Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Her Religion

It is surprising to me that this actress still can go out and smile everyday and keep plugging away at her career. She is probably a C+. Movies mainly. Almost exclusively actually. Even though she is a C+ in the acting world, you would probably still recognize the name for sure, although putting a face to it would be a little tougher. At one point she was the lead in a movie. That seems a long time ago. When she got the lead she did so through contacts she made at her church. They made it clear to her that there would be payback. She balked at what their payback was. It turns out that when new recruits come through the door they wanted her to act as their greeter and to show them around. They also wanted her to flirt and if the person had enough money and was a big catch, the flirting should turn into something more. She refused. She then had a year long dry spell acting. Apparently at some point all was forgiven and she started getting roles again. All the roles were set up through contacts of the church. She was on top of the world again and excited that she was acting. Then she started wanting some of the money she had been paid. Turns out that because she had not entertained the men properly before, the church was fining her. They took almost every penny of her salary for four consecutive movies. She had enough for rent and food. That's it. Car? Nope. They came and took her to work and picked her up and took her to church. Quit the church? She can't. Her whole family is in the church. She thinks her friends are in the church too. She was wrong. Have a drink? Smoke some pot? Those friends were sending texts the second she did anything over the line and she was forced to pay fines or work for three days straight or suddenly told she did not get a role. She was given a boyfriend. They did not have sex but she was told the actor needed a girlfriend to stop rumors about his sexuality so she complied. Out in public and in interviews she said he was her boyfriend. They went to premieres and parties and were the happy couple. At the end of the night he went home and so did she after she gave a report. 24 hours a day they are in her life. Several times she has wanted to walk away, but she loves acting. She keeps putting on that smile and pretending her life is great but she hates every second.


cheesegrater15 said...

Somebody in $cientology.

skimpymist said...

Scientology for church but what actress

cheesegrater15 said...

Take your pick.

Caraface said...

Juliette Lewis?

MISCH said...

That "church" needs to loose their tax free status they are a cult of NAZI's

Anonymous said...

Whos a young actress in scientology?

Jemtastic said...

Erika Christensen?

matt_b said...

Whoever she is - honey, if your freaky sci-fi 'religion' is treating you like this, quit them, the same as you would with an abusive boyfriend. Yes, they'll try to hurt you if you do that, but will it really be any worse than what's going on right now?

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I was thinking Erika christensen as well

Alli said...

Erika Christensen? Lead in Swimfan, raised in the church.

Alex said...

bijou phillips

kday said...

I read this as Julianne Hough and the Mormons...

selenakyle said...


I'm with you, MISCH--I hope somehow they fall as hard as any con-artist scum can fall. And are exposed to the depths. AND are popped for pandering!

This is just disgusting and I can't even fathom living that way. Poor things, all of them.

Hayley said...

I don't really understand how they have control over her pychecks. How is she only getting enough for rent? Why are the checks going to her church?

NapAssasin said...

Erika Christiansen has a solid lead role on parenthood, good show. She's never in public at other premiers or seen by paps. Interesting if it's her.

Jamie B said...

Erika Christensen or Juliette Lewis (although, I'm sure most people know her face)

cheesegrater15 said...

Hayley, you would be surprised what $cientologists get away with.

EmEyeKay said...

Juliette Lewis has a band that tours (or at least she used to, I haven't seen them in a while). Played small clubs. I doubt that's her.

I know Erika C. only from Parenthood, haven't seen her in a movie.

skimpymist said...

Is jenna elfman only in movies or maybe its priscilla presley

commandeered said...

I don't think it's Erika Christensen bc she mostly does TV.

I like Bijou Phillips for this but she's married now

Agent**It said...

"Her whole family is in the church".
Marissa Ribisi

Karen said...

I think that Erika Christensen has done too much TV for this to fit her very well.

"Movies mainly. Almost exclusively actually."

Unfortunately, "almost exclusively" is still a little vague.

nolachickee said...

Can't be Erika - she's not almost exclusively movies.

Whoever this is, I'm sorry that those bloodsucking fucktard cultists have their claws in you. I know you love acting - but you should run, sister, run.

