Monday, August 13, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Needs Her Medicine

One of the most heartbreaking stories out there is of this B- list actress. She probably would be a C+ actress if not for the kind of hit show she is on each week. She seemingly has it all going for her, but she has more demons inside than almost anyone you will ever meet. How she keeps it together to get up every morning let alone film and interact with people is beyond me. Our actress was molested from a very young age. It then stopped until she reached her teen years when she was forced to have sex with a relative who used to babysit her. When discussing those rapes, was when she remembered about being molested when she was much younger. Same relative. He had already been accused of rape by other relatives in the family too. Our actress started taking meds about that time. Also about that time she discovered that if she did not take her meds she was unable to cope. She wanted to do nothing but stay inside and under the covers and had no problems doing so for days at a time. She said once that she stayed in bed for a week and the only time she got up was to go to the bathroom a few times and to answer the door for one pizza she ordered which was the only food she ate for seven days. She didn't watch television or read a book. She says she just was there, in the bed, and that hours and days flew by and that she has done the same thing since. Not as much, but when she is down or has been too busy to remember to take her meds. Even when she takes them she says she can be scared to come out of her trailer. She hates it sometimes when people look at her and says that when she is filming she is drenched in sweat thinking of people looking at her. Wondering if her relative who raped her is looking at her. She then walks calmly back to her trailer and screams.


  1. My heart goes out to her.

  2. Why is this woman an actress if she hates when people look at her?

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hit show with a B- actress, would be C list if not on the hit show.... no idea who this could be.. wild guess of Zoey Deschanel?

  4. Sad. This hits close to home. I don't wanna know who she is.

  5. I love gossip, but Enty having this knowledge means someone close to this girl, someone she trusted, shared this personal information. I know that's true of every blind, but sometimes it just seems worse. It's one thing to share info you have on a celebrity who is having an affair or is a jerk to his assistants or something. But sharing something personal like this is a little too much for me. I hope whoever she is, she gets some help.

  6. Very sad, that being said, why is she an actress is she does not want people looking at her? Makes no sense. Sounds like she needs to stay on her meds and see professional therapy in order to cope in real world.

  7. Poor girl. I have no guesses and I don't want to know who it is.

  8. Oh my god, my heart goes out to her! I don't think revealing this one would be very fair. I just hope she finds legitimate help.

  9. I feel uncomfortable trying to guess this one...

  10. Oh, sweetie...whoever you are, please find a good therapist and support group to help you deal with your past; and yes, if being looked at is that upsetting, you probably ought to change careers, at least for the time being. A decent therapist can probably help you think about other things you could be doing to earn a living that you might enjoy much more, and that would get you out of the limelight that you apparently both love and hate. And if hearing this from a semi-random stranger isn't good enough, hop on over to The Rumpus online and send a letter to their advice columnist, Dear Sugar (aka Cheryl Strayed)--she's a lovely kind-hearted person who's been there & done that, and gives excellent compassionate advice. Or, if that's too much to deal with, just hit your local bookstore & pick up a compliation of her Dear Sugar columns, Tiny Beautiful Things, OK?

    (Sorry about the plug, everyone, but having met Cheryl last week at a reading, and read enough of her work over the years, I can definitely say she's a damn fine writer with a very kind heart who speaks from hard-earned experience when it comes to Dealing With Bad Shit...)

    1. Thanks for the info Robin!

    2. @robin, I agree with the Dear Sugar advice! I met Cheryl a few weeks ago at a signing and love Tiny Beautiful Things. Her words are so comforting!

  11. so sad, but I too thought Zooey for some reason, not that I see any clues that point to her, just a feeling

  12. To whomever this is: Please seek counseling. Medication just masks the pain. Speaking from a less horrific but similar experience and reaction: The only way out is through. Accept yourself and the fact that you are worthy of love. You obviously have a lot of strength. I wish I could give you the world's biggest hug.

