Thursday, May 03, 2012

Courtney Love Blows Through $50M In 5 Years

It seems that Courtney Love should probably stop spending money on ridiculous things before she ends up losing everything she has related to Kurt Cobain. According to The Fix, Courtney lost control of Kurt Cobain's image and likeness back in 2010 when Courtney was forced to get a loan from Frances Bean's trust fund. Until Courtney pays back the loan, she has no power over the image and likeness of Kurt. I don't know why she needed a $2.5M loan just five years after receiving a $50M payment. That's right, Courtney spent $1M a month every month for five years. On what? She has a horrible wardrobe. Her drugs don't cost that much I hope. She spent it on trying to be flashy and cool and traveling the world in an attempt to be something she never will be. Cool.


Brenda L said...

Well Frances Bean's trust fund can kiss that money goodbye, because she won't ever pay it back.

Anonymous said...

Her drugs don't cost that much? You think prescription and illegal drugs doled out by pro high end dealers wouldn't cost millions of dollars? Do you even know anyone in Hollywood? Seriously, who's writing the blog these days?

Ms Cool said...

I can't even imagine this. I've decided to hate her.

Princess said...

She lives in 4-star hotels and places she rents for astronomical amounts, then trashes them and moves on. Anyone that followed her on twitter for awhile knows she spends hundred of thousands on clothing. She used to post hundreds of pictures of vintage dresses she had bought, all costing thousands each. And from the reported conditions of her houses, I think she just spends all day buying stuff online and then stacking it around her house.
Can easily believe she spent that much.

Patty said...

Frances should control the image anyway. It's her father.

angie said...

Looking at that photo, yes I can believe she blew through $50MM in 5 years. It's extremely fortunate that Frances is the sole beneficiary of Kurt's estate trust or there wouldn't have been anything left for her.

EmEyeKay said...

Suboxone is expensive. So is Etsy.

Susan said...

Absolute disgrace. I think of all the good that money could do in this world. And, I do think Courtney Love has talent. I thought she was fabulous in the Larry Flynt film. And, some of her music is good. You would think she would get it together for her daughter's sake.

nettalovesrobin said...

Courtney love is my favorite mess of a celeb. She has been a mess for so long. At least she stays consistent!

Anna get your Gun said...

If my husband shot himself i'd end up on drugs too.there are waaaaay more hollywood twats to hate on other than love.she clearly has a mental disorder or two and has said in multiple interviews that she has battled depression since childhood.

LeeLee said...

Remember when she had her shit together, and was engaged to Ed Norton and would show up on red carpets looking gorgeous? It was such a short period of time I almost can't believe it actually happened.

Ms Cool said...

@Anna get your Gun - I would feel for her a tiny bit if she didn't have a child. There is no excuse not to get your shit together when you have a child to raise. Remember that her child's father killed himself (not just her husband) and taking care of that baby should have been foremost on her mind.

MISCH said...

How ? How can anyone spend so much and have nothing to show for it ?

Sherry said...

Apparently she's also traipsing around England acting like she's got a royal title and all the work it takes to keep up with that elite crowd. I can definitely see her blowing all that money. And aside from having mental illness she apparently has multiple personalities as she can't seem to remember spending that much. Remember? Someone "stole" her money.

__-__=__ said...

She's my favorite mess too! Hope she gets it together. From what I read she spent a good bit on lawyers, who can be blood sucking leeches on the level of any drug dealer or doctor! Love her!!

And I don't think I can blame her for traveling the world. If you were Courtney Love would you think five years ago that you would be alive today???

Exiled Extra said...

Apparently destroying a Ming Dynasty vase will do the trick.!/Courtney/status/188701204510027776/photo/1
She did this while doing scribbles for her recent art show.

angie said...

She basically gave Frances to Kurt's mother (and sister) to raise. I interpret that as a selfish decision to shirk responsibility, and explains why she never grew up, but it was probably Frances' saving grace.

Anna get your Gun said...

I agree with you 100%,she never put Frances first.I can't help but feel bad for her but with that kind of money and her issues it wasn't a good combo.

NernersHuman said...

My brother's ex-wife is bipolar, used to be extremely erratic. She gave my nephew to my brother to raise when he was four. It was the smartest move she ever made.

DueDiligence said...

I'm guessing that lawsuit settlements and other hush money can add up to a lot when you are rolling in cash.

McSpanky said...

It's apparently bipolar day here at CDAN. I hope there's a Catherine Zeta-Jones item coming up and not another Demi Lovato Lavota Lavoto whatever.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Oh man. I remember hearing about how she was a mess (duh) at Drew Barrymore's and Tom Green's wedding. While his working class family were toasting the couple Courtney kept interrupting them to brag about her $5 million dollar mansion.

Ingrid Superstar said...

I smoked a bowl the other day and watched an old MTV VMA I had downloaded(I know, what a life eh?), I had a mini-freakout when Nirvana won an award. They were all alive, and they cam up and accepted it and they were being wacky and did I mention Kurt was ALIVE? Courtney was sitting down next to them and I almost jumped up and down and got so excited when I saw her, like I saw her in person. Blew my mind.