Lisa said...

Not Erika Christensen. "Almost exclusively" movies. Three seasons on Parenthood, plus half her resume is TV.

Nina Roux said...

Don't think it's Erika C. because she's a lead on Parenthood. She used to do films (e.g. Traffic.) Juliette would work, but she has publically defended the CO$ in recent years, so I don't think it's her...

Karen said...

And Marissa Ribisi hasn't acted since 2006, so it doesn't fit the blind that the actress is still working today.

NaNa LaLa said...

Marissa Ribisi is an interesting guess. You would recognize her name (at least her last name).What has she starred in, though? She's always been a bit of a character actress. I was thinking Erica C. but I forgot about her on parenthood.

Basil said...

This sounds like slavery. I've heard that about CO$.

I still don't understand how they get away with church status when it is obviously a business, and a shady one at that.

AuntJess said...

So who's she bearding for? Agreed is Co$

surfer said...

Whoever this is, she should find a way to contact Paul Haggis - maybe he can help her.

Melissa K said...

I realize that Erika Christensen isn't "almost exclusively" movies, but she did have a year-long break in 2006, where she didn't have any projects, according to IMDb.

Melissa K said...

Plus, she was raised in the church/cult, so she also fits the "her whole family is in the church" clue.

lazyday603 said...

Marisa Ribisi was in Dazed & Confused "I love redheads..". She was also in 100 Girls. But only 2 credits since 2000? I had no idea she disappeared like that.

SusanB said...

Unless they have her on tape committing a crime other than drug possession (like robbery or murder) why not walk away and let them release all these videotapes? Why not tell the truth? These days, sex or doing drugs on film just isn't a big deal, especially if you can legitimately claim you were coerced. It would be tough, but it would be doable. And if the rest of your family is involved, it's time to cut the cord.

Roman Holiday said...

What about Laura Prepon?

Jessi said...

I like the Marissa guess she was a lead in But Im A Cheerleader....

Karen said...

@lazyday603, "disappeared?" Sounds almost like an answer to yesterday's BI! (Except not because Marissa Ribisi's career still lasted about 13 years).

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whocaresnow12 said...

Marissa Ribisi has been married For almost 10 years to Beck.

iheartgoss said...

Hahaha oh brother. I was waiting for someone to say "the Mormons." The Mormon church does not fine and you only give 10% of what you earn to the church the other 90% is yours to keep.

Grey said...

The vague time frame in this blind made me think that this was actually Mimi Rogers. The boyfriend being Tom Cruise who she later married

Although I agree that Erika Christensen fits to a T apart from the movies almost exclusively part

cheesegrater15 said...

Iheartgoss, whenever there's a blind about $cientology, a few of their trolls pop up and try to say Mormons or some other religion. Same as whenever there's a Tom Cruise post.

Beth said...

Mimi Rogers left the Co$.

Trey said...

I think this is Erika Christensen. It might have been written a while ago when she'd just started on Parenthood.

If it is her, then who is the boyfriend she's bearding for? Google tells me she's dated James DeBello but I've never heard of him.

Eve said...

I think this is probably someone who is secretly in the cult, or whose status is not yet known. But there's no doubt that the "religion" in this BI is Scientology. It's exactly their M.O. This kind of indentured servitude is what led to Lisa McPherson's tragic death.

MadLyb said...

I was a Mormon and the Mormons don't have that much power. Not even close. At least not openly - though there are some creepy goings on in secret.

CO$ for sure. Don't know who the actress is. My guess was Erika Christensen, because I got nothing else.

AKM said...

" I like the Marissa guess she was a lead in But Im A Cheerleader...."

That was Natasha Lyonne.

Can't be Bijou, because who in the Phillips family is in CoS? And Marissa is married to Beck, as others mentioned.

crila16 said...
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Erin B said...

I'm trying to focus on who she was a beard for to see if that helps me to think. I can't think of any COS actors that would need a beard besides Tom Cruise & John Travolta though.

Talha Aziz said...

