Friday, July 27, 2012

James Holmes Says He Has Amnesia

I get the feeling that James Holmes thinks he is in a movie and that he will go to trial and something dramatic will happen and he will be freed or released. According to workers at the county jail where he is incarcerated, the Colorado shooter is claiming he does not know why he is even in jail. Obviously he thinks this will help him if he pleads not guilty because of insanity. He really does think he is in some scripted movie and that he is somehow going to get out of all this. He isn't. This is not going to be an OJ or a Casey Anthony or Robert Blake. James is going to be in jail for the rest of his life if they don't decide to go for the death penalty. He is going to be in jail in 60 years and and spend day after day doing exactly the same thing. I hope he rots in there. I think in 30 or 40 years when someone goes to interview him, I think that smirk and that I will get out of this look or expression will be replaced with a look that says it has been 30 or 40 years and I have another 3o years or so to go before I die.


  1. I think he'll get dead if he's sentenced to life.

  2. Ok, enty , a tad hard to undrstand there at the end, but i get your jist. He is nuts and a faker and an idiot, as well as lunatic murderer. I hope he doesnt think he is fooling anyone. He will never be free again. I saw a well respected lawyer, and he said this " what happened?" defense is almost never bought by the jury. He is playing a game- but hes playing alone.

  3. Considering he was planning it in advance and loading up his arsenal, the "wha happenedddd?" defense doesn't make a lot of sense.

  4. Amnesia, well that's original, sort of. He'll always be an enigma to me because I'll never comprehend how someone so young, so bright, and so previously wholesome can turn into the devil practically overnight. He must have suffered a psychotic break, but that diagnosis doesn't answer the burning questions.

  5. anyone seen the movie primal fear? with edward norton and richard gere? he probably saw the movie and thinks things will turn out like that.

    1. I was just gonna say-- this is not Primal Fear, and you are not Ed Norton.

    2. I was just thinking the same thing about Primal Fear. He's going to pretend to have MPD.

  6. I have very significant doubts that given the degree of premeditation the insanity defense will fly. I guess its good for him that here in CO the death penalty has essentially become an empty threat given that we actually havent executed anyone for decades...

    1. Given his academic field, all of this will reek as highly calculated to even the most basic jury. Methinks he was never the boy genius everyone has declared him to be -- just a self-involved narcissist with psychotic tendencies who decided to live out his fantasies when real life was even the slightest bit too tough to handle.

  7. @sweet, I did. That movie had me riveted and made me sick both at the same time. I love plot twists like that. Norton is a terrific actor.

  8. Bundy was also considered to be highly intelligent and well liked by co workers and friends and look what he was hiding! Point is, evil people are too good at hiding how evil they really are.

    1. a lot of psycopaths/sociopaths have high IQs

  9. Evil ...
    Quite curious about this:
    Why aren't they reporting on his father who is due to testify for the U.S. Senate panel within a few weeks for the $350 TRILLION LIBOR scandal? He was the only one to develop an algorithm that tracked the fraud back to it's source- aka he can 'name name's'.

    1. Apparently a friend of mine whk has been following this case said that Holmes received grants for various gov't funded.programs he was involved in and his father has been involved in numerous gov't programs that may have been on or off the grid.

    2. Holmes was a grad student. Grad students get federal gov student and/or research grants. Usually the university gets the money and the student gets a stipend and if any supplies for research is purchased that goes through the university as well.
      I don't understand why people keep mentioning the federal grant thing. .

    3. The grant money was probably used to buy weapons and ammo. Too early yet to know but that's my bet.

  10. This asshole is trying to feed into The Manchurian Candidate/MK Ultra school of thoight. If it works, I am packing my bags and leaving the country. This just pisses me off. psychotic break MY ASS!

  11. Edward Norton was scary good in that movie.

    I am not saying this guy isn't crazy, but this was clearly premeditated. I don't buy the amnesia defense. I want to hear more from his ex grad school colleagues and parents.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Tell me more, Agent. Do you have a source I can read (I'm sure you do :-)? Post, please.

  14. I can't stand to look at this guy's face or see his name anymore. He should gain no notoriety from this. It would serve him right if all news media outlets stopped showing his picture and instead of using his name, merely referred to him as "the gunman."