  13. "If not for the kind of hit show she is on each week" leads me to think it is someone from SNL or Entertainment show that comes on once a week, where she hosts, I don't think it is an actual sitcom or drama.

  14. I rarely do this, but I am going to call bullshit on this one. If this woman is so damaged that she cannot function -- and, from the BI, doesn't seem to have a functioning support system -- her life choices make no sense. If she can't handle people looking at her, why is she an actress?

    This inherently contradictory to the point of being nonsensical.

    1. Everybody has bills to pay Everybody

  15. I'm not going to try and guess, but can say that I've been there. I hope whoever she is, that someone reaches out to help her. It is possible to move on with your life and experience happiness.

  16. For those wondering why she is an actress if she hates being looked at, maybe she had parents who forced her into it, and she just can't get out because that's all she knows how to do?

    I also have to agree with Trey on this. Someone who knows her has betrayed her badly. How is she going to feel now if she reads this?

  17. I hate this. Nearly no information to inform a guess. We'd all just be randomly guessing who this victim of rape and depression is. I'm not playing.

  18. It obviously isn't so private that she hasn't told anyone. However, it seems that we are all refraining from guessing for various reasons, so her privacy has been maintained.

    Zooey D, the only guess thus far, is B+ and A for TV according to previous BIs.

    I think this BI is too vague for real guesses.

  19. I hope she gets the help she needs. Enty, enough with the rape/molested blinds(go ahead and expose the perps but leave the victims alone). This woman is a victim and has a right to her privacy.

  20. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Yet another poor soul who needs to get the f*ck out of LA and into therapy. I feel very sorry for her. Sounds like she had some shitty parents, too, to be unaware all of this was going on.

    But who has a babysitter when they are a teenager? I was babysitting kids when I was 12!

  21. To those calling bullshit--I have horrible anxiety, to the point that I often cannot function. My coping strategy is very similar to this actress. I hide. Right out of school, needed a job and was offered one by a friend of the family. The job was in my field but required working under tight deadlines and lots of communication--in person, on the phone, email, etc. I did fine for a while but at some point it became too much and I had a complete breakdown and basically hid at work. I'd spend entire days staring at a blank screen, things wouldn't get done, work would pile up and eventually my friend had to let me go. I swore I'd never get a job like that again, but it was the only experience I had and I had to pay the bills and pretty soon I was doing a very similar job for a different company. Same ending. Same promise to myself. After being unemployed for 6 months and not getting calls back on the less stressful jobs I applied for, I finally broke down and applied for the type of job I'd lost twice before. I got it. I'm good at it, until I can't take it anymore. I don't have experience in anything else, and I need to survive. I'm just waiting for my next breakdown and praying I somehow get through each day. Sometimes, especially for people like me and this actress, you don't really make decisions, things just seem to happen to you and you go along with it because that's what you need to do to get by.

    Sorry about the rant, it just bothers me that people think it's so simple--you don't like your job? Just find another one! That isn't how life works, especially not for people like me. I don't know how she got into acting, but maybe it kind of fell into her lap or she knew somebody who got her a job and now she can't see any way to do anything else.

    Also, I don't know why but my guess is Leighton Meester.

    1. Hugs to u di. People whi havent had these issues cant understand. I hv and i do.

    2. Thank you for posting this. I am in the same boat. I break down very easily, several times at my current job. I'm just waiting for it to happen again. Hugs to you

    3. @boobs U
      Has this been going on for the majority of your adult life, or has it recently started? I ask because I have been very forthright on this blog about my issue. I have always been a happy-go-lucky bubbly person, but after a string of highly emotional events last year I got into a funk and would cry at the drop of a hat, had a tight chest/tingly arms and just didn't feel like doing anything. I would get nuts before my lady time, and after some doctor visits I found out I had severe PMDD, was low on Vitamin D and progesterone levels. I am really not trying to be obnoxious by continuing to post about what's helped me (if you have similar symptoms) because not everyone is a devoted comment reader like myself :) Please let me know if I can help

    4. So Sunny... When are we starting that blog? LOL!

  22. I love how no one is really guessing. This gives me the sads. I hope she finds a great therapist!

    And great advice from other posters today. Love how we look out for the team. The poor girl's on the team even though she doesn't know it...

