Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Likes To Make Them Hurt A Little

Beneath the quirky exterior of this former A list movie actor from some of the biggest movies of all time and still a very nice B+ who has dabbled part-time in television is a person who can only get satisfied sexually if there is a little extra kink in his sex life. And by kink I mean he likes to do some tying up and spanking and even likes to bring out his whip and other toys if his partner is willing. Our actor had one long term relationship with someone who shared his kink. She used to be an almost A list actress in both television and movies. The problem was she liked to return the favor so to speak and our actor could not handle that. He likes to be in charge. Since the long term relationship ended he has moved from young model to young model. The problem he has discovered is that because they are models they have a trouble making a living with the bruises and other marks he likes to give them on their bodies. He is a big fan of dating all colors under the rainbow. Finally he seems to have found a model who said he can do whatever he likes, but he has to pay her her rate if she has to miss a job because of the damage he has done to her.


  1. I think the key is in the word "quirky"

  2. Jeff Goldblum was the first to pop into my head-big movies were the Jurassic Park movies, and the ex was Geena Davis.

  3. Jeff Goldblum? When you google quirkey actor, his name comes up and he's been in some really big movies!

  4. Tim Robbins?

    Haha I suck.

  5. Jeff Goldblum for sure. Ex- Laura Dern. He dated the Hearst daughter as well, she's a model.

  6. Dee and Snoopy, I think you are spot on with that guess.

  7. LOL OMG I just googled quirky and you guys beat me to it, Jeff Goldblum who had two long relationships with Geena Davis and Laura Dern

  8. Evidence: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2194752/Jeff-Goldblums-girlfriend-Emilie-Livingston-covered-bruises.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

  9. Jeff Goldblum has been married twice

  10. I thought Jeff Goldblum, too, with "quirky."

  11. Jeff Goldblum was my very first thought as well. I watched Independence Day yesterday so that is pretty timely. And personally this doesn't sound all that kinky but it does sound like abuse.

  12. You guys are good. I didn't think of him. All I could think was Leo and he didn't fit.

  13. Just as long as he doesn't make them watch "Transylvania 6-5000" or "Earth Girls Are Easy"... Those bruises would never fully heal.

    1. Earth girls are easy is one of the best awful movies ever "lol "

  14. I can see Jeff dishing it out but not being able to take it. And I can see Geena wanting to return the favor.

  15. IF everyone is on board and it is 100% consentual, I see no problem with this. It's pretty tame as far as kinks go. BUT if either party isn't really into it and is just doing it because they think it's the only way to keep the other, OR if they're feeling forced into something they're really not into, then it's a problem. Otherwise, carry on.

  16. Bronson Pinchot?
    Judge Reinhold?

    The Jeff Goldblum guess is really good.

  17. strongerthancoffee, thanks for the laff :-). How about The Fly (is that it - too lazy to google)? That was so gross!

  18. Goldblum is a good guess. I don't see any problem here as long as everyone is a consenting party to the acts. To each their own. Has Goldblum been seen lately in the company of models? I never see any pap pictures of him at all.

  19. I was thinking Jim Carrey, but Goldblum is a good guess.

  20. (I'd just like to chime in about the difference between BDSM and abuse. I know quite a bit about both, and they are NOT the same thing at all. Carry on.)

  21. @stronger, I saw "Transylvania 6-5000" in the theatre when it was released. I feel 6,500 years old now.

  22. I was also thinking Jim Carrey, but I don't think he has dated many models.

    I've always thought Jeff Goldblum was kinda sessay...

  23. so enty has been reading Daily Mail today?

  24. Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy for the long term relationship. He has been with lots of young models of all races since...

  25. Earth girls are easy is such a hoot.
    Young Jim Carrey is also in that.

  26. Every time kinky sex comes up here, someone says "that's pretty tame as far as kinks go".
    I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not as fun in bed as I should be! You pervs are giving me a complex! ;)

  27. Hey, I liked Earth Girls Are Easy. It totally encapsulates the '80's and makes that decade seem like a brightly-colored era of innocence...

  28. You people are good - now that you've pointed it out, I can totally see Jeff Goldblum doing this. My first thought was Bruce Willis, but I've changed my mind now.

  29. Hugh Grant + Liz Hurley for the g/f that liked to be kinky back?

    Leonardo DiCaprio?

    Jim Carrey?

  30. Jeff Goldblum and if they are both into it, more power to them! Nothing wrong with a little kinky kinky fun now and then....

  31. No wonder I've always had the hots for Goldblum.

  32. This is just kinda hot. Life-long crush on Jeff Goldblum over here!

  33. you guys are good. enty seems to have a close relationship with the daily mail. the url for the daily mail article the person above left, seems to be hinting at something, but they don't come out and say it.


  34. jared leto with cameron diaz and now he is with a model russian called anastasia always covered in black clothes too bad!

