Saturday, September 08, 2012

Blind Item #1

If you are an A list all movie actress who makes a ton of money, but you have no self esteem, what do you do? Well, first of all you date guys you know are going to treat you like crap, but you got lots and lots of attention which is what she really craves. The bigger the name the more publicity she gets. That is what killed her before when she was with a notoriously shy A list movie actor. He didn't use her like the other A list actor did though. Anyway, she is in a relationship right now with just a guy and it is not enough. She wants some drama and excitement so she had a one night stand with this singer/actor/ and probable Dos Equis drinker in hopes she would get caught and get some attention. She knows her boyfriend won't leave her.


Dirty Red Pagan said...
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SusanB said...

She's dating "The Most Interesting Man in the World"?

libby said...

Kristin Stewart?

MISCH said...

For a sec I thought Cammy...but then you said boyfriend and I'm lost

Ms. McDonald said...

Scarlett Johanssen and Jared Leto

libby said...

Just thinking out loud. She's been slutting it up & making bank, those are my only reasons for guessing her.

Pattinson could be 'notoriously shy' though, right?

Cleodacat said...

Angelina Jolie?

Meagan said...

ScarJo? Notoriously shy A-Lister is Ryan Renyolds and the A-Lister who used her was Sean Penn.... Not sure about the singer/actor/ Dos Equis guy though-- he sounds intersting!!

libby said...

Ms. McDonald--good guess. Is Ryan Reynolds 'notoriously shy'? The user would be Penn. Who is she officially dating now?

Frufra said...

@Susan - that's all I got out of this, too :-)!

libby said...

Hey Meagan--we crossed. I think she was photographed with Jared Leto recently. But is she dating anyone else right now too?

Tara said...

ScarJo sounds about right. She was JUST spotted holding hands with Jared Leto at the DNC. More a singer than actor these days!

Hammer_Girl said...

Charlize Theron maybe? I don't think Stuart Townsend(sp?) is/was A list though, but I remember him being pretty shy.

Ali said...

ScarJo! She was holding hands with Jared Leto at the DNC....

Frufra said...

@lib - some non-star dude, I think?

Frufra said...

Why is JL a probable dos equis drinker, though?

Hammer_Girl said...

Scratch that, I reread the blind. I'm a dumbass.

Unknown said...

Scarjo for sure.

Ali said...

And her rep released a statement saying they are just friends and that ScarJo is still dating that dude Naylor

libby said...

And Jared Leto IS 'interesting', to say the least! It's a pretty funny joke from Enty!

P. said...

I think ScarJo is dating that art director from Wieden + Kennedy

evergrey said...

I would definitely say ScarJo.

I think the insecurity stems from when she was younger, she was a bit awkward looking (not your typical barbie blond Cali girl that's rampant in Hollywood) and her nose was bigger (fatter???). You can tell in earlier photos her nose is different than now.

She's the ugly duckling turns into a swan story - IMO.

Red said...

See, I was thinking Rachel McAdams. Was in a bunch of movies, but wasn't really a pap target still she started dating Ryan Gosling (A lister who didn't treat her like crap)

smash said...

Slutting it up? Didn't you just get mad over the word slut in the prince Harry post a few days ago?

Erika said...

I'm thinking ScarJo and Jared, too. Although you can tell he wasn't into it. They were playing and joking around, but when she held his hand he froze. However,If it was her, do you think the blind would've mentioned the facts that he was an old flame (they dated for like a year) and that she had been married once?

Lalaay said...

Whoever it is, girl you're gonna have to do more if you want attention! She's fighting for a spot in an already filled scandalous couple of weeks...go on a date with Tom, that'll send your name on the cover of magazine

Amber said...

Good catch, smashy.

PugsterMom said...

Scar Jo my immediate thought.

Topper Madison said...

Is Scarlet A list? I'd put her more at B+ and I think I'm being generous.

Serendippity do dah said...

Topper your right about B+, maybe. I cannot fathom how this ScarJo is as famous as she is. Prairie plain face, minimal acting chops. Poor mans Lana Turner. Sorry if I pissed anyone off with that. My effin head os killin me this morn;)

smash said...

Amber- she also likes to call Kim K a whore. That's ok. But a girl ass up in a chaise lounge is pure class and elegance. ;)

Kelly said...

