Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Your Turn

With Halle Berry's revelation that she is related to Sarah Palin and that Justin Bieber and Celine Dion and Ryan Gosling are long lost cousins, I am wondering if you are related to anyone famous.


  1. In my dreams I'm related to kate middleton

  2. My godfather was a cousin of Judy Garland. That's all I've got.

  3. I wish that Bill Gates would adopt me.

  4. It's hardly unusual for descendants of French Canadians to be distantly related. I'm related to all three of those as well...not that I'm particularly proud of it.

  5. I'm related to Gregory Peck, but from quite a ways back. He certainly wouldn't have known our family or anything like that.

  6. I'm sure that I am - I just don't know who.

  7. George W. Bush. I'm related to the same idiot that almost fell off the Mayflower that he is. Lucky me :/

  8. Where can you find this information? for free lol

  9. One of my ancestors was the Chief responsible for making peace between the Metis and Dakota. On the other side of my family, I had ancestors in the Salem Witch Trials. They're not celebrities, but I think it's a pretty cool lineage.

  10. My family may be related to Will Rogers. My grandmother said her side was, but it was never confirmed. He did look a lot like some of our relatives.

    Would be cool, though.

    1. Vicki! I've missed you!

    2. Vicki, have you been on the Woman, This Is Jeremy Fucking Renner Talking tumblr site? Someone else posted it here in CDan to my eternal gratitude.

    3. Vicki! Beliwve me, you were missed! I thought for a minute the Scientologists got ya.

  11. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sadly for me, Richard Ramirez. The hubbs, Carl 'alfalfa' Switzer, very directly.

  12. Also, I read that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor... so name any blue-eyed famous person and I'm related to them.

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Mark Messier. Not sure if he counts as a celebrity to non hockey fans though:)

    1. My friend knows his wife!! I have a hockey puck signed by him!

  14. @Cathy - Frank Sinatra!

  15. Anonymous10:14 AM

    im distantly related to the hoff

  16. Anonymous10:15 AM

    im distantly related to the hoff

  17. @VIP, my husband is related to the same Mayflower idiot! The indentured servant? Didn't realize Bush was, too.

  18. My great-great-great-great-great grandfather was President Martin Van Buren. He didn't really accomplish anything.

    I *think* we might be related to Ben Affleck (like a 6th cousin or something), but I don't remember.

  19. @Freckles - you win!

  20. Yeah, @Freckles, you DO win. Especially 'cuz you admitted to it!

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I know, the shame!

  21. Yes, through bloodlines and marriage. Some names that are prominent today and some that only an oldster like me would recognize. There's even some royalty in there!

  22. Historically, I have a slew of famous relatives. The perk(?) of having a family that's been here since that aforementioned Mayflower trip. But as far as I know, no one famous who is currently alive.

    My best friend, however, is cousins with Johnny Knoxville. He never shows up at the family reunions, the ungrateful jerk.

  23. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Odds are, some of us CDAN folk are probably distant cousins!

  24. Leonard Cohen is my uncle's cousin (through marriage); sat next to him once at a dinner party. Was absolutely tongue-tied.

  25. Anonymous10:31 AM

    my grandmas first cousin..Henry Fonda. So.Henry, jane, peter, justin, bridget, etc...

  26. John Astin - the original Addams family dad and his kids. Sean Astin from LOTR. Second cousins I think?

  27. F, I suck. NO ONE. Although if it counts, my office is near President Obama's old senate office in Chicago. So there's that. Like, just across the street and down two buildings or so.

  28. I'm the genealogist in the family.

    Through my Hatcher line, I'm related to Steve McQueen.

    I'm also a Boyelyn, through Mary and thought to be from her illegitimate children with Henry VIII.

    I"m working on becoming a member of the Jamestowne Society, as I am descended from Thomas Graves who was one of the first to set foot on American soil and settle here.

    There are more, but I can't remember off the top of my head....I

  29. @surfer - jealous. It's possible I'd passout.

