Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

Four parts today

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9
Reader Photo #10
Reader Photo #11
Reader Photo #12
Reader Photo #13
Reader Photo #14
Reader Photo #15
Reader Photo #16
Reader Photo #17
Reader Photo #18
Reader Photo #19
Reader Photo #20
Reader Photo #21
Reader Photo #22
Reader Photo #23


  1. another batch of beautiful readers, #23 i love your smile!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Reader #17 you just make my life

  4. #18, I always pictured Elvis as being taller.
    #23, I love that necklace!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. To all the women of color who have posted pix today and previously, you are all beautiful and remind me of my coworkers that I miss, dearly. (Including the absolute beauty of the multi-hued #22 !).

    #11- you have the reincarnation of my dog Ernie ! I tell more stories about my Ernie than I do about family and friends, and he has been gone for decades. Happy to see he lives on!!

    What a fun and wonderful group.

  7. woooohoooo I finally made it...I'm # 14, btw everyone looks great

  8. Aw, 14 - you're a cutie. Hello to everyone - and to everyone I missed this past week.

  9. #14, Have I got a son for you. Beautiful!

    1. Thank for the compliment and tell your son I said "call me" lol

  10. OT- how are you feeling, Jason?

  11. Enty must really like you #5, because i'm sure i saw you other day too, and who can blame him!

    1. Oh, shucks! That's me. <3 Thanks!

  12. AHA!!!! #5 your popular:)

    1. You like me! You really like me! Hahaha. :)

  13. #8 you look pretty and 'brite to me !

    Come on now #7, don't make us imagine who you are...

  14. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ha ha I'm thinking Enty is sweet on #5. Who can blame him, though ;)

  15. Anonymous12:42 PM

    You have great eyes, #8!

    I'm not an animal lover, but the puppy with #11 is adorable.

  16. Anybody know what the trophy in #3 is for? I got a Red Ribbon in Reading in the 1st grade WHICH I still have:)

  17. Am I the only one that never submits a photo?! Lol

  18. Shelties are SO smart and just adorable!

    Everyone's so pretty. It's crazy! It's why my photo was w/ hat & sunglasses, haha.

  19. Pic #13- HERE WE GO PENS!!!!!! I'm PGH born and raised and my life revolves around that we signed Sid yesterday..he'll be a pen for life, just like mario!!

  20. #10- cute couple on Norwegian Cruise Line and looking cold with basketball game on in background?

    Need details. Alaska ?

    If so,touring from Vancouver, Seattle or San Fran ?

    Enquiring minds need to know for next years big Alaska cruise which has been delayed for 10 consecutive years!

  21. YAY! I made it :) I'm number 20 :D

    Everyone is so lovely! I think we have the hottest readers on the net!

  22. I know who #7 is :)

    The rest of you I just WANT to know!

  23. I always look to see if my friends are in the pictures & today I see one. Hi #23! I bet you made that necklace. Do you ever take a bad picture?

  24. Maja, not playing fair !! #7?

  25. What a fun group of pics!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @Agent - I'm feeling pretty good. Dealt with a personal matter all week but we all have those. Sun's shining and getting psyched for next week here. Thanks for asking.

  28. Hellooo Readers!! It's so weird to imagine all of us sitting behind our computers at almost the exact same time and laughing and wondering about the exact same things. We need to have a nation wide get together!
    OT FINALLLYYY Katie and Tom divorce news. Waiting for that was like waiting for Jessica Simpson to give birth.

  29. #7 - I remember this picture from last time. I swear it's Stephen Root.

  30. hurrah! I am in there, but not telling who.... :)

  31. @Paris, you're #3!!! You've mentioned martial arts before. In what style do you train? I used to do ITF taekwon-do. I miss it but the school closed and I'm lazy as fuck.

  32. Paris - you're comments are the only ones on Dlisted I read.

  33. I want to be mates with you #22, you look like someone with a wicked sense of humour.

  34. Err,

    #7 -" I remember this picture from last time. I swear it's Stephen Root."

    No, really??? Really ? because that would be wicked awesome.

  35. # 20 , you remind me of Minnie Driver.

  36. awww Jason, really? that's so sweet. I have been posting there for over 5 years....crazy!

    I hope you are feeling better....xoxox

    I am not acknowledging whether I am #3 or not.....cannot give away my alter ego's true identity... :)

  37. IDoTheRobot is that a nod to being a sci fi fan? And you're most welcome ;)

  38. OH MY GOD, I know one of the readers....and they don't know I read this site. So creepy.

  39. Girls, girls! I have to 'fess up...
    Agent **It, I am your peer, #7!
    Err, that picture jut LOOKS like the Steven Root photo from a couple of years ago because my face always looks like that...!
    Hi, Maja!