Nope, Scarlett is not A list. She's a solid B or B+

Meagan said...

I think ScarJo is well paid, thus making her A-List. But I agree, her star has definitely been going down lately since she has been in a relationship with Naylor, who is "just" a banker (I've heard he is a really nice guy). If she is as much a fame seeker as she seems, I can see where he wouldn't be providing her with the 'pappage' she needs to sustain her ego.

Jared Leto is definitely interesting... and I'd bet he drinks Dos Equis (and a lot of other stuff too)! I don't see him putting up with ScarJo's agenda.

Erika said...

Jared actually doesn't drink. I'm one of his hugest fans. He's a strict vegan health nut. Especially after he gained 70lbs for a role and lost it so fast he got gout.

hothotheat said...

Notoriously shy actor who treats his gf's well...Keanu Reeves? Who has he dated lately?

The Black Cat said...

Wow, remembering what someone wrote a few days ago is kind of creepy. Ganging up on someone is just plain ignorant and mean spirited gals, smarten up and go do something more productive. The commenters have never been so gutter level towards one another as they have been lately.

Meagan said...

Whoa, Erika, I didn't know that-- he seems pretty awesome but I pegged him as a party guy. You probably already know about it, but do you follow him on Terry Richardson's blog? The two are good buds and he is constantly in TR's pics-- he seems pretty down to earth and able to laugh at himself from the pics!

Serendippity do dah said...

Jared has been a fave of mine since that MTV show and also when he was in Girl, Interrupted. Huge talent and love that he is not heavily into the fame thing. Maybe this blind is about someone more old school?

smash said...

The black cat- really? I have not felt like the comments have been mean at all. The post I am refering to was only 3 days ago. So yes I do have a good short term memory.

I was point Out the hypocrisy. That is all. :)

smash said...

Pointing* :) I really am not trying to be all mean girl bitchy like you think. You can have some of my blackberry slump I made last night :) everyone! It's super yummy with old fashioned vanilla ice cream

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

Hasn't En established ScarJo as B list in the past?

Sadie Goes Electric said...

i agree totally blackcat.... this bullying by click crap on this site has been driving some very funny good people away from this site.... too much negativity and i hope it stops....

mooshki said...

I think Avengers would've popped her up to A list even if she was just B before. She bugs the crap out of me, but she's definitely one of the top actresses in the biz.

News said...

You guessed right! Scarlett and Jared, didn't know Sean penn had treated her badly or that Ryan was that shy (well he is for the pap cameras) nor that she had low self-esteem, why? I understand now she wanted the attention, otherwise why hold hands as if they were in love?

MaxineAlisha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
punkindj said...

Jennifer Aniston?????

izz said...

Re Scarlett's current guy nate, didn't one of his friends call him one of the most beautiful m en in the world when it was first revealed she was dating him.Sorry if this was already posted

libby said...

Oh my god.
Amber, I didn't recall that conversation being so heated and serious to warrant a 'Nice catch, smashie.' I was just explaining my side in that post. I even apologized for accidentally making it sound like I thought YOU said it, when that wasn't the case at all. Cut me some slack? Am I so bad that I deserve a 'nice catch, smashie' and a two-gal pile-on?

As far as the 'trampire' here, my wording may be sloppy, but I think EVERYONE here knows the difference between a drunken grope when you're single, and fucking a married co-worker when you are also attached, right? And KK IS a whore. She became famous for a sex tape, ffs.

Those labels of 'slut' are overused though, generally, as I believed in the case of ol' make-out MILF last week. Since most of us have had a dumb drunken make-out session when we were all single that is.
Most people, however, do not get peed on for fame, nor do we fuck our married co-workers. I KNOW y'all can see that distinction; I never said there wasn't one.
Just don't cluck tongues at what you've done yourself. That was my point.

I will not be back because it's Saturday and I have things to do. i just checked back and found out I have people here who don't like me, that I didn't know about. How embarrassing that I've attempted to chat with both of you, not knowing this grudge. I thought my explanation last week had been enough, and the circumstances not so serious to carry over so long.
I think people take way too much joy in piling on here. It disheartens me in general.

smash said...