    1. Meant her story gives me the sads, not that no one is guessing.

  23. For some reason I am thinking Olivia Munn for this. She looks like someone with huge issues. Newsroom is a hit right? (I am not watching it xD)
    Was also thinking Rose McGowan, she grew up in the children of GOd cult and that one is known for abuse. Her stories about her time there are downright weird and wacky. The Phoenix-kids were in the same cult. She also was afraid to go outside at one point and for some reason I always feel sad when I see her. She is just not on a hitshow atm, but if this is in the past tense I would say Charmed.

    Ugh I hate guessing these, it feels wrong -.- Hope the girl gets help.

  24. I don't think it is Zooey, Her older sister Emily on Bones seems pretty together and they are close so I don't see her letting her sister suffer currently so much.

    Whoever it may or may not be, I feel for her, it is such a egregious, unforgivable violation of a child.

  25. Texshan--my heart goes out to you and I completely agree. A close friend of mine struggles with bipolar disorder (mainly on the manic side) and had been working in social work for most of her adult life until a recent breakdown. Ironic that the stress of working with unstable people is what keeps breaking her down and the cycle would continue over and over again as you described. She is now making way less money but is much more stable and happy working 2 jobs in food delivery!

    It's not easy restarting your life when you're intelligent but need psychiatric help.

  26. My gut says Victoria Justice from Victorious. I guess the irony of the title made me think so, but this is horrible. More kitty pics Enty plz...

    1. Victoria is still a tween star even though she is 18+ and definitely A list, plus her show isn't that huge of a hit. In fact there has been a bit of disappointment with how the ratings have been through its run.

  27. There's not enough info given to be able to guess. It could be any hit show with a B- actress. It doesn't even specify if the actress is a lead or a supporting role, if she does movies or just TV...or both. I have no idea who it could be.

  28. @diane - I feeling your pain about wanting to hide away from the world. Anxiety sucks. We had a nice long chat about this earlier today on one of the first posts.

    I hope you can find something that makes you happy. It's so hard to reinvent yourself when you're used to a certain income level. I get what you're saying from a practical sense, but please for your health find something you like to do. I'm positive the perfect job is out there for you. Don't give up on YOU!

  29. She needs help not a blind...

  30. I too suffer from anxiety and have had a nasty bout of depression that I am just now coming out of, this woman needs love and support, I pray for her. Now because I am shameless and have a new name to throw out: kaley cuoco from big bang?

  31. very sad. no guesses from me, although i want to find the relative and castrate him.

  32. To those thinking she's been betrayed by this information being here as a blind, there's something you might want to consider:

    It's entirely possible that she told whoever she told knowing and intending that the information would be made public. She mightn't want her name attached to it, while still wanting other young women and girls out there who are being abused to know that they are not alone. To know that there's a famous, successful woman on television, someone they may see every week, who, even though she went through what they're going through, has survived to become successful and famous. That she still has her problems, but that she's survived.

    I'm not saying I think this is necessarily the case, but it could be.

  33. @ MISCH , exactly. This is not helpful . What is your point, Entwood?

  34. Please don't ever reveal this. Poor girl, I hope she gets help to relieve her pain.

  35. I too am curious as to why she would be an actress. That has everyone's eyes on you constantly. Even if she was a child actress you have to really be ON to win auditions. I sincerely hope this BI is bullsh*t. She needs so much love and help.

  36. Maybe this BI is pulled from someone's auto/biography? Kinda sounds like something someone would write about themselves in an effort to help others? Just a guess. I'm definitely not in-the-know about the contents of celebrity autobiographies.

  37. its sad but alot of actresses are abused. they just split off to not even remember, and are programmed alters...project monarch.

