Monday, August 20, 2012

Blind Item #1

This former A list celebrity/reality star who was finally forced to the background is usually not a very nice person. Just ask her dogs. Anyway, she was being her usual not nice self earlier this year at an outdoor event until she started doing whipits. Lots and lots and lots and lots of them. Suddenly she thought she was at Woodstock and was all peace and love and sitting on a couch and then got off the couch and peed right on the ground in front of Snoop Dogg before getting back up on the couch and getting back to peace and love.


  1. Definitely Paris Hilton

  2. Definitely Paris. The part about not being nice to her dogs gave it away.

  3. Paris - dog clue = dead giveaway

  4. Oh, yeah, Paris. Goes with the weekend's reveal about her cruelty to Lilo. She is trash.

  5. Paris, you are so sexy.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Even I, who never gets the blinds, know this is Paris Hilton.

  7. LOL. Money can't buy you class, Paris. Hasn't the Countess taught you anything?

  8. Paris, no doubt. So my real question is why was she "finally forced to the background"? Am I forgetting something from a few years ago?

  9. Colleen, I don't think anything in particular happened. She wore out her welcome, and that reality show she tried to have like last year completely bombed. I think I was 1 of 3 people who watched it, and the other two were Paris on 2 different TVs.

  10. at least she got off the couch first?

  11. wait. what did she do to her dogs?

  12. @Amber LOL good one! I can't wait for Kim kardashian to go the way of Paris ....ugh such gross human beings!

  13. jennifer, she'd lock them in the closet when they annoyed her---and forget about them. The staff would find their skeletons weeks later, starved to death.

    Seriously. Seen 'Tinkerbell' lately? Chihuahuas have a long life-span, normally.

  14. Umm, she pissed on a couch after doing whipits? I call bullshit. My friends and I used to do those and dusters( basically the same thing) and while you do get an instant high it doesn't last but for maybe a couple minutes. Occasionally someone would pass out and momentarily forget where they were( like a boy who tried to stand up in the car and almost made a sunroof) but reality snaps back and you know everything going on.

  15. LOL @ eris hilton.

    Amber, I always figured it was just that she wore out her welcome, but Enty's wording made me wonder if somehow I missed something. Isn't she like 30 or something now? Time to grow up, Paris.

  16. Remember the cab driver who came forward a few years ago with the story about her peeing all over his cab? She needs to get some of those Lisa Rinna pee pads.

  17. Not gonna lie--I do enjoy whipits. And whippets. But I'm too old for both now.

  18. Dear Paris,

    Could you take it easy on me?


    "Your one last brain cell"

  19. The part about 'ask her dogs' reminds me of the episode of South Park where all of her dogs were committing suicide lol.

  20. Paris was forced to the background when E did a news ban on her, if I recall correctly. Enty also did a Paris ban around the same time.

  21. Not sure what drugs were going down, but in today's glorious polysubstance abuse culture, it's not uncommon to do a bunch of drugs all at once. Long-lasting intoxicants like booze, ecstasy, meth, tranquillizers -- then doses of the faster-cycling drugs like nitrous or coke. Or a blast of meth and some G and K, and then augment the high with regular blasts of nitrous. All kinds of mixtures. Druggy people with money find a lot of ways to get wasted.

  22. Paris is gonna end up old, haggered, and alone. Beauty fades but mean is forever. Building herself a nice mountain of karma, that one.

    What did Snoop do? I would freak out if someone peed on my floor. I know he was high, but damn. Snoop probably just laughed. Now I'm thinking she smells like a urinal cake all the time.

  23. Paris, if she had had half a brain she could have worked her celebrity into something, but being stupid and nasty never works for anyone.

  24. I believe her pissing on a couch after doing a shit ton of whip-its. When i was younger, i did an entire box of whip-its (meaning the entire box of C02 canisters) and i was pretty out of it even if the high only last a few seconds. It still messes up your brain.

  25. E! did a news ban of Paris? Isn't that the 24/7 Kardashian/Comcast in-house channel? (And if there was such a ban, is there a connection?)

  26. Have you seen the Radar video of Parisite attacking the photographer earlier this year? You can see in the beginning of the video she is scoring from some dudes while holding a joint and taking on the phone.

