Saturday, June 30, 2012

Janet Charlton Blind Item

These two young stars costarred in one of the biggest movies of the year and everyone speculated that they had an affair. But that’s only half right. The female lead DID have an on set fling – but not with her costar – with her costar’s GIRLFRIEND when she came to visit! Ironically, the girlfriend is also a major star but she wouldn’t let her hunky boyfriend join in the fun. Both women are bisexual and he’s straight.


  1. Jennifer Lawrence, Miley Cyrus, and Liam Hemsworth. Done and done.

  2. Miley and Jennifer Lawrence

  3. Miley and Jennifer Lawrence

  4. I couldn't type it fast enough, but it sounds like we're all in agreement.

  5. Yep. Didn't Entward already post this?

  6. I hope this isn't true cause it would cause me to dislike JL...miley is too chipmunky and annoying as shit to be attractive.

  7. As I was reading this, I just kept hearing a chipmunky valley girl voice in my head saying over and over "I'm Miley Cyrus and I like chicks"

  8. this was on Dlisted the other day.

  9. Vicki, love the Entwood nic !

  10. This blows the other Hunger Games blind item.

  11. How does miley know what she is? She grew up in a bubble, no parental guidance, then, boom! Getting married. Stop, take a breath!

  12. Jennifer Lawrence and Miley Cyrus came to my mind too.

  13. Too bad that nobody made a video--that we know of, anyway.

  14. Isn't this a repeat of a blind Janet Charleton really just rehashes blinds and stories from other people.

  15. I'm sorry I have a hard time believing any of these Miley/Liam blinds. How could he propose to her if 1. she had sex with his brother (and why would he continue to be tight with him??!) and 2. hook up with his costar...They both seem really in love, I'm not buying it.

  16. Anonymous12:23 PM


  17. Anonymous12:25 PM

    all these blinds about Miley and Liam don't really make sense. i read so many articles about her acting out cos he was getting all the attention and how tired of it he was and then suddenly they are engaged. I guess those blinds were BS.
    and i think this one is too...

  18. If I believed all the Jennifer Lawrence blinds I've read, that is one kinkay girl.

  19. This one makes no sense. He's straight, and what man doesn't havt a fantasy about watching two girls go at it? I think it's BS because of that slip,

  20. Yeah, is Miley really doing all these people AND engaged to Mr. yummy?

  21. another clue on why the blind items are entertaining but totally garbage or how fantasy on Miley/Liam

  22. Australians are just....different. (kidding!)

  23. I'm not seeing Miley & Jennifer Lawrence in this one. But, what do I know?

  24. If you compare this with the Hunger Games blind from back in March, either:

    A) One/both of these blinds are b.s.
    B) The narrator (most guessed JL) lied about who she slept with.
    C) The narrator wasn't JL.

  25. Wasn't the consensus on the other blind that JL was NOT the narrator. Instead, the narrator was most likely one of the other tributes. I also immediately thought of this as JL and MC. From the blinds people have attributed to MC and LH it all seems the LH is more passive in exploring sexual experiences and MC is really gung ho about it. If all of those are correct I could totally see her wanting to girl boner JL.
