Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

June 29, 2012

This actor is A list. He is all movies all the time. This one is so easy, I probably should not have said he is A list. How many A list actors are there anyway? More than you think if you decide that headlining a movie makes you A list. Does that mean that the guy who headlined Van Wilder 3 is A list? Yikes. Anyway, our A list actor does some very quiet, very substantial charity work. How substantial? Millions of dollars a year substantial. If you are poor and cannot afford rehab, this actor has given away so much money to prominent rehab clinics so that people can afford to go to the same places he went to. They pass out "scholarships," or "grants." It is basically our actor paying for it. Complete a rehab program and stay sober for a few months? Don't be surprised if you get an offer for a job at some company that is paying you from money this actor gave to that company for that purpose. Someone to pay to watch your kids while you are in rehab and can't work? "Financial Assistance Program." Need your rent paid? That too. Anything he can do or thought of which he needed during his recovery he does for others who can't afford it. He says that he was helped by so many and given so many breaks and that is what allowed him to stay clean and he wants to do the same for as many others as he possibly can. Does he talk about it? Nope. This is his personal way that he gives back and doesn't feel that it is something that needs to be shared with the world and for him to get credit for. It is one recovering person helping another recovering person.

Robert Downey Jr.


Not A Ninny said...

Rehab never seemed so appealing.

Kiki said...

I knew it!! LOVE RDJ

anita_mark said...


KPeony said...

So awesome!

spider3tattoo said...

I knew I loved this man. Class.

minerpoteet said...

Another Good on him.
Gotta love a star/person that pays it forward.

mooshki said...

Can we take this as a definitive, once-and-for-all "Just because Enty says they're 'only movies' doesn't mean they've never ever done TV?"

Elizabeth said...

I think this was the main guess.

Bit dams said...

i went to a neighorhood bbq, came back, and the reveals are still comming! yay enty, you rock1

happy 4th of july everyone :-)

ghost said...

I simply adore that man! GO RDJ! (Or should I say reader photo #348? lol)

nettalovesrobin said...

I always thought he was a descent man!

timebob said...

God I hope RDJ never falls back into his bad habits. His talent is never ending and just seems like a lovely human being with a wife who keeps him on the right path and a new son to love and cherish. So happy for him(mmm) and wish I knew him personally.

MadLyb said...

Not surprised at all. Loves him! I think anyone growing up in the '80's appreciates RDJ. He was in all the good movies - as a bit player, so it's nice to see him become A list and doing good deeds after having been through the Hollywood ringer.

Tigercat said...

Right on.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

God I love this man.. tbh, since I started reading Enty I enjoy RDJ movies more and more, because here I found out he is such a nice guy. Everytime I watch Iron Man I'm like 'sir, you are awesome!'. (ok ok, bit fangirly maybe, but people like RDJ, who give back to society make me friggin happy!)

1Jazzimom said...

Great kindness blind. I hope he stays in recovery! =)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@timebob, I've been reading reveals all night, and gotta say your comments on those threads make me laugh everytime! xD

astrogirl said...

Yes Mooshki, yes we can....

Ali said...

This reveal got me out of lurking. I just love RDJ! He truly is an amazing man, Hollywood needs more men like him.

Betty K said...

@mooshki... your quip has me ending my day with a bust out laugh. Many thanks.

chellesy said...

That is wonderful to know.

If everyone would just use the resources they have (no matter how meager or plentiful) to help their fellow man this world would be so blessed.

Henriette said...

Whether or not RDJ is Hmmmm (enough m's?), he sure gets a lot of love and shows an amazing amount of generosity.

I really loved that story about him helping that blogger's grandmother back when he was with SJP. It was so touching.

Unknown said...

Best reveal of the day. Actually brought tears to my eyes. Bless him, bless him. He and Gary Sinise are my heroes.

surfer said...

For those interested, Enty just offered up a reveal on Twitter:

Twitter Reveal - June 6, 2012- - Brittany Murphy/Ashton Kutcher/Eminem =

This actress was a solid B lister and for a time even considered an A lister. She had her own movie once or twice even though they were small. That is not how she is best known though. At her peak she made her living be the co-star and like many actresses she fell for her co-stars frequently and to her peril. There was never a time when she got involved with her co-stars that she was not used and thrown aside when the men were finished with her. Her most famous co-star is probably, reluctantly an A lister. He used to have sex with her in the morning and then go out and have sex with other people in the afternoon. There was one time she said that she is pretty sure he called while having sex with another woman, but she always took him back until he found someone more famous and he didn't want to come back. Another co-star who is more celebrity than actor she fell for didn't even pretend to have any feelings for our actress. He would put her down in front of her friends and would send her to the bedroom and tell her to wait while he hung out with his friends and he would go in and have sex and then just come right back out. If he was finished with her for the night he would send her home. She always came back though. Another co-star who actually did treat her right gave up because our actress lost interest to another B list actor who would yell at her and make her cry and she just could not get enough.

cheesegrater15 said...

I <3 him. I always want to give him a big hug.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Annetta Ribken: Same here.. this blind and the Gary one got me in a happy mood. I love those men! *does a happy dramatic dance*

Anonymous said...