Libby- I was not piling on you or attacking you. :) it was a playful jest. You are welcome to my home for blackberry slump and ice cream. This is not all that serious and I would LOVe to have an open thread about PR. I was really just poking fun and that was taken wrong, as I think amber was also saying in jest good catch ;) because it was just a joke. We need a sarcasm button! :)

Frufra said...

Well, I like ALL of you girls, so I suggest y'all hug it out stat!! We're all in the same gang (remember that old '80's chestnut?)!!!

Have an awesome weekend, girlies.

KaySea said...

If it's ScarJo, Josh Hartnett could qualify for the 'notoriously shy actor' ... he'd strike me as being more shy than Reynolds.

The Black Cat said...

There was a time here when a sarcasm button was not required. I guess it was nice while it lasted. Certainly hope those that can dish it out can take it just as well, just saying.
Here's to a new nasty, bitchy CDAN.
If I put a smiley at the end does it make it OK?
Please don't gag and choke too much on the blackberry slump and ice cream y'all.

tracynator said...

I can see why some women on this site don't have women friends in real life, like they admit. Sorry, Libby. This is real passive aggressive BS. It's bullying. Excluding people, which is pointedly done here, is just another form of bullying. When this was called out, the response was " but I like YOU" " and you" uh, no comment, "and you". I don't get it. Maybe some of it is jealousy, because we have some really sharp, intelligent obviously educated commenters who have a lot to offer to the discussion and some who have smoked one too many blunts. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It just usually makes people nicer. Now, I have to get back to my real life as well. CDaN is too sophisticated for mean girl-ism.

CamColty said...

Lol I just googled the pictures of them holding hands.... Leto looks less then thrilled. PS --- he's 40?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so sensitive? It's a gossip site, y'all! Relax and try to see the humor in people's comments and try not to get such hurt feelings if no one acknowledges your comment. Let me demonstrate.

CamColty said...

People who like gossip also usually like drama

Princess ButterKwup said...

The problem around here is a bunch of smart (mostly) women trying to one-up each other in terms of being the most clever. But women by nature are also sensitive to things that you can't be sensitive to in these types of places online. Everyone needs to be responsible for themselves and stop the bullying of people who don't agree with their own opinion on everything.


Sugar said...

OOPS. New to this commenting thing. Long time listener, first time caller. How do I change my posting name? I want to change to a cleverer name!

Sugar said...

Raspberries. I am now Lesliec and Sugar. And a total spaz. Not the best coming out party for me.

Anonymous said...

I think the guy is Justin Timberlake. Could be him and ScarJo, they've hooked up periodically in the past.

Anonymous said...

I think the guy is Justin Timberlake. Could be him and ScarJo, they've hooked up periodically in the past.

*girl said...

Let's leave the mean-girl shit over on Celebitchy. I'm exhausted by them (comment as Roma) and this is my commenters are sane site!

Erika said...

Meagan, I know all about Terry Richardson and Jared's 'Bromance" they're good friends. Jared's a TOTAL workaholic and the few times he goes out, he doesn't drink. I'm 21 and I don't drink at all. He's a total dork,too. Which people who aren't big fans of him don't know. He's said numerous times that he loves Rush and if he could figure out how to play Dungeons and Dragons, he'd still be playing it. And yes, He's 40.

smash said...

I honestly was not try to be bitchy snark or rude I am sorry to Libby and blackcat if I offended you in some way. I enjoy everyones comments. I tried to clarify many many times that I was not trying to name drop or cause some sort of clique to happen. You are all wonderful men and women with your own opinions. I will not stand for this bullying bullshit. Vicky has been consistently ganged up on, Libby feels like I ganged up on her with amber involved while I originally thought Libby was bullying amber. Just stop with the crap. If I don't like a comment From now on I will move on. I am really truly sorry blackcat and Libby please do not think I am some sort of rude person. I am not trying to be.

OneGirlRevolution said...

ITA @ButterKwup.

I've been online here and there for forever. Honestly, if you are going to become part of an online community and not let it drive you you out of your mind, you've got to let shit roll of of your back; I'm not even saying don't respond when people are asses to you or when someone is being piled on (I would point out that the people in these threads who get most upset when they are ganged up on are often on the gang up band wagon for someone else.).

Like in real life, have your say and move on.

astrogirl said...