Good god. I would actually quit acting and find another profession no matter how much i loved it. It's better to pursue your second-favorite career and flourish in it rather than have a stale and bird-cage life that you can't even enjoy.

I suppose she could ask for powerful people's help but CoS is so huge and connected, there's no way they'll be able to get anyone to go against them and succeed without significant consequences.

Del Riser said...

I still fail to see how nobody in government has taken on this sham of a religion. I'd think the IRS would love to bust them. Is everyone on their payroll who could do them harm?

The woman in question should get away, move, work in regional theater somewhere.

Agent**It said...

from wiki re Erika Christensen

Her parents became Scientologists in their 20s and raised her to be a Scientologist as well as home-schooling her.

crila16 said...

Definitely Scientology, but I'm confused about what the church has over her and her acting career that she's obligated to give them $. Why can't she walk away, just because her family is involved. If she's already an established actress, she doesn't need the "church" to help her.

Can't be Erika Christensen. She's been in lots and lots and lots of TV stuff. Looks like more TV than movies.

Talha Aziz said...

@crila16 But according to the blind, the church actively makes sure that she does NOT get any roles unless it's without their influence. What confuses me as to why they're going to such lengths to do this.

crila16 said...

I take it back. It looks likes Erika is the only one who was raised scientologist. Maybe it is her...though she still has lots of TV.

MadLyb said...

Two words: Community Theater.

Most religions should be taxed, IMO. I've been to churches where they tell their members how to vote from the pulpit. Big moneymaking scam, the lot of them.

iheartgoss said...

Thanks that's good to know!

fireflies said...

A few thoughts:
1. Refusing to leave a cult because you really love to act is a load of crap. There are hundreds of regional and local theaters that would provide loads of opportunities to do great work. This person also needs to come to terms with their need for fame.
2. As for those who wonder how the "Church" can control their money, I assume they appoint other church members to serve as agents and managers, therefore providing access to payments.
3. If you're like me and have never watched Parenthood (and didn't check IMDb before posting), you would think of Erika Christensen as a film actress. I think it is her.

trogdor said...

There will never be a bad peace nor a great religion.

I think yesterday's blind is Devon Aoki (Mickey Rourke for academy nominated method actor, Sin City the movie).

Not sure about this one, 'cause when I am reading something and see the word 'church', I instantly lose my knowledge boner.

OT: Kristen Johnson, from 3rd Rock From The Sun, is on AOL and talked about her terrible substance abuse history and how she got so bad she almost died. A few Blind Items solved there, I think.

LaurenT said...

Does Kelly Preston make any sense?

libby said...

MadLyb, ITA that religions should be taxed, and get deductions for what they spend on charity. What makes me batty are the po-dunk churches where parishioners don't have SHOES half the year, while the pastor lives in a McMansion and sends his kids to Private Schools---And who do NO charity work with their collections.
I'm talking about churches who purport to follow Jesus 'DO CHARITY' Christ.

MISCH said...

Scientology is like a pyramid scheme only those at the top are the winners...the rest are drones.

libby said...

My guess on the blind is Erica C, I guess. Sorry for the total O/T above.

Grey said...

If it is Erika Christensen, then who is the actor she dated so that he appeared heterosexual? Erik Von Detten?

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Malin Ackerman??

Anonymous said...

She doesn't leave the "church" because her family is in it, too. If she left, she would be branded a "suppressive person" or whatever it is and her family would never speak to her again. That seems like a pretty big reason to me to stay. I'm not saying it's the right decision, but she obviously values her relationship with her family more than she does the other stuff.

AKM said...

@trogdor - Which BI was for Kristen J.?!

Exiled Extra said...

Bijou is married to Danny Masterson who is full on Cos.

trogdor said...

@AKM - Don't have a specific one, but thought I'd throw the news out here in case someone can think of one. Apparently, she was smashed up on alcohol and pills to the point where she ruptured a stomach ulcer while peeing. I'm a fan of hers and surprised I never heard about her being in a hospital in England.

CharRicho said...

Without checking IMDB, I definitely would have thought of Erika Christensen as mostly a film actress, the only TV role I know of hers is Parenthood, so I think this is her.

