Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Revenge

With all the casting couch and horror stories about what can happen to actors and actresses as they try to make it in the business, I thought I would tell you about the actress who got even for every guy that put her in a casting couch position or was an a-hole to her when coming on to her. Our actress is A list. Actually she is A+ list. Probably going to make it too easy, because there are not that many out there.

Anyway, when she first started out as an actress there was this producer who said he could get her a part if she slept with him. She did and got the role, but not the one he promised. Later, when she became very well known, our actress would send photos of herself to his house and to his office with the message F**k you! written across them.

In another very early movie in her career, our actress was propositioned by an actor, who at the time was still a big deal. I mean like A list television big deal. A guy who had been married to one of the most famous women on the planet big deal. He was divorced at the time but about to get married to another woman. He failed to tell this to our actress and the pair began dating on set. He of course got what he wanted and dumped her and our actress got her revenge when this actor got signed to direct a movie and was going to be paid a fortune. Our actress heard about it and signed on to the movie but said she would not do it with this man as the director. He got fired and she did the movie. Again, she also sent a note from the set which said, "Wish you were here."

One of my favorites though has to be when she was cast to do this awful movie. On the set she met this guy who is still a very solid B list actor and has been married to someone very famous. Anyway, the two started dating and he kept saying she was the only one in his life and that he only wanted her. She heard this before from others so took awhile to warm up to the guy, but she did. Well, one night she goes over to his place expecting them to be alone and the guy is in bed with another man and woman and got really upset when our actress did not want to join in. As in really upset and screaming and yelling at her and calling her worthless and so much more. The guy was out of control. Our actress finally walked out. What our actress still does to this day is send the guy flowers and a card whenever a show of his gets canceled or a pilot not picked up which says, "Who is worthless now?"


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I have no idea who this could be, but frankly I think her continuing to send these guys notes and things gives them more power over her than she knows.

  2. It's cool that she wasn't okay with getting walked all over, but putting that much energy into revenge seems like bad karma.

  3. Kidman
    Who else is A+?

  4. Living well is the best revenge!

  5. i loike this! like a little birdie that is watching to see the failures of the people who dicked her. it doesn't give THEM power, it reminds them that she HAS power. 2nd one is my favorite. bahaha. what is it they sa about the payback?? yeah, it is.

  6. Sending the notes just tells these asswipes that she still cares. It's funny, but she needs to let it go.

  7. I don't know who this is yet, but I absolutely love her (unless it's JLo)

  8. I will now make it a point to watch every movie woman does. Hope this one gets revealed.

  9. huh--so she lets this guy live rent free in her head? Move on sister--they are so not worth it!

  10. I want to say Charlize Theron, but I don't think the movies fit.

  11. While I agree she needs to move on, if it were me, and I had the power, I'd make sure they lost jobs and girlfriends and just make their lives miserable. I just wouldn't let them know it was me doing it - but I'd let them suspect it was me.

  12. This sounds like Julia Roberts, possibly Charlize.

  13. Who was the A-list actor married to one of the most famous women in the world? If we find that out, we can maybe backtrack.

  14. There can't be that many A list TV actors who've been married to, and divorced from, a world famous woman, AND who could be offered a big pay day movie directing job.

    Don Johnson?

    Uhh, there's got to be others and the blind doesn't say how the ex-wife was famous.

  15. sounds like Charlize but I don't know which movies we are talking about. I hope she has an assistant to follow up on all this sh.t.

  16. Charlize probably doesn't have enough power to get a director fired but Julia does. Were there any movies where the directors were changed?
    How about Sigourney Weaver?

    Lurker Girl:Your commment is the best!!

  17. Who was the A-list actor married to one of the most famous women in the world? If we find that out, we can maybe backtrack.

    I keep coming back to Sean Penn on this one.

  18. Nevermind... A-list on TV

  19. I can certainly understand the impulse to do what she's done, and am admittedly highly amused by it, but I do tend to think that living well is indeed the best revenge, and going to the trouble of rubbing people's noses in it may not be good for her, karmically speaking.

    As to who might do such a thing? Halle would; so would Reese and CZJ (if she counts as A+ list). Angie might enjoy fantasizing about it, but I don't believe she'd bother to go that far. Somehow I don't see Goopy being subjected to too much crap like this on account of her family connections; same w/Nicole when she was still w/GMD; all the other actresses I can think of strike me as the type who'd just say "Fuck 'em!" and go their merry way while enjoying karma's bitchery towards the deserving.

