Friday, October 19, 2012

Blind Item #2

This actor keeps trying to be A list after his franchise success, but his roles since then have mostly been huge flops. To keep audiences interested, he thinks that he needs a girlfriend on his arm to show everyone he is a player. In reality, he loves guys and always has and he always seems to have a new girlfriend to show off in public after he has had a fling with a guy. Then, just as quickly as a "girlfriend" appears in public she never appears again and the next time you see him in public with a woman it is someone completely different making it appear that he is a player.


  1. Taylor L from Twilight

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Shia LeDouche

  3. Shia LeBoeuf from Transformers?

  4. Ding! I think me is the winner :)


  5. This makes it sound like the franchise is over, so Shia ledork for the win.

  6. But Shia is doing that sex movie with women. He can't be into men ;)

    This just got interesting. I never even thought of Shia in this way before. Someone in CDaN land must know something...

  7. Replies
    1. He was with Vanessa Hudgens for a long time, don't think it's him.

  8. First time posting! Kellan lutz Twilight?

    1. First time poster but long time reader. Love you guys!! You totally get it every time!

  9. First time posting! Kellan lutz Twilight?

  10. First time posting! Kellan lutz Twilight?

  11. I'm with KatL. Z Efron

  12. That "Twilight" guy who thinks he's going to win an Oscar?

  13. Hasn't Shia been dating the same woman for a long time?

  14. I immediately thought of Vin Diesel but I'm sure I'm wrong.

  15. I thought of Vin Diesel too. But my huge crush (don't judge) would not allow me to post his name!

  16. EmEyeKay has a point, Shia LeDouche has been with his girlfriend for a while. I've seen photos of them making out, if that was acting, he should get an Oscar.
    He looked like a man in love.

  17. Daniel Radcliffe is my guess. There's a story in the Daily Mail about him with a new girl.

  18. the Twilight guy who will win an Oscar!

  19. Oh...I am JUDGING dia!! ;) (my gay crush is NPH, so we're in the same club even though mine couldn't be more out!)

    Naughty - Radcliffe was with the same young woman for 2.5 years so it doesn't fit. Doesn't mean she didn't beard for him though!

    Can I ask a question? When did the public EVER think that Taylor L was a 'player'???

  20. I wish we would stop with the closeted gay blinds.

  21. Didn't Shoals date Carey Mulligan for a while? I don't think it's him.

  22. Oh these gay blinds slay me.......

  23. Shia has actually had some critical acclaim for post-transformers work (Lawless), plus his penis did some superlative work in that music video.

    I'm on the T.L. train...a few flops (valentine's day, abducted..). He has the acting range of a potato.

    1. "acting range of a potato" HA! nice one

  24. What about Chris Evans? I've heard rumblings on either this site or Ted C's about his sexuality and he's dating Minka Kelly. His last movie with Elizabeth Banks-- did that do well? Outside of Captain America and Avengers, he doesn't have any hits that I know of...

  25. The thing about Taylor is that I never see him photographed with anyone, except for a few years ago, he was dating someone high profile, can't remember who. Maybe I'm just missing them...?

  26. But I don't think he's straight.

  27. Is hangover a franchise? if it is, then the perennial guess of bradley Cooper

  28. I like the Chris Evans guess!

  29. I'll defend Vin Diesel. He has been with the same chick off and on since the 90's and they have kid(s) too.

    1. @bobbi: I feel SO much better. As a straight girl I need to know that some of my man crushes actually like lady bits.

      Example: I had no idea Orlando Bloom swung both ways. Next someone will say Askars is gay. That one will crush me ;)

    2. Have you watched the first few minutes of Zoolander? Askars played Meeko a little too well. He's still hot though.

      I have had a huge crush on John Barrowmen for years and he plays straight real well on tv. Nothing or should I say nobody surprises me anymore.

  30. @EmEyeKay you are making me sound like a TwiHard (robsten forEVER) .. but he def fits the "different girl" every few months. He dated Taylor Swift, then Lily Collins, now Ashley Benson... all quick and 'convenient'.

  31. Chris Evans hasn't had gfs besides minka. he is always pap'd taking one night stands home. he had those blinds earlier this year about getting treatment for the stds he keeps getting

    1. He was with Biel forever

    2. He was with Biel forever

  32. I'm having a hard time seeing this as Chris Evans too. His brother is gay and out, and I just think the odds both your kids being gay are pretty small.

    1. I know a few that are my old boss and his sister.. two lesbian sisters that come into my salon and my friend is friends with two twin brothers that are both gay... its def in the genes

    2. Both my sisters are gay and an old friend I grew up with has a gay brother and sister. I won't get into the genetics part (I'm a believer) but its not all that unusual for siblings to be gay I don't think.

