Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Robert Pattinson Says Nothing At Premiere Or On The Daily Show

Robert Pattinson walked the red carpet for the NYC premiere of Cosmopolis last night, and didn't say a word or pretend to hear any questions directed his way about Kristen Stewart. He just ignored it. He would only talk about the movie. On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart made a couple of efforts to get him to talk including bringing out ice cream and did mention Kristen twice in an oblique way, but Robert didn't take the bait and stayed quiet. Jon didn't ask him a direct question about it and I don't understand how Jon will ask a politician brutally direct questions but, to get ratings and future bookings from actors will agree to not ask any questions that will possibly be taken in an offensive way or anything direct that people would actually find interesting. I guess it is one thing to go after politicians, but not someone who is in the same union as you. Saying something like breaking up can feel like the end of the world, is not a question.


  1. Have a difficult time believing he's torn up about any of it. He's downright cheery.

  2. Enty really? comparing a question directed at a paid public servant to a personal question to a celeb? I know this sounds a bit crazy, but Robert's personal life is really of our damn business. He was there to promote a movie.

  3. Politicians owe us answers about their doings. Actirs mostly dont. What was he supposed to ask? " how did u feel when u realized she made a fool of u?". We all know it feels like crap, and kudos to both of them for taking the high road. Saw it and thought it was very sweet.

    1. Ot, the Cobert show that followed was f*cking hilarious!!! If u not watching Colbert, u missing chance to laugh out loud!

  4. Not like Robert made a public statement about it like one half of the homewrecking team did.

  5. He never said anything about her before now. Why start?

  6. Seriously, no one cares...

  7. I'm with Redheat. there is no comparison between stewart asking politicians difficult questions and not asking celebs questions about their personal lives.

    seriously, outside of twihards and those directly involved, who cares?

    and enty, didn't you lead us to believe that either it was a fake relationship or that he cheated on her anyway?

  8. genuine question here: if you don't care about the personal lives of celebrities, what interests you in celebrity gossip? To me, celebrity gossip IS about the personal lives of celebrities.

  9. Trey, I think the point being made is that if a celebrity does not want to share something with the public, that's their right. However, a politician is a public representative elected (in most cases) by the public - we have a right to those answers.

  10. I love gossip, but I hate breakups. I would give him a break, too.
    If he seems cheery, he is an actor. Maybe he's better than we thought. Lol.

  11. Amber, that point makes sense. I just don't get it when people seem almost annoyed other want to gossip about celebrities on a celebrity gossip site. Maybe some people come here for the news stories Enty posts I guess.

    I agree with that point for Rob, because he's always been private. But a lot of celebrities use this excuse when they have made their living completely based on putting their private lives out there. When Kim Kardashian uses that argument you know it's gone too far.

  12. I think he did exactly what most people would do...he put on his best poker face and didn't want to show the world, and Stewart for that matter, that he was devastated...no I'm not a Twihard but I did actually believe these two had something...and whatever it was she destroyed it publicly...I think he took the high road, simple as that, and he was also smart about knowing how much people want to know and being coy will keep them coming back for more. I have no idea if he's gay, she's gay, they're bi or swingers or whatever, but I think he came out of this looking very classy, and her arrogance and "punk" attitude she cultivated did her in.

  13. Trey - Kim Kardashian deserves NONE PRIVACIES. She recently said in an interview that she's a private person and I about choked on my own tongue.

    I think people are annoyed that Enty called Stewart out for strapping on the kneepads and not asking "tough" questions of Robert, when he has no problem asking politicians whatever he wants. RP's status with Kristen Stewart is, hopefully, not detrimental to our society. ;)

  14. Politicians owe us direct answers about their positions. Robert Pattinson doesn't owe us anything regarding his personal life. It was nice that Jon bought that poor kid some ice cream.

  15. I think Jon did a lovely job making light of the situation without putting Rob in a tough spot. If he hadn't even mentioned it that would have been hugely weird. I think it was great and resent the comparison to politics where Jon DOES ask the tough questions.

