Monday, June 04, 2012

Kelsey Grammer Gets Married Again - Again

Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Grammer got married for the second time over the weekend in Vegas. This is kind of like when Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock kept getting married. Once they ran out of ways and places to marry, the marriage ended. Kelsey said he always wanted shotgun wedding photos. This would make the fifth time Kelsey has got married, but two of those were to Kayte so I guess that makes four wives total. I still think he has three or four more in him. Wives. At some point all of his ex-wives could make their own Real Housewives show. Oh, that would be good. Sitting around the dinner table while they all talked smack about him. Having Kelsey Grammer look-a-like contests. Watching marathons of Frasier while they guessed which guests he had sex with.


cheesegrater15 said...

Was a giant flesh-eating spider the priest?

Seachica said...

The length of the marriage is inversely proportional to the number of ceremonies. I give this one 9 more months.

And Enty, I'd watch that RH show. You know it would be *good*.

Amber said...

What a fool he is. God forbid he take a moment to be introspective and ask why he needs to have 85 ex-wives.

I will never understand why people look up to (most) celebrities.

yawnathon said...

I'm glad I was married at the same Vegas chapel before Manboobs up there left his slimy DNA. He's a real piece of work, that one.

deity2 said... cute....they have matching bellies......

cheesegrater15 said...

Porno Lector may have been detained in Germany. I hope it's him.

RJ said...

Some people are incapable of being alone. Kelsey seems to be one of these people. Given his horrible childhood and early adulthood, it is a wonder he turned out as stable as he did. A compulsion to be loved and a few kinks in the bedroom are pretty tame compared to the tragedy and instability he's known.

My husband could never be alone. I know that he adores me, but if I died tomorrow, I know that he'd be married again in a matter of months. Seriously, he couldn't handle being alone. I think his need for a partner goes back to his childhood, too. Due to his father's job, they moved every two years or so. Having to make and leave friends constantly is devastating for a child. Plus, he's an only child so that made it even harder.

SusanB said...

@RJ - my husband is the same way. He hates living alone. Not sure why but he just prefers being married.

Anonymous said...

i'd watch that show

Sis said...

I'd watch it too :)

Mango said...

His neediness is SOOOO unattractive.

Henriette said...

My hubs was the opposite. He was a Buddhist monk for ten years. It took him a while to get use to marriage.

I always gave Kelsey a pass because his life has been so HARD. I mean geez the way the majority of his family died is incredible. I could not imagine what that would be like.

Martin Short is another entertainer whose family background was pretty sad too.

car54 said...

Lol, Enty...your mouth to Andy Cohen's ears. I'd for sure watch that Housewives show.

Kelsey has had a freakin tragic life but at some point I think everyone has to admit...hard life or's left him pretty much a tool...and he needs some poor sucker of a woman to hold him together--and he pays very dearly when he finds her.

auntliddy said...

More about Martin Short please.

kyliegirl1234 said...

Let's face it. He's a tool.

Henriette said...

Martin Short lost both of his parents before the age of 20. His eldest brother died in a car accident when he was 12. His mother died of cancer when he was 17 and his father died from a stroke at 19.

ingrid said...

They're having twins though!

Anotheramy said...

Kelsey Grammer has a long history of drug and alcohol problems as well as many wives and rumors of abuse, infidelity, sexually transmitted disease and flat out kink. Ive often wondered if he would get as many passes without Frasier Crane demeanor and accent.

csproat said...

Oh MAN! Thanks I have no choice but to pine away for that would be fanTAStic!!


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