  30. Half my family is French Canadian and the other half is German.

  31. No - but I know a lot of people that claim they are related to me - Dream on Suckers!!!!:)

  32. Eleanor of Aquitaine, the only woman to be Queen of France and Queen of England.

  33. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Terri Hatcher posts on here??

  34. Eleanor of Aquitaine, the only woman to be Queen of France and Queen of England.

  35. Believe me Amber, I almost did!

    Looking back, I could smack myself, cause usually you can't get me to shut up!

  36. I'm a Mayflower descendant. That is all I have.

  37. Three here, that I know of, although directly descended only from one. Related by marriage to Samuel Morse (invented the telegraph) and Alexander Graham Bell (invented the telephone). Directly descended from John Downes, English MP for Arundel during the English Civil War in the 1640s. Not that that counts for much, but he also sat on the court which convicted King Charles I of treason and was stupid enough to let Oliver Cromwell talk him into co-signing the King's death warrant. Which meant that on the Restoration of Charles II in 1661, Downes and his family had to flee the country. They fled to Ireland, and much later some descendants immigrated to America.

  38. I'm married to Donnie Wahlberg in the future

  39. @Nellie: I got my PhD working with Sandy (Alexander) & Lena Astin. Sandy is John's brother.

  40. @Surfer - damn! Jelly! I'd totally switch with you if I could!

  41. Oh, and I'm related to David Schwimmer, Ross on Friends. :)

  42. @ Nellie Sean Astin isn't actually John Astin's son. His mother was VERY briefly married to another guy. John was very closely followed. So when she got pregnant she told John that Sean was his. If you look at pics of Sean & his bio father they look a LOT alike. Mackenzie Astin is John's son.

    I'm a direct descendant of Ponce De Leon. Yes the crack pot who went looking for the fountain of youth. He found Florida & finally settled in Puerto Rico. He founded the town of Ponce. Where my bio father grew up. My uncle did our family tree a few years ago & found this out.

  43. Yes. My cousin's husband has studied my family history for the last 20 yrs, since my cousin passed away. I'm related to Lizzy Borden (which I already new, because my great aunt used to stay at her home when she was young) and Prince Harry, Prince William..both 24th cousins, Prince Charles (23rd cousin), Queen Elizabeth (22nd) and all the Tudors. My family has been traced back to 360 A.D. and I'm also related to Ivan the Terrible.

  44. Wow, you guys are awesome!!!! I've got nothing. Absolutely zilch. And believe me, we've looked. Even tried to make shit up, but nope, nothing. You guys rock!

  45. My husband is a direct descendant of Erik the Red.

  46. I'm related to philosopher Robert Nozick. I think I inherited his libertarian bent.

  47. I'm sure I have famous relatives but my family history is kind of messy. My paternal grandfather had multiple families at the same time! But my great to the third power grandfather was in the civil war.

    Also my maternal great grandparents were from this small town in County Galway Ireland where they filmed the movie "the quiet man" with john wayne. You can see their house in the background, they live right by the bridge!

  48. None that I know of, but my SO is related to Clyde (of "Bonnie &" fame).

  49. Kentucky State Senator Mitch McConnell is my Granny's first cousin.

  50. I was(very distantly) related to Barbara Mandrell (sp?) by marriage...random right?

  51. Neil Armstrong was my great uncle. My grandmother's youngest sister Janet was married to him for 30+ years.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. LBJ, on my father's side. Edward Burleson, the vice-president of Texas under Sam Houston, also from my pa's side.
    On my mom's side, Martha Washington's first husband's family.

  54. I'm cousins (3rd I think) with Rowdy Roddy Piper and if what he said in his book is right, then also cousins with the famous Hart family of wrestling, too.

    On my Dad's side I'm related to Andrew Jackson.

  55. I'm not Teri Hatcher, but thanks for now making me figure out how I am related to her! My Great Grandmother was a Hatcher.

  56. a former president....actually two

  57. my uncle(moms brother) wrote for the simpsons? he also wrote the 2nd bill cosby show and a show called phenom back in the 80's. He has won emmy's for his work, but hes not like a celebrity or anything.