It's sad that so many of these young girls in Hollywood don't seem to have close girlfriends.

g.strathmore said...

My husband has a crush on Scarlett J and I seem like the jealous wife because I'm always like, "Why? Of all the women in the world, why do you think she is so hot?" He just does. I guess straight men and straight women just don't always see beauty the same way.

Mango said...

IMO re the slut labeling, the Kim Kardashian ilk and the hardened actresses/singers are different from the chaise lounge cell phone picture posers, although *that* young miss might have blurred the line in her rush to come forward and tell (sell?) her story.

Personally, I think the former two are fair game.

yodelay said...

Big whoop about Scarlett, I've heard she's a horrible bitch, which usually means low self-esteem. I want to know why Jared Leto is the most interesting man in the world?!?!

As for this other BS, if grown women choose to engage in mean-girl behavior, that's their perogative. I hope they find their way back to Celebitchy eventually. This site was filled with witty, sharp, truly funny commentary and I hope it is again soon. I and others enjoy Enty's casual writing and views and I'd hate to have my favorite distration permanantly ruined.

Coriander Shea said...

"We aaaaare the priests...of the temples...of Syrinx
Our GREAT com-puuters...fill the hallowed haaaalls!"

...That is all. ;)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Rachel McAdams

kerri said...

Despite reading this blog for years, this is why I rarely comment... Too stressful when people bitch online:(

KS said...

I love how everyone is calling smashbash "smashy" now. I think I started that trend!

Jolene Jolene said...

The most EXHAUSTING part of commenting on these threads (and the main reason why I don't do it very often) is because EVERYONE (mostly the GIRLS) TAKES THEMSELVES SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY! Honestly, everyone needs to calm down and not take every single thing so personally. Some people ramble on ad nauseum defending their remarks to the death when someone disagrees with them or possibly made a snarky remark that refers to them or a comment they made, and IT MAKES MY EYEHOLES HURT. Doesn't anybody have a sense of humor anymore? Turning every comment into a personal attack TAKES AWAY ALL THE FUN!

Who cares if someone disagrees with you?
Who cares if someone snarks on you or calls you out on a comment?
People forget that this all in good fun, and to the person who said this community certainly consists of women who all try to one up each other...I TOTALLY AGREE.

Sorry for all the caps but they stay.

WUWT? said...

A RUSH reference!
Seeing them (for the fifth time) in St Paul September 24 and I CAN'T WAIT!

WUWT? said...

By the way, whenever a little tiff develops here, people seem to act like it's the "new" people causing it. I recall some epic battles involving Sue Ellen Mishkey, Chiuauanse, Rocket Queen, selenakyle, jax and maybe even Mooshki. Some of those people are gone now, and that's unfortunate. Anyway, for over a year I was scared to comment in case I ticked off the wrong person. I like most people's comments, even when they disagree with eachother, because different perspectives (usually) make things interesting. Just remember to temper disagreement with civility, keep a thick skin, and we should all be fine.

ablake said...

So stupid. Ladies, take it to email please. The rest of us Don't.Care.

We come here to read the gossip and interact with one another (as in, everyone). Frankly It's a chore lately to read comments if for no other reason than it seems like the same 5 people are talking to one another (OT) while the rest of us are just trying to enjoy on topic guesses/comments.

(Here I am being a hypocrite by being OT but still...grow a pair/put your big girl panties on already)
There are so many terrific people reading the site who probably don't want to post because they feel like they are interrupting the 'popular' kids table in the cafeteria. That's simply not a good thing for the person running this blog.

I like the ScarJo guess, Reynolds fits. But since Jared obviously no longer has feelings for her (judging by his 'hold my hand face') I think it may be a stretch.
At the same time I was thinking Anne Hathaway and that simply doesn't fit at all (her jailbird ex was only A list in the ripping people off world)
Sophie Vergera? (sp?)


smash said...

You are welcome all to call me any variation of smashbash. I want to change it just to smash.

smash said...

Sorry totally back off topic, by saying that I am not trying to being rude. I get what you mean. As I said above. I will now seriously restrict myself. I am sorry for over posting, hijacking or over speaking (my tone of voice in saying that is very calm).

dia papaya said...

Oh Smashie! It's OK. Let's all hug and move on to more gossip!

Tomorrow is another day.

