Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blind Item #1

What new talk show host lines up three to five women at the end of his show and has them answer questions about what they would be willing to do to sleep with him. If there is more than one person that attracts his interest he asks if they are willing to do a threesome. if not, he has the second place finisher wait for a few hours until he finishes with the first.


auntliddy said...

Ewwwwwwwww! Why would any girl/women do that?????? Ewwww!

Anonymous said...

Totally disgusting.

Lauren said...

Well not Anderson. Maybe one of those doctors.

Ellen said...

Russell Brand has a new talk show.... Watched it this week, hope it gets better...

the.princess.leia said...

Doesn't Rusty Rockets have a new talk show?

angie said...

Russell Brand.. who else.

yawnathon said...

The Probst!

Ingrid Superstar said...

Some nerve...a competition to fuck him!?

Robert said...

I always have thought Russell Brand is a disgusting pig. This sounds just like him.

CJ said...

gross but unsurprising. My BF worked at a bar frequented by our NHL team's players... and she saw women lined up in the bathroom waiting to give the goalie a BJ. TWICE.

Some women are just... different.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bit dams said...

lol, i'm sorry, but how stupid are the women who agree to take part in this. sounds like a game show; 2 minute drill, 50,000 grand slam, deal or no deal.

farmgirl said...


MadLyb said...

Hey, if you don't mind waiting in line for mediocre sex, or to selflessly get on your knees for some guy, good for you. Maybe it's more exciting if it's a famous person. I guess... No shame - just not something I would do. I'm just hoping the ladies remember to put a rubber on it.

0_0 said...

Talk show host groupies? If girls do it for rock stars and sports figures....

I can believe this with Brand and some ladies.

nolachickee said...

Do they get the bathrobe parting gift afterwards? If not, Rusty is getting cheap.

detown359 said...

Piers Morgan.

angie said...

@Agent**It, or Bethenny Frankel ;)

audrey said...

Fame, power and money often turn people into complete and utter idiots and cheap sluts.

HannahPalindrome said...



Anonymous said...

Hard to believe Russel Brand is that hard up for women really. Hard to believe this is even true.
It'll never be revealed anyway.

angie said...

On the other hand jg610, his modus operandi regarding women insures he's never hard up for one :)

SaintsFan said...

I am not sure if this is true but if it is, my guess would be Russ Brand. He is rumored to be into extreme kink so maybe he is asking them how kinky they will get for him.

FingerBinger said...

The very unfunny Russell Brand.

Agent**It said...

I tried to watch 5 minutes of his new show. I could not hear/understand one word that he spoke.

MISCH said...

Why isn't he fired ? Conduct unbecoming...

Del Riser said...

I'll assume all single people who can do whatever they want with whomever they want. Sounds like Russell. If you are into star fu**ing, you'd still have to have a weird group of friends that would think this was a major coup!

It doesn't say much for him or her, or the men or women lined up to be
treated like any other throw away item.

Kelly said...

Russel. Gross. He's dead to me if it's him. Lol

hunter said...

Russell Brand opened the premier of his new show with a joke about having sex with the Dali Lama (???). I didn't get it and switched over to Jon Stewart (always funny).

I was disappointed, I hoped Brand's show would be funnier. :/

lostathome said...

What is the appeal with Brand? He's not attractive. And just somewhat funny, and most of that is because of the accent.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I am wondering about Russell's kinks, I keep hearing he has some disgusting fetishes, but never heard what they actually are.. Anyone knows? xD I only heard of something related to wheelchairs etc, but only that.. *no i am not curious at all!*

shakey said...

nolachickee - maybe he gives them breath mints afterwards.

MISCH said...

Russell if it's Russell has the worst voice....the worst

Hendrix said...

Seems the sometimes funny, mildly talented Mr. Brand has traded his drug & booze addiction for a sex addiction. Katy Perry got out just in time.

Anonymous said...

To me, Russell brand's face looks like a hairy lady part.... Don't get the appeal but for some reason women like him enough to 'line up'

El Roy 13 said...

I believe Auntliddy said all that needs to be said.

