Monday, June 04, 2012

Your Turn

Love or money?


Sherry said...

Hands down Love

cheesegrater15 said...

Money. It won't cheat on you, lie to you, beat you, or give you herpes.

Karen said...


califblondy said...

I don't want to be the first to say, I'll come back later.

strawberrygirl said...

I LOVE money.

FSP said...

Wish I could have either.

nolachickee said...

Love all the way. There's no way I could be with someone if I didn't love them. I feel more lonely with someone I don't really dig than when I'm by myself.

Maja With a J said...

I can't have both? THIS IS BULLSHIT!

As much as I would like to be very, very rich, I still think I'm going to havw to go with love. And maybe a little bit of money. Nothing too extravagant. Couple grand would do it for me right now *L*.

EmEyeKay said...

I dunno. I've always chosen Love, and that doesn't seem to have gotten me anywhere worthwhile (except for bringing the charming Short One into my life). Can't afford his college, though, so...

@Sherry, your answer made me smile! xoxo

EmEyeKay said...

@califblondy: LOL

Turkish Taffy said...

When choosing a partner-neither. I chose trust. Haven't regretted it for 20 years.

tm0004 said...

Love all the way

old ;ady said...

I was very lucky, I had 30 years of Love. I will never find anything to even remotely come close to it. So, now I will take Money. Believe me I need it. Just think of all the good you could do with lots of Money.

Coriander Shea said...

BOTH! ;)

HannahPalindrome said...

Love can't pay the bills...

RenoBlondee said...

If I have to choose again, I'd say money.

Goober said...

I married for love and the money came soon after. A couple of years later the money went and I still have the love. Feast or famine, I count my husband among my greatest blessings everyday.

TV Junkie said...

Even as a single mom who's been laid off from a great job, I would so much rather have real love than money. In my experience, men with a lot of money are way too controlling for my tastes. I have always been able to support myself and my children, so the layoff was a real blow, but I still would not want to be with someone simply for their money. I'll work it out!

Mella said...

money. Love doesn't pay rent or buy food

Tempestuous Grape said...

If you love money, then that's love and money, right? Sounds good to me.

selenakyle said...

Love. I make my own money.

Audrey said...

Love. I've had money and no's not fun. Love is everything.

Robert said...

T Grape found a loophole I can live with!

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Love from Christian Grey, too bad he is fictional.

Celimene said...

Love. Been there, done that. Dated a guy with lots of money, and no amount of cash could make up for the fact that he was boring. Left him for love, never regretted it for a second.

Comma Chaser said...

Love, definitely. Money can only pay the bills.

Sis said...


Redheat said...

When I was younger, it would have been love. What I discovered is Love is overrated. Give me money!

mikey said...

I did money and now I'm looking for love. If he has at least enough money I'll be thrilled.

Roman Holiday said...


AndrewBW said...

Yes please.

figgy said...

During many years of being single, I used to joke that I'd totally go for money. But it wasn't really true, and when I re-met my husband (we knew each other as kids), I LEAPT. Even though, after many years of affluence, his business was and still is going thru a really tough time. No matter, I quit my career without a backward glance and have been helping him in his business for two years now.

It *kills* him that he was so well-off and making loads of money during his first marriage with a sociopath, and that we're struggling so much now. I assure him that I don't care at all. His love, our love, is worth more than all the money in the world. When I was younger I might not have recognized that.

And hey, when the economy turns around, we'll probably be prosperous again. We keep persevering anyway. :-)

Sadie said...

Love. I've only had it once and doubt I'll have it again. But if its a choice...LOVE!

califblondy said...

Now that the coast is clear...


Thank you very much.

Rolf said...

Living for more than 20 years without love is a clear MONEY for me...

Del Riser said...

Love, always. We've had money,we've pinched pennies. If you have a lot of money you worry about keeping it or getting more. Our love has been constant, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Anonymous said...

Money. I've lived without love for a long time. I'm finding it hard to live without money.

EdieDakota said...


Seachica said...

Love. I don't ever want to be dependent on someone else for money. When I was younger, I always said that my husband would have to make more than me. As I have matured, I realize that there are so many more important quities, #1 being that he treat me as well as I treat him. #2 is that we have the same outlook on life. #3 that he works hard at whatever he does -- even if it doesn't pay in the high wages categories of jobs. I don't need to show off money -- it's much more enjoyable to show off love :-)

rareavis said...

