Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Your Turn

Something simple and light today. Food or sleep? You can only choose one. Which is your favorite?


Carrie L. said...

Food. I believe it's meant to be appreciated...and not just something needed to sustain life. And if I must pick only one restaurant for eternity, I choose Morimoto's.

Karen said...


MISCH said...

food is easy, sleep can be hard...so I go with sleep.

cheesegrater15 said...

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

a non a miss said...

Sleep! I rarely get a good nights rest and even tho I love to cook, I gotta go with sleep.

shag said...

Since I was up last night with my little one barfing everywhere, I will say SLEEP.

Sunny said...

Food. Tortilla chips are the 6th food group for me

MaryMQC said...

I love food, but for the wrong reasons. I love sleep so much more. I love it so much I try to do it as often as possible.

lolaluvs2snack said...

Sleep since sex isn't an option. At least I could dream of sex or even having a great meal:-)

FSP said...

Sleep to dream.

MM said...

Tough one, but sleep for me.

billybob said...

I have worked night shifts many times and can go without sleep. I can’t go without a feed though. So can I have a double cheeseburger and fries. Oh and a Mcflurry too. And a mango smoothie. Ta very much.

BigMama said...

food (says the woman with the self depreciating handle)

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Sleep. I don't function well on low sleep. I can get thru hunger for a few days.

dia papaya said...

Sleep! I have amazing dreams :)

Anonymous said...

you can only have food, or you can sleep with no food.???.. you can go without sleep, you can't go without food. Food I say.

Agent**It said...

sleeping and dreaming ( about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups,the BIG ones, not the miniatures)

Frufra said...

Sleep for sure. I've had too many terrible, sleepless nights. I treasure my ability to sleep well now.

SusanB said...

Food (hangs head in shame). Especially a good, juicy, medium rare rib eye. I could eat that every day.

jaariel said...


LadyFig said...

Sleep! If I'm alseep I'm not hungry. If I'm awake all I think about is food! I love food, it's all so yummy!

Audrey said...

Sleep, it helps me control the munchies.

HannahPalindrome said...

Sleep zzz

HannahPalindrome said...

Or food?!

I can sleep when I'm dead...

Agent**It said...

Now I'm hungry.

RenoBlondee said...

I can't function on low sleep, but I'll pick food because I'd be afraid to miss something whilst sleeping away! Bonus that I love food so so much. ha

auntliddy said...


auntliddy said...


Two Time Mama said...

Sleep for sure. I'm going on a beach vacation soon and am cutting the calories :). I don't know how these actresses do this on a regular basis. I'm so sick of drinking water.

AKM said...

Two years ago, I would have always said food. Being in grad school, I will always now say sleep.

O'Really said...

This is tough...I can't sleep if I'm hungry. I have to say food. Delicious food.

michelelala said...

Sleep. And more sleep. I have the most comfy bed in the universe. I love it.

Redheat said...

Oh this is a tough one...hmmmmm having to choose one, I'd have to go with sleep. Sleep enough and you won't notice the lack of food, but staying up eating, would surely result in noticing the lack of sleep.

sylmarillion said...

I love food, but like one of the commenters above, for the wrong reasons. So sleep for me, especially since it doesn't come that easy.

__-__=__ said...

Sleep. Air is so thick I'm sure I'm breathing calories!

g.strathmore said...


Shocky said...

Sleep. Or chocolate. Yes, sleep. Or chocolate. No, definitely sleep. Or chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Well, as someone with chronic fatigue syndrome, I will always pick sleep over anything else.

Carmelite, actually, you can't go without sleep. Your body wouldn't be able to function if you went without any sleep for more than a couple of days. The longest period someone has ever been documented of going without sleep is only 11 days. But people can go literally several weeks without food.

pilly said...

Sleep. I only really sleep when I have flu and since I can't afford to be sick it's been a while since I've slept

Anonymous said...


rflairfan1 said...


Maja With a J said...

I do love great food, but a good night's sleep seems like a luxury lately. So yeah, sleep.

tamarind said...

oh, always food. but i could really use the sleep...

SueRH said...


Paleo Dame said...


Del Riser said...

Lovely, dreamy, sleep.

figgy said...

Sleep! Sleeping can make you forget your hunger, for awhile anyway, but eating usually makes me even sleepier!

Susan said...

I can go with little sleep. Coincidentally, if I'm lying in bed starving, girlfriend ain't never catching her Z'ssssss.

So, I guess I gotta go with food. But really good food.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I don't sleep much so food. Lasagna to be specific.

Reese said...

Sleep, every time.

Anonymous said...


Mango said...

Food, just edging out sleep.

lostathome said...

Well, if my meals could consist of cheese sticks, hummus, tzatsiki sauce, pita bread and grilled kabobs everyday, I'd choose food. But as a rule I'm a much bigger fan of sleeping.

car54 said...

omg, first i think sleep, but sometimes i get hungry and wake myself up and go eat...so food...but then i am really always soooo tired...so i say sleep.

dammit Enty--i can't pick one.

Rolf said...

since I can live for months on 5 hours of sleep a day I choose Food. anywhoooo! for every calorie I eat I have to make some sports. I'm just happy I love the rowing so much...

deree said...

Sleep. If I could get 8 hours of dreamless black sleep 3 times a week even I would be thrilled. I am a vivid dreamer and suffer from sleep paralysis. I haven't felt rested in years.

Another Josh said...

Sleep as long as I'm dreaming about food. Side note: In 9th grade, we had to create a coat of arms that included symbols of our favorite activities/hobbies. Mine had a pillow with a fork and knife crossed on top of it.

Agent**It said...

AnotherJosh, haha, very telling !

csproat said...

Elusive sleep FTW!.....because I can't do it without NyQuil.....

oversleeping is like a vacation!

feraltart said...


MadLyb said...

I love food, but sleep wins!

EmEyeKay said...

If I'm asleep I won't know I'm hungry.

Selock said...

Sleep. Hurts worse when I am lacking it, by a hair.

SKT said...


Henriette said...

Sleep! I've got twins.

jadetoo said...

Definitely sleep. I love food, but I love sleep more.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Tough one, but I'm gonna go with food, glorious food.


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