Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Keeps Finding More

This B- list television actress who will probably never get a movie role, recently split with her significant other. Our actress has been in the news lately and everyday she discovers that her life with her ex was a lie. Apparently he had been cheating on her since day one. As in day one of their first date ever. Apparently he also hooked up with one of her former co-stars the same night they first went out. He had already planned both dates without telling either of them, and didn't think he would get lucky with both, but he did. She also found out that while they were dating and had been for a couple of years that while she was working and he was filming a movie that he slept with what seems like every cast member from the movie he was working on. Except for one. For sure. Our actress was told this by the one person her ex did not sleep with. That person is also an actress. B+. Does some movies, but not many. The one person who did not sleep with him said that she tried to contact our actress several times before she got married to warn her but the actress never got back in touch. Could have saved years of heartache. What our actress thought was a monogamous relationship was actually monogamous on her part with him sleeping with 5 or 6 women a year.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Jenny sad

  2. Any man. Ever.

    (Yes, I'm in one of those moods today. Don't like it, go fuck yourself with a rabid platypus.)

  3. Asshat Kutcher and grandma demi

    1. Demi is not tv only. Sorry. Jenny Garth and Petter Fratterilli seems better

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Demi Moore is currently shooting a movie...blind says the actress will never get a movie role...hence it's not Demi

  5. Jenny Garth and Peter Fasinelli - B+ actress is JLH from "cant hardly wait"

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    and the former co-star is Tiffani Theissan

  7. Jennie/Peter with Tiffani-Amber Theissen as the former costar he slept with on the first date (Enty already outed that)

  8. I agree with the Jenny Garth guess. So sad.

  9. I'm thinking Jenny Shimizu is the one that tried to contact her. She was in Foxfire with him in 98 and I doubt she slept with him.

  10. Coop, how could you?

  11. If it's Jennie Garth and Peter Facinelli, it has to be JLH as the B+ actress by default based on Enty's description and a look at his filmography. And yeah, we already knew about Tiffani Thiesen.

  12. Jennie Garth also in the news today for being too skinny, at least according to Yahoo.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Do we think he banged KStew too?

  15. Do you think Peter Frapaccino was getting in on with Amanda Bynes at some point? Maybe that's why she was always walking around naked when he showed up on set.

    Poor Jennie. I hope she can get through this.

  16. I'm with the Peter/Jennie guess, but what about Riding in Cars with Boys as the movie? It came out the same year they got married and Sarah Gilbert could be the one girl who definitively did not sleep with him (since she's a lesbian).

  17. Yep, Jennie and Peter came to my mind first too. Sad for Jennie.

  18. Can't Hardly Wait was the film that popped in my head, too. JLH would have been seriously attached at that time I think, she may have still been with Carson Daly.

  19. More power to the woman who did not sleep with the philandering sleaze ball that moonlights as a poor excuse for a male. In a place like Hollywood it seems like it is every man and woman for him/her self and I think it's pretty rad of the woman to try and warn the wife of the sleazeball before he married her. Although if this woman tried to warn the wife several times and the wife rebuffed all attempts, then what does that say about the wife? She believed what she wanted to.

  20. OT Rob the Twilight guy is going to be on Daily Show Aug 13.

  21. This just intemsifies my need for a Kelly Taylor / Dylan McKay reunion

  22. I thought that peter didn't cheat until the 'twilight' movie per older BI? Enty needs to get his/her blinds straight a la kstew and rpatz blinds. Smh

  23. "(Yes, I'm in one of those moods today. Don't like it, go fuck yourself with a rabid platypus.)"

    WORD girlfriend!! I am in that mood too!

  24. @supapimp - maybe enty got new info?

  25. I've never liked JLH, but if she's "the one who didn't sleep with him," this gives me a lot of respect for her.

  26. Why would Enty describe him as significant other instead of married?

  27. And who knows what STD's he brought home, she looks awful. Lainey had pictures up yesterday she's very thin but also looks like she had some not very good work done...
    I hope she cleans out...

  28. I'm not sure why he starts off with significant other, and then later says "before she got married" - maybe it's just a case of getting a little confuzzled while trying to keep the names/big clues out.

    On the Garth/Facinelli train. Sad.

  29. The fact that Enty makes such a big deal about the fact that there was one actress that he "for sure" didn't sleep with makes me think that she's a lesbian. Which is why I stand by my Riding in Cars with Boys guess. Can't Hardly Wait came out three years before he got married and filmed even before that. I think we're looking for a movie that was released around the time that he got married.

  30. How do you guys know this stuff???

  31. Yeah, I'm positive that the one that didn't sleep with him is gay, and Cathy's guess sounds pretty good to me. I feel bad for Jennie G., esp. since they have kids together.

