Thursday, June 14, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Ashton Kutcher spends some time in his trailer with a woman and then heads back to set to play Steve Jobs.
Katie Holmes was still in China yesterday.
Kelly Osbourne snaps a shot of what she looks like right before bed.
Is Katy Perry actually wearing a tiara?
How many packs a day do you think Lindsay Lohan smokes? I go with three.
LeAnn Rimes pretends someone actually wants to speak to her on the phone.
Miley Cyrus at a pool in Miami enjoyed some underage drinking to go with her smokes.
Maggie Gyllenhaal on the way to Jon Stewart.
Minka Kelly and her dog.


cheesegrater15 said...

What is she doing to her dog?

Green Wave Gal said...

Is the dog floating in mid-air? I think she looks beautiful there.

Anotheramy said...

Shes setting the dog down?

Sorry to burst your bubble Enty but the woman with Aston is probably someones assistant getting him caught up on the days schedule or taking his dinner order or something.

lazyday603 said...

More or less all of these are very attractive people (OK LL was attractive before surgery & lifestyle changes), and then you have Kelly Osborne. I can't fathom why she is famous, or at least remains famous.

Maja With a J said...

Lindsay Lohan actually looks pretty good in that picture. I know there is a lot of makeup involved, and I think her playing Liz Taylor is a fucking travesty, know, in comparison to other recent pictures, she looks decent!

auntliddy said...

Boy Kutcher sure hsd a short life.

discoflux said...

WTF is going on with that picture of Kelly. The dimensions are bizarro.

mikey said...

^^ No *L*?

cheesegrater15 said...

Anotheramy, it looks like she's giving it a massage/rectal exam. LOL!!!

dizzyeggs said...

okay, okay... i'm trying not to be snarky with regards to leann rimes legs. as someone who has always had a big frame and lots of muscle tone, i've never had the saloon door effect between my legs that she has, even through aging and birthing babies. what gives? i want to understand what is happening there.

mannyv said...

Whoa, LL is starting to look Old Joan Crawford mommie dearest Old Hollywood.

Patty said...

I have yet to think "Liz" when looking at any of those LiLo pictures from the set.

RenoBlondee said...

I normally dislike easter egg colored hair, but Katy finally picked one I do like. That purple in the black is strangely pretty.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Lindsay Lohan looks like the bloated corpse of Julianna Marguiles there.

Gtzisshe said...

Kelly Osbourne is too skinny for her face. Does that make sense? She just looks off. glad she's healthier, but she just looks disproportional.

Jamie 2 said...

I believe the woman with Ashton is the actress playing Lisa Brennan (mother of Steve's first child).

supapimp said...


Loved the leann rhimes comment. Lmao

Cassiopeia said...

*sigh* it wasn't that long ago I had the body of Miley Cyrus. I wish I were as skinny now as I was when I thought I was fat.
I have better hair still. that mop looks fried.

yes, Kelly's face still looks like that of a heavier person and her waist looks almost anorexic.

Anonymous said...

Gtzisshe, yes, it makes sense. Kelly has fat genes -- neither Ozzy nor Sharon are naturally slender, and her siblings aren't, either. She's dieted herself into this body that nature didn't intend for her to have. So while she's managed to lose a lot of weight in her body, her face is indicative of the weight she's "supposed" to be. Some people are just meant to be heavier -- and no matter how she tries to deny it, Kelly is one of those people.

Minka looks beautiful in that photo.

Someone should have asked the "amazing Katherine Holmes" her opinion of the Chinese government officials who recently forced an abortion on a seven-months-pregnant woman, or how they actively seek out North Korean escapees and send them back to certain death in NK. Sorry, I just can't stand that we give China a pass on all of the awful things they do to people.

Shorts and booties. What a disaster.

Can you imagine how badly LiLo and Miley must smell, with all of the smoking they do? Gross.

MISCH said...

Katies feet..what is wrong with them...

Lindsay looks nothing like Liz...nothing

Sherry said...

Shorts and booties are never a good idea. Why Katie or Leanne wear them I will never understand. And Miley has a very nice body but that picture makes her face and them teefs look not so great. And she should give up smoking. If this old broad can do it so can they.

Brenda L said...

Kelly is still "famous" because Sharon Osbourne has a lot of clout in the entertainment industry.

