Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blind Item #1

This former A list foreign born singer who is still probably angry inside despite a recent birth, but much less popular than back in the day was at an event honoring her and there were not that many people who showed up. Disappointing to say the least. There was one fan though who had driven up from San Diego and waited hours and hours and hours to see his all-time favorite. Our singer knew he was there but didn't bother to take a photo with the guy or sign anything or even say hi or even wave at him. Security kept telling the guy our singer was busy even though she wasn't and when she was finished with the event told her driver that she wanted to get out quickly because she didn't want to see anyone. Totally changed my opinion of her. Thought she had grown up and changed. Nope. Now I know why she and her ex were such a perfect match for each other. Competing to see who could be the most aloof.


Henry Spencer said...


Beth said...

Alanis sounds good.

She had an "intimate" event in the past few days too.

Anonymous said...

@Henry Spencer What would India say?

Caroline said...

Alanis. Baby is nearly 2. Guitar Center Rock Walk in LA. Yesterday. Horrible you outta know joke?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Is almost 2 a "recent" birth?

Frufra said...

Mr. Frufra loves Alanis. He sings his own hilarious versions of her songs all the time. I hope for his sake that this isn't about her :-).

Unknown said...

Dammit I hope it's not her. It could be a recent birth from a guy's point of view. Sometimes I wonder if Enty does his fact checking on stuff like months ago, preteen, or never TV. I know some people say he does that to protect himself or throw us off the track but what are we supposed to go off then?

Basil said...

Awww. I hope it wasn't Alanis, but I could see how this would fit.

whocaresnow12onamobile said...

This is NOT Alanis. The reason she had to leave so quickly is because she had a case of the runs. Trust me. I KNOW! Enty, please get your facts straight.

Losingthew8 said...

I love Alanis and believe this is her - however I also don't think this is one of those awful situations. You have no idea what was going on - perhaps she wasn't feeling well, in a bad mood, just wanted to get home, had a headache - it's on the rude spectrum of things but I don't think it's all that bad. Doesn't taint my amazing image of her and certainly doesn't make me like her less.....but then again - I speak bitch fluently.

Losingthew8 said...

Funny - I actually thought - maybe she was having stomach issues? For real!

I feel like sometimes people think that just because someone's famous, they have an obligation to be nice and kind and sweet 100% of the time. Guess what - even though I'm not rich or famous - somtimes I'm just in a bad mood, and if there were ever blinds written about me they'd certainly include some rudeness, at - perhaps just off times.

Unknown said...

I hope she makes it up to that guy. Maybe she had security get his info.

KendraWM said...

For the longest time I would say I just had a baby, you know when she was 2 year old.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I'm also stuck on the standoffish ex, unless Ryan Adams is maybe known as standoffish. I can't figure out who else with a recent birth it would be though.

revell48 said...

it is MEL B

new baby--used to be a list

new husband very aloof

libby said...

Losingthew8---ITA. I've seen stars being bothered during must suck to have to be *ON* all the time, lest you get trashed on the internet.

Lauren said...


Cassiopeia said...

lol my son turned two in March and only yesterday I said to someone, "I just had a baby."
To me it wasn't that long ago and he is still my baby, plus I tend to think of kids under 3 as babies.

Karen said...

@whocaresnow12onamobile, I love you.

Goldfish said...

Shania Twain?

eris hilton said...

Not sure who the singer is but I have a sneaking suspicion the guy is enty <3 Sorry this happened, dude!

MM said...

revell48 - it says her EX is the aloof one, so it can't be Mel B's new husband.

Cake said...

Sounds like Alanis... "who is still probably angry inside"--clearly is a "You oughta Know" reference

Bogey said...

Darn I thought it was Posh until the very end! I am not good at these!

Frufra said...

Re the "is a two year old a baby" discussion -

True story - I told someone I was having trouble losing the "baby weight", to which she replied, "Oh, you had a baby? Where is he? I'd like to see your baby." It was at that point that I realized I was in a bit of denial about my weight, because my "baby" was outside riding his bike. His two-wheeled bike without training wheels.

This, plus a depressing chart my doctor showed me, prompted a 40 pound weight loss. For reals.

Cake said...

Whoever it is, if she has a newborn, why not give her a pass?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Yes, let's all gang up on whocaresnow. It's so funny. Like when mean girls bully in high school.


Maybe we can shame someone who shares her experience and then gets angry when people say she's not who she say she is to never post again.

notawriter said...

If this is Alanis, I suspect she was just having an off day. I have a friend who has mutual friends with her and he has even been to parties at her house. He says she is super nice. He also said she likes to sleep with A LOT of people, but mostly, just really nice.

caralw said...

Reading this gave me a headache.

Bellasmom said...