<3 RDJ

CaliGirlinVA said...

I'm so happy but not surprised this is RDJ. I always believed in him.

EGB said...

What a perfect end to another great reveal day!

ChasingHeaven said...

2 classes away from getting my Master's to be a therapist. Looking forward to completing my practicum soon, maybe it'll be at one of those rehabs. ;)

Love, Love, LOVE RDJ for this.

chopchop said...

Thanks, RDJ, for being one of the few real class acts in Hollywood. I'm a fan for life.

Snapdragon said...

Yes! Rehab... and redemption. LOVE.

timebob said...

Thanks @shityoucantbuy, I save my best stuff for reveal day :0)

Kelsey said...

love love love RDJ.

CharRicho said...

I knew this was RDJ, I just love him!

Blonde Gossip said...

Love this and love RDJ

Basil said...

Though RDJ probably didn't think so at the time, going to jail was probably the best thing that could have happened to him, and it is nice to see that he is doing something to help others.

Now if we can get him to sit down with Lohan, or any other actor who is on a downward spiral.

krk67 said...

This is lovely.

Sunny said...

I love this kindness blind for a thousand different reasons, but particularly because it reminds me of a note that I keep in my makeup drawer:
I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that. Then I remembered that I am somebody.

If something moves you: ACT. With money or without money, you will make a difference in someone's life (And yes, I read a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul when I was younger)

Could someone post the link to the blogger's Grandma? I think Robin posted it originally, and it made me cry :)

Sunny said...

*about the blogger's Grandma*

Sunny said...

I found it in case you guys haven't seen it. Robin the Mad Photographer linked to it originally :)

amanda0825 said...

Love this!

carrowsboy said...

He really is a superhero after all.

Jesse D said...

@carrowsboy yes, he is.

Anonymous said...

Awwww. He must sleep really soundly. Im gonna say a prayer for him tonight. This just shows that miracles really do happen. There is goodness kindness generosity and charity in the world and people helping others. This warm fuzzy makes up for all the mean ones.

Unknown said...

RDJ is beyond awesome.

orpheus12 said...

My fave reveal! :D

Unknown said...

The whole craziness surround himmmmm (?) is what brought me to this site (I lurk on ONTD where it all blew up and didn't know about CDAN *hides face in shame*) and I have to say, I love that the last reveal of the night is about RDJ ;) Nice to know that someone out there who we love and admire actually deserves to be!

Unknown said...

The whole craziness surround himmmmm (?) is what brought me to this site (I lurk on ONTD where it all blew up and didn't know about CDAN *hides face in shame*) and I have to say, I love that the last reveal of the night is about RDJ ;) Nice to know that someone out there who we love and admire actually deserves to be!

Turkish Taffy said...

So happy that this was revealed to be our hero. Put a smile and a tear on my face at the same time.

Rickatoo said...

As if it was possible to love him more!

libby said...

I couldn't be more thrilled that RDJ got "Iron Man", to secure his old age, but also to do things like this.

Like everyone, I still remember those statements in court, RDJ looking homeless, thinking he may be lost forever.
Addiction is a beast; it's terrific that RDJ doesn't forget the little kindnesses that can help someone else get clean for good!

tamarind said...

Love it!!! love RDJ!

youdontsay said...

And now, I feel like Tom Hanks in that scene in "You've Got Mail" when he has his friend look in the restaurant window to see what his email friend looks like, and discovers it is, indeed the owner of the Shop Around the Corner. He grips the bars of the iron fence and says over and over, "It HAD to BE! It HAD to BE!!" we all just knew...

angie said...

What an amazingly admirable story of not only turning your life around, but of discovering your soul in the process. If I could choose just one celeb to have lunch with, RDJ would be it hands down. Commenter @carrowsboy said it best.. He really is a superhero after all.

captivagrl said...

Most of the addicts I come in contact with have felony arrests. After cleaning up, completing rehab, passing drug tests,etc, they can't get hired. Few will hire some one with a felony conviction. That part of RDJ's generosity is so helpful. Without the hope of employment many relapse. They give up and have way too much time on their hands.

Agent**It said...

Needless to say, we all "won".

Ashlea said...

I've heard of following your steps after recovery, passing on the knowledge that you've gained and helping others but man this takes it to a whole new level. RDJ: grade A class. Love him.

Glitter said...

RDJ is a saint....handsome, too.

The Black Cat said...

Another one that was easily guessed :)

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

This is so amazing.

MissMarie said...

This is my favorite reveal. RDJ is my favorite actor. This makes him the one celebrity I would love to meet the most. Some day I hope to be able to help others on a similar level. For now, I only do little things.
He is no saint, but he is an example of a fine human being.

MissMarie said...

This is my favorite reveal. RDJ is my favorite actor. This makes him the one celebrity I would love to meet the most. Some day I hope to be able to help others on a similar level. For now, I only do little things.
He is no saint, but he is an example of a fine human being.

meredith said...

I just went over to the other site & read about RDJ and the grandmother. What a lovely man.

Maja With a J said...