And I think that from a lot of the recent blinds, we can assume that Enty does NOT check IMDB before stating how much TV the blind subject has done. Otherwise there is no answer to a lot of his blinds!

I think it's easy for people here to state that she should just walk away, but you have to consider that she was RAISED in this cult, her parents are in it, it's all she's known. So it's probably not just about her acting career or the price of fame. I'm sure there are a lot of non-famous people in religions and cults that aren't good for them, but they stay because it's all they know.

Caraface said...

Juliette Lewis' dad is a Scientologist, too, and an actor. Other things don't fit about this -she was in that band for awhile and was married - but Erika Christainsen fits even less. I'm out of ideas....

Jolene Jolene said...

Kelly Preston actually makes sense if you think about it. The only thing that doesn't fit is "you would have a hard time putting a face to the name" only because gossip people would totally know who she is. But people who don't read gossip at all may not who she is because she's pretty much famous for being John T's wife.

The blind never says if she ended up marrying or breaking up with her closeted boyfriend. It COULD be JT.

And as far as movie roles--her most memorable is in Jerry Maguire, a Tom Cruise film.

I feel like maybe we're looking for something less obvious, and it's actually not at all?

Can't think of anyone else. This is NOT Erika Christenson. Besides Traffic, her only big role is a TV show. Makes no sense.

Unknown said...

It can't be Erika Christensen as Parenthood is a big part of her career now, not "exclusively movies"

Plus, you can tell from her twitter that her boyfriend is a cyclist, not an actor. She is obsessed with cycling and mentions biking with him and others all the time. Also, I have heard her say she is driving somewhere before - and I assume it is with her car!

AKM said...

"Bijou is married to Danny Masterson who is full on Cos."

Oh, goodness, you're right. I was thinking more of her family of origin. Thanks for the reminder.

MadLyb said...

@libby - there are some truly good small churches that are charitable and they should probably remain tax-free, but too many make a lot of money which they use to invest in stocks, and to lobby politicians.

The Mormon church takes care of their own, but they also require members in good standing to give them 10% of their income (not all do, but you can't get into their temple if you don't). They are also very wealthy, own developments, play the stock market and donate significant amounts of money to shape their own political agenda (Prop Hate, anyone?).

Oh, and I know a few people who gave away their property to the Mormon church because church authorities came to their house and asked them to, Then the Mormon church turned around and turned their lands into developments to make more money. That church definitely needs to be paying taxes.

cinephreak said...

Malin was in the photos today..! But her wiki page says that she was raised a Budhist, there are gaps in her resume from 04-07.

Im gunna throw the Elisabeth Moss out there, but she does a lot of tv. nothing on her resume for 2004 except a couple eps of West Wing.

Also totally random but what about Kristie Alley?

ghost said...

I've never even heard of Erika Christensen.

That said, I got nothing. Nothing but utter disdain and loathing for the "Church" of $cientology, that is. They just opened a new center about five blocks from my apartment; I have to walk past it on a near-daily basis and I never fail to be pestered to check out their free propaganda, I mean literature, by one of their mindless, brainwashed drones.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I read it as the boyfriend she bearded for. I'd guess Erik Von Detten. Ooh and just did research, he was in Leave it to Beaver w her, and return to Witch Mountain w Elizabeth Moss, another scientologist. Id bet he's one too, just can't find him saying it. He was Brink on Disney if ur curious.

Erin said...

@cinephreak I was totally thinking Kirstie Alley too!
Remember when she was on Veronica's Closet (or whatever that crappy sitcom was) and she had her younger boyfriend, James Wilder, on as a guest star? He doesn't come off as too hetero to me, but I don't know if anyone cared enough about him to spread gay rumors. Has she dated anyone else?
Granted, she also did the Fat Actress show, so I guess she's more TV than movies.

cinephreak said...

@Erin, true but I will always remember Kristie for being in movies... Also I feel like I've never seen her in a real relationship... She could totally beard... Also I think shes in the C+/- catagory as an actress now... There are a few periods in her resume where she isnt working too... However I dont think she was raised in the "church"

Brenda L said...