Definitely Alanis. Ryan Reynolds is the aloof ex.

caralw said...

Maybe she thought the dude was a stalker.

Sherry said...

That was written so poorly it was almost like a TedC blind.
Whocaresnow12onamobile...You seem to know a lot of inside stuff..Also didn't you have another moniker with the whocaresnow? If it is Alanis and she had uhm lower GI issues I feel for her.

And no stars do NOT have to a) have every bit of their personal life on display or b) always have to be on. It is BEYOND rude to bother someone in the ladies/mens room or during a meal.

jane3113 said...

Could Ryan Reynolds be the aloof ex?

Or David Coulier? "I said aloof, not a Doof!"

Losingthew8 said...

I just don't think something like this is that bad - it's super amazing if people are kind and sweet every single time a fan does anything - but realistically - everyone gets in bad moods!

I was out with my grandma a few years ago, who's around 90 (and awesome) - and we saw Mariska Hagarity - not sure of the spelling, but from SVU or something like that - I don't watch, but my grandma does. Mariska was having dinner with her kids in the Hamptons, and my grandma ran over to her - totally interuppted her dinner - and went on and on about how she's such a fan, etc. Mariska was LOVELY - so kind and very nice and appreciative - but - also was eating dinner with her family, and honestly it would have been justified for her to be somewhat rude (which she TOTALLY wasn't) - we finally pulled my grandma away!

My family lives in NYC and the Hamptons, so there are a lot of star sightings at restaurants, coffee shops, movies. Most of the time, they're just living their lives and really don't want to be bothered in the middle of their dinner. We've had some awesome interactions (Mel Brooks at the theatre - my dad's a big fan and he had an awesome conversation with him; Alec Baldwin is always, always very nice and funny, Rick Moranis gave me a big smile when I was a kid after I saw Honey I Shrunk the Kids and we bumped into him outside of the movies, Steven Spielberg always is nice, Martin Sheen) - and at times you can just tell that they are enjoying their lives and don't want to interact/take photoes, sign autographs, etc.

Can't fault them for sometimes rude behavior. I'm not saying that their lives are tough - and that they're justified in being terrible (and some are) - but if they're just normally eating dinner or shopping or something and get bothered - you can't expect they'll be nice and sweet every single time.

figgy said...

I agree with others that heaven forfreakingbid *I* were a celebrity...all my blinds would be about how aloof and cranky I was to whomever, and how I dress so abominably when I go to the grocery store ;-P

Anonymous said...
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libby said...

Totally, figgy.
I've always wanted to act---but VOICE act, because I'm too CRANK-Y to be famous.

Karen said...

Well, speaking of celebrities at dinner, my grandparents MANY years ago were in a very crowded restaurant in DC. My grandmother's chair kept bumping the chair of the man who was sitting back-to-back with her and she was embarrassed even though it wasn't either of their faults. At the end of the night when she got up, she turned to the man who she hadn't looked at yet and apologized profusely to him for bumping him all night. In a booming, gracious voice he said, "My dear, I enjoyed every second of it."

It was Anthony Quinn.

dia papaya said...

I know I know. Enty drove up to see Ashlee Simpson!!!! These happened a few years ago. When Ashlee was pregnant she had some serious Bacon cravings. Our man Enty, knowing a thing or two about bacon, starting making some regular deliveries.

Then the baby came, the cravings left and she tossed our Enty to the curb. That bitch! After he drove all that way to see her with a cooler full of bacon :)

Linnea said...

Clearly about alanis. I agree with Lola, I think it's kind of mean.

Amber said...

lol dia - do you think if I told him I have bacon cravings on an almost hourly-basis he'll show up with a cooler full of bacon for me?

dia papaya said...

I don't know. Let's find out. Enty Enty! We need bacon!!!

I also just realized that Ashlee is American. So my joke doesn't work. BUT the thought of Enty drooling over ding dong Ashlee made me laugh.

whocaresnow12 said...

Let's take a moment to focus on the creepy fan. Why he hell would any singer focus on one fan? Normally, when a singer I'd aware of one fan that fan is pretty damn creepy. I wouldn't take a photo with that fan either.

And Enty, as one who claims to be close friends with celebrities such as Leo, for example, your opinion of a person wouldn't have been changed because they basically wanted to be alone. I call bullshit on this one.

whocaresnow12 said...

Oh, and or the record, having a baby almost 2 years ago is not recent.

a non a miss said...

Amber - I told my friends mom once that I loved bacon and the next time I slept at their house, she cooked a whole pound of it for me! Yes I ate most of it.

Amber said...

whocares - I think I read it differently. I kind of read it as this was one of VERY few fans who showed up. Regardless, I feel like having fans would be a really weird thing. I had someone approach me at a concert because they knew me from Twitter, and they were talking to me about things I liked and it freaked me out!