Aw, I love it!

@Alana - your avatar made me giggle!

Comma Chaser said...

Not surprising. He's always seemed like a good guy to me. Been a fan of RDJ since Less Than Zero.

__-__=__ said...

So cool! Restoring faith in humanity certainly. Much respect!!!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Awwwww...*sniff* Right, then...that definitely does it. Bob, you are now officially on my short list of Men Who Need To Be Cloned For The Benefit Of Humanity In General And Women In Particular--it's still a rather small list, so I hope you appreciate the honor. ;-) (You're in excellent company, BTW; one of the sweetest people I've ever known, Billy Bragg, is right up there at the top of the list.)

Seriously (not that I don't mean everything in the previous paragraph, mind you), he's definitely one of those people I wish I knew personally--smart, funny, talented, and genuinely kind and compassionate...what a mensch, and fully deserving of everything good that's been happening for him. (Of course the brownie offer stands! Drop me a line the next time you're in Boston, bubela, and I'll be sure to have a batch warm out of the oven for you. ;-)

OK, I'll shut up before the fangirl babbling goes totally over the top, except to say bless his fuzzy little heart...*hugs* *more sniffling*

Sherry said...

So it was him after all...Wonderful man. I guess he's become the patron Saint of CDAN hasn't he? He certainly deserves it after this.

alisontheoriginal said...

So cool.

dia papaya said...

RDJ and his dreamy brown eyes!!! *sigh*

Thank for being our teacher and showing others how to be good humans in spite of difficulty. Wish more people had your kind heart! Hugs to you and yours!

Tru Leigh said...

We all called it.

I'll say it again. The more I know about RJD, the more I like him.

You are a prince amoung men.

Unknown said...

wow! this is awesome. makes me love him even more.

Shallow Gal said...

RDJ is talented as shit and I am THRILLED that he pulled himself together and is living such a great life. I love watching him work.

Lelaina Pierce said...

LOVE him. Nice reveal! :)

gr8p said...

One more reason to LOVE Robert Downey Jr. That's great that he's helping other addicts.

Rolf said...

I like that man even more than before. RDJ RULES! Thanks for this reveal!

piglet said...

I felt a little dirty after reading all the blind reveals, so much sleaze. This one and the sinese one are my favourist best

Brenda L said...

Love ya Mr D Jr.

lilo723 said...

I love him, even more now, than the day I first laid eyes on him. Sigh.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@Sherry: I've been saying that for a while now--Enty, can we please make RDJ the official Patron Saint of CDAN? Pretty please with cinnamon sugar on top? *bats eyelashes*

Kristin said...

Awww I love RDJ! He is so awesome and inspiring!

Sunny said...

Only You. There! I said it! I love RDJ because of Only You! While all the cool kids love Iron Man and The Avengers, my Mom and I watch Only You every time we get together. RDJ and Marissa are darling, Bonnie Hunt is hilarious, and the Italian scenery is stunning.
Uhhhhh, I feel better now

AlexT said...

Did RDJ write this one him(mmmmmmmm)self?? I'll be glad when he finds something better to do and the constant fellatio fest on this site is OVER. I like him as an actor and thought hmmmmmmmm's blinds were compelling, but it doesn't do the site any favors in the long term.

lunabelle said...

I love that we all love him.

He has always been a favorite of mine. So much talent, so much destruction and now so much creation.

I remember when Ally McBeal gave him a shot after rehab and jail and I was rooting for him. I stopped watching that show after he left. For some reason, the spark in the show left, with his departure.

We all have demons. He was in the proper place and had the means to indulge himself all the way to rock bottom. Now, he has successfully elevated himself to soar through the stratosphere. That he is personally, humbly, giving back is so meaningful.

EggHead said...

@surfer-thanks for the twitter reveal!! That one is sad :( so Ashton Kutcher is the first one who used her until he found someone he liked better and eminem is the one who would have her just wait in the room until he wanted to fuck, and make fun of her. Right? Does anyone know who the other ones were, the guy that treated her right and the guy she left him for? I always loved Brittany Murphy, her story makes me really sad.

Also, GO RDJ!!! Looooove him. XD

Jess said...

He went to high school with my father in New York, my mom and dad have both said that he was a genuinely nice guy.

kj said...

he walked into hell and walked back out. if anyone knows about the struggles of an addict it is him. these are acts of kindness and redemption.

Alexandria said...

Such a good soul, and amazing Hooman. God bless RDJ ❤❤❤

HeatherBee said...

As a member of the club, this is awesome to hear. This is what it’s all about because so many are afraid of what’s on the side of addiction. Kudos to him!

Jooles said...

He is everything about grace, perseverance, brilliance and love. He is one of the few left in Hollywood that I truly admire and respect. We are all better thanks to him. (himmmm)

mooshki said...

Oh lord, Enty; the female lead of Van Wilder 3 was Kristin Cavallari. If you ever call her an "A list actress" I'm quitting the blog.

Now, the lead actor of Van Wilder 1, on the other hand... I think he's got a future in the moving pictures.

HGS said...

Always loved RDJ. Always. He’s what brought me here.


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