  40. I've been out with my kiddos all day, but I wanted to say "how you doinnnnnnn" to my fellow CDAN readers :)

    #1 You have a beautiful intensity, and I envy your eyes and pretty mouth

    #2 Awwww, what a sweet photo of you, and you have gorgeous hair

    #3 Hiiiiii YA!!!! Congrats on your award, and I love me a lady who likes to kick a little a$$

    #4 Super pretty photo OF COURSE, but what I really want to know is if you know the dude behind you or if he did an awesome photo bomb. Please advise

    #5 I do the Robot is so pretty, we gotta throw her in twice. Hey, dollface!

    #6 Cuteness overload! Cuteness overload! All three of you are the bees knees

    #7 I'm watching you watching me. Helloo????? Great photo, sir!

    #8 Wow! Gorgeous eyes

    #9 Hi lovely reader!

    #10 Nice lookin couple who should really hit up Norwegian for a free or discounted cruise. They just got a free plug!! :)

    #11 Awww. A proud doggy mama. You're both beautiful

    #12 I just heard my neck pop looking at your photo, but it was worth it. You're a cutie

    #13 Gotta love a hot hockey fan sippin the hooch

    #14 You're stunning! Model alert!

    #15 Fantastic photo!

    #16 Hot! hot! hot! You girls must've ruled the club that night

    #17 Hilarious! Were you dressed up like Xtina? Dirrrrrty

    #18 How did you keep a straight face in that photo?? Cute style btw

    #19 Love your curls, girlie

    #20 You could cut glass with those cheekbones - lucky!!

    #21 Reader #21 is lookin good and feelin good

    #22 Classic! And I love the Einstein hair

    #23 Super pretty features and you look like a sweetheart

  41. Alright Paris, then I'll try another approach.

    #3 won that trophy from a Katy Perry karoake contest. She came in fifth place. I recognize the background as the line-up for the premiere of the upcoming Katy Perry movie. Of which #3 has been in line for days to see. Even to the point of missing her Tae-Bo and step-aerobics kick-boxing class to see. I sure wish I knew what Paris looks like so I could give her the magical potion that will make Katy Perry disappear. I can't use it because I'm too busy being awesome up here in Canada (read: it's too hot to go outside). Oh well, I guess Katy Perry lingers on.....

  42. Robert have you had your picture put up before? When I saw it my brain said that's Robert.

  43. @astrogirl: Yes, this is the third year, I think, but like I said, I always end up looking exactly the same every time!
    ALL the women in these photos are beautiful--I have some particular favorites, of course, but all in all the readers here (as someone else pointed out) are far better looking than the celebrities we snark on (or is that, "on which we snark?")

  44. anita, that was fucking hilarious...... xoxoxoxox

  45. I couldn't remember what else you hated because your intense hatred of Katy Perry has always made my heart smile. And comparing a martial art to Tae-Bo is fighting words.

    Assuming it's you, of course. Otherwise I probably really insulted someone. I better find my good friend Billy Banks to have my back. I'm just gonna grapevine on outta here ;)

  46. LOL, that is my work colleague at the pond, so not an awesome photo bomb! @Sunny.
    Love the comments and ALWAYS love the photos, each and every one.

  47. @anita
    Only you could've gotten Paris to fess up. That was awesome (both the Katy bait and the image of you grapevining outta here)

  48. You know what's really funny? I googled Billy Blanks just to be sure I had the name right (nothing worse than messing up a joke) and I came across his Twitter feed. *I shake my head* It's unintentionally hilarious. I'm gonna earn my shower today!

  49. #10 - I've been on that boat before! So fun!
    #23 - You look like someone I went to college with!

  50. Robert I love you !!!

    (Don't tell my husband, he thinks I'm looking at my space 'porn').

  51. @Anita- congrats for getting #3 Paris out, I tried so hard to figure out what the trophies were for.

    I'll fight you for those trophies, Paris, but all I have to offer for exchange is that Red Reading Ribbon.

    Congratulations, that is great !

  52. To all my CDAN friends, lovely pix of all of you! I think we all look happy & lively. @ Surrey, thank you for all your sweet comments :) I am #15 with my paint mare Jaynee.
    Can't wait till the 4th, Enty, you rock!

  53. @unknown, can you believe I have never ridden a horse?
    I am putting you on my imaginary cross country trip which I will be taking in my extraordinary imaginary RV. Hello to you and some extra hay for Jaynee !

  54. @ Agent It, Pleased we made it on your imaginary trip! Jaynee says thank you for the extra hay (:
    If you are ever in WA, we will let you ride, for real!

  55. Beautiful pics Readers!!

    #11 love your mini Collie

  56. @Astrogirl - You are a great judge of character!

  57. Thanks for all the sweet comments about my Sheltie Rory (who turned 13 a couple of weeks ago!). :)
