Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Reader Photos Part Seven




anita_mark said...

You sneaky fucker.

spider3tattoo said...

LOL #348.

Glitter said...


Dirty Red Pagan said...

How do i submit my picture?

Teresa said...

LOL fave comment of the day so far.

Anonymous said...

Yes! @anita_mark I almost choked on my Chex party mix. LMAO.

spider3tattoo said...

I'd just like to wave hello and say hi here from my lurking corner. All 348 of these photos have shown people, real, people, and no, I didn't mind seeing them posted twice. I enjoyed scrolling back up over and over when someone was brave(?) enough to put a name to a face. Those that don't just made guessing even more fun. I enjoy your comments, the respectful way you speak to each other (mindful of a few trolls) even when you disagree. I agree with many of you, and mostly what I would have said, has been said, by the time I'm able to get to this site, so I just lurk and enjoy the snark, fun, laughter and insight I gain here. Happy 4th all. =)

Sunny said...

@Anita. Still laughing

#346. Hi Sherry!!!!!!!! I love this picture of you and your man. where was it taken??

#348. I die

Here are the new pics everybody has been asking for :)

Meagan said...

LOL anita, great comment!!! Awesome reader photos all day.

Henriette said...

Wow, I got into the group of pics with RDJ! I feel special ;)

Henriette said...

@pic 343
Is that Steve Young from the SF 49ers?

laesmralda said...

I am #333 with my baby girl! :)

Kim's World said...

#348 is probably the person in the red shirt and glasses but good one reader and enty. I love the photos.

Stacey Charter said...

hahahahahaha @ #348. Loved every single pic - i was 107 the mermaid - in this round. been here for years reading enty and the comments...sometimes more entertaining than the when my sister in law was dying and then died 4 years ago ya'll kept me sane. even sent in my own blind to enty about Night Shyamlong a dingdong a few years ago too.Always look forward to spending the 4th and NY day with the reveals, enty and all of you!xoxoxo

wenx said...

Thumbs up to Anita :D *trying not to snarf*

Henriette said...

I'm #343.

Henriette said...

Wait #328 is the one who looks like Steve Young and my pic was #343. I was confused.

BigMama said...

Blessed Day, that was the best cherry on a sunday (or Weds in this case) full of snark EVER!

Henriette said...

I love how RDJ has a lipstick kiss on his cheek.

daqueenbee said...

Hi #336 I made it!!!! RDJ LOL.

NapAssasin said...

Me too! I was thinking the same thing!

WednesdayFriday said...

Oh God Damn it, Anita, you just made me laugh so hard. Touché.

IDoTheRobot said...

Oh God!

Jesse D said...

#348 You are... amazing. Three generations of women in this house dig you in a big way. Keep on keepin on.

The rest of you... you're amazing, too. You guys are so supportive and wonderful. I love you guys!

billybob said...

Hahahaha...I’m myself a creepy vibe!
Well done Enty for posting the pics of all the gorgeous commenters. CDAN has the best gang on the web.
Am loving 334’s baseball boppers!

IDoTheRobot said...

Hi #317! Woo Pig Sooie from Ft. Smith!

Princess said...

Said this earlier but it didn't post....

No one thinks your animals or kids are as special or as cute as you do, the pics should be saved for family albums. I volunteer at a shelter and LOVE animals, and even I understand the frustration I've heard from people about it on other websites like Facebook.

Sunny said...

It did post earlier, so now you've just bummed everybody out twice. Awesome

Anonymous said...

Princess,speak for yourself. I love the photos of the readers with their kids and furkids.

Stacey Charter said...

Wow Princess... i say respectfully, please speak for yourself. I love seeing readers pets and babies in the pics and on Facebook. They are a part of our lives so they deserve to be enjoyed and shown.

Stacey Charter said...

hahahahaha @sunny.

Sherry said...

Princess, I disagree..I think the pics with the kids and the animals are some of the best. There is something about the way people relate to the camera with them.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Geez, Princess...way to go all Larry David on everyone's happiness and enjoyment here.

Sooooo pretty #341.

Hammer_Girl said...

#345- that's me and my hubby.

Sherry said...

@Sunny: Yeah, this is the Opster and it was taken at Shealor lakes in the sierras not far from Blanc Debris manor.
I wonder where Enty found #348. I am sure RDJ didn't submit..or maybe....

spider3tattoo said...

Grr. I come out of lurking on this site and others for people like you Miss Princess. When these beautiful people here, all of them! post a pic that includes their SO, furbabies, real babies, friends...they are sharing LOVE with us. We like it! Go back into your corner now and think of something nice to say, or don't say anything. Didn't your parents raise you better?

Sunny said...

I just googled Shealor Lake and it is STUNNING!! I want to go :)

I thought you would appreciate this, but my Dad (who is pretty much retired) is calling the Cubs/Braves game on WGN right now (color guy). Filling in with a friend while the regular broadcaster takes a week off to go watch his son play in the minors :) Go baseball!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know, Sunny! I'll have to tune in, since my 'Stros have already lost AGAIN.