  38. I don't think it's Zooey. She performs on stage as a singer and often posts Instagram pictures of herself. That doesn't really strike me as the type of person who is terrified of people looking at her. I think it's someone who has family in the biz based on the last line ("Wondering if her relative who raped her is looking at her.") and someone's previous guess that whoever it is may be an actress because a family member forced them into it.

    That said, I also feel bad guessing so I won't do it and I hope this person gets the help they need.

  39. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Spaklynan, thanks for the good wishes, but I think you meant them for Diane.

  40. I am a licensed professional counselor and have been practicing for 8 years (started beginning of grad school) and work with a huge spectrum of disorders from adjustment disorders to dissociative identity disorder. Although I engage with talk therapy, I base my treatment much more from science and neurology as we're finding more and more that mental health pften correlates with the brain (hence the reasons many psychiatrists are also neurologists). Having given that (kinda boring) background...

    When someone experiences early trauma, the brain itself actually develops differently than those who have not experienced trauma. When someone is molested/abused at a very young age, there has not been an opportunity to form words to identify their fear and other feelings - it becomes a physical experience that can be manifested as both anxiety and a symptom of the abuse. On MRIs you will also see different parts of the brain be activated at a higher or lower level, as well as the size of parts of the brain that control a lot of physical responses.

    So from a therapeutic standpoint, medications in conjunction with therapy is, most likely, what will assist this individual, although the most significant factor in predicting success in therapy is the rrlationship between the therapist and individual who is being seen.

    (My first time posting, woohoo!)

  41. Also EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a specific kind of therapeutic intervention that can really assist with processing trauma. It's best to utilize this when the individual is grounded enough to be able to reprocess the traumatic experiences, so it takes time building up therapeutic alliance in order to even begin it. I really hope that *any* individual that has experienced anything like this can have the courage to seek out someone who they can process this with. It takes a lot for anyone to get assistance with any issues, especially with sexual abuse.

    1. Completely fascinating, and makes perfect sense. Im always interested in WHY someone behaves as they do. This brain mapping- thats what I think of it as- is truly our last fontier. Thanks for info, and welcome!

    2. EMDR is amazing and highly effective. I hope she finds someone who will help her instead of just feed her drugs. I know she can find peace. I hope she does before it's too late.

  42. Wow, this just gave me triggers like a mf'er. I used to go through the same thing. I would get up, go to school and after I graduated, school was replaced with work, pick up my kids from daycare/school, do my nightly duties of making them dinner, bathing and all that. Then would just lay in the living room and space out. Not think of anything. Nothing brought me joy. Instead of prescription drugs like this actress, I eventually started taking street drugs like marijuana and the bad stuff, meth. I went on to do meth off and on for 13 years. But like her, I was molested from a very young age and eventually harsher abuse came as I got older. I'm happy and proud to say I'm off the bad stuff and have been for 9 months now. Her story sounds so much like mine and so many other of us out there. I'm so hoping she gets help, cuz seriously, this mess eats you up inside and makes a person so f'd up in the head. F**k child molesters they are disgusting, selfish and horrible people to walk the planet. They have no consideration of how their selfish acts hurt their victims for lifetimes.

    1. U so right about desription of molesters. The damage they do is deep and permanent. They have to be locked up.

  43. Thank @mybrothehero for posting. We need you here!

    Also thanks for mentioning the physical changes in the brain that occur after abuse and trauma. I think it helps people realize that the anxiety is real and comes from a real place. The brain is wired differently and needs appropriate treatment.

  44. I do the same
    Thing and I don't know why.

  45. I've had EMDR treatment, but I didn't feel as if it accomplished what it was supposed to. Maybe I'm just not open enough with my therapists because I'm afraid of judgment (...I know, paradox, right?)