    Her natural voice is DEEP... Freaked me the fuck out. The way she composes herself when she sees the pap and is classic.

  27. I suck at blinds - even the obvious ones! I thought Aubrey O'Day for this

  28. Sorry, this link should work:,AAAAAH8oDDk~,F_mMq8jWiR7rSZoY8CwL0boD0eet1kfj&bctid=1709866130001#/1709866130001

  29. Now this is my kind of blind item! Although, there's nothing "blind" about it. What a disgusting human being she is.

  30. Sprinkle, sprinkle fading star..
    How I don't care where you are..
    Up in clubs and oh so high
    like an ass hat in the sky.

  31. @lambkin LOVE IT! Water straight from the nostrils!

  32. @Stellina, holy shit her voice is really deep!! Didn't Tina Fey, on Howard Stern, also say she looks like a tranny up close too? hahaha

  33. So, it was an outdoor event -- which reads to me like a music festival or something -- but there was a couch out there?! (Never seen a couch on the lawn at a music festival.) And then she peed on the ground in front of Snoop Dogg?! WTF?!

  34. Maybe it was a West Virginia University tailgate party. They are always setting couches on fire in the street there. Outdoors & couches go together like peas and carrots in West Virginia.

  35. @lazyday You mean like PEE and carrots? yuk yuk yuk

  36. I bet her ancestors would be so proud to know what she's done with the Hilton name. Not only is it synonimous with mediocre, overpriced hotels, but now it also goes hand in hand with reality tv celebrity trash.

  37. I. Can't. Stand. Her. I wonder how many live's she's ruined and people she's infected? It seems that whole crowd that hung with her several years ago are all a bloody mess.

  38. Too early to type coherently...

  39. Wow..Great video of Paris and totally scoring something at the time too!

  40. Maybe shes not potty trained. Or house broken

  41. Re: the radar video - It's weird that she resorts to buying drugs in a parking garage. You'd think someone would just deliver.

  42. Why do guys continue to go out with her? Straight men out there, can you explain this? What is the appeal?

  43. @AKM, there are plenty of couches in the backstage vip area at all outdoor event where the sponsored alcohol is free and drugs are fully allowed.

  44. Deffo Paris. She peed on the floor of The (old) Joint here at the Hard Rock in Vegas. She used to be friends with that Beacher who owned the show. We watched Paris and Kimberly Stuart do nine shots in less than an hour, they then went into the show and halfway thru, she got up, peed, and sat down like nothing happened.

  45. @AKM~ lots of times there are VIP tents with couches in them. Also, I've been snuck backstage at an outdoor music festival and even though the backstage was open air they had it freezing back there, couches, chairs, tables, the works. I'll never forget it all cause I fangirled over Lajon Witherspoon and Brent Smith.

  46. This was at Coachella -- her and her herpes have been showing up there since about 2008... likely just to tarnish my experience.

    There are two different types of VIP sections (one where you pay to get in, the other where you either know someone or pay a crazy sum of money to a scalper who knows someone).

    Both have sofas.

    God, she is so effing gross.

  47. Whoops -- forgot to add that she was "dating" Afrojack and he "performed".

    I say "dating" because they only dated for a month and I say "performed" because I don't consider DJs true musical peformers.

  48. g strathmore, I remember a comedian asking that question. "Some people say that men date them for their fame. Others say it's for the wealth. I say it's for their vaginas."

  49. @revell Kim K is a FORMER reality star? In all of our dreams, maybe... ;)

  50. you are all wrong! this blind item screams BETTY WHITE

  51. A little OT, but I liked Dr Phil longer than most people. I thought he had some good advice to give, and unique ways of looking at things, or tricks to gain new perspective on a problem you've already worn yourself out dealing with. However, when he had PARIS HILTON on his show as an "animal lover" expert, I was done with him. You've got to do your research, and not just pander to who's popular at the moment. Plenty of other famous animal-lovers are options. Katherine Heigl, Christina Applegate, Alicia Silverstone, Charlize Theron, etc. Paris Hilton was a horrible choice.

  52. @lazyday as a Mountaineer myself, I will agree the couches make for a good fire. ;)
