baskets of flowers (leave flowers on porches, ring doorbell, run like hell). Are you not American?

I remember leaving May flowers for people when I was little, and making paper baskets for my mum, in school.

Shadow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shadow said...

I have always admired Whitney as a singer/artist and I blame Bobby for all the cheating and emotional/physical abuse that she had to endure during their relationship, but I do not blame him for Whitney's drug abuse. Whitney's brothers and her cousin Dionne have all had a history of drug abuse. Did Bobby get them hooked on the stuff, too? This is clearly an issue that runs in the family, which sucks immensely for Bobbie Kris. It's probably only a matter of time until she starts to go down the same path if she hasn't already.

astrogirl said...

@EmEyeKay if you leave nice flowers why do you run?

Not from US wish they would do that here.

hollywood dime said...

bobby is completely full of shit saying that he only smoked weed before met Whitney! He had been addicted to cocaine since he was 14 and that was the reason he was kicked out of his group new edition. Im old enough TI remember! He may not have been the reason Whitney did drugs but he was a major factor in her continued use. 2 addicts.

ardleighstreet said...

Whitney has done drugs since she was a model. WAaaaay before BB ever showed up.

Agent**It said...

May Day folk - you 'run' because if you are caught, you will be kissed !


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