  35. I thought of Jeff Goldblum too but I also thought of Benicio Del Toro, what the heck

  36. Ditto amber! I have no explanation, but all I know is he gets my motor running. His fumbling and bumbling speech and movements plus that tall dark lanky frame, I don't know... The epitome of sexy geek!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Def gotta be JG. man you guys are good!!!

  39. The DM article says his girlfriend is a former Olympic gymnast. I bet he loves the positions she can get into. ha

  40. OMFG, Jeff Goldblum could tie me up anytime.

  41. Hate to rain on the Jeff Goldblum parade, but the bruises are on the outside of her thighs and look like bug bites or fingerprints. If she is indeed an acrobatic/dancer she would get bruises like these from partnering. JJust don't see them being from kink.

  42. Personally, I love the Daily Mail. I read it every morning. All the dirt that's unfit to print anywhere else.

  43. I also thought of Jeff first , then Jim Carrey, and Keanu Reeves. All quirky, but then so is Joaquin.

    I'll go with the majority and Jeff.

  44. This is a pretty lame blind... S&M? Who cares what people do in the bedroom...

    I've been following this site and the comments for years, so I know I'll get an onslaught of "If you don't like the blinds, don't read them! Don't read the site!!!" comments from this, but I must say that I feel the quality of the writing, the blinds and the reveals have plummeted considerably in the past year or so. I believe Enty has a ghost writer and I'm just saying that I've noticed and am not a fan.

  45. I thought Jim Carrey the whole time I read the post.

  46. @sparklynan, I have been known to bruise in the most unlikely of places (i.e., seemingly non-sexual) depending on what the guy is doing - what he's doing, where he's grabbing, etc.

    It also can make it worse if you're a person who bruises easily - doesn't even mean it took it getting that rough to leave a mark.

  47. If it's Jeff G., I bet Geena was the one who liked to spank back!! She's very athletic, she almost went to the Olympics for archery.

  48. Goldblum also dated Lisa Marie, ex-LTR of Tim Burton. I could totally see some kinky leanings with Mr. G. Rowr!

  49. For some reason I was thinking Jim Carrey the whole time. I'm sure there are very specific reasons why he doesn't fit, but, that's what my gut's saying.

  50. What's wrong with Kink? ;p

  51. First guesses were Mickey Rourke and DiCaprio, but both haven't been on Tv that much (Leo only in the beginning of his career). And can't think of a huge movie Rourke did, he did some big stuff, but nothing legendary, as Leo's Titanic.
    So meh, no idea.

  52. I've ALWAYS had the hots for Jeff Goldblum too, count me in, ladies.
    This does not surprise me in the slightest.

    As far as the current g/f picture with the bruises and no attempt to hide them---If he gets turned on by giving bruises, he probably LOVES showing off his handiwork in public as well. I've never gone that far, but it fits the pattern of a dominant guy IMO.

    He & Geena had super-chemistry when they met. This could explain it.

    And I hope anyone who ever complained about the pedo/abuse blinds is NOT complaining about THIS blind being 'meh.' This blind explains to me why such a dork can be so smarmy & sexy too. Everything about Goldblum suddenly makes sense!

  53. I bruise if someone LOOKS at me wrong, no joke!

    Count me in on the JG love. He's more attractive to me the older he gets.

  54. I have no idea if this BI refers to Jeff Goldblum, but don't forget this guy was involved with John Edwards' wackadoo "friend" Reille Hunter. She's not a model, but I could see her being up for anything.

  55. (For what it's worth, Dunne, I agree with most of your points. I even left recently for about a week. But I love 99% of the commenters, so I couldn't stay away for too long. Stay, at least, for them! They're a hoot, and a good, kind bunch for the most part. Just a thought.)

  56. So he like s&m. what's wrong lol

  57. Love me some Jeff Goldblum.

  58. @Sarah, haha, me too. I feel so vanilla in my own life now ;-P. But I know enough about the kinks many people have to know that this is pretty tame.

  59. Actually, it seems reasonable that he pay for any missed work.

  60. Anonymous3:00 PM

    People need to get a clear grasp on the significant differences between signs of physical abuse and true BDSM lifestyle instead of judging and claiming abuse just because they happen not to be into it (yeah, a lot of you are way more vanilla than you want to admit.)

    A BDSM relationship, whether romantic or purely sexual, relies on two basic things, trust and consent. The person who is the bottom or submissive gets sexual gratification out of the pain mixed in with the pleasure. They don't give in to the lifestyle through coercion or manipulation, they actively participate and request it be part of their sexual experience. When it's a romantic relationship it can be one of the most beautiful and intimate exchanges you will ever experience.

    This 50 Shades of Shit book describes an emotionally abusive and manipulative relationship hidden under an extremely lame, gimmicky and completely inaccurate attempt at portraying a true BDSM lifestyle. This 'mommy porn' is scary to people like me who actively participate in BDSM lifestyles because it endorses and romanticizes a physically and emotionally abusive relationship instead of inspiring people to explore their sexuality through some kinky play. Whether you're a vanilla mommy looking for some fun or a young Twilight fan who follows anything related, the singular exposure to BDSM through this book makes one extremely vulnerable to real abuse due to the sheer ignorance and lack of talent of its author.