    1. No, I can understand somewhat about not wanting to have someone judge you when you're discussing highly personal and intimate details of your life. That's why I try not to judge ANYONE (exceptions occur, but I speak for a population that typically aren't doing things to warrant jailtime). Had to do a semester of therapy in grad school, it was required so we would understand where people who come in for therapy are coming from.

      EMDR should take place over a period of time after you're grounded and comfortable with your therapist(s). If it is especially difficult, you may benefit from using EMDR in conjunction with maintaining regular therapy. Structuring it that way can help build support and management and processing skills better.

      Of course, again, the best predictor of succss in therapy is relationship between you and your therapist. It is unfortunate, though understandable, why people oftentimes quit therapy or chalk it up to it "not working". Are you comfortable discussing that with your therapist?

  46. Thanks, dia. It's also not completely uncommon for individuals that suffer early trauma to develop a personality disorder (histrionic, borderline) or symptoms similar to one. It's very, very difficult to practice and hear terrible things like this all day - that's why it's such a bummer to read a blind like this (I read gossip to be "mindlessly entertained" and escape how horrible people can be). Of course, I also try to look at the opposite - how fortunate I am to interact with people on a daily basis that strive to make their life better. There are those that do it just to be declared "disabled" then smoke pot, but I'll save that for another discussion.

    My handle is in memory of my brother who died at age 32 (2.5 years ago) of esophageal cancer. No indication, nothing. Diagnosed January 2009 and passed away January 2010. Along with my parents I was his primary caregiver after escaping - literally - from my ex and his family after they hospitalized me for 4 days. I ran and took my infnt son with me. Still going through a huge custody mess with exhusband and stalked by his mother. Did I mention ex has schizophrenia? Yea. So, i do. Enjoy escapism when I can! My brother fought up until the end. I was holdimg his hand as he passed. My grief knows no bounds.

  47. Sorry for your great loss. I understand that kind of pain.

    1. What agent said.

    2. Speaking of early brain trauma, i watch intervention, and i hv noticed the earlier they addict starts using, the harder it is fir them to quit. Its almost like they stop developing at that point. I am fascinated by intervention because i am interested in hiw they ended up addicted, and how so many are completely blind to the trigger-" yeah my father beat me but he didnt mean it- and slways hope for best possible outcome.

  48. @mybrothehero What is EMDR and how does it help abuse survivors? You can email me at if it is too much to put on here.

    Also, I'm with MISCH...this person needs help and not a blind. I can't speak for others, but I feel like these kinds of blinds are more for salacious gossip. I come here for escapism celebrity gossip and this particular one just kinda sucked, Enty. This person is going through some very traumatic stuff and unless she specifically requested this to be spilled, these kinda ones should maybe be kept under wraps or only posted for certain ppl? Idk...just my two cents. But then I can make it easy on myself and just start scrolling and ignoring these types of blinds when they come up. Triggers suck but I'm becoming good at identifying them and grounding myself when I come across them. I really am praying that this woman and all of us that have the unfortunate circumstances of experiencing this hell can find peace one day. Love and light everybody.

  49. I think Enty didn't give enough details so nobody would guess, I think it's better this way.

  50. Not Zooey. Her parents are kind of nuts, but she and her sister had a pretty stable upbringing for Hollywood (both sisters were often on sets with their dad and their mother didn't work a lot).

    I have no idea who this is, but what an awful story.

  51. Enty - please stop posting the molestation blind items unless the last two sentences have a happy ending like "and her molester met a drawn out and painful death at the business end of a combine harvester."

    Pictures of kittens/ heroic dogs or the "tee hee" gossip items are more in order on this site, eh?

  52. "I think Enty didn't give enough details so nobody would guess, I think it's better this way."

    Well, yeah, but why even post it at all, then?

    I just don't understand the point of these rape/molestation blinds. They piss us off, they make us cry, they ruin our days (that might not be the greatest for some of us anyway and we come here to escape and maybe see celeb fashions/looks that we can either drool over or make fun of).