    So, money's on the first 3 I mentioned, with Halle probably at the top of the list due to being, ahem, less than stable...

  20. I'm guessing the third guy is Johnny Lee Miller... he was married to Angelina Jolie and his tv shows always seem to flop.

  21. This isn't Charlize. She was in a relationship of over a decade. I'm leaning more towards Julia Roberts. Gotta be someone who has dated a lot

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

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  23. Actually, if we use Jonny Lee Miller as the starting point, it could be Charlize. They did Aeon Flux around the time he broke with Angelina.

  24. @Beth, my first thought was Sean Penn, too! I eliminated him for the same reason, though.

    Who are/were the most famous women on the planet?

  25. Hmmm I know I may be way off but was Elliott Gould ever A list on TV? He was married to Streisand and has had several marriages since and you don't get much more famous than her.

  26. If guy #3 is Johnny Lee Miller, he was in Æon Flux with Charlize Theron...

  27. Richard Gere was married to Cindy Crawford, but I don't think he's directed, and he's not TV A-list. Otherwise, J Roberts would get my vote.

  28. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Society always wants women to be passive.... The way she was treated by these men probably made her feel helpless which bred anger later on. In a perfect world men would not do this and people could 'move on' and stop thinking about the cretins who have mistreated them. It probably makes her feel better so whatever. This is the same industry that will drag your name through the mud and quash your career opportunities if you don't for example give the fat lecherous producer a bj. So lets let the assholes get raked over the coals for once, lose a job or two themselves..

  29. Could the A list television big deal be Robert Wagner, had been married to one of the most famous women, Natalie Wood, about to be married to Jill St. John. Could this be a very old blind?

  30. Ooooooh...I didn't think of Julia! Yep, she's a Scorpio, and DEFINITELY the kind of person who'd do this! (Never, I mean never, deliberately screw over a Scorpio--they not only believe in getting even in spades, but in making damn sure that you KNOW they're the one grinding you underneath their heel. The only other sign that comes close is Capricorn, but they prefer to pull strings quietly, and just smile to themselves when you get what's coming to you.)

    OK, I'm changing my guess to Julia 1st, Halle as the runner-up!

  31. I was thinking Benjamin Bratt for Actor #2, but he and Julia Roberts were never married so I guess it can't be him. Who are other A list television actors who were married to famous women?

  32. I don't think it's Angie, because would she have needed the casting couch with Jon Voigt as her father? I like the Halle, Reese, & Charlize guesses. The first two I could see doing it just to be a bitch, Charlize I can see doing because she thinks it's funny.

  33. @flip, I was thinking the same thing, but Robert Wagner wouldn't work. He divorced Natalie Wood, remarried her, and then became a widow. He didn't divorce before marrying Jill St John.

  34. I think I got the first part.

    A+ Actress: Sandra Bullock
    A list TV actor - Lee Majors
    Ex who was famous – Farah Fawcett
    A List Actor Fiance: Karen Velez
    Movie: Bionic Showdown - The Six Million Dollar Man

    Ok...still working out the rest of it.

  35. @Montana Marriott: You may be on to something. I was thinking Streisand/Brolin, but they are still married. But you are right, Elliot Gould was A-list movies, although he did have some TV shows.

  36. Julia and Charlize both seem to have that wicked sense of humor to do this. Or maybe Sandra Bullock?

  37. I think Crilla got the A list actor and famous wife.

  38. @crila16, well done!

  39. Sandra Bullock and Lee Majors dated? What movie or show were they in together?

  40. I had thought Lee Majors too for the TV actor who married most famous woman on the planet. back in the day everyone knew of FF or had her poster on their wall.

    But did he direct? Not someone I ever followed

  41. @crila - I really like your guess, but hasn't enty hinted/had a blind we all figured was about Sandra, that she's a lesbian?

  42. Lee Majors never directed anything outside of 1 Six Million Dollar man episode, don't think it's him.

  43. YEAH!!! Good one, Enty, no matter who this is.

    Hell yeah. You go, girl! Love this. Love, love, love it.

    I would love to hear that MORE of them do this kind of thing in retaliation (men/boys and women/girls). For all those who get used and abused, churned up and spit out.

    (but I'm not the vengeful type, not at all...)

  44. i thought according to another blind Sandra is a lesbian?

    so probably not her

  45. I love the idea of this being an oldie, someone from the 50's or 60's. Can't you just picture Liz Taylor doing this sort of thing?

