Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hmmmm. Do You Suppose Shia LaBeouf & His Girlfriend Broke Up?

It has to be hard to be the girlfriend of Shia Labeouf. What, with his drinking and racist rants and calling you mom while having sex. It can all be a bit daunting. Karolyn Pho has stuck it out for two years though. It looks like though it has all come to an end. With Shia stating that he is going the Vincent Gallo route of film-making by having actual sex during sex scenes and how he is going to have to audition hundreds of actresses for the role, Karolyn might have had enough. Lots of yelling going on and then an angry girlfriend driving off. She probably won't watch Transformers again either.


  1. WOAH - I would NOT want pictures of me in this sort of fight all over the internet. Feel sorry for her and kinda him too (less).

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Awww...This morning, I cried like that when I had to pay my HOA fees. Sick of that krap!

  3. Me, too. As if an ugly breakup doesn't suck ENOUGH.

  4. Did anyone else see the Sigur Ros video of him doing full frontal?

    1. Yes! I don't remember seeing too much of his weiner tho.

  5. I feel dirty for looking at these. If these people were my friends I would have walked away.

  6. Wow she is really pissed at Louis Stevens.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I think maybe she was just pleading with him to take a shower.

  8. How embarrassing!

    He was so funny on Even Stevens. Hard to believe it's the same person anymore.

    1. I know right? However, his good looks didn't start to go into hiding until he got with this homely creature feature little GIRL. Can't really be as handsome as hr is and walk around with her, as if there's nothing wrong.I think she's a horrible person. She should support him no matter what. I guarantee she won't complain about the money he brings in. Btw (I would never date her, ugh), but if I wr were him I'd have sex with someone else too. I mean seriously what's wrong with him. Shia, my beautiful talented MAN, FIND SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE. I mean first the 12 year old boy (girl from $ never sleeps), AND NOW HER. She's a child if she's acting like this in public knowing who you are and how chill and private you are. May He bless you, and you wake up.

      If he (Shia) truly loved her he wouldn't have sex with anyone else no matter what.

    2. I know right? However, his good looks didn't start to go into hiding until he got with this homely creature feature little GIRL. Can't really be as handsome as hr is and walk around with her, as if there's nothing wrong.I think she's a horrible person. She should support him no matter what. I guarantee she won't complain about the money he brings in. Btw (I would never date her, ugh), but if I wr were him I'd have sex with someone else too. I mean seriously what's wrong with him. Shia, my beautiful talented MAN, FIND SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE. I mean first the 12 year old boy (girl from $ never sleeps), AND NOW HER. She's a child if she's acting like this in public knowing who you are and how chill and private you are. May He bless you, and you wake up.

      If he (Shia) truly loved her he wouldn't have sex with anyone else no matter what.

  9. Is it just me or does Enty seem to post a blurb about someone just a few days after a blind about him/her? Just sayin'...

  10. Thanks for the reveal (basically)!

    Strawberry- I saw it. It was...interesting. :)

  11. Aw, I like Shia. Careening around unmoored sure, but he probably doesn't have much of a grounded center. His upbringing and his parents are both way off the map. I'm always rooting for him to keep it together.

  12. @strawberrygirl yuuup. And I watched it at work. I live on the edge!!

  13. Maybe she's pissed cause he made her favorite skinny jeans into jorts.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      LOL...jorts comment ftw!

  14. I shudder to think any if my youthful dramatic scenes were caught on camera!!!!! I wld be mortified!!!!! Lets hope it was over leaving the lid up, or something else dopey.

  15. Replies
    1. And if you wanna be happy DON'T COME BACK!

  16. What blind was revealed ? I must have missed it

  17. On a lighter note, this reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry breaks up with someone while the beheading serial murderer is roaming the streets of NYC, and they cut from scene to scene of him saying all those typical breakup lines like "Well, I'm not Steve. I'm Jerry. NICE TO MEET YOU" and (my favorite) "Boy, your parents sure did a number on you."

  18. These pictures make me sads. You can see she is in a lot of pain and probably really loved him. The look on his face is wow I'm a douche, I hurt this poor young lady over my own selfneeds without thinking first.