  16. Snooze. Did anyone Really think he was gonna chat about this?

  17. Jon was blindly treating the relationship as a heartbreak, mostly because the live audience last night was all Twi-hards and the 'break up' means a lot to them. He just happened to get Rob's first interview since, and he handled it beautifully. So did Rob. I couldn't tell what the REAL story was with RP & KS, because Rob kept his poker face the whole time. The Twi-hards got what they wanted, and nothing was said to make them either dislike KS OR to reveal what those two were really up to as far as fidelity. Rob was very skillful in not damaging the Twilight 'brand' too.

    Jon actually made the point that with most celebs, they have a publicist who fields & approves interview questions ahead of time. Pattinson doesn't have a publicist---he mentioned he's always been too cheap, but thinks he WILL hire one now.

  18. "but not someone who is in the same union as you" is the key to Enty's statement.

  19. "He just happened to get Rob's first interview since, and JON handled it beautifully. So did Rob."

    What I originally wrote was confusing with the pronouns. This is how is should be read. Thanks.

  20. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I just didn't understand why they had him on Daily Show at all. I actually expected Jon to ask RP zero questions about his "relationship." That was probably the most boring guest I've ever seen on that show; it was terrible.

  21. I LOVE Jon Stewart. A lot. Cause he makes me laugh. And cause he torn Tucker Carlson up...and ORiley... and, oh I just love him. He is just so smart and funny. I don't really care much about Rob P. He was good in that Harry Potter movie....I just love Jon Stewart

  22. I'm just upset that Jon didn't ask him whether he wore boxers or briefs! The world NEEDS to know this information, why bother interviewing him at all?

    In all seriousness tho, did you think the two of them would have a serious thought provoking conversation on the status of America or perhaps international relations? He's an actor..ask him about movies.

  23. Ima, "Cosmopolis" is trying to sell itself to TDS' exact demographic, not just Twi-hards. The interview was scheduled awhile ago.
    There have been quite a few 'big' celebrities that have gone on TDS to sell their more indie and/or artistic fare. TDS' demo is perfect for a Cronenburg (sp) film.

    I agree the interview was dull, but their celebrity interviews usually are. Add that to the 'one-off' nature of the live audience last night (NOT who normally comes to see TDS), and you have a dull interview. With ear-piercing screams peppering EVERYTHING. ugh.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      That's true, they often have actors on there promoting films with so-so interviews. Maybe I just especially didn't like this one because I couldn't care less about Robert or Kristin or Twilight. Those interviews would be better if Jon ever watched the movies they're on promoting, though.

  24. I saw a clip of the interview - the fact that I even bothered not being a fan says that even people normally not interested in Pattinson are curious now because of the scandal.

    I thought the appearance went off well - all he needed to do is show himself and not lose it. He comes off as charming, self deprecating and humble. He's going to do better after this scandal because even non-Twihards and people who didn't give a fig about him are somewhat sympathetic now.

  25. You're way off on this Enty, pal. Grilling politicians (paid public servants!) about public policy is a whole different enchilada than talking to an actor (i.e. person whose job is to play characters created & written by other people) about his or her private life. Gossip doesn't fall into the category of transparency for the public good. Though we do love it here on your site!

  26. I think if Jon Stewart pressed him on this, he would have come off as an ass. He threw out a few things, hoping that RP might take the bait, but RP obviously did not want to discuss it - and deflected the subject in a most charming way, I thought - and JS was wise not to press him. Of course, if RP had stated anything, JS would have had the "scoop," so it was worth a shot on his part, but no reason to piss off RP about his personal life when he was really there to promote his movie. So, well done both, I think.

  27. Yeah I agree with Hendrix. Robert Pattinson doesn't have the power to directly influence the lives of millions of people, willing or unwilling, and doesn't have the moral obligation to put right legislation before ideology or money.

  28. Politicians have to be transparent because they are civil sevants working on our behalf. They have no right to privacy in matters relating to the way they perform their jobs. Actors, on the other hand, should be able to talk about only what they choose to because they don't owe us anything other than a good performance.

  29. I think you are off base on this Enty...

    Jon handled that interview like the pro he is and diffused the situation. Rob is not an elected official and his personal relationships should be off limits unless he initiates the conversation. He handled himself well.