I can have both dammit!

Bit dams said...

money. you can take it to the bank. love is a trap, and it doesn't last. (yes, i'm damaged, we've already established that).

Anotheramy said...

Love didnt work out, Money. If respect were a choice I would chose that.

Tru Leigh said...

After a live time of neither love nor money I choose money, hands down.

EmEyeKay said...

@TV Junkie @figgy - I like both of your comments a lot.

Things are going to turn around. I'm struggling too, but it's bound to get better.

mooshki said...

Neither - good health. :) You can't really enjoy love of money when you're feeling bad anyway. And honestly, I know that I can live just fine without love or money. (We are talking "romantic" love, right? If it was the platonic love you have with friends and family, that would win hands-down.)

mooshki said...

Um, that should have been "love OR money, lol!" That has a whole different meaning with that typo. And I swear, it wasn't a Freudian slip!

Carolyn said...

I've gone without love (I'm assuming the romantic type) for almost two decades, so what is another two decades? Money!

DavidsFan said...

Depend on what age. After 40: money!

Anonymous said...

Money. Love doesn't exist. Men are all pigs

redronnie said...

what comes first..would I still have my family? then it would be money because I already have the love..chicken egg question. You can buy love..just look at Hollywood...

Pogue Mahone said...

My grandmother used to say,"It's just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man!" but I would choose love over money because you can lose money but you'll still have love,and if all you have is money and it's gone then you don't have money OR love!

AKM said...

Love. And I don't mean eros-love, because I don't care about that. Money, I don't care about, either, as long as I have food and gas money.

Carolyn said...

@ Pogue, my grandma used to say that to me, too!!

Anonymous said...

Money, no question. Love is a bitch. Money, however, never lets you down.

El Roy 13 said...

money. you can always buy a gigolo for a night, or ten.

.....and, i kid.

Stacey Charter said...

I've done love...and am quite content on my own with friends. So i say MONEY! Most definitely!

Anonymous said...

Money... I'd rather cry in my Lambo.

ardleighstreet said...

I have neither at the moment and I had to replace PART of my roof today because I couldn't replace the WHOLE thing due to $$ problems. GUESS which I'm picking?????????

DixieTheNoble82 said...


El Roy 13 said...

I really was kidding.

I would choose and always have chosen love over money.

Just look at all the unhappy people with money. But a person in love, who feels love for others and from others. They are happy ALL the time. And that, is worth more then any amount of money.

califblondy said...

It'd be interesting to know the average ages of those saying love versus the heathens like me who said moolah. :)

Little Wanton said...

Dunno why this just popped into my head lol
"the best things in life are free
but you can give them to the birds and bees
I want money....that's what I want"
You can't live without either of the old days it was love and marriage that went together like horse and carriage, but nowadays it's definitely love and money!

Anonymous said...

love to take money

Henriette said...

I'm nearing 42 and love has always worked for me. I've never fallen in love with a poor man either, so that maybe why I can easily choose love.

Besides, I know how to make money, and it's easier than finding love.

BigMama said...


feraltart said...

Love. I speak as someone on her second marriage. First husband was a jerk, second husband is wonderful. If anything happened to my husband, I would rather be alone than accept less than what I have with him in the love department.

Brenda L said...

Love stinks. Gimme the cash.

Anna said...

Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt seem to like extremely thin women with boyish bodies. Aniston was the first girlfriend with boobies. She and A.Jolie lost weight when with Brad.

Renee Zellwegger starred with McConaughy in 'Dazed and Confused" and another movie years later.

Keira Knightly's insistence that she's naturally thin isn't convincing in light of her size during "Atonement," and the enamel on her teeth seemed grayish during promotions of the film. I'm thrilled she looks great, has found love and her career is going well.

But just for sake of tradition, shouldn't we guess Jennifer Gardiner and Ben Affleck and Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson?

EGB said...

Goober and figgy (we are simpatico today!) I am right there with you, sounds corny, but spending my life with my best friend has been priceless

GladysKravitz said...

Me too. Love. No contest.

bumbumgirl said...

Love. I rather be happy and poor than miserable and rich.

Lelaina Pierce said...


But money makes things easier.

Anonymous said...

At the moment i will without a doubt pick money! In the future probably choose love


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