  19. looks more the Joaquin Phoenix route. Once he'll realise indepedent movies barely make money; he'll deflate his ego and go on with what he is: a spoiled entertainer who thinks he's an artist.

  20. That's the name! I was thinking the Denogginator, but I knew that was just one of the names they came up with before settling.

  21. He should cast Sasha Grey. She would totes have sex with his grungy ass on camera.

  22. I admit I chuckled when I saw Shia pretty much torpedo any chance of working in a big budget film anytime soon. It's petty of me, I know. I'm unapologetic.

  23. Yep...Kramer was helping the cops come up with names too:

    The Denogginator
    Son Of Dad (Kramer's suggestion)

  24. @strawberry, YES. I'll go with Amber's answer and say it was "interesting." :)

    I've always liked Shia. I'm looking forward to his new flick. I've never seen Transformers, I'm not much of a big budget action flick gal, but I liked him in Disturbia.

    Agree that it sucks to have these photos floating around for all to see.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I'm looking forward to seeing Shia's new flick too, because it features Tom Hardy who is one of the hottest pieces of ass there is, and all-around badass Gary Oldman. Just hoping Shia doesn't douche all over it.

    2. I'm with you. I solely want to see this cause of Tom Hardy.

  25. We had some friends (and the dude was my husband's co-worker, too) have a crazy crazy fight like this at our house in from of my husband. Then the dude drove off mad and the gal sat and cried and screamed at/with my hubby for an HOUR afterward. Awkward!

    I was out of town at the time and missed it. Oh the phone calls I got from Mr. Frufra! He was skeerid of Mrs. Cray Cray - she's like 100 pounds of pure fury. And yes, they're still married and even have a kid now - awesome!

  26. At least she looks good in those photos

  27. there are actually a couple more photos in this set. think i saw them on dlisted (?). the last one has them sitting on the curb, and she's got her arm around him and it looks like they are comforting each other.

  28. At least she's got a pretty cry face. Me, not so much. I'd be mortified if pictures like this were out there of me.

  29. She is a beautiful girl. he has dumb hair.

  30. Right, what blind was this? I already don't remember.

  31. I fucking loathe Shia the Beef. Not for anything he's done as a person, but because he seems to be on a personal quest to ruin every one of my child hood memories.

    Dude managed to make both the Transformers and Indiana Jones suck. I'm pretty sure his next goal is to come to TIFF and just kick me in the nuts and have done with it.

  32. Wait, racist rants too?! Jesus fuck! TO EXILE ISLAND WITH YOU!

  33. He is gross. No just Robert Pattinson mild lack of hygiene gross, but Dude who takes whore's baths in the sinks at rest stops gross.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      @ecua, thanks, that image made me laugh uncontrollably.

  34. yup, he look dirty wash up!! no onewants to have sex with smelly smellerson!

  35. First, there is no shot of her driving off angrily. Second, there is a photo missing. I saw these posted on another site and there is an additional shot where it looks like they are making up - sitting very close side by side on the curb, sharing a cigarette, and her arm is around him and it looks like she is trying to soothe him.

  36. I thought the pictures were so horribly invasive that I didn't notice that she really does have a beautiful, heartbreaking cry-face. My face gets all red and puffy and I look like an allergisc sunburn victim.

    I hope she finds real happiness, and I hope he uses the event of (almost?) losing her as his wake-up call and cleans up his life.

  37. Oh, honey...I know you love him, but get rid of the bum! It'll suck for a while, but you deserve someone who's there for you, and won't be using his "art" as an excuse to bang all kinds of random women.

  38. @Unknown - it was the one from the other day about the actor who is a big drunk and likes dirty hookers and can't keep a girlfriend

  39. UGH, gross!! I remember now that I perused the comments only half-heartedly because (a) it's gross, and (b) it seemed too vague to solve.

  40. I did not need the see this series of photos. Too invasive. If you want to tell me they broke up, then fine. But these are horribly , emotionally invasive.

  41. I don't know who she is other than his girlfriend, but she has to be a nicer person than he is. If she didn't drive away she should have.

    I agree, it's sad that one's most private heartbreak is out there for the world to see.