The real lesson on all this is that drugs are bad.

MadLyb said...

What gets me is where she thinks she should have the rights to all of Nirvana's music because "Dave doesn't need the money". It doesn't matter if he needs it or not. He earned it by doing something other than sleeping with Kurt and helping him shoot up! She's a piece of work. I used to enjoy her crazy - sometimes she can say some profound stuff, but she's become tedious.

Nina Roux said...

addiction is messy and expensive. let's not judge.
also, really, she's a rock star - what else would anyone expect from an ACTUAL rock star? are there any authentic rock stars to compare her to these days? I'm not saying you have to be an addict to be a rock star, but...she never signed up for "role model."

jax said...

costs a lot to keep a murder quiet.

CanadianMiss said...

Holy hell that picture is frightening.

chopchop said...

She's so desperate. Desperate for fame. Desperate for attention. Desperate to seem "rich", "cool", "talented". She's none of the above. She's a pathological liar and a sociopath. I do not feel sorry for her in the least.

Cecilia00 said...

I don't buy for a second Courtney killed Kurt or paid anyone to do it. Neither do his bandmates or mother or sister, all who hate Courtney and all who would gain a fortune if they spouted that line.

Kurt had long term mental problems and drug addiction, as well as a documented unhealthy interest in suicide and violent/strange death since childhood.

LA said...

She's a NUT who fell into a lot of money. Is anyone else besides me TOTALLY SHOCKED at how things turned out for her?

Bleu said...

Don't forget her celebrity skin -- that is, all the plastic surgery etc.

consignmentkitty said...

Saw Hole/Love at the Vic in Chicago almost two years ago. She started to wind down and get real,real,slow in between songs/backstage breaks. A the end of the show she left the stage for ten minutes came back as wired as the eighties and ranted about how she never does drugs.Side *eyes* all around from her back up band.All the while, she is pacing back and forth and foaming at the mouth. It was so sad to see her in that condition. She is crazy and delusional. Most importantly is a tried and true addict. I really hope she does the impossible and gets clean.

angie said...

@CanadianMiss, it's the eyes. She looks pretty there, but her eyes reflect a dull and vacant mind - I'd bet the house she's high on something in that photo, very high.

Agent**It said...

She blew up her Amex cards(public knowledge) est 400k.She had over 100 additional cardholders on her portfolio. Her attorney claimed "nobody has 100 additional cardholders" but this is not true. She just could not, would not pay her bill. She is a beast.

I truly believe Cobain was murdered.

jax said...

dead men don't wipe their prints off the gun and pack up their heroin gear all nice and tidy after taking a hit 3x the lethal does to kill them...after blowing their heads off.

coincidentally the man who was hired and paid a large sum of money 3x by CL found himself dead,tied to train tracks weeks after receiving the last payment. taker that how you want,it's all common knowledge at this point.

jax said...

and PS..pretty sure his family, bandmates etc NEVER spoke publicly on the cause of death.

Cecilia00 said...

See that's the thing - if it was 3x the lethal dose - why the need for te fun??

Prints got wiped off when the pried it from his hands. As the coroner put it: "I know cobains prints were on the fun - because it was IN HIS HAND."

So some professional hit guy who Courtney paid a ton ti masterminded a staged suicide but wiped prints??

Cecilia00 said...

So despite their burning hatred of Courtney thy stayed silent?? not like she hasnt poked them with a stick plenty...

When they could have every dime of hers plus a few million in wrongful death as well as any book/interview/movie rights to the story?

Cecilia00 said...

Oops fun=gun

Agent**It said...

jax, I don't think that there was any investigation of 'Eldon's' death, which is really odd.

Hazeldazel said...

drugs are spensive, yo. Plus all the lawyers she hires n such. Plus all the expensive crap she keeps buying. And houses/apartments/condos she keeps trashing.

It all adds up.

Hazeldazel said...

drugs are spensive, yo. Plus all the lawyers she hires n such. Plus all the expensive crap she keeps buying. And houses/apartments/condos she keeps trashing.

It all adds up.

Sherry said...

Sorry to critique the discussion but for every death there seems to be some conspiracy theory. This is the first I have ever heard this story. I too was always under the impression he was in great pain. Plus, Nirvana was on the rise in popularity. Seems like she would have waited a little longer if it was about the money. And no matter how crazy she might seem, she stated if Kurt ever came back she would kill him herself..Fuck him first and then kill him. I really do think she loved him. Feel free to argue.

McSpanky said...

I smoked a bowl the other day and watched an old MTV video and then..................I forget....

Audrey said...

Curt was a manic-depressive heroin addict that couldn't deal with the fame and all that came with it and killed himself. Period. Courtney was a selfish user along for the ride. Glad Frances seems to have her head on straight.

McSpanky said...

@Sherry, I became suspicious after viewing the 1998 documentary Kurt & Courtney.