    Speculating on things does nothing but expose the victims and their loved ones to false speculation. I say report when there is actual information to be relayed but, in the meantime, give him no more coverage than necessary and focus on the heroes and survivors instead.

    I know that won't happen, though. I took journalism 101. If it bleeds, it leads...

  15. Even if he manages to be declared insane (doubtful, as I agree with the others on the premeditation angle) - he is going to go to a metal ward and stay there a long, long time.

    Publicity alone will stop a doctor from writing a favorable report for release. He is going nowhere.

    1. He should be used for human testing! This is exactly why we need to stop subjecting innocent animals to testing and start using human detritus to make some minimal contribution to society. (I don't support the death penalty.)

  16. Wow. I'd like some more info, too, Agent.

  17. Also, anyone out there with psychiatric knowledge - how common is this type of "amnesia" in schizo/bipolar patients? As I've said before, we deal with this in our family, and our person also claims no memory of her episodes (not murderous rampages, thank goodness, but still plenty crazy and dangerous).

    Thanks in advance for laying your knowledge on us.

  18. I can't find ANY new info about him, period. I've been gone for three days so I don't know what's new with the case.

    1. They've already sealed the documents.

  19. Anonymous7:24 AM

    There's a good chance he was HYPNOTIZED into doing this. People are very stupid, and those who know how to control people with hypnosis exploit this with feel-good claims like "you can't be made to do anything you normally wouldn't."

    Give the guy a POLYGRAPH and see if he's lyingI I'd bet he's not.

    Has anyone ever seen a stage hypnosis show? You can MAKE people HALLUCINJATE and FORGET what they experience. The CIA knows this from its MK-ULTRA eperiment, but they have been tryingt to discredit their findings egver since because the power is dangerous in the wrong hands.

    Even scarier is you have creepy old guys on YouTube making hyypnosis videos that clearly wind up controlling *underaged girls* who then become ripe for sexual exploitation. Women hypnotize men to give them money but they're men so no one's going to care about that.

    I wouldn't be shocked if a hypnotist was behind this, either for a government purpose, or to just prove that it could be done.

    To anyone who doesn't believe me, don't blame me if your daughter ever winds up raped by a hypnotist she "met" over YouTube.

    1. A polygraph is easily overcome by a sociopath.

    2. **off to study how to hypnotize people to give me money**

  20. Enty do me a favor and stop showing his picture and putting his name in posts. We all know what he looks like and exactly who he is-call him the suspect or alleged gunman or whatever. This POS wants his name and pic out there and printed a million times. He wants to be bigger than "the Joker". He wants to be famous/infamous/notorious. Let's not give it to him.

  21. @Agent **It - tell us more.

    I think this dude is nuts.

    1. If this dude were muslim would you think he is nuts? Or just a terrorist scumbag?

  22. No one is going to give him a polygraph, there's not admissible in court anyway. because they're completely unreliable, yes.

  23. Agent - Please post a link. Very interesting, indeed. And I really don't want to eat that crow sandwich.

  24. Someone's off their meds again.

  25. BettorOffSingle - WTF?!?

    Yeah this guy is full of it, the extensive preparation and premeditation pretty much speaks for itself.

    You can be an evil assh-le without being "insane," unfortunately.

  26. I don't think he ever planned an exit strategy, maybe he thought he'd get away in the Bat-Mobile..

  27. @litebrite - He was awarded a prestigious NIH Training Grant of 21K per year to do his research at the university.

    Does this mean the NIH Grant paid for those guns? Gives me the shivers...

  28. @liteNOTsobrite
    The difference is that we know WHY jihadists are doing what they are doing. We don't with this gunman

  29. Great point, Sunny. And good morning to you, lady!

  30. LOL. My brother SO jumped on the conspiracy theory bandwagon when this kid flipped his lid. Look, he was NOT brainwashed, this is NOT the work of the government. I understand how difficult it is to see this well off educated kid as a monster. People just cant seem to accept that some people are fucking evil and lack basic human emotions. I was shocked by this massacre but having studied criminal justice and psychology, it doesn't surprise me that someone would be capable of doing this.

