Monday, August 13, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Do you ever feel like the costume designers on Gossip Girl wish they lived in the 1920's?
Jessica Alba and family try to stay cool this weekend. That was tough to do.
Katy Perry takes a smoke break before heading in to see a movie with her friends.
Lea Michele filming Glee in New York.
McKayla Maroney gets into the not impressed gag.
Marilyn Manson has F**k You written on his face as he shows off his dark haired, pale girlfriend with her hair pulled back which is exactly what his last five girlfriends/wives have looked like.
Paris Jackson shows off a new side of herself.
Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel try to convince the Germans to watch Total Recall.
Will Smith parties with Michael Jordan.


trouble bubble said...

Is that really Michael Jordan? How come they are the same height with Will Smith?

Ingrid Superstar said...

Marilyn Manson just does not give up on that shit, huh? He's living up to that Onion article about MM going door to door trying to shock people.

Alicia said...

Paris Jackson !!! So cute.. It's great to see their dads penchant for masks and sunglasses has not kept them from being normal teenagers doing self portraits.

Colin Farrell.. Yah he'd be on my celebrity " list " .. Him and Adrian Brody.. Meow..

Katie perry looks great here.. And normally I can't tolerate her looks.

HalleGoLightly said...

Will looks like he's gone soft. Time to hit the gym (and then slap that look of your boy's face).

"Total Recall" sucked. Then again, so did the original.

Marilyn Manson scares me.

I keep expecting to see Amy Adams hiding in the bushes in an Alba photo.

txtommom said...

What has Kate done to her beautiful face?

Hammer_Girl said...

Marilyn Manson did that in hopes that the paps couldn't take his pic and sell it. According to a guy who was in line with him at the airport MM apologized and told people it wasn't directed towards them. He also apologized to parents and covered his mouth when kids were present. His plan unfortunately failed.

Amber said...

re: Will Smith & MJ - it might be a perspective issue with the picture. MJ is on the opposite side of WS, and if the photog was crouching down and shooting upward a little, it might give the illusion they're the same height. That being said, WS isn't that short @ 6'2".

Heather said...

Alba's littlest girl doesn't look a thing like her or Cash! But both of the girls are adorable. :)

Turkish Taffy said...

Paris Jackson is going to be the next big thing. She is adorable.

Unknown said...

I second the Adrien Brody.... Yum!

Sarah said...

I agree about Alba's youngest not favoring either parent. There was actually a blind about her being pregnant by someone else (before she delivered) but I can't find it. I'm not sure if I read it here or somewhere else.

dia papaya said...

I like Paris Jackson's spunkiness. What a force of nature that one, look out world (in a good clean up the evils of world kind of way).

Love the color of Jessica and Kate's shoes!!! I love Turquoise (or whatever it is). It reminds me of the ocean and I like it. It that gonna be a big fall color. Please, please, please!

McKayla does have a sense of humor. So now I don't feel like such a dick for laughing at her meme.

The Alba - Now I know why she's still in the money. My BF was told by his consulting company that her organic products company (The Honest Company) needs some biz consultant help. Her biz is growing too fast and they can't find enough US product to keep up with demand. They need help securing (growing?) more organic stuff in the US. Everyone was chomping at the bit to go bc she often sits in on board mtgs. He said he "wants to Alba" then started drooling. Haha!

djphob said...

Westwick looks like he's about to murder me. Yes, me. He's looking right at me. I'm a little scared.

Laura said...

Kate and Jessica both look like waxworks!!

califblondy said...

ITA, Laura, what's up with that? Is Colin posing with two cardboard cut-outs?

Laura said...

Lol may as well be for all the difference we'd know!

lazyday603 said...

Good for McKayla Maroney. I knew she would have enjoyed it. It is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

You know, Marilyn, if you would go out looking like a normal person, no one would recognize you. Hence your photo would not get taken. He just likes to draw attention to himself. Stop acting like a petulent brat.

I love the color of Kate's shoes, but not with that purple dress, which I also love. And I hate those super-high platforms. They always look like hooves to me.

Lea Michele must have thrown a diva fit in the wardrobe trailer on day one of Glee shooting and pissed off the wardrobe people, because she has consistantly had the absolute worst clothes on that show.

Sherry said...

Yeah Lea's outfit is hideous!
I love Paris's hair. That looks pretty good for her. And at least she didn't take a picture in her bathroom.

AndrewBW said...

Have you seen the videos of McKayla Maroney's amanar vault? Holy crap! I thought people couldn't fly!

Carolyn said...

I think Paris Jackson and McKayla Maroney both are adorable! I think Paris is a stunner. I love her coloring.

Amartel said...

McKayla is adorable~!

chumsley said...

At least Lea has the excuse that she's in character. Jessica Biel wore that voluntarily!

RenoBlondee said...

I can't look at Colin anymore w/o thinking of his sex video someone here directed me to. *ahem*

Carolyn said...