It's concerning to me that Scientology has enough pull in the acting world to get/deny people roles? Is there a Scientologist director we should be looking at?

Grey said...

The problem with the Kirstie Alley guess is that the blind implies that you can't picture the actress but you know their name.

Kirstie Alley EVERYONE knows.

Malin Ackerman no one knows.

This is Erika Christensen and Enty is really messing up with the "exclusive movies"

Steppy said...

I don't think that scientology has that type of control/pull over studios. Don't think the Mormons or Catholics do either. I think other religions have more control and tighter control on members wallets.

Mhdz said...

Whoever it is, I'm not feeling sorry for them.

Scallywag said...

"Why can't she walk away, just because her family is involved. If she's already an established actress, she doesn't need the "church" to help her."

They control her family. They control her friends. They control her career and livelihood.

You are seeing it from the outside.

Hammer_Girl said...

Ok I'm gonna throw Katie Holmes. She is almost exclusively movies now. There is a gap in her acting and she did have some lead roles. In the blind it says her whole family. That doesn't mean her blooded family. It could be Tom, his kids, and I'm sure Suri. Does anyone know exactly how her and Tom met? I just remember the couch hopping and everyone seemed to be stunned they were together. I totally suck at blinds so I'm probably wrong

Brenda L said...

yeah I'm thinking it could be Katie with some "facts" fudged for lawsuit protection.

Brenda L said...

No, it's not, I just reread again. I'll stop posting now.

Vesubio said...

i'm going with kelly preston.
i thought of elizabeth moss, whom i found out she's a scientologist the other day and i felt so sad about it, but she is mostly in tv, and was married to fred amisen.

Abby said...

Katie Holmes!

Lead: "The Romantics"

Hammer_Girl said...

Also the lead in abandon.

Hammer_Girl said...

And teaching ms tingle. I'm done now

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Thought of Rose McGowan first, she was raised in the Children of God cult, but doubt they still want her after dating the Antichrist mr. Manson xD (and she's claimed she called the lifestyle crazy and never wanted to deal with it again)

Looked up some more extreme religions, and can't find any actress that qualifies.. So also on the E.Christenensen train.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Found this:
Danny Masterson is a fullblown Scientologist, he was in that 70's show, guess who had a gueststarring role there? Erika Christensen..
I am now sure it's her..
Think Enty fudged up the tv/movie details on purpose, otherwise it would be too easy to guess ;)

mooshki said...

Like most of the other guesses on yesterday's blind, I would think Devon Aoki's family is too powerful for her to have been exploited in that way. In fact, she was the poster child for nepotism for a while.

We know Enty watches (or has watched) Parenthood, and if you look at Erika's IMDB page, it's half television.

Agent**It said...

@char "Otherwise there is no answer to a lot of his blinds"

Keen observation.

Karen said...

I understand that Enty has to fudge things here and there so that we can't narrow answers down to one actress without a doubt, but I want to give him enough credit that he won't fudge things SO MUCH that we can't figure out who it is at all.

Marie said...

I don't get Scientology.

I mean, I'm sure they sucker you in with their mind games and stuff, but surely when they hit you with 'we worship an alien robot' anyone with half a brain cell would be all GET THE FUCK OUT.

As for the blind I'm more inclined to go with someone who wasn't raised in Co$. If they were in it their whole lives wouldn't they be more likely to have played by the rules and have nothing other than the family connection to keep you with?

It's like born again vs I've been one my whole life Christians. The ones who weren't religious when they were raised are more likely to have something to hide... In my experience anyway. Also in my experience they're more likely to get all holier than thou on your ass, like an ex smoker.

Shit You Can't Buy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Marie; I think they start later on with the alien-stuff, when you already are sucked in and unable to get out.. From what I understand they do some kind of questioning, during which they ask awkward questions and tape your answers. They can blackmail you with that, so pretty creepy..