  31. I have my own theory....

    Notice how no one is talking about Co$ or McGlib or Katie anymore.

    *this is a fun game to play. can make up lots of crazy things*

    1. @dia hahaha!! That is genius.

  32. @ rejected - completely agree. I also think this guy is faking his mental illness BIG TIME.

  33. I'm doing a book report and I need help please. What was the thing that wouldn't let the 3 billy goats gruff over the bridge?

  34. Is he evil or stupid to only focus on the notoriety and not the torturish ending in prison after he was caught? And now he's going oh shit....

  35. Research Terms:

    Robert Holmes :senior lead scientist with the American Credit Score Company FICO.

    Libor Scandal

    Note: you will have to read some cuckoo nutty things in your searching but I must say articles I read last night are being struck down very quickly.

    Don't misunderstand,I believe this man is EVIL and I do not believe in "govt conspiracy" but his father developed fraud banking detection scanners of which I am familiar with so I was kind of.. shocked..

    Libor scandal is huge.Absolutely huge. (IMO)

    Please don't let this distract from the victims and the fact that this man is evil and responsible for his own actions.

  36. I think the guy has seen a lot of movies, alone, and combined with being a social outcast, they impacted him somehow. I'm no shrink, but every time I see this picture I see the hair, and I think he somehow identified with The Joker and other "animated" mastermind/criminals in other movies. Putting my chips on psychotic break with awful consequences.

  37. They should have just shot his ass in the parking lot. No one would have objected to that.

  38. Something in this guy clearly broke, so much so that he really thinks he is the Joker and he's living a comic book life. With so much premeditation, temporary insanity is out the door, but he could still be declared mentally ill. I'm not sure what that means for the likely penalty -- would he be able to declare insanity, or does declaring insanity as a way to avoid prison only work if it's temporary insanity?

    Yeah, this guy is going to find out that life is not a comic book. I think he will be spending a lot of time in solitary, and probably in high security prison isolated from the general prison population. There was too much premeditation for any lawyer to get him off.

  39. @katsm0711, I read yesterday that he actually asked a prison janitor how Batman: The Dark Knight Rises movie ended, oblivious to just how unspeakably inappropriate that question coming from him was. Pick me up off the floor someone.

  40. Oh god! Not the comment-baiting troll again! What's that? Stfu cuz I have a vagina? Go ahead dude. I expect nothing less from a gentlemen such as yourself.

  41. I guess I'm in the minority, but I like seeing his picture around because he looks SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS. It makes me laugh and I don't rage as hard.

  42. I would love to know what his parents think.

  43. Thanks Agent**It! This stuff is crazy...

    Don't want to stir the conspiracy pot, but definitely seems like more than just coincidence.

    Can we get the Person of Interest team involved? I want John Reese and Harold Finch on this, stat!

  44. He stikes me as being book-smart, maybe not having much common sense. He seems really socially awkward too.

    Last night I was watching his whole court appearance, I think he's totally pretending to be crazy. You guys should watch it on youtuve and study his expessions. He gives the judge a really cold and evil look right before it ends. There's also some parts where its clear he know's what going on.

  45. check this out:

  46. ^^

    I am getting a virus block !!

    1. Is it the gov't, PSU or Co$ that's trying to infect our systems?

  47. I think he's faking it also, and I wonder if he is a loner because he generally hates other people. Whether he's in a psych ward or a prison, I would love to see him placed the general population, because that would be a fate worse than death for someone like him. That won't happen, naturally, but solitary confinement is probably something he enjoys.

    1. No reason he wouldn't eventually make it to general population. In prison murderers are commonplace and not at the bottom of the hierarchy.

    2. I can't speak for Colorado but here in California the inmates notoriety is enough to put him in protective custody his entire felonious career. If he is not of high notoriety all he has to say is that he is in fear for his safety and that will keep him from gen pop. They no longer have the lengthy debriefing process.

  48. Lots of conspiracy theories floating around here today? Who gives a shit what job the father is involved in?

    The son is the raging lunatic. He legally purchased assault rifles which enabled him to become an instant mass murderer last Friday.
    Would it not be more constructive to discuss/find a way to BAN the sale of assault rifles to the mentally disturbed?