Coriander Shea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
artemis said...

It took me foreverbuild up the confidence to actually comment, but I realise I shouldn't have worried about it, because everyone just ignores my comments anyway.

I do wish it wasn't so cliquish because the commenters here ARE amazing.

Sugar said...

Hi artemis! I always appreciate your comments! I'm sure everyone else here does too!

WUWT? said...

Oops, not into all that. Just a Rush fan. I could talk lyrics all day, but I don't know anything about RPG. Sorry.
It would be OT anyway ;)

Kelly said...

@Artemis I also like your comments. Now that the top commenters have changed I get ignored some too. I love the new people but miss the old days and people.

Coriander Shea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CamColty said...

Totes agree with the celebitchy commenters. Some of them are un real !!

Kathleen said...

No doubt. This is definitely ScarJo. I think the Dose Equis comment is in reference to Leto, a pretentious, douchey guy who thinks he's the most unique, interesting and non-conformist man in the world.

smash said...

Artemis- you have had some hilarious comments. :)

Stephanie said...

First time poster, so don't know to embed a video. So, I highly recommend you google . It's a fabulous Dos Equis meme.

I am full agreement with the ScarJo guess. Nicely done!

Shy guy: Ryan Reynolds
Guy that treated her like shit: Sean Penn
Photo taken of her with a non-celebrity just weeks ago.
and now...guy she is cheating with: Jared Leto

Stephanie said...

Sorry... google "Jared Leto most interesting man in the world".

Sunny said...

Nice one!

smash said...

His is allowed to talk about fight club...

That tumbler is the tits.

__-__=__ said...

WTH! I go work in the yard and what?!?! Lesliec007 that is a good demonstration, please stop now. I snorkled up my apples and cinnamon on that one. Enjoy your Saturday night everyone!! I'm taking my stinkin' butt to the shower..........

CindyK said...

Scarjo for sure!

No Agenda Groupie said...

michelle williams and jason segel

Sherry said...

Okay so I totally missed whatever "mean girl" "bully" or "clique" thing happened here but I can relate where it feels like a few are "in" on the convo and others feel like bystanders. Not sure where to go With that but I want to say that everyones voice, while not necessarily commented on is absolutely heard. We are all valuable members of this small society. Don't ever think just because someone doesn't point you. Out are that you are insignificant. Sometimes my phone or my mind doesn't work but I hear you for whoever may give a shit. But I do. Not to be cliche or trite but it can often be the road not taken and that, quiet, solitary, feeling somewhat unpopular souls is indeed the road others may not taken but I and a good many other may have as well. Horton hears that WHO (and I do not mean that as a joke). You really do matter. Selah to all.

Oh yeah I think the Dos Equis joke pertains to that asshole who played Fez. Who knows that guy as the punchline?

g.strathmore said...

@astrogirl, I agree about the friend thing. I also get frustrated that so few actresses try their hand at directing or producing. I think they'd be much less at the mercy of creepy dudes if they took more control of the industry.

chachi said...

@ABlake, well said. It is intimidating to post on here sometimes because of the 'popular table' thing that seems to go on - even tho all those popular ones do seem like great gals...just a little inclusive.

Anyway, all said, it's still an absolute pleasure, and a highlight of my day (especially Fridays!!) to come on and see what Enty/all the commenters have to say. What a smart bunch!

I also think this is Scarjo. And if she is that attention hungry, it must have killed her to have been married to Ryan Reynolds.

Onwards and upwards, people!

MrWolf said...

@g. stratmore - You're totally right. Some of the guys the women on this site think are hot boggle my mind. It's like "Mr. Sparkles Rpatz is hotter than ripped Michael Phelps? WTF?"

*girl said...

PS @ Smashbash - I always think that's says Smashbush & it makes me giggle.

*girl said...

PS @ Smashbash - I always think that's says Smashbush & it makes me giggle.

smash said...

Smashbush hahahaha. I really need to just change it to smash. But that is a name of a show, a show I have never seen.

smash said...

Sherry what you said was very well put. I will refrain from my happy face.

Emily said...

Just my two cents on ScarJo: A relative lives in the same apartment building. Scarlett has a penthouse. It's a pretty unassuming building in a quiet, non-celebrity neighborhood. My relative has said Scarlett is very quiet and invites no attention to herself there. That doesn't sound like someone desperate for attention.

yodelay said...