    1. I watch Simpsons commentaries all the time, so I might recognize him. Which writer? *Simpsons nerdgasm*

  58. @Robert, you're related to smart people!

    I consider my lack of famous ties as a sign that I'm destined to be the one.

  59. No one well known on my side, but i will say my family full of intresting characters. On my husbands side, his mother's cousin was/is pat henry, the comedian. She was always happy with the beautiful floral arrangements he sent when someone died, lol.

  60. My great (times some number) grandfather was Carl Linnaeus who gave all the plants their Latin names.

  61. Jesus & Mary Magdalene

  62. Aww Terri.... I thought I was related to Terri Hatcher -- we both post on CDAN. My maiden name is Ford and I wish I was related to that family. I got nuthin'.

  63. Anonymous12:47 PM

    @Terri- I didn't even pick up on the Teri vs Terri- I got all excited thinking we had another celebrity posting ;)

  64. well, I just pulled out my files, and I'm related to Steve McQueen thru my GRAVES line, not Hatcher. I haven't done my genealogy for 3 years and it's a bit cobwebby in my head! I do have my husbands lines back to the 1100s. Mine only go as far as the 1400s.

    I have over 300 surnames so I can claim information overload as my excuse.

  65. Okay..last post....

    I"m related to VIPBlonde. I just pulled up my Graves bookmark and I'm related to the Bush family as well.

  66. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I think my mother.in law is realted to Satan

  67. The Wright brothers are my 3rd cousins and General Ridgway of WWII fame is a distant uncle.

  68. Yes, but I can't tell you who!

  69. Yup Darth Vaders my dad and Darth Maul is my secret lover

  70. No one famous in my fam and we've gone back pretty far. Just a descendant who settled in Aus quite early.

  71. I'm a descendant of William Brewster. He's the guy who fled England to Amsterdam for religious freedom, held secret meetings and it was his idea and planning to emigrate to America on the mayflower. He also served as the head chaplain at the first thanksgiving. There are ten thousand of descendants but another is Seth MacFarlane who went to highschool with my brother so.... :) maybe bc our families stayed in New England we are close? Also my godfathers twin brother who would have been my godfather if he wasn't attending college in Italy is ummmm I'll say he had a lot to do with "locating" "weapons of mass destruction". And wrote a book found to have many untruths.. Nice guy though! And my godfather is great!

  72. LOL @ Kimberly. . .

    Our MIL's must be related!

  73. One of my cousins was married to one of FDR's children, Elliot, but he collected wives like they were Hummel figurines.

    Another cousin won fame by being the only German U-boat commander to be executed for war crimes.

  74. According to my uncle Michael Strahan is our cousin.

    It's plausable but I don't know.

  75. Yes, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, mother of Abe and also Tom Hanks the actor.

    At one time I had a step-grandmother who was a direct descendent of Thomas Hooker the Civil War general who gave ladies of the evening their name. They were camp followers who saw so much of the Gen. Hooker that they were called "Hookers".

  76. @Lisa B
    We just need to get you tipsy! ;)

  77. Dolly Parton!!! Yay!

  78. After reading all of these, I though it might jog something for me, but I still have nothing. I need to call my mom and dad to confirm, but I think it's still zippo.

  79. My husband is closely related to Rod Stewart and some famous UK convict that broke out of prison via helicopter.

  80. OMG, Sunny you remembered! Not gonna happen again! ;)

  81. I can trace my ancestory back to the Norman Conquest. Pres. Garfield is way, way out on a limb in my family tree.

    Wish that made any difference anywhere.

  82. The Mum never wanted us to know.

    I wonder why?

  83. I'm related (my marriage) to Selena.

  84. I found out a few years ago that my great grandfather was first cousins with Grace Kelly's father. You know, the original yacht girl. ;)

    Im very proud of this. She was a beauty.