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  50. @rejectedcarebear ,

    Don't forget the Twilight people and the Jackson Family:)

  51. @wonderdiva, I agree, he totally does need to be in the general population. He needs to fear for his life for as long as he lives. He's not unfortunate looking, so the rest of the prison would have fun with him before they beat him.

    I read on the Denver Post that he might be able to read newspapers and watch tv, so he's probably reading about himself. Also, appartently the Judge banned cameras for monday when he gets sentenced, which is total bullshit

  52. @Saffron
    Romney enacted an assault weapons ban as governor of Massachusetts (with the support of a Democratic legislature) - is that what you referring to ? Perhaps other states can follow his lead ?

  53. said it before, I'll say it again. I've watched that court appearance video more than once. There just is NO WAY he was faking that. His movements.. (slight head bobbing, fighting to keep his eyes open, steady slow shallow breathing) all look pretty involuntary to me! I'm on board with all who think there is ALOT more going on than what the media is telling us. Maybe it's the conspiracy theorist is me but there is so much that doesn't make sense. The height thing. The orange hair. This guy is such a Joker fan that he goes on this rampage claiming to be the Joker and he dyes his hair orange? When did the Joker have orange hair? Movies, tv, cartoon, comic books all green hair! What about the people inside theatre 9 who STILL claim there were 2 involved. Oh and first they found the journal sent to the pschiatrist was sent like 10 days in advance now all of the sudden it was sent at the same time as the shooting? Ok... I'm not drinking the media's cool aid, all I'm saying.

  54. @ Saffron:

    Was trying to interject some humor into a horrible situation. I didn't mean to be offensive. It doesn't change the fact that he did what he did and should be in prison forever.

    I don't want to go into another rant about the sad state of mental health care in the USA or the ease with which guns end up in the wrong hands.

    I hope some good will come out of this tragedy and we can have an honest discussion about these heavy issues. My fear is that both the gun debate and health care debate will get swept under the rug again as the pundits yell and scream at each other. Nothing ever changes. How many times does this have to happen in the USA before people realize what we are doing now doesn't work.

    Well I guess I just ranted a bit. Sorry. Where are those KITTEN pics again?

  55. From what you folks say he sounds like Casey Anthony. Remember all those evil pics of her glares in court. Remember all her lies. His amnesia just sounds like a lie to me. So glad I don't have tv!! Off to watch Winged Migration. Again.

  56. Here's a CRAZY thought, this all went down only a week ago. I'm willing to bet there's a lot that law enforcement ie local police/FBI/ATF are not telling us. Not to just keep it from the general public (scandal!) but to keep this investigation on the up and up. I don't think they wanna see appeals for decades do to shoddy work. But what do I know I'm only an office whore. (Sorry I was sitting on that for days)

  57. I feel like often during infamous shootings (JFK and Columbine) there's always the 2nd gun man theory. I don't buy it here or Columbine for that matter. JFK however...

  58. @Danielle what's the height conspiracy thing?

  59. @katsm0711 on both of his social media profiles (Adult Friend Finder and he lists his height at 5'11/6'0. The FBI lists his height at 6'3. Who makes themselves 3-4 inches shorter than they are? The other way around? Absolutely.

  60. I don't think he had a partner. His other (rigging his apt) attempt to cause harm failed. He's clearly fucked in the head. Is faking IDK. But a person who methodically plans out a murder like this is most certainly not mentally healthy.

    As for our resident troll, @AlexT I hope you don;t mind me sharing this (from another thread):

    "Remind me not to go to any Batman movies with BettorOffSingle. I wonder what his dating profile reads like. I can just imagine hearing the small talk over appetizers as it veers off the highway overpass into "9-11 Office Whores" territory."

    -now everytime I see BOS, I think of this and chuckle.

  61. What do you mean you don't buy the second gunman theory for Columbine? The shooters were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

  62. @Amy I was going to say the same thing! I thought it was always known that there were two and they both committed suicide together if I'm not mistaken?

  63. If the legal system doesn't take proper care of him, karma will. He's playing a game...a very nasty, horrible game. I'm just glad they've got the blighter in custody. Lock the bastard up!