  46. @crila16: You beat me to it--Lee Majors was my guess for Actor #1, married to Farrah Fawcett, and you filled in the blanks for me.

  47. I kept thinking Sandra myself, but like the Julia guess as well.

  48. I was thinking the same thing about Sandra being a lesbian, but maybe she wasn't out (so to speak) yet. She still had her marriage in front of her.

    Also, it doesn't appear that Major has many directing credits. So would someone be giving him tons of cash to direct?

    However, if we want to stick with the Bullock guess, how about Affleck (Force of Nature) for the third actor?

  49. What about Peter Horton (ex husband of Michelle Pfeiffer) for the A-list TV guy?

    1. I forgot about him! He was a big damn deal for awhile AND I remember him making a big deal about being a director. This is a good guess for the A list for TV guy, I think. (I feel like I should draw out a flow chart!)

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  51. I actually kind of like this girl's approach. *If* you can't get them out of your head (sorry folks, not everyone can do that), it's a healthy approach. And these louses deserve every bit of it.

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  53. I'm thinking it's Angelina - or maybe Gwyneth, only because so few even A-listers are that powerful. The crap movie could be that car theiving movie (Gone in 60 seconds) AJ did w/ Nicholas Cage, who was married to Patricia Arquette (as well as Lisa Marie Presley) - he does seem like the type to experiment and have a tantrum. For Gwyneth, she did that Hard 8 movie that was awful, as well as duets and ... the list goes on. As far as any A list tv actor, marrid to most famous woman on planet?! yikes - anyone got anything on that?!

  54. I like the Juilia roberts guess. I cld totally see her doing this. Remember she wore the tee shirt with some sort of message to husbands ex eife, Vera? And hey, some people dont forget, i like how she messages him whenever he scews up, whos worthless now? I wld never forget that either, altho dont think i wld still be sending him stuff- i wld forget, lol

    1. That really does sound like her personality, doesn't it? I like this guess.

  55. I would think the A list TV actor would have to have been hugely popular to get a movie directing job at all, especially one that paid well. He may have gotten it to cause some buzz not because of any great directing talent. He may only have directed some of the shows in his own series. I keep coming back to guys like Don Johnson, Ted Danson, etc. When they were at their most successful, they were HOT; getting stuff handed to them right and left. There were book deals, recording deals, etc. It was ridiculous.

    Someone like that, maybe, who was married to a world famous woman. I don't know if Don Johnson was ever fired from a directing job and I haven't been able to think of anyone else yet.

    Bruce Willis? Eh, not sure he really fits.

    There's got to be some guys past the 1980's who fit!

  56. A bit vindictive?? Actress needs to tone it down. One note seems okay, but to continue for years - that seems like a psychological problem.

    She's become the nasty type of person that people hate. That can't be good karma!

  57. Thank you everyone. to decode the producer/movie she slept with and what part she was promised, but didn't get. Don't know if it's correct...but...

    Movie: The Vanishing
    Role: Was promised the part of Rita Baker and was cast as Diane Shaver instead.

    Producer: Larry Brezner or Pieter Jan Brugge

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  59. Why does she still care ? This is a spiteful person I say Halle

  60. "Wish you were here."

    Bwa ha ha!!! My fave.

    Doubt it's Sandy Bullock but I'm terrible at these. Agree it sounds like a Scorpio-type move though.

  61. If this is Sandra, I want to say Mark Feuerstein for the third actor. Before Royal Pains, he was the king of canceled series. (He was in Practical Magic.) However, his wife, though a producer, is not famous.

  62. @crila16 - I appreciate your diligence but I don't think you're on the right track. Lee Majors is a great guess but Sandra Bullock wouldn't have had the clout in 1989 to get him fired. It had to be someone that messed with her early in her career pre-fame. It was later that she had the pull to choose her own project and then get the director fired.

  63. Charlize and Julia are fittable in the first part of the blind, but not the last.

    For the last you have Charlize Theron + Johnny Lee Miller (Aeon Flux). Ex is Angelina Jolie.

    For Julia Roberts you have her + Michael Sheen (Mary Reilly). Ex is Kate Beckinsale.

    I cant make either of them fit with the A list TV actor, with a super famous ex-wife, who later directed from the middle of the blind at all..

  64. What about Goldie Hawn? She was pretty powerful back in the day.

    She just popped into my head..