Amber said...

rej - did you send her a mother's day bouquet? That's awesome!

Unknown said...

lets remember that this is at an event to HONOR the celebrity...not they were out to lunch with a friend.
this is when the celebrity should be ON...if you dont want to engage with the people that made you famous, then dont have a pinche event to celebrate you...dont show up.

i am tired of excuses people make for celebrities shunning their fans at events where they are with their fans. Private regular life stuff...yes you dont not have to be "on".
if you dont like the fans, go away then and dont expect the $$ to stay.

dia papaya said...

OMG Amber! You are totally famous! Can I have your autograph. I will totally bring you bacon.

We have the MOST amazing butcher in Portland (Gartner's) and I will only buy my bacon from there. It is thick and peppery!

All about Eve said...

They can't be nice all the time! It would get annoying to be stopped everywhere for autographs and pictures

a non a miss said...

Amber- I think I did buy her flowers or maybe a cake. It was a while ago but my friends and family all know about my love of bacon.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Unknown, I agree. It's not even about being famous and staying out of public because you don't like all of the attention. Don't go to public events, where you know your fans will show up and expect interaction, and then be an ass.

Frufra said...

@Unknown - total props to you for the use of the word "pinche". Never seen that here before. It knocked my chanclas off!

Losingthew8 said...

Yes, it was an event - but let's say there were 100 people there - would you seriously expect them to hang out and take pics with every single one of them? She had the event, she showed up, met her obligation and left.

Had she not shown up? Unprofessional. Left half way through? Bitchy. But this reads to me like - she had an obligation and left afterwards. Maybe she had somewhere else to be!

And yes - fan = creepy. One fan you knew who drove hours to see you? Maybe the fact that he kept bothering security about meeting her freaked her the fuck out and she took off!

I don't call bullshit - I call - who cares? She acted professionaly and like a human being.

Amber said...

dia - If I'm ever in Portland, I expect you to take me! BTW, did you guys ever get together for drinks the other week?

musesx9 said...

I completely agree with unkown. While I feel bad for interrupting or bothering celebs, when they are at an event with fans to honor them and where they should be on...too bad: you need to be on.

whocaresnow12 said...

I agree.

dia papaya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dia papaya said...

Amber - We kept missing each other in the posts. I think they met up though.

Bacon lovers unite! Seriously it is heaven. They even have sugar cured bacon or something. I like the spicy kind better.

dia papaya said...

Carebear you are invited too! Bacon for all.

And I did have bacon and eggs for breakfast! Trying this low carb thing again. Do I just need a bad break up to get back to my ideal size?

Brooke Wheeler said...

In regards to calling the fan creepy, I just have to say that is a little bit presumptuous. I have a family friend who is an autistic man, and he has a "special interest" in professional sports. He always waits in line to see and get his photo with professional athletes when they come to town. He isn't creepy at all, in fact he's very nice. It is part of his autism to get very focused on hobbies and stuff like that. Perhaps that was the case here, I don't really think people should judge.

Amber said...

dia - I make a thing where I chop up bacon and brown it until it's crispy. While it's browning, I mix up eggs for scrambling and put in goat cheese (or whatever you want), chopped chives, and freshly ground pepper. Once the bacon is at desired amount of crispiness, I pour the egg mixture right into the pan with the grease and all, and just fuss it around until the egg is cooked. It's pretty dang delicious!

Noel said...

I would definitely go with Alanis, especially after reading the part that the singer is probably still angry. Her first album was full of nothing but anger.

yodelay said...

I don't know which I enjoyed more, this blind or these comments. @whocaresnow, the mobile version of you is on fire!

anita_mark said...

I agree with Unknown. She wasn't at dinner or out shoping, it was an event honouring her (whoever her is, I don't care); suck it up and be nice to the people honouring you. And if you're upset by the lack of people, step back and reflect.

And the guy may or may not have been creepy. I know people who follow Pearl Jam religiously and they're not creepy. If I had the cash, I'd follow Bruce Springsteen everywhere and I'm not creepy.

Agent**It said...

Reminds me of Sheldon's grudge against Wil Wheaton .

dia papaya said...

Right on @Agent. I love that show! Sheldon is the best character on TV these days.

@Amber - so delicious. Mine today was feta eggs and spinach with bacon on the side. I'm gonna try that tomorrow :)

yodelay said...

Well for fuck sake! Just caught up on the drama on another post. Lame!

cinephreak said...

Brooke- thanks for making that point, totally agree

Lisa said...

Great comment. I'd hats to be "on" 24-7.

Maya Sambora said...

Ay @Frufra tu y tus pinches Chanclas!

No Disrespect said...

