Friday, August 31, 2012

Kate Hudson Hates Lea Michele Too

No matter how hard she tries, it appears that the only person who actually likes Lea Michele is Lea Michele. OK, OK, Cory Monteith likes her too sometimes. Kate Hudson has apparently been telling friends that Lea is a diva and can't stand working with her on Glee. According to US Weekly, Kate has been saying that Lea is a nightmare and that she is impatient and that everything is way more important than being on the set which of course earns her a paycheck and fame and she better hold on to it forever because all she has left to do after is Broadway and hopes that she can get a big check and fight off Idina Menzel when they finally make Wicked into a movie. I miss Idina Menzel. I wish she lived next door to me.


  1. I love Idina Menzel. Lea is a poor imitation.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I dislike both Lea and Kate. So I hope they have a cage match to settle their differences.

    1. I'd pay to see those two go at it lol!

  3. Atleast she has her looks and some money. Kate Can be snarky sometimes.

  4. Lea is a diva cause everyone lets her. She's not the star of the show but in her own mind she is. She has to be doing something on the side with the producers to still have her job and I said it before and I'll say it again corey monteith is taking one for the team to make things a bit more bearable on set.

  5. Lea was a diva long before people knew who she was. Since she was a little kid, she has thought her shit didn't stink. She loves telling stories about how she's been on the stage since she was eight. I really want to kick her in the teeth whenever I see her.

    I wish she wasn't so talented. That's how she gets away with it.

  6. My friend's boyfriend (now husband) is a famous actor and was on a 4-episode arc of Glee. My friend gives me lots of great stories from time to time. I asked him if his hubby thought Lea was as terrible as everyone says. Answer? Yes.

    No detailed stories but that was good enough for me.

  7. Don't like Kate and she talks too much, as was proved when she dated A-Rod.

  8. If Kate Hudson had only done "Almost Famous", and then disappeared, I would have loved her forever. Thought she was perfect in that role.

  9. Idina is a badass. I love her.

  10. hunter- is this a blind? Famous actors who have done 4 episodes of Glee?

    John Stamos isn't married though....

  11. Ooooh hunter time for you to give us some commenter blind items! :) :)

  12. I fucking cannot with Lea Michele. She's the embodiment of every entitled and phony mean girl that does theater. It's people like her that turned me off from pursuing theater and singing as a professional career. I couldn't deal with all the drama queens and their fake-ass ridiculousness - it's never about the fun or the love of performing with people like Lea Michele. It's about the recognition, the notarietry, and the compliments you recieve after you're done performing. It sucks the joy right out of a production and you can just tell she's like that, right down to her overly-posed pictures and cutesy-poo smile.

    /end rant

  13. Oh Texshan that was good. And thanks for the info Butter and Hunter. I have never seen Lea Michelle perform but doesn't she have a whiny voice? And yeah Idina rocks!

  14. I'm with Texshan - don't like either one.

  15. With the face Lea makes on Glee when she's lip syncing, she has a great career ahead of her in laxative commercials.

  16. @Hunter - Cheyenne Jackson, maybe?

  17. Cheyenne Jackson is a great guess. That has to be it. Way to go on the impromptu blind Unknown!

  18. Hate Glee. Hate Lea. Pretty much hate everything today, though. I am in one bad effing mood. Don't you love being stuck at work when you just wanna go scream into your pillow?

    1. Sorry you're having such a crappy day and I hope that tomorrow is a better 1 for you.

  19. I'm gonna guess Hunter knows Doogie Howser. ;) Sorry his real name is escaping me at the moment.,,but I love him. ;)

    1. Neil Patrick Harris. He was my first celebrity crush during his days as Doogie.

  20. You are correct but I don't want to say anything (I've heard some good stuff, not about Lea) because I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with my buddy.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Kate isn't a paragon of many virtues and Lea though a Diva of epic proportions does have some talent.

    Idina Menzel is the best! These other two can't carry her sheet music.

  23. I think Lea sounds like a real snot but at least she didn't get her career through nepotism, which is more than Kate can say.

    Have never liked Kate ever since the very start of her career when I read an interview with her in which she told the interviewer she'd lost her sunglasses, and so they went to some ritzy store to buy another pair and Kate made a huge show of buying SIX designer pairs for herself. That's just plain showing off. Haven't been a fan since.

  24. I think Lea sounds like a real snot but at least she didn't get her career through nepotism, which is more than Kate can say.

    Have never liked Kate ever since the very start of her career when I read an interview with her in which she told the interviewer she'd lost her sunglasses, and so they went to some ritzy store to buy another pair and Kate made a huge show of buying SIX designer pairs for herself. That's just plain showing off. Haven't been a fan since.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. cheers to Hunter!

    I bet Kate can be a super bitch too.

  27. Why would Michelle have to fight off Menzel if a Wicked movie gets made? First of all, Menzel is over 40 and by the time the film gets made might be in her mid-40s - not exactly the right age to play the college-aged Elphaba (and for the record, Chenoweth will also be far too old to play Glinda).

    At the rate the film version is crawling along, even Michelle might be too old to play Elphaba. The only good thing I can see about this glacial run up to the film is that the heinous Anne Hathaway will also be too old for any role (I kept seeing her name mentioned all the time for this - UGH).

