Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Cheater

This former A list usually movie actor and now a permanent B lister has always been good looking. He has also been in one of the more famous Hollywood marriages of all-time. Just like most of the other marriages in Hollywood though, it ended. She cheated and got caught. He cheated and just kept right on cheating into his next marriage. He has been busted cheating in the not too distant past, but still keeps on doing it. There are some nice photos of him right now holding hands and kissing a production assistant from his most recent acting effort. He had to buy those photos because he made a deal with his wife that he would not cheat. Oh, and the production assistant? Her be quiet prize was that she got a job on a movie as a production assistant to an A+ director and it did not take her long at all to work her magic. The married director already moved her into his hotel room. Anyway, I digress. Our actor cheater and not the director cheater, has not slowed down since being busted. He just is doing a much better job of not getting caught. He screens women now and prefers them to be in the business. No more random hookups with strangers in bars, although that is and was his favorite. He used to say that even though he was married to one of the most famous women in the world he could walk into any bar and get a woman to go have sex with him in under 15 minutes. He says it takes about 20 minutes now because he is older.


pilly said...

Unknown WHORE

Awesome Slut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dianne P said...

Dennis Quaid, with famous marriage being to Meg Ryan.

VIPblonde said...

Dennis Quaid?

Nellie said...

His peen sounds horrifically diseased

Banana said...


nolachickee said...

I like the Dennis Quaid guess. He's got that playa hiding in an aw shucks nice guy exterior thing happening for him. Hence the under 15/20 minutes pick up boasting.

BreeB714 said...

I HAVE NO IDEA! I like to think Mel Gibson?

Kelly said...

Dennis Quaid for sure!

All about Eve said...

Richard Gere sounds like a good guess

spacecowboy78 said...

Without reading other's comments or even most of the blind, gotta be Dennis Quaid. Still thinking on the director.

Patty said...

Dennis Quaid for the win.

It was rumored that he cheated during the marriage to Meg, but when she cheated with Russel Crowe it all blew up and he looked like the victim. And I think there was a blind reveal or news story about his recent cheating.

Talha Aziz said...

Most recent acting effort being What To Expect When You're Expecting?

Unknown said...

I don't think Meg Ryan was ever one of the most famous women in the world. Cindy Crawford was.

Karen said...

I read this as Dennis Quaid the entire time.

skimpymist said...

New rule: if u don't have an addequate guess u can't be first. No more comments of "who could it be" and "have no clue" or "slut" . First person to post should have an actual guess. Everything after first doesn't matter. Better yet the first three posts should be actual guesses and not comments.

Amber said...

@skimpy - that person is trying to get the first comment on all the posts today, all in a similar format. I don't think they care about rules ;)

JagerLilly808 said...

On board with the Dennis Quaid guess.

Caraface said...

skimpymist, when you have your own gossip blog, feel free to moderate the comments.

I think Dennis Quaid fits. I can't think of any other alternative that matches all the options.

SusanB said...

sorry, I don't mind snarky comments being made first.

Agree with Dennis Quaid. Meg Ryan was EXTREMELY famous back in the day. Does she even act any more?

A RESIDENT said...

Sean Penn

MISCH said...

Dennis Quaid, and you forget how big Meg really was...

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Yeah, Dennis Quaid is who immediately came to mind. Come to think of it, his brother Randy is batshit crazy too. Something seems to have gone wrong with their upbringing.

ms snarky said...

We love snarky comments too. It's not about who is first or who says what first or even guessing right. It's all in the fun of this blog. When you've been here for a while, you'll understand.

ms snarky said...

sometimes the same person is first on a lot of the comments because they're bored at the computer and are following the site closely, or they're home sick and need entertainment, or maybe they just need to feel like they're first in something this day!

ms snarky said...

oh, and I think I'm down with Dennis Quaid for this too!

ladida said...

Alec Baldwin

BubbleKitten said...

I've never understood the need to be the first one to post a comment. Lame!!!

Now! said...

Meg Ryan was huge. It would have been interesting to see her age, to see if she could adapt her "America's Sweetheart" act for the post-40 career. Unfortunately, she got some really bad plastic surgery and is hard to look at now.

jane3113 said...

Spielberg for the A+ director?

Anonymous said...

I actually thought of Ben Affleck, probably not though

Pelham123 said...

Billy Bob Thornton.

ms snarky said...

but ooh, I kind of like the Alec Baldwin guess too. Kim Basinger was seriously famous, and he's involved in so many things that he could be a permanent B. He was def A list. The problem is I don't think Kim B was ever caught cheating, at least publicly.

MISCH said...

With Alec it was his temper Kim couldn't handle it

sbalb said...