@Unknown: You took the words right out of my mouth. The singer was at an (underwhelming in attendance) event honoring her, and she couldn't even spend two minutes making one of her fans happy.

Agreed too that we are making a lot of presumptions about this said fan. One of her songs could have a special meaning to him? Maybe he had won a ticket to the event, with the promise that he would meet her? Etc. Even if he is a stalker, wouldn't it still be in the singer's interest to at least wave at him from a distance? Nothing like a pissed off crazy...

Manda_kitty said...

I think I know what's for breakfast tomorrow!

FalseProfit said...

Lemme guess.... Enty was the mystery fan.

Alanis met Souleye at a DMT party. I seriously doubt she's a stuck up bitch. If this is about her, it's really more about someone with unrealistic expectations stalking a singer.

smash said...

Buhahahahaha. Atleast it's funny.

smash said...

The real whocares actually validate what amber said.

Now who is being mean?

smash said...

You're so funny :)

g.strathmore said...

I agree with Unknown, too.

littlemanwhatnow said...

dude when all was said and done it was one fan, some guy that waited hours in the sun had all this shit for alanis to sign she saw him, security knew he was there outside. it was just him waiting patiently and she drove by, she didn't have a driver she was driving looked and looked away and that's shitty that alanis did that didn't even roll her window down.

CanadianMiss said...

Alanis is definitely known for her angry, angsty songs. And her ex RR, ugh.

CanadianMiss said...

Maybe not 24/7, but if you are at an event honoring YOU, that would be the perfect time to be gracious IMO.

Coriander Shea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coriander Shea said...

@diapapaya ever since you were talking about fruity papaya drinks the other day, every time I see your name Copa Cabana plays in my head to the words Dia...Dia Papaya....LOL. I even see people at an island resort dancing and smiling.

a non a miss said...

This guy I work with has birds and guess what he feeds them - fried chicken!! He thinks its funny, they also drink pepsi :(

Unknown said...

this is again delilah (gustavo's GF-from the red carpet events) ...i dont know how to change the name on this pinche thing and i dont have the time to figure it out.
basically if you see "pinche", "pende", no capital letters or a bunch of "..." you know that it is me :)

katsm0711 said...

I have trouble with this blind because we don't know the reason the star snubbed the fan. There could be a million reasons. The difference between this star and us is that if we are rude to an acquaintance because of some personal issue, we have the opportunity to apologize and explain later. And if the crazed fan is the writer of the story they would be more inclined to omit certain details so that we feel sympathy for him and not the star who could have had some huge personal crisis, or worse, the runs.

I have an easy no mess way to cook bacon ala Martha Stewart. oven, 325, put that wire raised rack on a cookie sheet, lay your bacon, bake 25 minutes. no splatter and it's perfectly crisp bc the grease falls down past the wire rack onto the baking sheet where you can save it if you want. OH and I would sprinkle brown sugar on but make sure you don't burn it.

dia papaya said...

@Coriander Shea. OMG. I am laughing so hard! Copa Cabana indeed. I'll get the blender started...

Mango said...

Well if Alanis had the runs, it was probably from too much poutine *ducks and hides from Canuck readers*

But seriously, abut her sleeping around a lot: If she had sex with that unfunny jackass who did the cartoon voices from that Olsen twins show, she'd fuck anybody.

alliwholovessomuch said...

Lol now I have a craving for bacon and of course none in the house! Might have to go for a walk to the shops ;)

jaariel said...

Pinche chanklas para todos!!!
And in what universe does the same woman date Dave Coulier then Ryan-Yummy-Reynolds? Does. Not. Compute.

Poisonfawn said...

Losingthe8 you bumped into rick moranis after watching honey i shrunk the kids!?? hehe! that would be weird...

Poisonfawn said...

yes it was alanis because the picture from the wireimage set was just shown she looks like shannon elizabeth...(?)

Poisonfawn said...

also throw in a bit of octomom!

g.strathmore said...

1)There is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping around so long as everyone leaves happy.

2)There is no way I am patient enough to cook bacon for 25 minutes. I use one of those microwave bacon cookers. It drips away the grease and makes the bacon perfectly crisp in 3-5 minutes. (But you have to put a paper towel over it to keep the oil from splattering.

Anonymous said...

In my almost nearing 20 years of pretty hardcore Alanis fandom, if it is her, I really still can't define her by this day. Really.

katsm0711 said...

Now I want bacon.

This blind SCREAMS Leann Thymes. The one married to the guy who wasn't good enough for Brandi Glanville so she kicked him to the curb. Oh wait I don't remember her being a singer, what was she famous for again? I just see pap pics of her where she looks scary skinny. I think I'm wrong. It's probably Alanis who IS a singer but she doesn't seem this mean.


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