  28. Love, Love, Love Idina...

    As for Lea & Kate, meh.. Both seem a little too stuck on themselves IMHO...

  29. I don't know if Lea Michele was singing Glee's cover of "River Deep Mountain High", but they fucking mangled it.

    I'm proud to say I haven't watched one episode of that mess.

    OTOH, AHS is back Oct 17. Joy!

  30. p. s. I meant to say that Lea Michele mangled one of my all-time favorite songs. Tina must have had a good chuckle if she heard it. ;)

  31. I'm on team Lea. If she wasn't Goldie's daughter, we wouldn't have to endure no talent piggy eyed Kate.

  32. @Cara, as a former actor I can tell you I have had the pleasure of workng with some super talented and very generous people. Get back into your local theatre because I'm sure you'd be an incredible asset and you'd feel the love. (Don't let this dipshit ruin the whole deal for you.)

  33. I'm on Team Texshan. This needs to be resolved in the cage.

    Kate Hudson by armbar!

  34. Don't like either so no surprise with this, one acting like a diva and the other talking smack.

    But Idina rocks!

  35. Well at least Lea has talent. Kate has a famous mother and that's it.

  36. Wow, no one like Lea!! Wha'd she do??

  37. I don't know why Lea doesn't bother me at all. I kinda like her in an obnoxious Goopy way. Kate's only redeeming quality is Wyatt Earp is her stepdad. ;)
    You tell them I'm coming, and hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!

  38. I seriously loathe Kate Hudson. I still blame her for breaking up The Black Crows and making Chris Robinson wear horrible Versace shirts, and every time I see a photo of her sitting or standing next to her baby she's smoking.

  39. No, Lea didn't sing "River Deep, Mountain High" - that was a duet between Amber Riley (Mercedes) and Naya Rivera (Santana).

    We went to see Idina Menzel because I reall like "Wicked" and Groupon had a sale for the tickets. Absolute best decision ever. For one thing, THAT VOICE. For another, she was sick and high on medicine. It was great, led to lots of funny commentary.

    When someone asked her how she felt about Lea Michele, she called her a "bitch" (but in a fun way so it made it hard to tell how she really felt). She also called Beyonce that as well (they met briefly at Barbra Streisand's tribute concert). And when someone mentioned Kristin Chenowith, she said, "I don't feel anything about her, that's why I didn't mention her. I do wish I had her voice tonight, though." She also complained about being cast as Lea's mother ;)

    So that left it a bit ambiguous. My husband thought it meant she hated KC but was okay with Lea and B. I'm not so sure. Either way, she was still amazing even if she DID have a fully stuffed nose.

  40. So basically, Kate Hudson thinks its funny to call every woman a bitch when asked about that woman.....

  41. She just described her mother Goldie Hawn back in the 80's.

  42. Does anyone want to join my Burglar Bunch-o' weirdos gang and break into Kate's house? That bizbitch has the best duds in town. Love love love her style (not sure if she a butthead IRL, but not digging the fact she smokes right in front of her babe)

  43. I have a friend that was friends with Kate from about 13-17 years of age. My friend told me that when Kate had friends over Kurt Russell would often have to "remind" Kate to "stop treating your friends like the help."

    Which leads me to wonder how she, or the whole family for that matter, treats "the help?!" Sheesh.

  44. Sometimes what you don't like in another person is a reflection of something about yourself...

  45. Pot calling the kettle black. I hate them both, but I do admit I liked Kate on Almost Famous and Lea's performance on Spring Awakening

  46. @Sunny-yes! I'll head west and we 'll get those duds! :D

    I always thought Kate seemed laid back and down to earth, but these stories are showing another side. Boo!

  47. What up, Slacker?

    I love all her clothes, jewelry, make-up. EVERYTHING! I'm going to be like one of those stalkers that hangs up black and white photos of Kate all over my bedroom so I can study her. I'm not a lunatic . . . I just want to pinch her style!
    Burglar Bunch o' Weirdos meeting at my house. Bring a flashlight

    It's FRIDAY!! Have I said that already?? :)

  48. One of the advantages of being older is I have never seen an episode of Glee, however, my granddaughter sings in her school choir and her singing teacher introduces every bloody song "as done on Glee" I hate that thought to introducing the songs by the original artists..Sarah Polley would have made a better Penny Lane

  49. My ideal style is what I call "rich hippie" and even though Kate seems like a pill, she personifies my style ideal! And thanks for the dish, Hunter!

  50. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Pennsylvania law governing right to publicity, and misuse of someone's NAME or likeness:

    Those who have misused my name can and will be sued under this statute. As intellectual property is involved, this trumps any immunity under Section 230.

    Looks like Enty's name is about to be revealed through the lawsuits I'll be filing.

  51. Wow. I'm not sure what this is all about. But your legal name is BetteroffSingle?

    As for the Lea item: I would take Kate's comments with a grain of salt. She was born into a celebrity family, and under those circumstances, it must be galling to be treated as a walk-on guest star of a TV show with a younger girl barking orders about when rehearsals are or aren't going to happen. I have a feeling I'd run from both of them.

  52. Enty lives in CA. Good luck using a PA law for that dude.

  53. Hmmm, so you put two bitchy, spoiled, rich, narcissistic brats on a show together and then they don't get along? Go figure!



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