  32. I think Cathy is right. Reading it now, the comment fits.

  33. I'm on board with Garth, Facinelli, JLH. Started dating in 1996, a couple of years later would be 1998, which would be Can't Hardly Wait. Super awkward, considering they lived practically across the street from JLH

  34. From the blind: "He slept with what seems like every cast member from the movie he was working on. Except for one." Um, EVERY cast member, male and female? Or was he the ONLY guy in the movie? The repeating that there was only "one person" (as opposed to "one actress" or "one woman") he did not sleep with in the movie could indicate that his secrets go pretty deep.

  35. ill throw out Courtney Cox and David Arquette...

  36. Hey guys - I'll just be here in the corner fucking myself with a rabid platypus.

    Please hold my calls...

  37. I don't know if others knew this - I didn't - but according to HuffPo, Thiessen was a bridesmaid at Garth's wedding. The story notes "Garth and Thiessen used to be best friends off-screen, but according to Us Weekly, somewhere along the line things soured. ... What transpired to end their friendship remains unknown."

  38. "He slept with what seems like every cast member from the movie he was working on. Except for one."

    I took it as he slept with most cast members and probably assumed all but 1 who actually denied sleeping with him so their very well could be more than 1 person who didn't sleep with him. And it I only thought enty was talking about 1 specific movie. So if it was say Can't Hardly Wait then it wouldn't be Twilight (not to say he didn't sleep with any castmembers).

  39. No, Drew Barrymore is the B+, doesn't do many movies anymore, actress he didn't sleep with. Makes sense.

  40. I'm so sorry for your pain Jenny, but it is quite obvious that Peter had far more pain. He was obviously suffering from a chronic case of...BONERITIS !
    (Which only "doing sex" with KStew can cure!)

    (Sorry - could not resist. And just FYI for the Nosey Nelly who enquired yesterday? Indeed I do my little dance to Luther Vandross every night before bedtime, preferably in my red speedo, flippers, snorkel, and a rainbow afro wig while smearing jelly all over my chest. My wife finds it nauseating and sexy all at once.:-)

    1. @himmmm
      Ha! Nelly, here. It was worth a try, right? Have a good night. Luther rules

    2. Can we come watch? ;)

  41. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I like the Garth/facinelli guess. Have you guys seen the latest picture of Jennie Garth? She's lost a lot of weight and not in a good way. You can definitely tell it's stress weight loss, I feel so bad for her. He's a cad.

  42. Damn you guys are good. I do love Coop from Nurse Jackie though. Love that show and everyone on it!

  43. Sounds like this all happened before text messaging was common. Let's see Peter Fettuccini try to hide his fun times now. I know he did some eps of Six Feet Under with Mena Suvari. Love to find out if anything happened there.

  44. You guys are too funny today! Thanks!!

  45. Whatup Himmmm! Nice to see you around these parts :)

  46. I know, I'm going to hell. My first thought was, "Wow!! he ONLY sleep with 5-6 women a YEAR!!He is practically a saint In Hollywood".

    Then my next thought was, "yeah, why don't more women stick together and warn one another especially in a small community like Hollywood?"

    Me and my mom have warned a few women to stay away from my brother. He is handsome as hell, but not faithful at all.

  47. @LC so with you but I thought I read somewhere Dylan is not into the ladies IRL. Either way, Dylan and Kelly forever, and I totally hate this douche she was married to even more now! And yes I always wondered what happened btwn Kelly Taylor and Val I knew they were tight IRL but then suddenly not so much.

    Is it too much to ask for another Niner reunion? I guess so... but I would pay a lot of money to see that hot hot mess.

  48. I really like Cathy's guess, with Sara Gilbert being the non-lay, plus the timing of their wedding. Sara strikes me as the type who would speak up to try to save ANYONE by telling the TRUTH that way, KWIM?

    But I always get the feeling that Enty's 'in' with JLH never ended. JLH would have some GOOD gossip, AND bones to pick with all the famous dudes she's dated, perhaps she remembers all the stories they've told her.

  49. Oh!
    Himmmm....IF you look even a little bit as the person we suspect you are....let's just say that ridiculous image, with the wig & the jelly, actually gave me a tickle in my 'feminine humours'.

    ahem. cough.

  50. Oooh even weirder considering he and tiffani-amber theissen co-starred in fastlane together 2002-2003. They were married the year before. Guessing Jenny didn't know abt their h/u yet.