By the way, everyone, I am #322.

Sunny said...

You have a GORGEOUS beaming smile! Where the hell are you in this photo????

Anonymous said...

I think people are their most beautiful when they are smiling happy in a picture (or in real life) with the people and furbabies that they love. I think what most people don't like to be subjected to is debbie downer comments. But alas you can say what you want and people will continue to share the lovely photos that they want.

discoflux said...

I'm #339. Hi everybody! All of the readers here are AH-MAZING!

:| raven |: said...


i can now say i am on top of RDJ!!!



The Black Cat said...

348 - WHAAAT???

Yeah and I posted a photo of me and my dawgs so I guess Princess was talking to me. On Facebook I defriend people like you, we have nothing in common if you don't understand the pet photos. I bet your friends find you a real "treasure" though. Ohhhhh Princess, the CO$ is calling for you.

discoflux said...

I'm #339. Hi everybody! All of the readers here are AH-MAZING!

Shiirii said...

#318 Is me and my best friend. We usually laugh! But this time we did the serious model look ;) Love from 2 Swedish girls!

:| raven |: said...

you guys all rock .. i LOVE every single picture. this is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sunny! I actually was not NEARLY as happy as I appeared in that photo. I was in Belize, about halfway through a seven-mile hike through the rainforest. I was wearing an insulated suit under my clothes because I was afraid of leeches, but I still got filthy. So there I am, dirty, exhausted, sweating, no makeup, and in the middle of BFE. And that's when my friend decided to take a picture.

nightowl said...

You are all beautiful! And brave to put your photos for all to see. Maybe next year for me. Yikes!

And Texshan - I also would love to know where in the heck you are?!?

IDoTheRobot said...

@Sunny we are watching the game right now! :) Awesome!

IDoTheRobot said...

@Texshan are you hillbilly handfishin here in your pic?

Sunny said...

Hilarious!! My friend got a leech outside Chang Mai while we were trekking. We had to burn it off with a cigarette (We also covered ourselves in completely toxic Deet from head to toe and realized too late that it's frowned upon by people who believe who want to live). P.S. The last team my Pops played for was the Astros right before I was born. I think they were bad back then too ;)

@I Do the Robot
We were watching it too but finally let our kids put it back on cartoons!! He's also doing the Mets/Cubbies Saturday

Anonymous said...

Nightowl and Robot, see above.

urban chaos said...

Well played, Enty. Well played..;)

Anonymous said...
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Sunny said...

Aggg! My busted hard drive made me mess up my joke. It swallows my words as I type so I always hit publish on a wing and a prayer

Anonymous said...

Sunny, what position did he play? The Astros have been pretty mediocre throughout their history, with brief, shining moments of near-excellence. But I still love them.

Leeches are gross.

Sunny said...

My canned response when I was a kid was that he was a "utility infield player", but I think he mainly played second. I don't remember him as an MLB player since I was 2 when he retired (too many injuries) but I grew up going to Padres games because he was the broadcaster there for 11 years :) I was such a baseball dork in '84 when the Pads went to the World Series I cried!!

Anonymous said...
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Tanya said...

I've been a lurker and a devoted reader for over a year now, but I'm finally feeling brave enough to say hi. lol.
It's awesome to see all the lovely readers and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making me smile and laugh on a daily basis. (I'm #329.)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello friends! I've been reading the blog since the last set of reveals, but never commented until now. I have to say I love this awesome commenting community! You all have quite the group going and I'm looking forward to being more active here. You are all so beautiful!

I'm #340.

MLE said...

Welcome Tanya!

Am I the only one that sees Michelle Moynihan (far right) in the pic with RDJ? She's blonde but that's gotta be her!

Oh and "Princess" (super lame handle. Are you one of Parisites dogs?), eff off.

spacecowboy78 said...

^ that pic is from the set of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which she was in with him. Actually one of my favorite RDJ performances.

Rose said...

I was trying to guess who that was MLE. I couldn't place her. Thanks.

ghost said...

Just now catching up on posts, and everyone is so lovely in their pics!

And I about choked with laughter on my Corona when I saw #348... LOL, clever clever!

Hammer_Girl said...

Mmmmm corona. My step-dad drank all of mine so I had to settle for bud light with lime. Not the same, I'm envious and still sober:(

jina said...

Ha!! #348 felt like Christmas!

Anotheramy said...

Speak for yourself Princess. I love to look at other peoples kids and pets. Zero interest in attitude like yours though.

EGB said...

#310 here and so lucky I got to be in this group with some new commenters (hi guys!), and put some faces to some familiar names. And spider, your first post said exactly what I was thinking, what a pleasure to be a part of such a great site.

El Roy 13 said...

GORGEOUS!!!!!! each and every one of you

Unknown said...

This is Fall Guy #302, so happy to be here with all you awesome CDANcers and especially happy that RDJ submitted his pic in time for the deadline! (Although I am disappointed that none of the reveals involving Ashley Greene or Halle Berry mentioned them having secret crushes on me!)