So, so Dennis Quaid. But whose the A+ director currently hitting it with Dennis's sloppy seconds?

Anonymous said...

Quaid, I guess.

Basil said...

Dennis Quaid for sure. Meg was the one who got caught (and blamed for). No idea who the director is.

funkyniblets said...

I'm only thinking Dennis Quaid because Meg Ryan is the only famous woman who was caught cheating that I can think of. Are there any more?

Nellie said...

I thought Billy Bob too, but he was never considered attractive I dont think.

More like Skeletor with nasty facial hair.

I think this is Dennis Quaid. Meg was HUGE. Plus the Dennis and Meg break up was enormous and due to her cheating. All the clues fit.

ms snarky said...

so let's head back to the ho with the A Director

Nellie said...

Also, lets not make rules on posting. If you have something to say, just say it. DONE.

Bit dams said...

i always wonder about these men who get women to have sex with them w/i a few minutes. how do they DO THAT!? i would really like to hear anyone on here with first hand info. what are the magic words? or is it just that people want to hve sex with famous people?

msgirl said...

All you youngsters forget how huge Meg Ryan was! She was most definitely America's Sweetheart.

L'auteur said...

Steven Soderbergh for the director? Worked with Quaid on Traffic. Soderbergh was hit with a paternity suit in 2011 for an affair he allegedly had in Australia.

Topper Madison said...

@Me The latter. Most people have boring lives. A sexual encounter with a famous person alleviates the tedium a bit. Personally, I'm quite happy with an autograph, but some people are more opportunistic than me.

Amber said...

@ms snarky - Oh, i know! I found it kind of entertaining WHORE and it doesn't annoy me at all WHORE I was just trying to point out WHORE that that person probably doesn't really care about any implied etiquette WHORE *

* Before anyone gets upset, I am not calling ms snarky a WHORE - it's in light of the comment :P

pilly said...


tealily said...

Yeah, I don't care if there's a comment first either. It's fun to read through it all.

I'm also on the Dennis Quaid train.

canadachick said...

i thought Dennis Quaid all the way thru but who's the director? Gabriele Muccino ?? is he Alist? he directed the pursuit of happiness and seven pounds and Quaids latest
Playing for Keeps.

but i have never heard of him other than imdbing Quaid

Amber said...

@ pilly - haha. Are you having a good day?

tealily said...

Also, I didn't take it that Quaid was working on the picture that the A+ director was directing, just that he got his lady the job with the director. So who can say. Could be someone Quaid worked with at some point, but it may have been long ago.

Sasha said...

Dennis Quaid's wife recently filed for divorce and withdrew it.

pilly said...

I am actually
Hope you are too

Amber said...

@ pilly - thank you! I am :)

g.strathmore said...

Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut. Ben Affleck. Slut. Slut.

auntliddy said...

You know shes nuts too, right?

figgy said...

CLEARLY Dennis Quaid. Man, these are easy today.

yodelay said...

What g. said

Ben Affleck for the director?

Fijigrrl said...

Nice job Dianne P! DQ def.

B said...

I'm glad all of you are on the ball...this one made my head hurt! But as soon as I saw the first "Dennis Quaid" mention, I was on board. Meg was definitely HUGE back in the day. Great guessing, everyone! :)

Jeneral said...

Could this be Antonio Bandaras?

redfishbluefish said...

Since Quaid seems to be the consensus, I have to jump in and add my brush with Hollywood story about him. Several years ago, I was in CA to attend the wedding of my hubby's cousin. His now-wife is Kimberly Quaid's BFF, so she was the MOH in the wedding. Dennis ended up coming in pretty close to the start of the ceremony, and sat right in front of us. I liked some of his roles but he isn't a "you're on my laminated list" or anything, so I wasn't really that excited.

But of course, he's famous, so I'm curious. He wouldn't make eye contact with anyone, didn't speak to anyone, acted like he was bored out of his mind being there. Granted, maybe weddings aren't his thing. Maybe he didn't see anyone he wanted to hit on. :) Maybe he just wanted the bar to open.

At the reception, I found myself walking up next to him at the bar. He was slugging back drinks one after the other and not talking to anyone. I smiled and said hi and he gave me the mega-watt smile he's known for. I could see at that moment how he could turn on the charm and get women to appeal to him.

I said some inane thing about the location being beautiful and "nice wedding, happy couple" blah blah. I was determined to exchange small talk without acting like a silly fangirl. Probably helped that I actually wasn't!

My impressions: he is short (I'm 5'10" and he was barely my height), super skinny, and wasn't really all that attractive unless he smiled. Oh, I *did* say that I'd heard the story about his babies and that I had been talking to Kimberley and was glad to hear they were doing well. This was not long after the incident where his twin babies almost died in the hospital.