  64. I have no doubt he doesn't have amnesia, but since when is not remembering the crime the same as not being responsible? If this is the best defense this piece of shit can come up with his ass is going to be so sorry for the rest of his life. Literally.

  65. Re: Columbine I meant the 2nd gunman theory as just a general label to those type of theories. I've read some articles about the possibility of 3 or more gunmen at Columbine. Sorry to be unclear.

  66. @agent , @papaya,

    My thoughts exactly... This country needs a serious debate asap about assault weapons and healthcare, Yeah, Romney and Obama are so shit scared of the NRA, but if it's the will of the people to BAN assault weapons, politicians will have to act. Off course this all means people becoming active and finding willing leaders for this cause somewhere, and def. not these useless politicians. I do like the outrage that Bloomberg created but the weak media is not covering him anymore. Olympics and the twi hard gossip is more important. Sigh!!

    Sorry for my rant//

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. @ AuntJess - I agree. I think they are protecting the evidence. Which I agree with.

    @ Saffron , I think you missed my point.

  68. The Ambien defense would be better, because of all the premeditation. If he could prove he ordered all the assault weapons and explosive devices online in the middle of the night it might fly. Highly doubtful. This is insulting to the victims. If you're going to massacre people, at least own up to it you fucking coward.

  69. @MadLyb, I agree with you and me on this one (@7:56am)

    "Please don't let this distract from the victims and the fact that this man is evil and responsible for his own actions."

    @Robert, my peer . Your thoughts?

  70. Guys: I am not a lawyer, but I have taken a number of criminal justice classes as part of my job. One of the things I learned is the legal definition of insanity can be based on the concept of having no memory of committing the act. Ever suddenly snap out of a daze behind the wheel of your car and not really have a clear recollection of what happened the past ten minutes or so? Like that. It sounds like this guy has read some intro CJ books.

  71. There was an old episode of NCIS a few years ago where a serial killer boasted to Gibbs that no one remembers the name of who arrested Gacy or Ted Kazinzki (sp?) but everyone remembers the names of the killers. Gibbs arranged it so he was arrested under some kind of Homeland Security thing that would hide his name forever (and yeah, I know this was fiction and probably can't happen). But in this case, I wish they could do that.

  72. I finally figured out where I had seen avatar pic for the troll @BetterOffSingle:

  73. @.robert - great find!

  74. @robert

    Wow, I am not officially really creeped out. In fact, I don't know what's creepier--the prospect that that IS him or the prospect that he has fans. Ew.

  75. @dia papaya - the National Institute of Health (NIH) grant is a prestigious thing to be awarded, but many undergrad, grad, and post grads get them to complete their research.

    They generally provide a stipend (his payroll check/living allowance) and some research funds (these usually go through the school). So yes, the govt did bankroll his arsenal. Fucker!

  76. @.robert
    That was gold! Thanks for the chuckle! That guy is a creep.

  77. Anonymous11:33 AM

    This douche methodically planned out his assault, as well as the booby traps in his apartment. It took a lot of time and effort to do all of that. It's ridiculous of him to claim that he doesn't remember any of it. He's just smart enough to have read some psychology textbooks to try to fool everyone, but not smart enough to realize that ACTUAL insane people often don't exhibit "textbook" symptoms, and certainly not all of them at once.

    Is he crazy? Hell, yes. But remember, "crazy" doesn't mean "insane," legally speaking. This guy needs to spend the rest of his (probably short) life in general pop. He looks like the kind of smartass creeper who doesn't last long with the ODCs.

  78. How about, I don't care to spend any time debating if he's crazy or not bc I don't care either way but I would love to offer time out of my day to stick a needle in his arm?

  79. What a nightmare for the Holmes' family therapist

  80. I have to admit I find this new troll extremely entertaining. I like it when he gets fed. He's rants make me giggle

  81. I have to admit I find this new troll extremely entertaining. I like it when he gets fed. He's rants make me giggle

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  84. The have been two Roberts for several years.

  85. He looks like Sideshow Bob.

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  87. We may never know the *why* of this.
    My only wish is that he never has another day of freedom in his miserable life.

  88. Candidate for the Matrix Defense, for sure.


    "Women hypnotize men to give them money"

    HOW??? I need this information.