  65. I totally get the people saying she should just move on, but at the same time, I'm kinda liking it. :D

    As to who it is, I have no idea and my brain is too tired from the last thing I posted to sort through the clues. You people are better than me, anyway, I just like to read!

  66. @Goober - the bi doesn't say she got him fired in 89. That could have happened years later, when she had more clout than he did. Trying to figure out what movie Majors would have been offered - thought maybe Speed cause of his time on The Fall Guy (weak logic, I know) but don't think that works for a few reasons, one of which being that Sandy barely got the role herself.

  67. I haven't got time to read through all Sandra's movie but....
    B list actor: Dermot Mulroney
    Famous Ex wife: Catherine Keener
    Awful Movie: The Thing called Love

    I could be totally wrong though.

  68. Someone make Sharon Stone fit this...I don't know much about her, but I get a vibe from her that she could totally do this.

  69. Mulroney and Keener were married then. Also, Mulroney doesn't have a lot of failed pilots under his belt. He does mostly guest spots.

  70. Ok, made Julia Roberts fit.

    Julia Roberts

    Middle blind:
    B list actor, who later directed: Don Johnson

    Famous Ex -- Melanie Griffith

    Reason: Julia Roberts guest starred on Miami Vice in 1988.
    Don Johnson was divorced from Melanie Griffith at the time. Blind indicates that the actor was about to be married again. He was married again in Melanie Griffith

    Bottom of blind:

    Bad Movie: Mary Reilly (Razzie nominated for worst actress)
    Actor: Michael Sheen
    Famous Ex-wife: Kate Beckinsale

  71. Reading about Ted Danson, it made me think of Whoopi Goldberg for the actress, and Made in America for the awful movie.

  72. The first graph makes me think Angelina Jolie. Didn't she want Winona Ryder's part in Girl Interrupted?

  73. @Goober. They didn't mention getting anyone fired in 1989. That's when the movie she did with Lee Majors came out (Bionic Man movie) The movie was most likely filmed end of 1987 or early 1988, just before Lee married his fiance.

  74. I think the tv actor married to the big star is James Brolin.

  75. Lee Majors never directed anything other than 1 TV episode, no studio would offer him a fortune to direct a movie, waning A list TV star or not. Think it's time to move on from that line of guesses.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. @phoenix, It's not James Brolin. This is someone who HAD BEEN married to someone huge before having an affair with the actress and remarrying.

  78. @Grey, Sheen and Beckinsale were never married.

  79. If it was Sandy then the last actor could be Julian McMahon who she was with in Premonition (a truly terrible movie). He was married to Brooke Burns and Dannii Minogue and I can see him having a Devil's Three-Way.

  80. In my opinion, the only actress truly powerful enough to get a director fired is Julia Roberts. All the others mentioned, while A-list, just don't seem to have the star power to open movies well like Julia (except MAYBE Reese), IMO. I bet if someone took the time to backtrack through Julia's career and the people she's worked with, the dots could be connected.

  81. I think Julia is the best guess, now just to make her fit well. We know she's used the casting couch and has a vindictive sort of personality (the "A Low Vera T-shirts for Danny Moder's ex, anyone?) and can get directors fired. The key to guessing the final actor in the blind is the presence of cancelled TV shows/pilots with maintenance of B list status.

  82. Julia Roberts sounds like she'd do this - and was the first guess that popped in my mind.

  83. I love her subtle acts of revenge and reminder but keeping it going does suggest that it could be just a wee bit too much. Subtle power is much more dangerous than desperate power.

    I have no guesses for this one at all.

  84. While I see the appeal of what the actress is doing, it is incredible unhealthy for her. A psychologically healthy person doesnt fixate on the past, nor do they "punish" people like that.

    whatever happenned to "the best revenge is a life well lived"?

  85. If this is Julia Roberts, perhaps the B-list actor could be Hank Azaria (married to Helen Hunt, alleged to be gay/bi, canceled TV shows).

  86. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Charlize Theron.

    Started out playing small parts in big productions, which would fit the first part of the blind.

    Former A list TV star/director would be Peter Horton, who she worked with on Two Days In The Valley. At that time he was just about to get married for a second time. Don't know the movie he was scheduled to direct for big bucks, but The Italian Job would fit nicely, including sending him a postcard.

    Awful movie is clearly Aeon Flux, the one real stinker on Charlize's resume. In which she co-starred with solid B-lister Jonny Lee Miller, who has subsequently been in at least a couple of cancelled TV shows, and was formerly married to the very famous Angelina Jolie.