On the other hand, I talked to Kimberley many times over the weekend at the rehearsal and reception and she was super sweet and very down to earth and nice. She might've seen an opportunity for fame and fortune when she met Dennis, but she had plenty of her own money before he came along too.

That's all I got!

Seachica said...

Burt Reynolds was the first who came to mind.

Bally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EGB said...

Thanks, redfish, love an insider story!

Elizabeth said...

Definitely Dennis Quaid. And Meg's face look just fine now though she looks like she lives in a gym. DM posts photos of her regularly and she seems to just want to be way under the radar with Mellencamp. I have a lot of sympathy for her over how the whole Quaid/Crowe thing played out.

JustJen said...

Allright....time to dust this one off. From the files: many years ago (no, I'm not saying HOW many), Dennis Quaid toured with his crappy vanity band and appeared in the college town where I was wasting my parent's money.

A friend and I got tickets, weaseled our way backstage and she made it a point to get close to DQ. Flash forward, ended up in his hotel room, with my friend on her knees, entertaining DQ. I was hanging out with someone else....don't remember who (LOTS of liquor, people, don't judge) and what I remember was that he TOOK A CALL from Meg Ryan while my friend was between his legs.

Just talked to MR like nothing was going on...blah blah blah. So I totally believe this would be him.

I realize my story is pretty tame, and pretty old, but it's all I've got.


M52799 said...

Grow up Pilly.

Mango said...

Luckily we don't get too many trolls here so I didn't even think twice about Pilly's post.

@ JustJen - Not tame at all!

Kathleen said...

It's not that serious.

Kathleen said...

Meg Ryan used to be A-list. Dennis Quaid cheated on her habitually. She got caught cheating with Russell Crowe when they filmed Proof of Life together. In her Sleepless on Seattle days she was huge. She was the Sandra Bullock romcom queen of her time. The comment saying she was never as well known as Cindy Crawford is hilarious. Cindy and Richard Gere were only married long enough for him to take out a full-page ad denying that she was his beard, and i would hardly call it one of the most famous Hollywood marriages ever. And when did Cindy get caught cheating on him? This blind is Dennis Quaid, and it's an easy one.

Sunny said...

The only A+ directors I can think of are Steven Spielberg Woody Allen and Martin Scorceses. A or A- would be maybe Michael Bay, Tim Burton, Cameron Crowe and ??

MLE said...

@Sunny, good start. I'd add James Cameron to your list. Actually, what about James C for the blind?

Sunny said...

Thanks! And I can't believe I forgot that turkey!

Anonymous said...

The hoops people jump through for constant sex. It's so stupid to me.

pinch weasel said...

Did you take over the site?

ElRod said...

Slippery slope hun... u aren't a moderator for enty and have my vote for stupidest comment made today.

ElRod said...

Slippery slope hun... u aren't a moderator for enty and have my vote for stupidest comment made today.

__-__=__ said...

Wow! Great stories here today. Thanks all!!

g.strathmore said...

Oh my gosh, JustJen. What a douchebag.

Scallywag said...

Kimberly called off the divorce earlier this year. This jibes with "He had to buy those photos because he made a deal with his wife that he would not cheat. "

Dennis Quaid has been around long enough to know just about everyone in Hollywood, whether he's worked with them or not. But right now former directors Emmerich, Kasdan, Soderbergh, and Stone all have movies in production.

Gabi said...

is Dennis Quaid good looking??

ElRod said...

I personally don't think so... I also feel like he's a has been now... when u are playing the father in a craptastic footloose remake then I see no other way to call it.

apkyat said...

Ryan Reynolds

hothotheat said...

I have no problem with snarky or irrelevant first comments. I'm on board with the DQ guess. Not too many high profile hollywood marriages end because SHE got caught. With Russell Crowe no doubt, ugh.

Gabby said...

I love these personal stories! That's one of the reasons I love this site - so many readers are super connected to Hollywood goings-on!

All about Eve said...

Thanks for sharing Redfish! I can see how women would sleep with him, he was very attractive before and a great smile.

All about Eve said...

Thanks JustJen! Sounds like its DQ for sure!

feraltart said...

Definitely think it is Dennis Quaid. Thanks for the stories regarding him, love it.

pilly said...



When the fuck did everything get sooooo SERIOUS

Cornbread said...

My first thought reading the blind was Brad Pitt...there were those "canoodling with his assistant" photos earlier this year, and he's worked with plenty of A+ directors. But after reading the DQ theories, that makes more sense.

LOVE the DQ stories, too...thanks for sharing!

PS - "DQ" makes me think of Dairy Queen.


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