Filmmaker does a pretty good job of showing just what an f'd-up girlfriend and wife Love was. One of the film's allegations is she paid someone to kill him, but the guy couldn't do it.

Audrey said...

Why would Courtney have her golden goose killed? Makes no sense at all.

Cecilia00 said...

@Sherry het mother says Kurt was the only person she ever truly attached herself to.

@mcSpanky - I have no probs believing some of the allegations (they talked divorce, she wanted a mean and Nasty divorce lawyer, etc.) - but that's standard stuff for any drug-fueled, unhealthy co-dependent relationship.

Courtney has mental problems, huge drug issues, is a bitch, et al. She is NO Saint. I just don't see murder here.

Popcorn Sutton said...

Maybe she's rolling with the 666 crew and figured that she doesn't need all of that money with the world ending and all.

Cecilia00 said...

@Audrey - theory put forth is that they were going to
Divorce, had a prenup, & she would have gotten half at est - but as a widow she gets it all.

makes sense until I think of the fact that he had a 7 million Lollapalooza headlining contract on the table at the time of his death. She could of squeezed much more if that was her goal.

astrogirl said...

Kurt was going to leave her and maybe the music biz.

Oh she had something to do with it, no doubt in my mind

Sherry said...

Still think she's a nutjob but not a murderer. Thanks for the wiki page McSpanky. Interesting. I would love to see that movie.

Barton Fink said...

Looking at this photo in connexion with the phrase "Courtney has lost power over the image and likeness of Kurt" just scares the hell out of me. I feel that she's gaining power of me! Aahh! Stop!

Brenda L said...

Who knows what happened.....but if ANYONE would do something like that, it would be her.

I just get angry. Say what you will about Yoko Ono, she has done nothing but honor John's legacy in the years since his death. Courtney has done nothing but make us wonder just what the hell Kurt was thinking when he married her.

MadLyb said...

I saw the documentary and honestly don't believe Courtney killed Kurt. If anything, she probably helped him hang around a bit longer. He was a mess well before he met her. I wish it weren't the truth, but it is. He was destined to go out like he did. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard of his death (Biology lab - working in the greenhouse w/seedlings on top of a roof). "Nirvana" was the first really good music I'd heard since the 1970's. Damn shame.

ChasingHeaven said...

I agree with Audrey. Kurt had serious depression and drug issues. Courtney has serious mental health and drug issues. To expect someone with serious mental health issues like her to "put her child first" is irrational. She's not in her right mind to care for herself let alone a child. Recognizing that and allowing someone else to care for Frances is selfless and the best thing she could have ever done. Say what you want, Courtney has/had talent. I hate to see her this way and read these stories. I believe she genuinely loved Kurt but his issues combined with hers is a dangerous recipe.

ChasingHeaven said...

P.S. I don't believe she killed Kurt or had him killed but I never scoff at a conspiracy theory. What's the harm in keeping an open mind and considering other possibilities? You don't have to agree with them.

Anonymous said...

After seeing the pic of Courtney, I went to look online for an image of Goldie Hawn from "Death Becomes Her", in order to point out the similarity of the two. Turns out someone beat me to it (elsewhere):

shakey said...

Her eyes look painted on.

Kady Kat said...

narcissistic personality disorder combined with a codependent relationship fueled by heavy drug use... yeah i'd say that would be a big ole combustible mess.

i could see her snapping if kurt threatened divorce or taking away the child (moreso taking away the status). if he's dead then he can't publicly harm her image.

i think they both were spiraling messes but there are so many other "woah?" parts of that story.

Becki said...

@EmEyeKay, Suboxone is not expensive. I take two Suboxone a day. My doctor visit is 200 dollars a month and to pick up my script from CVS is like 50 dollars. I do not know where you git the info that Suboxone is expensive.


Kim and Thurston from Sonic Youth said in a 2005 article that they didn't believe Kurt committed suicide. They were his friends.

lulu said...

Courtney had it in her ... how else was she going to get the money? If Kurt had died and she had gone on her way I could believe it but Kurt was not materialistic at all. He would be disgusted by that. She was aching for it. You have to look at it from every angle. Her mother said Kurt was the first person she attached herself to (strange expression) and why do you think she did that? $$$$$$$$
My mother is bi-polar and I won't list the things she is capable of ..mainly because you wouldn't believe me. You have no idea. Money was /is her main interest and when someone runs out they are tossed aside. If she get some, she swans around in sports cars and furs but she can't hang on to it - she'd go through it like water, compulsively. She left us when we were all tiny - just walked out. This is only about 1% of the story. What I am trying to say is don't ever think "that can't be true" because you haven't seen it or experienced it. This woman had one aim - the only way she was going to be able to swan around the globe is if Kurt was DEAD. Only then she would have all his money. After his death, her only choice was to go made with his money - doesn't that tell you something?? If he was leaving her, which is highly probable (would you want her for your wife???) being laid back, modest and fairly quiet etc, - she only had a small window of opportunity to do it!!!!!
Think about it ......listen to the people. Many in the industry know and her lawyer(s) would have a fair idea and word gets around.


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