    Charlize was in a relationship with Stuart Townsend from 2002 or 2004, depending on your sources, and shot Aeon Flux in 2004, so the long relationship doesn't rule her out.

  87. But Peter Horton was never A-list on TV. thirtysomething was critically acclaimed. No one became a superstar, TV or otherwise, from it.

  88. Oohh, matt, good work. Gotta look into that line of thinking.

  89. I thought Enty said this one was supposed to be easy.

  90. Beth wasn't Peter hot for a NY minute from thirtysomething.. remember people freaking out when he died on the show

  91. But that didn't make him A-list.

  92. For the Sandy guess: Tate Donovan, Love Potion #9, 1992? He wasn't married to her, but known for being engaged to Anniston? Lots of failed tv, too.

    Perhaps too much of a stretch?

  93. No. I don't think it's Charlize. Besides, there are lots of lesbian rumors about her. Peter Horton was an A list actor? I honestly never heard of him. I know he was married to Michelle Phieffer cause i just looked him up, but she's not one of the most famous women on the planet big deal. That to me would be someone like a Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor...and even Farrah Fawcette.

  94. No guess but I like her style. No telling how many other women weren't treated so badly because of her kind reminders. Bwahahhahahahahha!

  95. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I like matt's guess. And Johnny may have been into threesomes via his marriage to Angelina, who openly dated Jenny Shimizu around the same time she married Johnny.

    Charlize has expressed disgust about casting couches even existing, so her being thirsty for revenge for having to put up with it early on seems spot on.

    Didn't Enty once say that CT flatly refused to get on the couch once, but still got a job? Again, ties into someone who might want to get back at those who put her in bad positions.

  96. I wonder if it was someone from the 60's?

  97. I agree that it's great when you see bad karma come around to bite someone else in the ass, but this chick needs to let go.

    Living well is the best revenge.

  98. I'm also liking Julia Roberts for this; she's one of the few names here who's been able to get a movie made by having her name tied to it for a long time now.

    It would be nice if she could let these men's cruelties go, but folks, sometimes revenge is the best revenge.

  99. Julia Roberts

    Early movie: Satisfaction
    Producer: Armyan Bernstein

    A-list actor with famous wife: ???

    Awful movie: America's Sweethearts
    B-list actor: Hank Azaria

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I think this is an older one:

    A+ actress is Anjelica Huston - she won an Oscar. She doesn't do much anymore but is still A+ like Jack Nicholson.

    Lee Majors is the A list television actor. He was married to Farrah Fawcett. The movie she got him removed from was Prizzi's Honor.

    The producer is Carey Wilson from The Postman Always Rings Twice. She was promised the lead female role opposite Jack Nicholson and instead she got the lesser role of Madge.

    I am not certain on the last part. It could be James Caan and he was married to a former girlfriend of Elvis.

  102. Wish you were here...hahaha

  103. Whomever this is, I say good for her.

  104. It might be older, but I don't think it's Angelica. Her father was John Huston- in his career he had 15 Oscar Nominations and a very famous writer, director, actor. Not only would she not need to use the acting couch, I suspect that directors/producers would be terrified of crossing her for fear of pissing off her Dad. It's the same reason that I don't think the Goopster could be involved.

  105. I really, really think this is Julia. Like one poster said: this is the work of a Scorpio. I am one, and I'm telling you, she did this shit and probably more.

  106. This Scorpio crap has to stop, people.

  107. meryl streep. alec baldwin the b list actor in it's complicated. was married to kim basinger.

  108. Totally off topic but after visiting some past blinds from other sites I found this one from 2008 and thought it was interesting considering all the speculation that RDJ is Himmmm
    "We thought this much-loved actor had put his predilections behind him but he seems to have relapsed. Although he's now happily married, he's been cruising Craig's List for gay sex. A guy who placed an ad for anonymous sex was surprised when this actor turned up looking high as a kite and thrashed. He explained he'd been partying for a week and "didn't do this very often" but did not identify himself. Even with his facial hair and messed up looks he was easy to recognize. Let's hope he gets a grip before he goes off the deep end again. Actor- Robert Downey Jr.".

  109. Why do I have no sympathy for this actress? She willingly went the casting couch route but didn't get the part she wanted - boo hoo. Then she dated an A List TV actor who was about to get married but she didn't know that? Not buying it. I don't think she's as innocent as she makes herself sound.