  33. *odds OF both...sheesh!

  34. I was thinking Bradley Cooper

  35. Shia and his longtime girlfriend broke up a month or two ago. Nice then he hasn't been photographed with any new women. It has to be someone else.

  36. @ Cee Kay. I know many gay siblings and your statement made me spit out my coffee (lol). In fact, I know a family of 10 kids with 4 sets of twin. 8 out of the 10 kids in that family are gay. I know many mother and daughter lesbians. It definitely can run in the family, whether is hereditary or product of an environment, I dont know.

  37. @dia No shame! That man made me all sorts of steamy during his Pitch Black/Riddick days... ;)

  38. @Fijigirl: I didn't know, thank you! Taylor Swift was the one I remembered.

  39. Thanks Coriander! It can't just be me? Right?

  40. Patty agreed sometimes it like man let them be

  41. According to my hair stylist, all the men mentioned above are gay.


    I know, hit me over the head for having a sterotypical hairdresser, but it's so funny. I look through magazines and he screams, gay gay gay.

  42. @beguessin The Hangover is a franchise. They are shutting a few of the freeways near me this weekend to film the next one

  43. How is this not Zac Efron?

  44. Does 2 movies make a franchise?

    Shia LaDouche is not gay but any of the rest could be. Except for TL he DEFINITELY is.

  45. I was thinking Kellan Lutz.

  46. I was thinking someone from Twilight. Taylor.

  47. Anonymous11:02 AM

    First person I thought of was Zac Efron. But it's been a long time since he publicly displayed girls for show--Teresa somebody bumping and grinding was over 2 yrs ago, then stories of him making out with random girls in bars. Lily Collins was the only girl he "accidentally on purpose" got snapped with. Unless you count his public makeout session with Ashley Tisdale and the pix she posts of them cuddling.

  48. I have two cousins that are siblings and they are both gay so it does happen. I'm tired of the gay blinds too.

  49. Any film with a sequel is technically a 'franchise'. Especially in how it affects the career and/or Enty ranking of the star(s) of it.

  50. Can't be Jeremy Rener, doesn't get photographed with women.

  51. Anonymous7:14 PM

    why did i immediately think vin diesel

  52. Anonymous7:15 PM

    yeah! first time commenter

  53. A player would drop an condom on the red carpet.

  54. Kellan Lutz the putz who can't wait to make sweet love to his future Oscar statue.

  55. It's Chris Pine. Star Trek being the franchise. Most of his post Star Trek movies have not spanned out.

  56. Sorry, panned out. Damned autofill.

  57. I like the Chris Pine guess.

    Taylor L hasn't really been photographed with any girls in a long time.

    The other guess I like is Kellen L. He screams gay to me.

  58. This BI is pretty boring and a bit too vague. Everybody already knows that Taylor Lautner is gay, it´s pretty much common knowledge. So what´s the news of this BI? Lautner keeps showing up with noname beards every other day. And he gives such a poor "straight" impression that he doesn´t even kiss the girls. His boyfriend is the son of two famous celebrities and openly supports Lady Gagas pro-homo campaign. I hope when this whole twilight shit is over, he will come out and show everybody what a cute and beautiful couple he and his adorable boyfriend are. But I´m afraid he will end up like all the other closet-cases, marrying an abusive beard and then being blackmailed to keep in the closet, coming out if and only when nobody cares about him anymore anyway and he looks like an old corpse like Travolta.
    Everybody who guessed "Jake Gyllenhaal"... he was never part of a hit franchise. Ok, he´s gay as can be but that´s also no new news. We all know about his longtime relationship with Austin Nichols and all his whoring around with lots of guys all over the place. He doesn´t seem to care much about covering up his promiscuous gay sex lifestyle very much so you can easily find images of him at gay clubs with guys in SM gear and so on ( Of course, he will tell you how open minded and tolerant he is etc. but come on...
    And forget about Shania LaDouche! He´s just an ugly shithead who now trys to impress fat nerd girls with his cameo in alternative band videos by showing up completely naked so that everybody can see his tiny little dick. Was he even ever considered being "A-List"? I know, these labels are pretty much random but just having been so lucky to play the lead role in a successful franchise doesn´t really make you A-List automatically because people watched the movies because of the robots and Megan Foxys tits. Nobody ever cared about Shia and nobody ever will.
    Anyway... start telling us NEWS, don´t just construct BI's out of things that have been going on for years now. Taylor Lautner is so queer, Gucci purses fly out of his mouth when he talks. Nothing new...
