Friday, May 25, 2012

Jenna Jameson Arrested For DUI

Jenna Jameson was arrested for DUI this morning after her car struck a pole. Yeah, the one car accident thing is generally a sign of drunk driving, especially if it happens at 1:30 a.m. Jenna has previously battled an addiction to OxyContin so whenever you see her getting drunk you have to wonder if she has also slipped and is back taking OxyContin. TMZ reported that Jenna was taken to jail and charged with misdemeanor suspicion of DUI.


a non a miss said...

oh goodness Jenna. what the hell did you do to your face??? She used to be so pretty and had a womans body (yes, i've seen her porn, i have older brothers and we all shared a computer..ick i know) but now she looks messed up. like lara flynn boyle messed up. not as bad as LFB but dayum is she getting there.

Second Hand Reader said...

she used to be genuinely cute. i hate that she looks like an extra from The Dark Crystal.

Barton Fink said...

It used to be mentioned more often that she has plunged in and out of meth (like many sex workers) pretty heavily her entire lifetime. For instance, when she weighed 76 pounds early in her porn career, she was a 24/7 meth user, according to published reports.

Amanda M. said...

That's Jenna Jameson? Wow. Never would've guessed. She looks like a coke bloated Jennifer whats-her-face from Hunger Games.

Robert said...

A 76-pound porn star? Yikes! Is that humanly possible? I mean, I'm sure it is, but still...whoa!

Tempestuous Grape said...

Oh wow, major surg-face. She was on WWHL not too long ago and seemed coherent and on top of her shit, but apparently not.

Frufra said...

Hopefully, the lady in the picture with her is taking good care of her babies.

Adult people can do whatever the hell they want to - knock yourself out, I don't care. But really, those two little ones deserve more.

EmEyeKay said...

When she started with the surgery, it made me sad. She tweaked her face awhile ago, I think she started with her lips, and she wrecked them.

sylmarillion said...

She looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein's younger sister...

selenakyle said...

Freak-face. Looks like the Elephant Man or something else totally unrecognizable compared to her old (very attractive, IMO), self.


selenakyle said...

But she kicked meth very early on, IIRC. that was no small feat.

Those pills are BAD SHIT, people.

There are now more pill abusers and addicts out there than coke, H or E combined, or so say the statistics.

Trey said...

She's turning into that cat lady, sad.

Jesse D said...

She was beautiful. Her self-hate is now externally recognizable. So sad.

Lori said...

nothing like the hillbilly heroin to ruin a lady:( She looked like she was getting her shit together, too bad.

whocaresnow12 said...

She's looking a lot like original OC Housewife Lori, in a bad sort of way.

parissucksliterally said...

I have her book, and I loved it. There are pictures of her throughout, she used to be so beautiful.

She was about 80 lbs at one point, but it was before she started doing movies, was posing for pictures at that point, if I remember correctly.

I really wish people would reconsider having CHILDREN if they still want to live a lifestyle of getting fucked up.

Pink_Palace said...

Is she still with Tito? If not, I hope he is still there for those babies!

Anonymous said...

Ew on the face. Not good.

Also, I have a good friend who is a very responsible person, does not take drugs, has an extremely public and high-powered job, etc. Basically, she has her shit together. She has also managed to hit the columns in our parking garage with her car three times and a lone utility pole in the middle of an empty parking lot. Shit happens even if you aren't on chemicals.

seaward said...

I think she's still with Tito. This is an old picture, taken in the days after she accused him of beating her. I hope she hasn't had even more surgery since then, but I haven't seen a recent picture of her in a few years.

0 said...

Oh, Jenna. What have you done to your face? I'm all for people having a few minor tweaks to enhance themselves if they see fit... but looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein's slightly younger sister is NEVER a good look.

RenoBlondee said...

She looks freakish. She was so pretty back in the day. She still would be, she's not that old is she?

Pink_Palace said...

Thanks seaward, I thought their kids were older, but I don't remember her looking that bad when they were so young. Probably photoshopped pics I guess!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

She used to be addicted to drugs before she started doing porn, but got clean before she started shooting. After that the Oxy-addiction begun and obviously the plastic surgery addiction.

I feel bad for this woman, when I read her Twitter she comes off very bipolar, couple of weeks ago she was once again fighting with Tito, and talked about being depressed in tweets. They unfollowed eachother and 2 days later they were all lovey dovey again.. And this happens at least once every month. And the fact that he beat the crap outta her a couple of years ago and her face that disappears more and more.. Sad. She was sooo beautiful!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I liked her book too. I read the whole thing (all 500 pages) in less then a week. Well, I did think Tera Patrick's book was better but that's just me. Jenna did have that Kelly Bundy sexpot thing going on. Now her face looks like something you could take to the beach and kick around.

Angelina said...

I thought it was Carla Bruni for a second!

Jenny said...

Yuck, she's got jocelyn wildenstein-face!

nettalovesrobin said...

So i guess no one is going to make a joke about a porn star hitting a pole!

makeupbynumbers said...

She is starting to look like that cat lady

__-__=__ said...

I guess we just like her too much to make jokes here. I hope she and Tito are doing OK with the kids. Sad to hear about the twitter stuff in addition to this. He seemed to be a good match for her.

Alicia said...

I cocktailed at a club in 1998 that she was a " feature " at.. I can confirm she was DEF on meth then. I know the dude who hooked her up with some. She was so cute then but SO tiny and tired looking. Sad sad sad

Margaux said...

Wow her face. She was so pretty before.


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