Seachica said...

I think Katy Perry is wearing one of those knit berets, not a tiara.

anita_mark said...

Kelly looks like a goblin. On the other end of the spectrum is Minka Kelly who's just exquisite.

I have the news on all day at work (it's a necessity) and earlier they were interviewing some MuchMusic person about the upcoming MMVAs (Canadian version of MTV Video Awards but a million times suckier). The interview would have made you all roll your eyes. They asked the MM person who she was excited to see and she actually answered "Kelly Osbourne because I've always looked up to her." I lost it. Sadly none of my colleagues pay attention to pop culture so I had no one to complain to.

Frufra said...

I think Maggie G. is super cute, but do not get those shoes. Aside from the weird lift feature on the sole, what's up with the granny Sunday sandal look that's in now? It is an '80's retro thing? They all look like my mom bought them for me at Kinney's or Thom McAnn circa 1982.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Does anyone know if Lohan is playing Elizabeth with a British accent? Because if she is, that's going to be an even hotter mess than we're already anticipating!

msgirl said...

Wow Minka looks beatiful there, just glowing. But surely she's not holding that dog with one arm?

I'm with everyone, just go away K Osbourne, she is a nobody.

Ice Angel said...

While I think Lindsey will likely be awful as Liz, she does know how to do a British accent. She did an awesome when in the Parent Trap and she was only about 9 years old! That said, this one will be more...shall we say...gravelly???

I see the smokes in Miley's pic, and no biggie to me because I smoke, but don't see the alcohol. Am I missing something? (Not that I care about that either...I was drinking when I was about 14 years old, just like everyone else I knew!)

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I've never been gonzo in lust for Minka Kelly but she does look good their. Meaning I'd do bad things to her. oops, Wrong theme song.

That is a tiara that Katy is wearing. She borrowed it from Jennifer Love Hewitt. Don't worry though, JLH has PLENTY of spares.

Sylvia said...

I really can't stand Azzton. Can't he got popular with That's 70's Show playing an idiot which he continues to do LOL.

Kelly O. never a favorite person to me. She looks weird in that pic.

Lohan looks like over 35 in that pic...

Every time I see LeAnn's face it reminds me of something and finally I remember what ---- A Cat...

Miley another person I can't stand. The girl no matter what she wears she always looks trashy to me. No sense of fashion.

Minka looks pretty.

Hmmmmm where are you! Haven't seen your interesting postings lately...

Liz said...

Minka looks absolutely gorgeous.

I have to remind myself that Lindsay Lohan is paying "Liz", but in a Lifetime movie. So in that respect, she's very appropriate for the role.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Kelly Osbourne looks like she's heading towards anorexia. I think that's why she looks odd there.

califblondy said...

Thanks for the memory of Kinney's shoes Frufa.

Agent**It said...

.. and from me for Thom McCann !

BondGirl said...

That woman with Ashton looks like it's Kelly Donnelly. She works at Katalyst, Ashton's production company. She's frequently spotted with him and most paps tend to always assume she's his new "mystery woman."

emily_h said...

Holy cow is Minka Kelly beautiful!!

Kelly O looks......weird.

Mama June said...

Kinney's & Thom McAn, hadn't thought about those stores in forever! Thanks, Frufra for the memories!

Minka looks gorgeous.

Nice clavicles, Kelly. *eye roll*

WUWT? said...

Minka Kelly is THAT gorgeous and still dates men like John Mayer, Derek Jeter and Wilmer Valderama? Why?

Sunny said...

Kinney's, Thom McCann and .....Patrini. BAM!!

I just think Minka Kelly is divine (minus the cuckoo taste in men). It was actually a photo of her that convinced me to go back to my natural hair color, and I had been highlighting it since I got my first crimping iron (oh how I loved to crimp)

Speaking of hair, I feel like Miley's color has been looking like she found a bottle of Sun-In from my 8th grade time capsule. That was supposed to stay buried for another 3 years, Lady!

lzahart said...

I'm with Dizzle... Kelly O (who I actually kind of like BTW, sorry) does look like she's under the influence in this pic. Kelly stop it, you are better off sober!

crila16 said...

Minka is sooo beautiful. I just can't look at her the same anymore, since that Fez yeah...what is she doing to that dog?


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