  110. this sounded like julia roberts to me, and i also thought of lee majors for man number 2.

    everyone complains about the casting couch and young women (and men) being taken advantage of in hollywood and why doesn't anyone do anything about it.......well here is someone doing something about it! think about how you would feel if everytime some project you had worked hard on (and hoped it would be your come-back vehicle) failed.....then you get a bouquet of flowers with a card telling you that you are so worthless. love it.

  111. I am married to a scorpio and yes this has Julia written all over it.

  112. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I don't know why Meryl Streep is in my head. I don't know who this is, but she's my new role model.

  113. I do think this actress needs to let go - if it's from vindictiveness it's far too much negative energy. I could really see Julia doing this but I can't figure out anyone else.

    One of the most famous woman in the world - we really need to concentrate on just that - world-wide famous. Like Liz, but Farrah could work, I remember her poster was hanging on every guy's dorm wall. Jolie could also work.

    If this is Charlize, I could see her doing this more as joke - she has a wicked sense of humor.

    But so far none of the guesses really work....I agree this could be an older item. Who are some older A+ actresses?

  114. Don't think it's Meryl- she pretty much was made just out of school when she stole the show as the maid with no lines in The Cherry Orchard done at Shakespeare in the Park in NY. She also hasn't dated that much.

  115. I like the Charlize guess (very smart, beth, to come up with that after an AJ guess). Angelina, Julia, and Madonna are examples of some of the most famous women in the world. She seems to fit all the details right? I love her, and I hope she's doing this with a laugh, and isn't angry still. I would hate if she were bitter.

  116. Thought you all would have this solved by now. I found a list of famous couples-Megan Fox, Kate Beckinsale and Marlo Thomas are names that struck me. Another thought-could she be famous for sports?

  117. I hope she also holds herself accountable for the bad choices she makes with men. Anyone can make a mistake, but doesn't she seem the type to collect losers and then wonder why she never gets a good guy? You get what you will put up with. I know too many people with "so much drama" in their romantic lives and they keep making the same choices. And then when they are unhappy, it's the guys' fault, all the way back to the first one who broke her heart. Yeah, getting used hurts, and it can happen to the best of us, but getting used over and over and over and over, and then revisiting the pain with "how you like me now?" type notes to the guys who did her wrong just screams dysfunction to me.

  118. Got it!
    Billy Bob Thornton was on the hit show, Evening Shade.

    He then married Angelina Jolie (5 May 2000 - 27 May 2003)

    She is definitely an A+

    Sean Penn was married to the most famous woman in the world, Madonna
    (1985 – to 1989)

    Don’t know what movie she got him fired from, but he does prefer directing. And he undoubtedly got offered a huge amount of money.

    As for the third paragraph, I’m stumped. At first I thought it was “Playing God” which starred David Duchovny, a known sex addict, and Timothy Hutton, whom I read about in a book written by a prostitute says in quite pervy.
    But neither of them was married to anyone famous.

    Then I thought maybe it’s Thomas Jane whom she was in “Original Sin (2001). Maybe it’s Ryan
    Phillipe, “Playing by Heart" (1999), he was married to Reese Witherspoon in 1999. He was in a few cancelled TV shows. And there were cheating rumors swirling about his breakup with RW.

    I gotta get a life.

  119. The problem with Charlize was that before Stuart Townsend, she was in a long term relationship with Stephan Jenkins of Third Eye Blind.

    Gwyneth, because of who her parents are, was probably able to bypass a lot of the casting couch bullshit. Same with Angelina.

    I'm still leaning towards Julia on this.

  120. Goopster has used the casting couch. No one here has heard of the "baking cookies with Weinstein" to get the part in SiL.

  121. I hope this one is revealed!

  122. I'm terrible with the blinds, but I do think Julia Roberts would do this with her famous laugh..I'm a Scorpio..I'd do,enjoy it..and laugh.

  123. I don't know why Enty might hate this movie, I personally loved it but then, he might have different tastes...And I'm weird...Ok, loved the Sandra Bullock thought, she seems like the kind who would gloat about her success (mean that in the nicest way since she's earned it!)
    I'm going with Practical Magic and Aidan Quinn (the police officer) He is married to Elizabeth Bracco (not that famous but has been is Sopranos, Goodfellas and is the sister of Lorraine Bracco)
    The shows that have failed for Quinn:
    Third Watch
    Canterbury's Law
    The Book of Daniel
    Prime Suspect

  124. I can't tie it to anything, but when I read this I kept picturing Jennifer Aniston.

  125. Robin The Mad Photogrpaher - you just explained why my love life and some of my family life sucks so bad ;)

    I have no idea who this is but don't kid yourselves thinking this woman is doing this herself. She has her assistant keeping an eye out and then has the assistant do it. This takes up little to no space in our ladies head.