Enty & Stephanie, thank you for leading me to that tumblr! I bet he agrees with each one!

Smashie, sucks that your girls left you swinging all alone.

ms snarky said...

omg.....been out of town so late to the party. When exactly did everyone get so touchy and crybaby? This is a gossip site, so speculation is both expected and accepted. And sometimes comments seem a bit rough, but suck it up and just read on. We're all friends here, except the newbies who haven't caught on yet.

ms snarky said...

so, on to the guess. I was a little down with the ScarJo guess, but is she so highly paid that we would say "makes a ton of money?"

That sounds more Cammie to me, as does the rest of the blind. But I don't know who she might be dating who's a nice guy. I always assumed nice guys don't interest her.

dia papaya said...

@sherry - Well said! You are a wise, old soul and patient with us youngsters! I like it when you say Simma Down!

@artemis - Be persistent! Don't give up! Sometimes you just have be the loudest kid at the table or be the first kid at the table. As long as you aren't a troll we want you here :) I haven't been around as long as most (and feel weird being the welcome wagon) but you sounded so sad and thought you could use a fruity cocktail!

astrogirl said...

@g.strathmore too right. Currently women account for only about 5% of Directors working in Hollywood.

ablake said...

Chachi,Artemis &Leslie (heh from now on I'm calling you Sugah. I'm Southern, sue me:)
I think it would be cool if people were only allowed to post 10 times a day. That's just me.
Seems the 'mean girl' team would implode in less than 2 threads.
YET (and this is important) they would have to actually think about what they post.

djphob said...

Just caught this "dramzzz" and of course I must add my two cents! I still stand by my statement that disagreements are usually very civil. When someone gets upset it usually matters to the other person. That's rare in Internet comments!

Also I lurked a long time before I commented. Not from fear but 1) My site was Jez and 2) I like to get a feel. I'm a new commenter, really. And I've never gof a clique-y feel at all. I really love it here bc I think it's very inclusive. I don't always agree w everyone but I know I can argue and then laugh the next day. And frankly? I avoid threads I think will annoy me. You can't always, but I tend to avoid certain threads and if I do have the opposing position (i.e. Nut-kicking Russian) I've never felt attacked. I actually liked that thread bc u rarely agree w TexShan and I did there!

I just hear people saying this is a clique-y/bully site and I couldn't disagree more. Every disagreement I've had has been very civil and I've never been bothered for a dissenting opinion.

Ok now I'll shut up! Also, great recipes! Ok NOW I'll shut up. ;)

djphob said...

I* not u. Freaking phone!!

Amber said...

OFFS. Im awake in the middle of the night, and decided to look at this. Why does everything have to turn into a big dramatic mess? I don't blame people for not wanting to comment or being too intimidated. You've got to walk on eggshells around here.

dj - you're hysterical. And re: your comments on the Paris BI, I'm totally laughing about learning to crinkle your eyes when you smile so you don't look creepy. Lol

I couldn't care less about being one of the "cool kids" - I just like to make people laugh, because when people are laughing it makes them happy. Even if it's only for a moment.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

There were no smiley faces. I interpreted those two comments exactly like Libby did. I don't think it's right to make her feel like she was overreacting.

astrogirl said...

@artemis, I don't think people purposefully ignore other commenters. I find that if I engage other users directly, they respond back, with varying degrees of success.

I hope your CDaN experience improves, I will look out for your cute pinata pic.

tamarind said...

love dos equis, with or without the lime!

The Black Cat said...

Amber if you think you are cool it's in your imagination and maybe a few others on this website. You are insidious IMO. You have a bad habit of ganging up on other people and if you look back on many threads it seems you are a contributor of things going off the rails even though you seem to have this holier than thou attitude of yourself. I can't stand people in real life that always have a way of coming off smelling like a rose when they are shit disturbers, never taking responsibility for the negative impact of their actions so you might understand (if you have the capacity) as to why it pisses me off on here too. You are nothing more than a troll so if you think that is cool that just goes to show how out of touch you really are.
I have gotten into the habit of bypassing anything you post but I made the mistake of reading your Saturday contribution here because I wasn't so rushed, well I guess I won't make that mistake again. Lesson learned.
@ABlake - I believe a 10 post limit would be a great idea but we both know it'll never happen as the implosion would be heard all around the Internet.