  89. @maja with our magic lady parts that give us our evil powers!

  90. "Raped by YouTube Hypnotists." Just when I thought I was going to name my band "9-11 Office Whores."

  91. @media_lush:

    I believe in the power of coincidence. The connection here is just too big to be random. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  92. Also, conspiracy theory my ass. If this guy was hypnotized and unaware of his actions, how'd he know to warn the cops when they caught him that his apartment was booby-trapped? He chickened out, plain and simple. He probably thought that shooting into a dark theater full of gas would separate him from his victims enough, but it got to him. His "gee, wha happened?" routine is sheer cowardice in action.

  93. I seriously think he will get killed in prison by the other inmates. It wont bring back the lives of those he murdered though. I say once this is done and he is in prison pay him no more attention! He is not insane he planned this attack right down to the rigging of bombs. He is a piece of shit.

  94. Regarding James Holmes' height difference: FBI measured him taller because they counted his hair?

    Regarding our new under-the-bridge dweller and .robert's sleuthing: The Ray Gordon connection is also in Better Off Single's blogger profile.

  95. News update
    Suspect in the Co shootings was under a University of CO shrink's care.

    Dr.Fenton, medical director for student mental health services at the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, provides medication and psychotherapy for grad students in addition to her teaching duties, according to a school website.Fenton is also a member of the campus-based "behavioral assessment and threat assessment team," which helps faculty and staff deal with "individuals who may be threatening, disruptive or otherwise problematic," according to that group's website.


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  97. It seems so obvious that he is schizophrenic. So much misunderstanding of mental illness...

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  100. Thanks for mentioning that Mooshki. I researched it to brush up on the characteristics, and think you are correct. He'd have to be the 'paranoid' schizophrenic type - delusions are present but thought disorder and disorganized behavior are not, which would explain his ability to focus on a goal and systematically plan over a period of months to achieve it.

    I'm now leaning toward believing he belongs in a mental institution for the rest of his life rather than prison.

  101. @The, interesting theory, but highly improbable because he has no previous history of violent or anti-social behavior, nor was he a victim of it. Not even a genuinely evil person goes from 0 to off the charts literally overnight. It's a gradual process even for them.

    BTW, human testing is only a slightly less disgusting idea than the death penalty.

  102. Again, I don't care if he's mentally ill. He's shown he is a danger to society and people capable of that much harm can't put the rest of us in danger. He MURDERED and terrorized people. Like, definitely, he did it, no questions. What chance would u take to see if his ehabolitation worked? Would u live next door bc your heart bleeds? How about the Canadian guy who decapitated the guy on a bus and was allowed back into the public? I'm not taking my chances! It's not like once a cheater always a cheater but I'll give u another chance to see if u mean it this time. If he didn't mean it this time, it means MURDER. The most final ending. No second chance. Throw away his key, study his brain, or like I said I'll. E glad to do the needle.

  103. He is evil personified.

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  105. If you can't beat them, join them doesn't work for me. Society does need to be protected from him for as long as he lives however, whether in a prison cell or a mental ward. I'd prefer a mental ward if he is diagnosed as a true schizophrenic so he can be studied, enabling something beneficial to come from this.

  106. But it's supposed to be about justice for the 12 people he killed and the 58 he wounded. I don't think he is going to get into a hospital setting.

  107. The government can't just swoop in and restrict freedom on their own account. They have to have some horrific tragedy like this to occur so that people WANT it. That's how the invasive screening got in place at airports and lo and behold everyone is now screaming for gun control. Big surprise. By the way all the armor he was wearing? Exactly how much do you think that costs and how did he afford it?

  108. MK ultra manchurian candidate!!!

  109. actually this is a sacrfice for whats to come...what i believe anyways..the dark knight rises? who is the dark knight? satan! anti-christ? just look at how occult ritualistic the opening ceremonies for the olympics were. here is a link:

  110. I wonder if he has DID/multiple personality disorder... has anyone seen Identity with John Cusack?

  111. LIAR, COWARD, and TURD. He looks like he didn't get any sleep- poor, poor sociopath.

    Not OK with the prison rape innuendos in some of these comments. Rape is never, ever OK.