    Depending in what was done to me or how damaged I was I might be this vengeful....

  126. I am also guessing Sandra Bullock with the A list TV star being Lee Majors. I don't know who the B list actor is though.

  127. For some reason I am thinking this is Renee Zellwegger. She has won an Oscar so she is definitely A list.

    I'm trying to make it fit and maybe it doesn't, but I remembered Kathy Griffin telling this crazy story about Renee and this blind sounds eerily familiar to something she would do. This is what Kathy said in an interview, "In her much-bleeped reality show, the winner of the 2007 Emmy for outstanding noncompetition reality program, Ms. Griffin has no mercy for any so-called A-lister she deems ripe for takedown, like Renée Zellweger. “I made this horrible joke about her, and a couple weeks later she sent me those flowers with a note that said, ‘Warmest wishes, Renée Zellweger.’ Isn’t that chilling?”

    Ms. Griffin interprets the gift as a hostile gesture. “If I turn up mysteriously missing, I think you should call Renée Zellweger,” she said. “She should be in the Top 30” names of suspects, “but you know that list is getting long.”

  128. @Tru Leigh

    "But neither of them was married to anyone famous."

    Timothy Hutton was married to Debra Winger for years.

  129. I disagree with those who say her actions are psychologically unealthy. Might agree if she was stalking these bozos but h'wood is a fairly small town and she really can't avoid them, in a sense. So, to me, she is doing what any healthy player would do--talk the talk and walk the walk and make sure everyone knows you are not to be trifled with.

  130. I can't understand the whole turn the other cheek attitude

    If some dude made me fuck them for a role and burnt me, then i am fully justified in taking revenge.

    Karma is best when it's self served.

  131. Melissa,
    "But neither of them was married to anyone famous."

    Timothy Hutton was married to Debra Winger for years."

    But not at time TH was in the movie with AJ. Nor was she all that famous.

  132. Crilia FTW: Every actor has one vanity project they want to direct, so there's no reason to rule out Lee Majors just because he has no directing credits.

    Bullock's first film was Hangmen, and here Enty is fudging the clues because otherwise it would be too easy. Sandy landed the lead--in her first film role. Odd. Clearly, she did get the role she wanted, just now how she wanted.

    The writer/director/producer of Hangmen went on to a bottom-feeder career of producing dreck. But the executive producer of Hangmen was also the executive producer of Demolition Man, in which Sandy got her big break by replacing Lori Petty. A payback kindness by the helmer?

    Enty's fudging clues to hide the fact that the first two clues were her first two films, and if you got screwed over like that on your first forays in the biz, wouldn't you be bitter?

  133. Focusing on the Still A list television actor who had been married to one of the most famous women in the world, was divorced and about to remarry.
    Lee Majors split with Farrah in 79, divorced in 82 Married a playboy bunny in 88.
    In 89 Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman came out. Sandra Bullock is in that movie and it is one of her first credits, as referenced in the blind.
    These clues fit perfectly.
    I was originally seeing Julia Roberts for this but Sandy sure fits.

  134. This blind item seems fake as hell. Unless the actress bragged about it to people. The only stretch would be someone like Julia Roberts who was petty enough to wear an "A Low Vera" shirt. But this blind still seems made up in response to all the victim blinds out there.

  135. Off topic here...just happened to read a comment from Himmm in an old blind from the winter. I am guessing Himmm = Harry Hamlin.

  136. regarding Julia Roberts:

    " The key to guessing the final actor in the blind is the presence of cancelled TV shows/pilots with maintenance of B list status."

    Matthew Perry. She did a guest spot on Friends and they were linked for a bit afterwards.

  137. I support this A+ actress' efforts, there is no way you just sit and take crap like that and not pay back when the opportunity presents itself - unless you're a doormat of course.

  138. I have to disagree about Deborah Winger not being all that famous. After Urban Cowboy, An Officer & a Gentleman and Terms of Endearment she was the biggest female lead in Hollywood & considered the best young actress. All three of those movies were huge.

  139. I agree with @astrogirl, I had a feeling it was Angelina reading it but whoever it was, good for them! Bravo!

  140. Cameron Diaz is A+ list. Everyone knows her name and face, she can open a movie, and she has been in some big hits. I can see her doing this.