Agent**It said...

No limits ! That's the wonder of Enty's Blog. No up/down thumb stuff! Enty has maintained a space to articulate an opinion via the written word.Take a bow or a blow or 2 and move on or move out. It is pretty astonishing that the blog remains, given the popularity of FB and Twitter.

Sherry said...

@Blackcat: interesting take on Amber because I do not see her like that all. The other day I said I thought that Clint looked doddering and out of it during his speech and someone felt the complete opposite. My point is there are multiple ways of looking and perceiving things. Maybe me being a Libra I try to do that. But having cancer in my first house my feelings can be hurt by slights that never existed. Sometimes I try to look at the world with different eyes. It had humbled me and brought me peace when I needed it most. My two cents and even though it is Sunday it certainly wasn't meant as a sermon.

Mango said...

I agree with Prada.

And I understand what some newbies mean about the "cliques". The endless OT personal comments in some threads that hijack a post to the the point that it becomes a coffee klatsch are distracting and exclusionary. Make a chat room or something for that. JMO, of course.

smash said...

Yodelay- None of this was intended to be a gang up in fight. Yes there are people that may Comment back and forth to eachother more than others. It is not ment to be some sort of clique or table that you sit at. We are all here. I read everyone's comments whether I like them or not.

Djhob- you also put it nicely.

I am really sorry if some of you feel commenting over 10 is bad and needs a limit . That is sad. Because you are also putting that limit on yourself. And I wouldn't want anyone to say less then they want or feel the need to.

Amber said...

Blackcat - I welcome you to compile a list of in-context examples of me ganging up on people. IMO the most I've said in reference to anyone here is (basically) general remarks about it not being nice to cuss people out when you disagree. I don't think I'm cool at all - I live with myself on a daily basis and am more than aware of what a nerd I am. It's a shame you see me as such a horrible person, because I strive to be as diplomatic as possible in all forums of my life.

Sherry - thank you. :) I'm also a Libra! Not sure about my houses and all that, but when people ask I always say I'm the most libra-libra you will ever meet lol. If you want to torture me, ask me to make a decision for a group of people. ;)

White lilly said...

I conclude (is that a word??? non-English speaking person here!) that too many women together leads to bitchness every once in a while.
I tried to come to acceptness that in a world with over 6 billion people there will be crazy, mean or just plain horrible people.
I understand that sometimes someone may get so offended by something that was said that they feel the need to backlash. But it's nice to remember that over the internet we don't hear voices intonations, faces expressions so we never really know what that person means.
Probably nobody is gonna care about that I just said because I'm often ignored, lol.
But it's ok, I never have time to read the blog as much as I would like so it's not like I'm one of the "gang" (now, that's just me being silly, ok? Lol)
I hope that tomorrow is a new day and everybody comes back happy as a watermelon!!!

astrogirl said...

Everyone has a different experience here, as we should, we're all different. I want to put across my beliefs.

If I want to post on one post I will. If I want to post 30 times on one post, well it's MY time and I will. If others want to talk to me on these posts, I am entitled to respond, the blog has been set up that way, so complain to Enty if you don't like it.

The operative word here people is choice. Your choices may differ from mine, that's cool. But if I choose to talk off topic and someone else chooses to answer, then it's also your choice to come back later, click elsewhere or join in. I get annoyed too, mostly I just scroll past, sometimes I don't.

TheBlackCat. It's unfortunate you find Amber annoying as she does post a lot. I enjoy Ambers comments, so I don't have the same experience as you. It doesn't make either of us more valid, it's just an opinion, we all have them, if you want a different format, write to Enty.

White lilly said...

And, actually, the whole reason why I've come to comment is to say that I have the biggest crush on Jared Leto, since "My So Called Life" and to know that he's so down to Earth and nice, makes me love him even more and now I wanna marry him. So Jared, if you're interested in a 5 ft Brazilian, gimme a call, I might even consider dumping my husband for you!! Lol
Can I just say one more time how gorgeous I think he is?
Ok, now, I'll stop before I start looking like a stalker... lol

astrogirl said...
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dia papaya said...