As for some of the guesses, who would sleep with Brand?? He repulses me (I'm not partial to men whose thighs touch but calves go out, nor who wear, excuse me, hide behind costumes everyday. As that is exactly what that get-up/image is, a costume -and to be pronounced as Abby Lee would, cosh' it's the only way now ;))

The Black Cat said...

But if he does this after every show then pretty soon it will be common knowledge you would think?

Barton Fink said...

I never get upset about people who debase themselves sexually. They probably have a better sense of their worth and dignity than we do, I suspect!

Anonymous said...

This really sounds like Russell Brand, just the sort of insecure "I'm a rock star" attitude, needing validation and reassurance from desperate women willing to do anything to inflate his weak ego. He's drowning his sorrows in poon. Given the chance I think that any man would do the same in his position, unless he's already been there and done that and is ready for the love of one good woman.

Basil said...

I don't care who the host is, but I really feel bad for the ladies who apparantly have such low self esteem they would be willing to wait while he finishes with the first lady. I am all for people having consensual sex in any form that rocks their boat, but this doesn't sound like sex to me. I hope the women insist on condoms because a guy that would do something like that could very well have a STD.

BigMama said...

That Dr Phil is one sick puppy

Seriously, I co-sign on the Rotten Brand guess. He gives me the serious "icks" and apparently he is more than willing to share his "icks" with every woman he can find. Honeslty, the CDC must have him lsted as a potential Ground Zero for future plagues. Blech!

GoddessPinkAngel said...

Bill Maher!?! Although it doesn't say all of the women are 'exotic'.

Sue T. said...

I'm convinced this has to be Russell Brand. I saw him perform at a local comedy club -- this was before he married Katy -- and at the end, he stated that if there were any women interested in sleeping with him, they should come backstage. People laughed, but I don't think he was kidding. (Needless to say, I didn't stick around long enough to find out.) He has been in treatment for sex addiction but it doesn't seem to have taken. It wouldn't surprise me if Enty reveals this one on Wed. because it isn't even all that shocking, it's just Russell being Russell.

Agent**It said...

@BigMama , the glass of vino I was enjoying is all over the monitor. Not Dr. Pill .

BigMama said...

Hahahaha you know that's alcohol abuse

Shocky said...

I don't feel Russel for this. No better guess though.
I'm not a fan of his comedy - I too can not decipher much of what he says and I'm British - but I've met him and totally get the attraction. He has 'it'

parissucksliterally said...

Gross....and the ladies who DO sleep with this dude are fucking losers with no self esteem.

Mikah's Blog said...

Whooooooa.....a man who likes to f**k women....what a shocker. Given the chance, imo, 90% of hetro males would b pulling the same stunt, sans kink.....most men act sexually conservative because we "force" them to. Lol

History Snark said...

@Sarah, what is "it"? Herpes? Syphilis? Gonorrhea?

Do tell!


Unknown said...

I thought probst liked trannies?

MrWolf said...

Mikah, I'll have you know I'm shocked! Shocked and chagrined.

I'm as pure as the pure driven snow.

I watched Into the Blue for the art!

Aoife said...
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Aoife said...

Reading is fundamental. I missed the phrase "new talk show host".
Bill Maher isn't new. I guess it is Russell Brand. Blech.

Lauren said...

I cant lie. I feel the same as unattractive as he is theres just something.

SaintsFan said...

Did we not get a reveal today because of the ones revealed on the 4th?

Sunny said...

Enty said on Friday that he would have minimal posting Saturday and would probably do the reveal Sunday

SaintsFan said...

Thanks Sunny! I must have missed that.

Brenda L said...

"It" is charisma, which he has a truckload of. Also be on guard when socializing with someone of intense charisma, these people know how to get what they want

ForSure said...

I am reminded of a line from Dead Poets Society, that men write poetry to woo women. Sometimes I think men become world class athletes, rock stars, or other types of celebrities not because of the thrill of sport or joy of music or whatever, but because their penises tell them to do whatever it takes to get more sex.

Alicia said...


Mango said...

Are the women guests on his show? If so, at least he lines them up at the END of the show. It's not as if he's holding anything over their heads. They can always walk away if not interested.


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