Friday, July 06, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield on a Spanish television show.
Elizabeth Olsen and Dakota Fanning keep on making their movie.
Geri Halliwell is now dating Lurch.
Christian Bale just keeps on getting great co-stars in his new movie. This time, Isabel Lucas is on the beach with him.
Jennifer Aniston in GQ.
Jessica Simpson Tweets a family photo. Everyone was wearing that sweater.
Katie Holmes goes out without a bra. A big no no with Tom. Later she showed her entire boob which Tom also probably never saw.
Katie in Elle.
Kate Hudson takes her son shopping in Paris.


  1. That Spanish show is El Hormiguero which is like the spanish language version of that crazy variety show from Lost In Translation.

    Geri Halliwell's beau is almost as tall and gangly as Giant Silva. Well, almost. Not quite. At all, really.

  2. Wow, is Katie making her big move to be seen as sexy and free or what? Good on her I suppose. I remember feeling the same way after my seperation. I started to feel very sexy and it showed.
    I'm starting to turn around and give her props big time.

  3. Never knew Katie Holmes was that skinny. Pretty picture in Elle.

    Jennifer Aniston is definitely not pregnant and Im soo jealous! & Jessica Simpsons baby is a cutie. Looks more like her dad.

  4. Jessica Simpson keeps wearing the most hideous clothes 2x bigger than her actual size.....just hideous...

    1. I think shes doing that for the " big reveal!"

  5. Katie looks hot. I am sooo loving her right now, which comes as a compete suprise to me, lol

  6. Kate Hudson has never looked better. I don't know what she's doing but if it's natural (like simply running everyday) she needs to promote.

  7. Presumably the hulking black guys in the background are Katie's new, non-COS security. Smart idea. There are almost no African-Americans in Sea Org, so hiring black muscle makes it easy to tell who's working for Katie and who's working for COS.

  8. I bet that part of Jessica's contract with Weight Watchers includes her wearing baggy clothes while she works on losing the weight. They seem to enjoy the "big reveal" stuff...

  9. I would like to nominate Emma Stone as the new America's Sweetheart. She just oozes charisma & charm. And she's not a bad actress either. Plus she's a brilliant comedienne. Like Lucille Ball Hall of Fame comedienne brilliant.

    1. Totally agree! I'm always telling my bf that Emma is the nxt l love Lucy!

  10. Lazyday I second your nomination. I adore Emma Stone.

    Thank you Kate Hudson for showing the rest of the world the proper way to wear booties.
    (@omama, I think she does yoga)

  11. Katie looks great! Wow!

    And yet another "sexy" beach shoot with Jennifer Aniston *rollseyes*... Can't stand that shallow, self-obsessed airhead!

  12. EL, as a really tall guy, I resent the Lurch comment :(

    Some girls do feel weird in public when there is a height difference like that. In the end, it's usually the shorter one that has issues with it, so it's always the tall one getting dumped

    ::Double Sad Face::

  13. That GQ photo wins the photoshop award for this month. I don't care for JA, but she has a fantastic body. that picture makes her look as though she is built like a runway model and has no shape. Fail!

  14. Katie's leg is NOT that skinny. Photoshop much?

  15. Trogdor...i would looove to date a tall guy. it would make me feel little, feminine and safe.

  16. I could swear Jessica's face looks definitely thinner, and his face looks fuller than it used to be--it isn't just mom who can gain weight when there's a new baby in the picture! She probably has lost some weight, but you can't tell w/baggy clothes, and if you're wearing anything too snug (such as her workout togs), that'll make you look heavier than you really are, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's some clothing trickery going on now to help w/the big reveal later. Anyway, they all look happy, and the baby's a cutie, so good for them!

    1. Yeah, but what about the baby inly hving one leg, lol. ( just the pic, nit being mean, lol)

  17. Anyone else think this whole divorce thing is going to actually HELP Katie's career?

    I can personally see people throwing parts at her. You stood up to Tom and Co$? Why here, here's a movie part!

  18. @amanda: No kidding!

    MISSING: Jennifer Aniston's breasts. If found, please return to the GQ Art Department ASAP! (Granted, she's small-breasted, but she does have them; they seem to have been Photoshopped out of that picture entirely, however, which is a shame.)

  19. @Grey: How did you think Nicole got that Oscar, anyway? It wasn't just because she did a good job playing Virgina Woolf... ;-) I don't see Katie hitting those heights right now, but this may very well be a big boost to her career; if nothing else, she won't be feeling she has to give up roles due to TGMD's not wanting her to work.

  20. Every time I see photos of Katie with no makeup, no bra, etc. (all that stuff Tom apparently hates), I have to smile. You just know it's a big ol' jab in the eye of Cruise. Well played Katie.

  21. Katie Holmes has suddenly become a favorite.

  22. Kate Hudson is very happy this husband has a great band and makes money...she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want too.

  23. Kate Hudson's son looks like a new kid with his hair cut - very cute! I totally could care less about long hair on boys - no one tells girls what length to wear their hair - but Ryder (?) looks way better now - we can actually see his face!

  24. Kate's son went from tons of hair to a faux hawk!

  25. Aside from looking good lately, Katie seems so rested and HAPPY.

  26. Katie Holmes is prob so skinny because of the tremendous stress she's under. Happens to me, too.

    I've been quite stree-free for some time :-).