  61. Munch - I thought Bruce Willis for some reason too, but I suck at these. It always seems so obvious after reading the comments

  62. @ DianaofThemyscira - I said the same thing earlier, albeit briefly. Didn't only one person say that he/she thought it was abuse, though?

  63. Definitely Goldblum. TDM called attention to his girlfriend's bruises just today. I will never understand why pain is exciting to some people. Different strokes for different folks.

  64. 50 Shades of Goldblum!

    Let's get him cast! Kristen Stewart needs a co-star (and a spanking.)

  65. i totally am on board with either Jeff Goldblum or Joaquin Phoenix. love it!!

  66. @DianaofThemyscira:

    very well said. people who don't understand the exchange of power will never understand how BDSM is NOT abuse in any form. they will always think us "weird" that we would want to be flogged, spanked, etc.

    and they would never understand that the submissive truly is the one in control - he/she sets their own limits and safe words.

    my BDSM relation was THE single most intense relationship i ever had because of the immense level of trust and respect that is required. something that most times vanilla relationships just don't have.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This post from a few years ago mentions his kinky persuasion in the last line: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Nicole-Richie-and-Jeff-Goldblum-29071.shtml

  69. Leo Decaprio, cuz I think he was a Musketeer & on a sit-com last century. bye.

  70. hOLY SHIZZZZZ! here are PHOTOS of Jeff G. in flagrante delicto, spanking and boner-fied!: http://www.iheartchaos.com/post/4454574933/in-case-you-missed-jeff-goldblum-having-sex-on-a-beach

  71. Jeff Goldblum would be lucky to have any kind of sex with any thing. IMO.

  72. Anonymous4:50 PM

    @Adrianne So small, so unexpected. My bf is just as tall but proportionate. I'm an admitted size queen though. I don't think the little butt smack in the pics is a big deal. That happens between lovers even outside of sex.

    @AKM I try to educate in different posts to the point of repeating myself not b/c of judgment issues but b/c I want people who may be curious enough to experiment to do so safely and not be dangerously influenced by this book which I feel does a piss poor and dangerous job of describing BDSM.

    @Raven I don't think people really understand who is truly in control during BDSM. You're essentially being worshipped. It's an unbelievable feeling. Anyway, one person's kinky is another's Tuesday night. ;)

  73. I rarely guess at blinds but this one, if it's true, screams John Cusack to me, with the girlfriend being Neve Campbell.

    I also used to have a thing for Jeff Goldblum. David Duchovny played him once on SNL. I will forever love Mulder. It was a beautiful bringing together of two (once) hot men.

  74. Thank you adrianeschramm!

    Sex on the beach, that s my idea of no no ... must itch so bad.

  75. Oh! And the magazine from where it comes from shows that Goldblum's privates are 13cm (5.1 inches) at their best.
    End of a dream.

  76. Am I the only one who thought Jack Nicholson? Angelica Huston?

  77. Am I the only one who thought Jack Nicholson? Angelica Huston?

  78. Though I have no doubt Jack has some kinks, "quirky" is not the descriptive I would use about his acting. I kind of like that this is possibly about an actor we don't often see in the blinds.

  79. I don't know who he is but where has he been all my life!

    Goldblum for the win! Now I like him even more. hahaha

  80. What would really be interesting would be if Enty came up with these blinds BEFORE the pics of Jeff Goldblum and his GF covered in bruises came out.

    Let's be real. He saw the photos and then created the blind to fit them. It's ridiculous.

  81. I think given the two links given, it SCREAMS Goldblum. Jeff FTW! (I usually hate that, but I think in this case, it's GOT to be FTW.)

    "Jeff Goldblum would be lucky to have any kind of sex with any thing. IMO."

    I dunno...several of us here would gladly do it, apparently! Sexy geek, indeed.

    @ DianaofThemyscira - Oh, ITA about that 50 Shades crap. No way in hell will I even check it out. I have to say, though, that BDSM is not for everyone. Did it extensively. Hated it extensively. But, yeah, trial and education before judgment, definitely. :-)

  82. Daily News has pics of Jeff Goldblum and his way younger gf Emilie Livingston with bruises all over her legs. She's a former Canadian gymnast.

  83. Anonymous2:53 PM

    This only makes me want Jeff Goldblum more ! Hot, hot man !

  84. Let me throw a hat into the ring very late... My beloved John Cusack with the LTR being Neve Campbell.

  85. Let me throw a hat into the ring very late... My beloved John Cusack with the LTR being Neve Campbell.

  86. The only thing that makes me think it isn't Jeff Goldblum: "He is a big fan of dating all colors under the rainbow."
    According to WDW, his dating history is pretty white. The only person I see with any diversity is Nichole Richie.



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