  85. A couple of years ago we discovered a family secret. After extensive digging, I learned that we're related to Ashton Kutcher. We've all decided we want our old family back.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Distant cousin (very distant) of John Muir, the famous naturalist who has a lot of parks and other things named after him, distant cousin of Reba McEntire and the old fat guy from Petticoat Junction (I can't remember his name and I'm too lazy to look it up).

  88. My husband is related to Davy Crockett :)

  89. Lmao @Kimberly! I think my friend Natalie is your sister in law! ;)

    My paternal great grandmother was a Custer, that's all I got.

    1. Hey, my paternal grandmother was a Custer, too. From Iowa. Probably not related to to Geo. A., however.

  90. My mom had an affair with Bob Marley...sadly, it was NOT 9 months before I was born...more like three years:(

  91. My cousin's dad is Randall 'Tex' Cobb (biker dude from Raising Arizona) ... who is also related to Jesse Douchebag James. Makes me so proud! HA!

  92. I'm a descendant of Lord Byron (not sure I should be proud of this one) and a distant cousin of Billy Graham. Not that Cousin Billy knows I exist!

  93. John Glenn is my fathers cousin.

  94. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I'm not related to any celebrities, although my uncle and aunt had their own morning show for awhile. But I'm related to three presidents (William Henry Harrison--had the shortest tenure in office, one month, Benjamin Harrison, and Harry S Truman). I'm also directly related to Stonewall Jackson (a Civil War general). I'm really passionate about American History, so it's kind of neat for me. Also, my husband is directly related to another Civil War general, Robert E. Lee, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He's also related through marriage to George Washington.

  95. Richard Nixon by marriage only. Thank heaven no bloodline.

  96. Amelia Earhart, Bendict Arnold, and Richard the third. Watch your backs!

  97. Oh, and I have quintuplet distant cousins who are kept in a jar in the Smithsonian. They were famous back in the day. The family legend holds that they were "handled to death" by all the people who came to see them. (This was early 1900s, before fertility drugs and TLC.)

  98. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Historically, related to Harry Truman on my mom's side and to Lyndon Johnson on my dad's side. My kids used to get in trouble at school for saying they were related to them both, the teachers insisted the two of them were not related...but they were, by marriage. :)

    Present day...I can't do much bragging. I have a cousin married to a woman whose sister's son is on the Forty-Niners first string, but he no doubt has no idea I exist. And that's all I've got.

  99. Both of my parents are descended from the same immigrant from France to Montreal in the 1600's...from what I understand all of those early French Canadians are intermingled.

    My dad is a direct descendent of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island. He may also be related to the Harrison Presidents (Benj. and Wm. Henry) as his Harrisons were also in Virginia and Indiana. I have found "Phillippe" in my tree, too. Had to throw a little douchery in there. Come to think of it, there are some "Fox"s. However, their original name was FUCHS. I would have changed it, as well.

  100. Anonymous11:05 PM

    @Syko and @lakeuniongirl, I wonder if we're distantly related?

    I'm of the opinion that if you go back far enough, everyone is related somehow. Which is why when those BS stories about "Madonna is related to David Letterman and Joe Biden!!!" never impress me. Still though, it would be kind of neat to find out if we CDaNers have any ancestors in common.

    1. I wonder, too. Where are your Harrisons from? Not like "Harrison" is a common name or anything :)

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. I am like 4th cousins to Daniel J Travanti (of Hill Street blues Fame)... that's about it for Hollywood and that's on my dad's side. From my mom though, we go back to 800 ad in England as far as written records go, we date back to antiquity according to lore. Started as Saxon Lords, then became nobility and knights for many years. Came to the US in 1629 and then my 6th great grandfather was a noted pioneer in the state of Missouri, Samuel Cole. Woo! lol

  103. Mr babo is related to Elephant Man
    (and i don t mean John Hurt)

  104. Fritz Leiber the actor was my great uncle, making his son, the science fiction author, my first cousin once removed.

  105. Anonymous2:57 PM

    @lakeuniongirl I'm not sure exactly where the Harrisons come into my lineage, but I do know that my grandmother and her family (where the relation to the Harrisons comes from) were in West Virginia pre-Depression.