  42. Soap. Shampoo. Buy them, use them, they are your friends.

  43. I don't think there is enough soap or shampoo left in the world to make that man clean! He is a filthy beast!!!

    Shia. Leave that girl alone. I think there is someone else you should meet. Her name is Paris.

  44. Very invasive photos. I felt bad for looking at them.

    I must have a different outlook to others. He met her while she was waitressing and now she is wearing Louboutins. Run Shia, run.

    1. I 111% agree with you. She's a child totally obvious. He needs someone that can help him with all the pain he's harboring, no a little immature homely GIRL tl cause him more drama, OUTSIDE IN PUBLIC. Shia I've seen you run. You've got feet my love. You pretty much teleport; so please teleport from her. Find a WOMEN that doesn't give a shit about how much money you have, and one whom supports you no matter what. God bless you Shia, TRULY you deserve it. Your amazing inside and out!

  45. 1st off, I for one LOVE Lars von Trier films.

    Who knows what they are fighting about. They're in their twenties, when life and love is still filled with passion. It was probably something stupid like he didn't want to go to dinner with her and she's upset, then he get's upset, etc.

  46. Thank you Lola. I was admiring them, although it could just be that my eyes were seeking some kind of solace after looking at those cutoffs he's wearing. What if he had played this out in Daisy Dukes? Think of the difference. I want another take.

  47. The shoes aren't Louboutins, the soles are not red.

  48. Why does Shia look like he just got back from Burning Man? In all seriousness, this sucks. I don't feel sorry for celebs getting photographed or anything but this was just a private moment that paps should have left alone.

  49. i 'm sorry for them
    some very private and invasive pics(thank to the paps)

  50. No way he is gonna do real sexscenes in his movie. Stellan Skarsgard talked about the movie and said all the sex will be done by stand-ins. So he is either talking out of his ass and wants to be controversial, or he is the only one who is gonna fuck on camera.

    The guy seems like a hot mess more and more every day, wonder if he is the one the blind about the dirty guy liking dirty prostitutes is about.I guess so, he is like the male Lohan.

  51. No problem, Ima! I'm here to please!! :D

  52. You know Shia's another one with a fucked up family. Maybe worse than LiLo. His dad was an abusive druggie and alcoholic. They were really poor. I think he went to work to support the family.

    Maybe he didn't have a chance either. Dude's got a lot of demons to sort thru.

  53. That's candid ... poor girl, that's the last thing you need during a breakup - some asshole taking your picture. Can't really think she could possibly be down with him doing Nymphomaniac.

  54. So Shia is the BI about the actor having unprotected sex with street prostitutes? That was one of the most disgusting blinds I had ever read. Uuuuuh I hope Charlotte Gainsbourg demand he get extensively screened before letting him stick her!

  55. It must be the money, because there's no reason on earth that a woman like this would take crap from that puny little pisher. Bleh. I hope he gave her jewelry.

  56. I used to like him but he's just pushing it and what's up with actors trying to look like they're homeless? Shia, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, etc. it's not cool and attractive at all!

    And these pictures are so wrong, very invasive.

  57. Seriously, Shia LeDouche and Lilo need to couple up and remain together until the end of time. Society would be better off once they became shut-ins by 2015.

  58. The comments on this thread are the best. From 'at least she has a pretty cryface' to jorts, I'm dying over here.

  59. @Shit You Can't Buy Really?! That's hilarious, what a little asshole.

  60. This fight reminds me of that sad fight JFK jr had with Caroline Bessette when they were dating. He was crying and asked: "What about the dog?" He wanted to keep his dog.


    Whoever took these photos is a piece of shit, too.

  62. dia papaya: NOPE. I have NO PITY for this turd. NONE.

  63. Anonymous11:41 PM

    The Beef just grosses me out. He always has. I find him so unattractive, not just physically but personality-wise, as well. Yuck. She doesn't realize it now, but she's better off without his skank ass.

  64. Did they breakup or was it just a fight?

  65. She must have found out about his plan to have sex on camera with his co-star in his next film. He's all: It's for art; this is my job... She's obviously not into the idea.