  30. Enty has a real hate on for Pattinson. I wonder why?

  31. I bet Stewart was told he couldn't ask about the Lip Biter. It might have been one of the conditions of the appearance.

  32. It's pretty humiliating to be cheated on. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have the whole world know it. I don't blame him for not wanting to talk about it. But he has work to do, a movie to promote, and he can't just hideout in Ojai. But I don't begrudge him not talking about it. it's humiliating.

    Someone I've voted for or who represents me in government? They better spill the damn beans.

  33. I read the comments hoping someone would mention what kind of ice cream that is. Is it a new flavor or something? Focus on the important things, people!

  34. I'm no twiharder but I thought Jon and Rob did okay with an awkward situation. And I thought it was interesting that Rob admitted he didn't (doesn't?) have a publicist. Go figure.

  35. "Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke."

    Will Rogers

  36. Henriette---Watch the interview, they talk about how Rob has no publicist, and Jon remarked how odd it was NOT having a pr person backstage, telling him what he was allowed to ask.

    djphop--Jon's was Cherry Garcia, Rob's was Caramel Sutra. So no new flavor. Sorry.

    Rob started to lick the ice cream for a second, and when the audience let out a 'SQUEE', he snatched his tongue right back into his mouth and almost rolled his eyes. You could tell he HATES that fangirl shit, in just that split second.

    1. @Libby how disappointing. Just came across their "Limited Batch" key lime pie... Yum! Very lime-y though. Needs more delicious crust. Aaaanyway.

  37. Colbert was hilarious last night.

  38. I want to be a Twihard but I don't want to have to read the damn books or watch the damn movies.

  39. Wasnt there a blind about the break up...? I could have sworn it was a reveal too... Something about a fabricated affair to break them up so they wouldnt have to go on with the charade post twilight...? Anybody remember that? I was diggin through the archives and got dizzy reading all those blinds...


  40. most annoying interview ever

    1. Why? Did u really think he was gonna cry and pour his heart out to jon?

  41. He looked HAWT last night and I'm not even a twihard.

    I think Rob handled it in a very classy way, as did Jon Stewart. In fact, I honestly couldn't tell you which one was hotter last night.

  42. I was a Robert Pattinson fan because of Harry Potter, and haven't said a thing about him for the last 6(?) years. Now I feel like I can like him publicly again. I was never into Twilight, but now that it's ending and his fauxmance is over I can go back to being interested in his work and not be massed in with the hysteria that surrounds him. Hooray.

    His interview with Jon was fun, and perfect as his first interview after this ridiculousness because Jon Stewart doesn't really care about that BS. The ice cream was his subtle way of making fun of the whole phenom and it was right on point.

  43. I think Jon is a gentleman. If it had been someone known for being outspoken -- like a Kathy Griffin (remember her husband stealing from her and she went on Larry King and told all?) Jon gave an opening and Robert didn't take it. And Jon found other things to talk about.

    Seriously, I just don't get this whole thing---she cheated--it is between the two of them- do people want her wearing a big letter A?

    I love that Jon gave him an ice cream. It was perfect.

  44. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Jon needs celebrities, politicians need Jon.

    The world loves celebrities, the world hates politicians.

  45. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Not sure if I believe this "affair".

  46. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Oh, one more thing, rpatz is a fuckin' airhead.

  47. I'm pretty sure Enty hates Pattinson because of the hypocrisy. Let's face it - we're talking about Pattinson taking the 'high road', but we all know that the 'high road' is not saying 'Yah, my agent told me I need to date this chick for the fangirls. At first I didn't care about her, cuz I was nailing lots of other girls, but then I kinda fell for her and it turns out she was also nailing other people."

    High road, my left ball.

    But in general I agree - Pattinson's just a hair do and I only care about him for entertainment's sake. Mitt Romney's a hairdo who's planning on taking my money - Hold that dude's feet to the fire!

  48. I read where people were charmed by his interview on the Daily Show, but I watched it and I don't get his appeal. I really don't. He is a skinny, unattractive kid. WTH?

  49. I have to say, I think Rob P is a dreamboat, to quote my inner teenage girl. I would swoon over him, given half the chance, have no trouble believing all his co stars have too.