    And don't tell me that it draws attention to the problem, because it doesn't; rather, Enty is exploiting the problem. Sorry, but that's what I see.

  53. I think the point of this blibd is to remind us that many peopke that grace our tvs or theaters are not all spoiled divas, but some artists have experienced real and horrific pain. H'woods a weird, tough, crazy place.

  54. * uggghh, 'scuse the typos. I'm commenting from my phone at work. I love my distractions!

  55. The point of this blind is to tug at our heaetstrings and get clicks. This story sounds like a page out of someone's memoir. I also have a feeling she is on SNL as someone suggested, or on a popular reality show.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This is very sad. I hope she can overcome her past and realize it cannot hurt her anymore. She needs therapy and to learn self-empowerment.

    I speak from experience. If someone is violated they cannot dwell no matter how difficult it is to move forward. The violator wins every time we re-open that vault where the ugly memories are stored. The greatest victory over molestors and rapists is to move ahead healthy and happy inspite of the trauma.

  58. auntliddy - I LOVE intervention. I don't know why, but I do! I find it fascinating and it shows how clearly addiction destroys the ENTIRE family not just the user. I'm also fascinated by all the new brain reasearch. It is the final frontier.

    I also love that hoarding show too. But can't watch it as often bc my mom is a hoarder. She was a brilliant scientist (now retired), so on the outside, professionally, no one knew. People weren't allowed to our house growing up. It's too painful and brings up all that trama/drama from my growing up years. Although I make my BF watch it so he will f'ng help me clean the house. Men are messy pigs sometimes.

  59. I was thinking Leighton Meester too.

  60. I am beginning to wonder how much money Enty makes each week from ad revenue.

  61. I am so, so sorry she had to go thru this.

    She needs to get a compentent therapist, then go to the police.
    Protecting anyone else from this disgusting preditor for hurting anyone else ever again.

    That is how she will start the healing process.

  62. My God, this is a terrible blind. What good has come from posting this?

  63. The gal on Big Bang Theory

  64. I'm thinking on Monarch Butterflies...

    ... I'm just thinking...

  65. I don't want to guess, as it's too awful to even put a face to this poor soul!
    It's possible she is forcing herself to be stared feel the pain, and punish herself in some way. Many abused children grow up to continue to punish themselves for believing they must be bad.

  66. Actually I think it does make sense that she chose this career path. While she's acting, she gets to be somebody other than herself, somebody who has not gone through the horrors of sexual abuse.

    I feel for this girl and hope she can find help.

  67. Es Sophia Vergara.

  68. I first thought Leighton Meester too.

  69. @Heather - that was my guess as well. This is so tragic, but the truth is, there are millions of people out there going through the same thing. She isn't alone, but when something this traumatic happens to you, you feel like you're alone, and you hide, so nobody knows what you're going through. I hope she is talking to someone and working through these issues on top of taking the meds. I hope she finds peace.

  70. @anotheronebitesthedust
    Congratulations on your 9 months of sobriety :)

  71. i, too, suffer from this type of depression. i have dealt with it for years. there is a great book out called On the Edge of Darkness:

    which talks about the Black Dog and contains stories shared by very well respected journalists and actors who suffer from this type of depression.

    to whomever it is ... it's a hard place to live. i'm on a low dose of maintenance meds and will be for the rest of my life. when i'm not .. all i think about is suicide. three attempts - all fails. my heart goes out to this person.

  72. Wish her the best therapy ever. If this prick is still alive, hope the statue of limitations hasn't run out and she has the courage to prosecute him and save another family member from him!

  73. Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness by William Styron is also quite good.

  74. I feel terrible for this poor woman. I am grateful that Enty posted this though because it makes me feel less alone. One of the shitty things about surviving abuse is that not only does the abuse happen in secret, so does a lot of the after-effects. Thank you for sharing this, Enty.

  75. Maybe she doesn't like people looking at her but she likes that people are around her? This is sad and I'm sure counseling has been suggested to her before but she just need to want to talk to someone about.