Ms Cool said...

Hi everyone,

I just want to say great pictures! I decided not to submit my picture with Daniel Craig because it might muddle the reveal #1. Maybe next time. Happy 4th!

DisembodiedThumb said...

#306 here with the sign, taken at the Colbert/Stewart DC Rally. I love all the reader photos long time, and Enty you gave me a giggle with the last one! Nice going. This place wouldn't be the same without the great posters, you guys and gals are awesome.

Princess said...

Hilarious how vicious some of you became because a stranger posted something that you didn't like. I wasn't mean about anything, but some of you chose to make personal attacks - wow, you're so much better than I am. LOL I hope by the time you logged off you felt 2 inches taller.

ghost said...

I would gladly share my Corona with you, bobbi! Bud Light Lime is tasty but you are right, it's not the same :(

Sunny said...

You look just like the beautiful Lauren Holly. I hope things are slowly getting better this week, and you continue to be in my thoughts

Manda_kitty said...

#316- your kitten is adorable!!

Agent**It said...

@sunny, cool !

My cousin's husband is the radio guy for the Blue Jays:)

tamarind said...

wonderful!!!! and RDJ! oh my!
just a question....does enty post a pic of himself on reveal day? and does he read all of our reader comments? bravo enty!

Jolene Jolene said...


discoflux said...

Thank you, Sunny! Things are definitely improving and I very much appreciate you keeping me in your thoughts. In addition to my wonderful man and my lovely friends, I think all the love from my CDAN crew made its way to me, too. :)

Bogey said...

#328 here and yes thats Steve Young - LOVE #348!! RDJ = amazeballs!

Agent**It said...


"You sneaky fucker."
Best comment :)

Hello Texshan !!!!!!!and Sherry !!!
Now I have to go back and read all the pix comments. I could barely keep up with the reveals.

RE 348, Readers ,please go back and re-read Himmmm #2 comments on Andy Griffith has died. No, I think we are being toyed with, but I love it anyway:)

Amber said...

This is kind of after-the-fact as I was out at parties all day yesterday, but I'm on board with everyone that LOVES the reader photos - pets, kidlets, and all. It's really fun to see who you're talking to, and the way they spend their lives outside the comment box.

I was #225 (I think) with Ron Jeremy. Hah.

Agent**It said...

Princess, are you also Brian?

My fave pix are the 2 boys with "Deena" (I think?) whose wonderful faces are etched in my memory. And also all the sheltie dog pix. Sorry if there is a reason for you to sound bitter, but why not just pass on the pix? I don't get that.

Agent**It said...

@Amber- I remember that pix ! !
Nice to meet you.

Amber said...

@Agent - Nice to meet you, too! :)

The Black Cat said...

Princess what is WRONG with you? I get it that I'm feeding the troll by posting this and giving you the attention you obviously crave but why not take your demented little self to another site where you can really let loose? This site may not be the right one for you. Not only do CDANers love celebrity gossip but it seems a huge number of us love our pets, particularly the rescued variety.

Lissette said...

Seeing Himmm...I mean RDJ was such a wonderful treat! I had to share it with my family. Loved it! Thanks, guys.

@Princess...sigh...I am sorry that you have such a rough view of life and no significant others to love you that you feel you must put others down for having love in theirs. I wish you the best. God bless you, I am sorry you don't have friends on Facebook either. Those are easier to come by, I wish you luck there also. Perhaps having a captive audience that can't speak will open your heart????

Sunny said...

Ha ha - small world (and that field really is a small world). I googled to see where the Blue Jay's had their spring training camp. (That's mainly where those guys run into each other most). Looks like FL, but my Dad usually reported from Arizona (at least up until a couple of years ago). Ask him if he's ever met "Soup" :) And don't report back if he thinks he's a tool ;)

AKM said...

Hee hee, #348.

Show me your babies! Show me your animals! They're part of you, part of your heart, part of what makes you You. Don't let someone else's comments here about them steal your joy or deprive the rest of us. :-)

AJSnelly said...

Does anyone else see James Franco in #304

Bogey said...

@AJSnelly YES!I am convinced its him!

Bogey said...
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Unknown said...

I also think 304 is James Franco. He has the same freckles and eyebrows. 7th grade maybe?

Agent**It said...

@Sunny, yes, I will ask ! Synchronicity.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Agent!

Yeah, #304 has been teasing me. I think it is James Franco. It looks just like him!

csproat said...

I love all your baby, kid , dog and cat photos.....oh and ALSO the pictures of you guys!!



Yuffie said...

Everyone has such cute pets on here!

And OH MY GOD #348, I know it's been said a million times already but SO FREAKING JEALOUS! <3

Unknown said...

Is #311 Mary Louise Parker? And yes RDJ looks very cute in #348. Thanks for the reader pics Enty. They rivaled the reveals.

Bxrlvr said...

#320 - and I'm another dog lover. I've posted pictures with my dog in previous years and now I'm sorry I didn't do that again this year! Loved the reveals, and so many of them! Thanks, Enty!


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