  27. "I can personally see people throwing parts at her. You stood up to Tom and Co$? Why here, here's a movie part!"

    That's exactly what I think is going to happen. And Tom & COS are going to be very surprised by that.

  28. Jennifer Aniston looks amazing. Photoshop or not.

  29. Just like her acting, JA's photoshoots are always the same.

    The thousands of photos of Katie & Suri, just like this one, that can be shown and court, are Katie's best evidence in child custody. Who would separate those two?
    Tom will never have another fan if he tries.

  30. I love love love Emma too. Have you guys noticed something different about her teeth or mouth lately? She seems softer, if that makes any sense at all

    Kate Hudson makes me want to go SWF (single white female). I want to copy everything about her style and physique. I can smell the restraining order

  31. I hate the Bell's Palsy smirk Katie always has. Her smile is so weird.

    Aniston looks fabulous, as usual.

    Chestica. She annoys me so much.

  32. Wow, Ryder is really cute with that haircut. ITA w/Omama, Kate looks great!

    Not Jennifer's best pic, at all! That's terrible.

  33. Shouldn't Maxwell be wearing ear protection?

    I'm sorry, but there is no reason to have your 9 week old baby out that light at night for fireworks.

  34. Oh and Jen's photo looks like all the rest - photoshopped, showing off her body. Well it IS a good body, but I think if most of us worked out as much we'd be looking good too.

    ANd yes, now Katie needs to start eating.

  35. Grace ita!

    I love Katie 's lopsided smile cuz it makes me feel better about my own. :/

  36. @parissucksliterally - I love that smirk. Its unique. In a land of plastic and veneers, it is nice to see someone with a different smile. I love Anna Paquin's gap too.

  37. JA has such an awesome body. Jeeeez.

  38. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'm drooling over Kate Hudson's Goyard bag the size of a house.

  39. Katie Holmes looks freaking AWESOME!!

    Also Jen Aniston looks awesome as well! and I don't usually like her.

  40. Agree with all the Katie love. Other than CDAN, the only other gossip site I frequent is The Superficial (love his writing) and his Katie v. Xenu posts have been awesome.

    Kate H. looks great, and not to sound like a boobie ogling weirdo, but getting those implants are doing her ALL kinds of favors. Did she have another baby recently? Or am I thinking of someone else? She just looks to be at such a healthy weight and shape here, so much better than those pin thin days of yore.

  41. JA annoys the crap out of me but I LOVE that bikini.

    As far as Maxwell being out, babies that little sleep and nap, sleep and nap, sleep and nap...honestly, if she was sleepy, it doesn't matter how loud it is; babies that age will sleep through ANYTHING if it's nap time.

  42. I have never paid much attention to Jennifer A's looks, and I wasn't a fan of friends when it was on. But I saw an old Friend’s episode recently, the one where Winona Ryder is on as an old sorority sister of Jen’s. Anyway, Jennifer A’s face next to Winona Ryder; wow. Jennifer a is NOT attractive in any sense whatsoever. How in the world did that show convince people that she was hot?

  43. Jessica Simpson's sweater costs nearly $300. I just eyed it off last night on the internet. Holes and all.

  44. and doesn't go any higher than a large, so if it's two sizes two big for her, she's doing pretty well

  45. Jennifer A has a certain charisma about her. She SEEMS a tiny bit more down-to-earth than other actresses and is glamorous without being too glamorous. I think it's that air of "everyday people" that appeals to her fans. Stoners love her.

  46. I love Aniston but that pic doesn't look like her at all. At first glance, I thought it was a glammed up Ellen Pompeo.

  47. Kate looks cute. Katie looks skinny and she has a great smirk! Jennifer thighs r so skinny! Please let that be photoshop!

  48. katie needs a cheeseburger

  49. I like Katie Holms hair in Elle.

    On another note, I used Chrome's Ad Block, which has been AMAZING and got an email from the creator. Is it true no one is paying for their Ad Block? I really feel bad about that. Anyone can chip in at least $5 for it. It is so worth it.

  50. @Me: The same way that Alias did with Jennifer Garner.

  51. @Tater - I thought so too. Went back and looked again and still see Ellen...

  52. So, Katie showing her boobs makes her a good mother?
    I'm sure she's a great mother, but she should start acting like it!

  53. Woohoo, flash that side boob Katie. Haha, eat it, Tom.

    I wouldn't have known that was Jen A. without the caption.

  54. Oh so silly.

  55. Looks like Jennifer Aniston has had her implants removed.

  56. Oh're so silly!

    When are you posting a picture of your mother's boobs? Or yours (assuming you have children)? I guess your grandmother or an aunt would work too. I assume you have boob shots of all your female family members!

  57. Oh're so silly!

    When are you posting a picture of your mother's boobs? Or yours (assuming you have children)? I guess your grandmother or an aunt would work too. I assume you have boob shots of all your female family members!

  58. I don't see any "boobs"in Katie's photo.
    As a mother I see nothing wrong with her attire.

  59. My comment was in reference to other posts.
    You don't need to examine photos to look for boobs. Unless you want to :)

  60. Steppy, isn't it time for an audit?

  61. are scientologists not allowed to have breasts? is it different for men?

  62. Those GQ pictures of Aniston are not recent. They are from 2008 or 07. Seriously why don't people think.