  76. It is Terri Hatcher - this info is pulled from her book, and very sad indeed. Check the facts, she talks about it, I believe she speaks at his parole. Good for her.

  77. Oh yeah...not happy about getting this right, or having this happen for anyone:

  78. What happened to the fun blinds? The orgies between adults? The drugs and the booze on sets? Why are all these blinds about molested kids?

  79. So maybe, when we hear about celebs who won't let extras or crew make eye contact, they aren't really being divas - maybe they're trauma survivors!

  80. this kind of gossip is no fun, just look at all the serious crap and responses it triggered.
    along the lines of real blind item guesses I have to point out to "shit you can't buy" that Olivia Munn is NOT a very sexually inhibited actress.

  81. Sorry to read this is Hatcher, or anyone really. I was surprised at the level of awareness regarding therapy. Lots of astute readers here. And the book recommendations are good too. If this is Hatcher I'll give her a pass more often now. I applaud all the survivors.
    **claps wildly**

  82. @mybrothehero You are my hero! I'm another who suffered from debilitating clinical depression that used to keep me in bed, or feel afraid of the outside world (for whoever said "meds just mask the problem," that's not necessarily true - antidepressant meds adjust the chemicals in your brain back to normal levels, so that you actually can cognitively deal with the other issues in your life - when you're paralyzed with depression, there's nowhere to go but down.)
    I would love for this woman to get the help she needs. Perhaps she's an actress not for "the attention" but for the escape it provides, disappearing into another character. Trust me, that in itself can be therapeutic (or addicting). Not all actors do it for the attention (though most do, I admit.) Maybe she should save her money, move to a small town somewhere and do community theater. Hollywood is not a good environment to deal with these issues in.

  83. Ok, I skipped a lot of these posts but wanted to drop in my 2 cents.
    I have been through emotional and physical trauma andante only methods that worked for me were "alternative".
    During my search I broke down and went to a psychiatrist who took me off a bunch of supplements and put me on an anti depressant that gave me mini seizures for over a yea and i was only on the med for a short time.
    Every body is different, we are individuals, so of course what worked for me may not work for others. I am an advocate of therapy and even meds just not the psychiatrist i saw who, if she did not understand it, thought it was wrong.
    Healing is a long arduous journey with lots of switchbacks and other obstacles but there is an end to the path. Anyone can find happiness with the right attitude, search, etc.
    I wish this girl well.
    Also, if anyone ever touches my my kids I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

  84. @Diane Eysus. *hug* Anxiety is a bitch of a thing. I kinda see it as a Trojan horse that gets into your computer and jacks it all to hell. The operating system may be programmed in a specific way, but if you get a Trojan in there good luck getting it to work right. And if you're computer is calibrated to say, be used primarily for mathematics you can't just wake up one day and decide you're going to use it for high end gaming.....with the Trojan still in it.

    People aren't born with the desire to go through trauma and have gut-wrenching anxiety weighing down their backs every day. It's other people, selfish, disgusting, shitheads that traumatized them and caused that anxiety to form. It really sucks when someone like this woman who has probably always desired to be in acting is weighed down with the anxiety she has. Being a thespian is probably her passion, and I doubt she wants to live the rest of her life doing something she's obviously not wired to do while having to see others succeed in the biz. In most cases it would probably only make her anxiety worse, and she'd probably be depressed on top of it.

    So yeah. Anxiety fuckin sucks. No one asks for it, it just happens and you're left trying to pick up the pieces.

  85. I realize this is terrible and nobody has hazarded a guess yet, but this makes me think of Teri Hatcher.
    Wasn't there an article about her some years back and childhood trauma or molestation?
    Whoevery it is, I hope they make it through the bad days intact.

  86. Yep, this is Teri Hatcher as Polly pointed out. She was sexually assaulted by her uncle when she was 5 up until she was 8 or 9, terrible story but the pos was named as Richard Hayes Stone.