    1. Ps I seriously LOVED that show. But it feels like I was the only one who watched it :/

    2. Ahhh I loved that show too! Seems like all the good shows die young.

  51. Sorry, there is no rabies in Australia. So you might have to (ahem) 'insert' another animal here.

  52. I dunna, keeping it to only 5-6 year just about sounds monogamous for a man...

    Here in Australia there is no rabies btw and platypus are poisonous. You are better off getting fucked by a diseased wombat.

    1. Really? No rabies? And platypus are poisonous? Humph, who knew...

  53. Himmmm: Smuckers or KY?

    Oh, and any particular flavor?

    Really, now, you can't give us all that kind of visual--and whomever you may be, that IS one hell of a visual--and not give us one of the most important sensory details... ;-)

  54. nauseating and sexy huh? i know what you mean....

  55. Oy! Google image the SPINES (?) on a Platypus' leg! That is some SCARY shit. They are ridiculous-looking, but deadly. I admire that, and am working on my self-esteem, to achieve the other half of it.

  56. I thought a koala with chlamydia would be more appropriate. Sadly, for real this disease is wiping them out.

  57. Jenny was still married when she met Peter while filming in Arizona. I remember the stories about her trying to keep it a secret so she could get a divorce without her husband taking her for more than half. Not sure how he'd take Tiffani on a date if he was hooking up with Jenny in Arizona...

  58. I do not, for one second, believe that Himmmm is RDJ. If so, I want to see him wear a "Where's Shelly" T shirt in his/her next photo op:)

    1. Hahaha!!! I would love to see that!!!

  59. @agent
    Hi!! I don't either, but he/she obviously wants us to believe it is. I still like to picture RDJ as I'm reading the himmmm comments because it makes it more fun :)

  60. According to IMDb, their first kid was born 7 months after her first divorce was final. I'm not sure that being outdouched is a crime with any true victims.

  61. @Sunny, I call Himmmm #1 'Dapper Dan'. That way I have a wide choice of visuals:)

  62. TAT was just on Howard Stern recently and actually claimed Jennie was the one who betrayed her. Either she was lying, or their friendship breakup was over something else.

    1. Heard it too. She wasn't too pleasant towards jennie

  63. you know why this is good? because jennie knows now that 1) the disso wasn't her fault. 2) she doesn't have to EVER consider getting back together with him.

    makes it much simpler.

  64. Why do douches like this bother getting married and having kids? I bet if a guy pulled this crap on one of HIS daughters, he'd drive a stake through his heart... (Im on the PF/Jennie train for this one.)

  65. If "himmmmm" is rdj, I am going to explode. I read that rumor before but... Really?!? My #1 main man. My free pass in my marriage.... I'm gonna need more than a Platypus. Sigh

  66. Question: can you really be that naive?? that you're with somebody whose cheating all.the.damn.time and you don't notice ANYthing??

  67. Jenny Garth. Angela Bassett is probably the one actress he/Peter didn't sleep with.

  68. Famous people are on the internet too. Bryce Dallas Howard was saying in an interview that she is obsessed with Hollywood gossip websites. IMDB has been doing interviews asking actors how they use IMDB & most talk about what the people say about them on their message boards. So watch what you say. The Jane Weidlen picture in the runup to July 4th was confirmed when she tweeted a reply to one of Enty's tweets. So why wouldn't RDJ spend time here?

  69. Gimme a "P" (for Platypus ;>)

    That said agreed with the garth/Facinelli guess.

  70. @Lazyday,
    You might be right. When I see RDJ wearing a "Where's Shelly" or "Free Tibet" t shirt, then I'll know!

  71. @Agent and @Lazy Day
    Hey guys! I had to weigh in because we were talking abou this yesterday. I don't think it's RDJ just because of how explosive his information has been, and then pretty much telling us who he is. Even though he's H'wood royalty, I don't think anyone would jeopardize their position by giving away any personal info. I think what started out as a joke got a little out of hand and they're just going with it.
    THAT SAID, don't kid. When Comic Con was going on in San Diego, I was downtown (in San Diego) visiting my sis-in-law who lives down there. I had this whole daydream that if I ran into RDJ, I'd introduce myself as "Sunny" with a knowing look and see if he laughed. These types of daydreams amuse me, so why the hell not picture Himmmm as RDJ? :)

  72. @Sunny, But you would first murmur : "Himmmm?"

  73. @Agent
    I just went back and read my comment to you and Lazy Day. I should NOT try to type paragraphs when I'm hungry, but I think you got my point. I also think himmmm #1 is either a woman or a man with a female assistant typing for him, because I have never seen a man type smiley faces before. I'm such a detective :)
    P.S. Is it cocktail hour in FL yet?

  74. @Sunny
    I don't mean to butt in, but it's cocktail hour in NC. *CHEERS*

  75. Definitely in FL- cheers !