Amber. Nerd Girls Unite!!!

You always make me laugh! It's a great way to start each and every day! Hugs to you :)

dia papaya said...

Well said White Lily! My So Called Life was such a great show.

High Five to all the Libra's. It's almost birthday cake time :)

I love CDaN bc of the community and if that means we go off topic once in awhile, so be it. That is life. And frankly real people and real world stuff are more interesting to me than plastic celebrities. I still love my gossip, but if someone here is having a bad day or needs advice or wants to laugh, why not! I don't think the intention is to be cliquey. It's a party. Just join in!

astrogirl said...

White Lilly, your English is a thousand times better than my Portuguese :).

White lilly said...

astrogirl, I suck at Portuguese, too, lol

Amber said...

White lilly - "happy as a watermelon" is hands-down my favorite expression now. It's so cute it made me smile! Your English is fantastic, and TBH better than a great deal of native-speakers that I come across! :)

Thank you astro & miss dia! Can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for birthday cake. Loooooove cake!

astrogirl said...

lilly, I practiced for ages before leaving Australia, I thought I had my pronunciation correct, but people kept looking at me blankly, then laughing when they finally got what I was trying to say. It was easier to just show them the phrase book in the end. ;)

dia papaya said...

White Lily. I have always wanted to go to Carnival in Rio. It looks like the best party in the world!!!

White lilly said...

astrogirl, don't worry, I'm well aware it is such a difficult language, specially with all the "nasal" sounds that we have that English-speaking people don't have. And don't get me started on my grammar, lol

Amber, thank you, I really just made that up, lol
I'm glad that my English is good because I used to teach it as a second language so I guess I expect it to be better than perfect, lol

Also, my sister used to throw my nephew "monthday" parties until he turned one. Talk about excuses to eat cake, lol

dia papaya said...

You're welcome Amber!

Now about that cake.... ;)

astrogirl said...

**************disclaimer, OT to follow.***************************

Dia maybe a disclaimer banner like the one I just whipped up for you above, could be utilized when we talk about anything other than 'gossip'.

Let's meet next summer on Ipanema Beach. I will be in polka dots, with cake.

White lilly said...

dia, I actually never went. But as far as I hear, it is fun. Lots of dance, music and drinks!
I don't really like crowed places so I refrain from it and prefer to travel to some place quiet but I firmly believe that everyone should experience it once, lol

White lilly said...

Dia papaya, if you like beaches, google "Jericoacoara", it's up Northeast and it is just gorgeous!!!

astrogirl said...

Lilly have you ever heard of Akahtilandia? An artist I admire lives there, it's quite remote.

White lilly said...
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White lilly said...
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dia papaya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
White lilly said...

I thought you meant "Açailândia" because I had never heard of Akahtilandia...

White lilly said...

I'm in! As long as there is cake, lol

astrogirl said...

I told you my Portuguese was bad lol. He spelt it that way but he may not have keyboard capability to make the symbols, he is American. It's in the jungle somewhere, I am sure you're correct.

White lilly said...

astrogirl, but I googled it and I actually found Akahtilandia, so it may be it, lol.

Tara said...

I don't have a horse in this particular race but really enjoyed your comment tracynator. I lurk and occasionally comment on this site and Celebitchy. I generally like the poPular commenters but notice the increased clickiness in the past few months. The "you're awesome ___, ____, and ____.... Silence to the rest of you. I get it. Highshool dynamics don't end at highschool. They're just part of human nature. It does reinforce my notion I need to get out and socialize. They're has to be someone who wants to discuss the ideas about human use of technology and the calculus of celebrity gibson illustrates in Idoru... And cross cultural branding put forth in homo Zapienz. Yeah this is why I'm not popular.

smash said...

White lily- monthday cake! Now that. I am so down for :) You ladies are all wonderful.

astrogirl said...

Tara I love William Gibson, he is one of my all times.

g.strathmore said...

@Whitelilly, I hate to repeat the whole comment I made on another thread, but I did see Jared Leto once (back when he was dating Cameron Diaz). Cameron Diaz was so plain-looking in real life that neither my friend nor I recognized her. However, Jared Leto was so striking that I actually did a double take. And before that moment, I had never thought he was particularly attractive. In real life, though, he's is very, very handsome.


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