Also think they prey on the weak in society, out of 100 people they try to lure in, I am sure at least 1 listens and gets dragged in. They just look for weaknesses; people going through a rough time; dealing with a loss in the family, drugproblems, dealing with being gay and feeling wrong for being gay (O haiiii, John Travolta!).. Those people are more likely to listen to a friendly voice and maybe feel like they've gained a new friend. By leaving the church they also leave the 'amazing friend' who listens to their problems and 'helps' them by giving advice. And they probably make you feel guilty, because 'they helped you, now you need to help them' and they have a shitload of info on you they can blackmail you with. Or in worst case scenario; stalk/threaten you/family to scare you.

What I also find creepy is that Scientology has no real issues with taking medication for physical reasons, like painkillers, chemo etc, but they do have issues with people taking stuff for mental problems. That reallllly makes me think that's because anti-anxiety meds/anti depression meds makes 'weaker (not meaning to offend anyone, just can't find the right word for it)' people stronger and therefore more able to not be sucked into Scientology.

A broken leg and therefore using painkillers doesn't prevent you from entering Scientology, but taking medication because of a mental problem (that makes you temporarily 'weaker') does. It makes you more clearheaded and therefore harder to convince to join a creepy cult of alienworshippers xD

*sorry, i am ranting*

Shit You Can't Buy said...

According to the internetzz Erika dated co-star James DeBello (Swimfan, 2002)
James was in a movie with Marissa Ribisi earlier (100 girls, 2000) who is Scientologist, like Erika.
Think James might be the actor who needed a beard and Marissa was the Scientology connection between Erika and James and therefore got her into Swimfan as a lead.

Melissa K said...

Marie, I find it to be the opposite. People who come in to a religion later in life are much more extreme. People who were raise in a religion tend to go along because that's all they know, even if they don't buy into it all. That's one of the main reasons I can see this being Erika.

Fyre Crotch said...

I dated very briefly a lawyer who worked for "somebody" on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He always had juicy tidbits. For those of you who wonder "Why would anyone let a church take their money, control their career?", let's get real. Jehovah's will let their kids DIE rather than give them blood transfusions. Catholics will make their babies have babies because making decisions about their own bodies is not an option. In the Old Testament, you were expected to and given explicit directions on how to properly sacrifice your best lamb or calf to God (Leviticus). So back to my lawyer friend. He informed me that Hollywood is run by Harvey Weinstein, Brian Grazer, and Church of Scientology aka Church of closeted "fags". My guess is Erika.

lzahart said...

this is definitely Erika except one thing- she has done a lot of one-ep appearances on TV beyond her current role on Parenthood. but agree that might have been fudged to not make this super obvious.

But it definitely explains why she hasn't ever become what I thought she would after her amazing performance in Traffic-- seriously, amazing.

I guess it also probably doesn't help her in getting roles that she looks a lot like The Stiles.

Poor girl.

jp said...
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jp said...

I think Enty is fudging on what is considered "over the line" transgressions. Scientologists may be against prescirption drugs, but they promote smoking. L. Ron Hubbard claimed that *not* smoking causes cancer. And I've seen many pics of Scientologists with ciggies.

tamarind said...

just wondering how could the church get this girl work?(tc?) sounds like almost brainwashing, breaking her down.she might speak out to defend it publicly

Sherry said...

Good point Tamarind. And If Grazer and Weinstein run H'wd this would totally mean the Jews are in charge and NOT the COS. See Mel was right! (snicker)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I looked at Erika's Twitter, and its full of photos of other famous Scientology- people, like the guy who played the dumbass brother on My Name is Earl..Pics of her working out with him and other coS ppl, going to movies with coS ppl, talking about her friends who are also in coS etc etc
It looks like she only hangs out with fellow-coS-people.. This just has to be her.

What I did find odd is that she swears a lot, F-bombs all over the place, almost in every tweet.. But looked it up and according to coS its not that bad to use profanity, haha! Apparantly one of the leaders of coS is a huge F-bomb thrower xD

B said...

Natasha Lyonne was the lead in But I'm a Cheerleader.

Anonymous said...

wow. this is gnarly.

Mooki said...

How about Mandy Moore, She has done mostly movies, she did nothing during 2008 and only one job during 2009.
Some of her movies seems to be very Christian.


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