  141. just stop falling for any of these men in the entertainment industry! seems they are all sex addict weirdos! dont base your life of some country song or a movie. it seems these actors and such get confused with fantasy land and reality!

  142. "wish you were here!"-incubus! just heard them play live last night lol!

  143. This has to be Julia Roberts. She's a Scorpio. Holding grudges and wicked revenge is such a Scorpio thing to do. (I'm one, too, I should know.)

  144. I'm co-signing CarolMR. I don't feel an ounce bit sorry for this girl, she sounds batshit crazy. No one made her do a damn thing. She chose to go the couch route and quite frankly, I'm surprised she got the role she did. You can't expect someone unethical to suddenly do the ethical thing and give the role promised. Where's the logic in that? And she's also pissed because the guy she warmed up to married someone else? Was he promising a marriage with her? I just don't get this. While I can get that she's hurt, she's making a complete ass out of herself with this behavior.

  145. P.S. I thought Angelina immediately when I began reading, but I like the Julia Roberts guess too.

  146. I finally cracked it.

    A+ list actress- JULIA ROBERTS (duh)
    "easy" because she is "the most famous actress in the world"

    Movie role she got but didn't want-
    --she played the lead actresses younger sister. Lesly Ann Warren was nominated for a globe for her lead role.

    my guess for producer- HUNT LOWRY.

    A list TV star- DENNIS HOPPER.

    Movie they did together- BLOOD RED (1989)

    very famous ex-wife(back then)-MICELLE PHILLPS (The Mama's and the Papa's)look her up. back then big deal.

    movie he was set to direct- MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING (brought to director P.J. HOGAN after Julia was signed on as " a star vehicle for Julia")

    awful movie-AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS (another duhhhh)

    solid b-list actor- HANK AZARIA (who would DEF swing both ways)

    WAY famous ex-wife- HELEN HUNT (they divorced in 2000)


    ps- i LOVE her even more for this :)

  147. Huh. That's funny. I'd think Dennis Hopper was an A+ list movie (not TV) star with Easy Rider, Rebel Without A Cause, Apocolypse Now, Blue Velvet as his primary (and solid) claims to fame.

    But then again, I'm 44.

  148. Karma is how the meek justify their meekness.

  149. Michelle Phillips was NEVER "one of the most famous women on the planet". Farrah, arguably, was.

    Crila nailed it.

  150. My guess is it's either Charlize Theron or Julia Roberts. I can't figure out the details. I can't see wasting the energy on all of this.

  151. Kind of like this story :D
    karma's a bitch :D

    could see this as being Theron, Berry, Julia "A Low Vera" Roberts-, CZJ (she fabulous btw), Liz Taylor (LOVE)

    Dont see this as Jolie, Aniston, Streep (she's TOO good for this shit), Portman, Bullock, Gwyneth (too yogi for this)

    Ill go with Julia or Theron.

    +I dont believe in revenge but I find this kind of endearing :D I guess im a bitch ;)

  152. Billy Bob was married to Angelina.

  153. Sean Penn was married to Madonna

  154. Wasn't one of 'the most famous woman on the planet' also a line from Notting Hill? :O

  155. This was revealed as Charlize....never ever would have thought it.

  156. A list tv actor = Bruce Willis (Moonlighting)
    Married to Demi Moore at the height of her fame

  157. Those last two guys - the TV guy married to a famous woman and the one yelling worthless at her deserves what misery he feels, absolutely, when her floral arrangements arrives. He intentionally misled her and had her believing he was who he isn't, so I hope poison ivy is in the arrangement.

    The producer deserved the harassment as well, but as for that one, an actress should chalk up to lessons learned and never repeat it.

  158. I'm getting a Jennifer Aniston vibe with the A-List show being Friends.

  159. I'm going with Charlize, with the A-list television guy, married to the famous woman, being Peter Horton (Thirty-something)with Michelle Pfeiffer as the ex-wife.

    The "very solid B list actor" formerly married to someone very famous would be Johnny Lee Miller.

    I'm thinking the "early producer" creep had something to do with That Thing You Do, with the Liv Tyler part being promised to her.

  160. It's Angelina JOLIE and the guy in the 3rd paragraph is Timothy Hutton. He has too many rumours about doing that type of 3way-4way on the web. He was married to Debra Winger who is famous! The movie they met on was PLAYING GOD.
