Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Kevin Jonas Has His Own Reality Show

I'm pretty sure that from the second Kevin Jonas married Danielle she has probably been wanting to get a reality show. Why should she just be known for marrying a Jonas when she could become famous on her own. In ten years, Danielle might even be more popular because what will the Jonas Brothers be doing in ten years? Playing summer shows at festivals and casinos to all of their old fans who will have kids of their own.

If you don't think the show will be totally focused on Danielle, then guess again. The show is called Married To A Jonas and is going to be all about how Danielle has adjusted to being married to a celebrity.


mk said...

She resembles Haylie Duff IMO.

anita_mark said...

Sigh..... I guess this is a thing now.

XCentric said...

If they ever need to replace Haylie Duff for whatever reason, I'm sure Danielle will gladly fill in.

Anonymous said...

'celebrity'. I don't think there are a lot of adults out there who know what a Jonas is unless they allow their kids to watch and listen to crap like the Disney channel/radio.

crila16 said...

Isn't she his beard? Wasn't there a BV recently about one of the brothers freaking out, because one brother was being forced to date a certain celeb he didn't like and his other brother was forced into a marriage he didn't want, cause he was gay?

Del Riser said...

It looks like she was dressed by the local attending in the ER.

Not an attractive couple.

Princess said...

The only thing she is missing is a feed bag around her neck and a saddle.

Anonymous said...

Who ARE these people? Gawd! Honk if you're sick of everyone and his wife getting reality shows.

angie said...

@Syko.. Honk!

parissucksliterally said...

who the hell would watch this?

Then again, I wonder that about most Reality shows.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Strike while the iron is hot in Hollywood.

Take advantage of your opportunities.

Manda_kitty said...

I can't stop looking at how skinny here legs are 0.0

Merlin D. Bear said...

Ok, let me address the elephant in the room.
Why? Seriously, why?

ellie said...

WOW! both of them are WAY TOO skinny!

cheesegrater15 said...

If this bullshit is going to be on Bravo, then I'm convinced this site is run by one of Andy Cohen's minions.

Unknown said...

@Princess LOL

She looks like what Howard Stern used to call a "yenta"

Sylvia said...

What is their to do a reality show on these idiots??

Sherry said...

Oh Princess! That was unusually cruel and incredibly funny! LMFAO.
Maybe that was the agreement. I beard I get (another) crap ass, useless, boring reality show. May she find her own "chicken of the sea" moment.

Cathy said...

I'm all for gossip, but I will never understand why some women feel that it is okay to call other women ugly. Make fun of a bad outfit? Sure. Awful haircut? Have at it. But to belittle someone over something they have no control of is just cruel, especially since if she were to have plastic surgery, she would be mocked for that as well. So tired of women tearing other women down.

Okay. Rant over.

Robert said...

Gee Danielle, why the long face?

Vivster said...

I saw some clips and this show makes him look really bad.

Diana said...


Just saw this on blindgossip.com-- Based on the other blind (referenced earlier in this thread) this TOTALLY makes sense. Come on Kevin, throw them all to the curb and be yourself!

hunter said...

lol, HONK!!

In other news, I see a boob job in her future.

supapimp said...

So she and her family blackmailed him into getting a reality show. Ain't "love" grand?

Ms Cool said...

@Syko - Beep Beep

parissucksliterally said...

Cathy, we call men ugly too. It's an equal opportunity insult-a-thon here!

Anonymous said...

@Syko HONK!

Laura said...

MAN I feel like a woMAN!

EmEyeKay said...


Missjenny619 said...

ummm.why? I'd rather watch paint dry.

jbeebs said...

@Cathy +1
I think they make a cute couple and glad he didn't go the starlet/model route.

ac said...

His eyebrows are thicker than her legs.

Gary T. Burnaska said...

I think this show is a plan by Ryan Seacrest for his production co. to survive event called K3. Stand for the Koming Kardashian Kollapse. He needs a new show to continue his empire a show with people that will be likable and not become irritating like the Kardashians.

I will not be surprised if in a year we hear about a Lovato Family show. Following Demi's recovery, Dallas starting her career and Madison in her post Desperate Housewives years and just trying to be a normal 10 year old. Unlike the Kardashians, they will be likable, but Demi likes her private life private so I chances are slim.

Anotheramy said...

It must be because Im from the north east. She has a very Jersey, Bronx, Queens look to her. I think shes adorable. Chances are pretty good that it will only take a year or two for her to start acting like the housewives of Jersey too.

WUWT? said...

Thank you Cathy!

lutefisk said...

Their wedding was about 2 miles from my house. I was tempted to drive over and sit in my car and watch who was going in from the side of the road.
I don't know if he is gay or not but he deserves his privacy if he wants it. She doesn't deserve a reality show.

auntliddy said...

Ph! The excitememt-not!!


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