Oh and @Hallegolightly who said "I keep expecting to see Amy Adams hiding in the bushes in an Alba photo."


ladida said...

If that's Leighton Meester in the photo with Ed Westwick, she might be the answer to the "she needs her meds" blind. Clues fit.

Anonymous said...

Lea Michele's outfit looks like a nightmare outfit I may have worn in 1996

Sunny said...

Was there something nutty about his sex video, or just your run of the mill. I don't like to look at dirty stuff on my computer ever since my Dad asked me why I had pictures of boobs on my desktop (It's not what you think - I liked the girl's hair color and was saving the pic for my stylist!)

Cue my Jessica Biel outrage:
WHO DRESSES THIS WOMAN? I think she is so pretty, (especially with her hair/bangs of her face) but clearly she must have slept with her stylist's boyfriend or something because this is outright sabotage!

Cornbread said...

@Reno...please, direct me to the video so I can judge. :)

H8 Marilyn Manson. Petulant brat is a spot-on description.

I hope Paris Jackson is as well adjusted as she is beautiful. What a stunner.

lazyday603 said...

Those optical illusion leggings Paris is wearing are really strange. I thought she had artificial legs at first. Or was a Star Wars robot from the waist down.

g.strathmore said...

Regarding Total Recall, I totally got into all the sci fi stuff in the movie. For a sci fi geek, I thought it was a wonderland and better executed than a lot of sci fi movie worlds. The storyline was decent, not terrible, not great. I thought Kate Beckinsdale did a great job being a bad ass bitch.

astrogirl said...

@dia. Good news, Pantone predicts turquoise as a fall colour

Agent**It said...

@Reno, what Cornbread said:)

dia papaya said...

Thanks @astro! That's a cool website. Are you a designer? I love manipulating color to change the mood. It's such a quick and easy thing to add in a bold scarf or belt.

I have big ocean dreams! Saving my nickels for scuba!

RenoBlondee said...

It was kind of funny actually. He would put his camera on his cat randomly, lol. But the best part was when he was downtown on his girl. Hilarious. So. Much. Tongue.

@Cornbread and @Agent**It Enjoy! ;)

astrogirl said...

@dia No but one of my besties is a top fashion designer. I guess a lot of it flows down from conversations we have.

I have been looking up some dive liveaboards that cruise the Reef, we can dive wrecks, or with sharks or manta rays, your choice.

SnowCherries said...

I just snorted I laughed so hard. That was one of their funniest "articles."

1Jazzimom said...

I love Lea Mchelle's socks!
Michael Jordan looks like he's a 60 yr old grandpa here, sorry to any 60 yr old grandpa's...
I need a pair of turquoise pumps- beautiful color!
The Alba/Warren clan look great. The baby favors her mom a bit just fairer in complection.
Why is Manson still papped anyway?

Amanda said...

I thought she was terrifying! How often do you see a beautiful woman as the mindless bad guy who somehow survives everything and just won't stop!?

Agent**It said...

@Reno, I need to see a priest:)

Think for Free said...

dayyyum look at that money in MJ's hand lmao

AlexT said...

Colin Farrell probably has saber tooth crotch crickets, but he's still hot.

The same cannot be said of the pantless girl in the first picture- crotches and cracks should be covered, unless you're at the gym!

MM, gee whiz, it's been ages since you were relevant. I bet if you quit dressing like Professor Snape, you'd blend right in and no one would need to take your picture.

lilo723 said...

That picture of Collin, Jessica and Kate looks like it is a display at Madame Tussauds.

dia papaya said...

I did the manta ray night dive in Kona last year. It was amazing! I think the coolest thing I've ever done. I think we had 4 or 5 mantas show up.

My fortieth b-day is next year. Live aboard vacay in the Aussie sun sounds fabulous!

Kelly said...

@Agent oh good lord you kill me! Lmfao!

Jessie said...

Jessica looks really awkward ... A bit meek even? I like her outfit.

astrogirl said...

I am mega keen to do this. Seriously. So get saving woman. I will also take you to Byron Bay. It's a magical town and heavy on alternate lifestyles and remedies, google it, it's your kind of place.

Popnursing said...

Getting in line to be redirected..

g.strathmore said...

@Amanda, exactly. She was very convincing.

PugsterMom said...

Love McKayla's spoof shot of herself and her teammates!

Selock said...

Paris is proving to be quite the typical teen! (Good for her...) :P

Sadie said...

The reason Manson had F U written on his face is because the pap were going nuts about getting photos of him sans makeup.

smash said...

Manson looks like he had a recent nose job.

Jessica! For the love of god girl. You are engaged to sex on legs! How the fuc can you not dress right hunty!? A two piece dress with the top being shorter is never.... Ever ever a good look.

cowbulls said...

I think Biel and Beckinsale are two of the top 10 sexiest women around right now but both need a fashion makeover.


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