Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blind Item #2

This B+ list always movie foreign born actress with a very interesting name showed up unexpectedly at an event the other night. It was an unpleasant shock for this A list always movies goody goody actor because he had just left the actress at her hotel room two hours earlier and was at the event with his long time wife. Apparently the actress was drunk and wanted to live on the edge. The couple have been seeing each other for over a decade when she was still married and he single. Now, their roles are reversed.


  1. From the Daily Mail pics of the Gotham Awards, I would say Matt Damon and Famke Janssen (married 1995-2000). Juicy!!!

  2. This is a good one! Come on, smarties, I'm dying for a guess here!

  3. Good one, VIP---I thought damon had to be the 'goody goody.'

  4. Famke was in the 1st season of nip/tuck. idk if that rules her out

  5. Nice work, VIP! I'm off to the DM. Oh, and good morning, libby dear.

  6. Famke is also currently signed on for a tv series called Hemlock Grove...

  7. Hi, Frufra!

    Damon seems to really like brunettes, it would seem. I wonder about male brunettes.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I was thinking Matt Damon was the goody goody actor, too. I just couldn't figure out the actress. Good work, VIPblonde!

  9. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Damn VIP! Good job. That was quick. Damon's def goody goody and I've always wondered why Famke wasn't with an ALister... guess she always was...

  10. I first saw Famke Janssen in the fifth-season (1992) Star Trek: the Next Generation episode "The Perfect Mate," in which she played a genetically-engineered-to-be-a-seductress interstellar-mail-order bride, so definitely not "always movie."

  11. Can't say I blame Famke or Damon...Matt's wife must have a stellar personality... ;)

  12. I used the word 'seem' TWICE in one comment. My word-OCD is kickin like a full-term-fetus right now!

    Sorry ladies, I will try to stay sharp.

  13. It looks like she was in Rounders with Damon.

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  15. Noomi Rapace? Used to be married, no longer is. That's all I've got. *L*

  16. Okay, you folks are thinking about Franke Potente, but she has been on House and was just recently on American Horror Story Asylum. And Famke Jannsen was on the second season of Nip/Tuck. Back to the drawing board.

  17. If it's Franke I see her in the dog run at Washington Square Park often...as far as Matt Damon with the wife he married can't blame him...a new secret from her past comes out ever year....

  18. I was thinking Franka Potente and Matt Damon. They've been in the Bourne Identity together in 2002. But she's married since 2011.

  19. Pls dont be matt!!!!! Please!!!!

  20. I was thinking of Marion Cotillard as I read this. Not sure who the guy is.

  21. ITA, auntliddy! I swear half these blinds are a total figment of enty's imagination. He just takes whoever's in the DM today and constructs a story around them.

  22. @MISCH: What items have come out about her other than she might have had another child when she was a teenager and put it up for adoption?

    Serious question. I just don't recall any.

  23. Famke was on Nip/Tuck, Ally McBeal, Melrose Place... to name a few. Can't be her.

  24. Looooong time lurker: Famke was just in American Horror Story...

  25. Looooong time lurker: Famke was just in American Horror Story...

  26. http://news.sky.com/story/1017091/matt-damon-honoured-at-gotham-film-awards

    Damon and Cotillard.

  27. Franke is also on "Copper" on BBC America.

  28. I immediately thought Charlize and someone. Was married, no single. But she was on a few eps of Arrested Development, so maybe not.

  29. Famke has too many recent TV credits to be her. And by too many credits I mean she was on Nip/Tuck for 11 episodes between 2006 and 2010, and as someone previously mentioned she i signed on to star in a new TV show called HEmlock Grove.

    Noomi was in two seperate TV miniseries, not sure if that counts her out as all movies or not though.

  30. Marion Cotillard has never been married.

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  32. Cotillard has never been married. Famke lives in downtown NY - why would she take a hotel room for the awards in the same area?

  33. Fawke was Ben Affleck's ex-girlfriend and she's not B+ list
    not Marion Cotillard! she never was married and she's there to win a pan achievement career award
    i'm ok for Matt Damon's guess

  34. I think by "always movie actress" Enty means she is most known for movies. Most people wouldn't consider Famke a TV actress, or know she occasionally does TV (I didn't). Plus, she was also at the Gotham Awards, along with Matt.

  35. Another thing about the Famke Janssen/Matt Damon @ the Gotham Awards guess: Famke was presenting an award, so you wouldn't say she showed up unexpected.

    I also have a hard time signing on to a Noomi Rapace guess. She's done a lot of TV, albeit Swedish TV. And I can't think of an A-Lister she would have come in contact with a decade ago unless its a Scandinavian actor, of which I'd only call SkarsgÄrd A-List.

  36. Noomi has done television miniseries, but none in America. It's a good guess. Now who's the actor? The foreign-born actress probably had to be in America for them to meet ten years ago, meaning she had to have a substantive career for that long, or the actor had to be filming overseas and meet her there. Right?

  37. AND Noomi was married from 2001-2011. She was married, he single. Now it's the reverse.

  38. Matt Damon's been married since 2005; would that qualify him as having a "long time wife"? MD has also done guest spots on TV (30 Rock). Still qualifies as "all movie" celeb?

  39. What about Tom Hanks..?? .not sure about the woman

  40. What about Tom Hanks..?? .not sure about the woman

  41. I think Tara has it with Noomi. Now for the guy...

  42. Matt and Famke do fit pretty well. They could've met when were both in Rounders in 1998 (she was married at the time). She's done some TV work though.

    It's not Franke Potente and Matt. They did Bourne Identity together in 2002, but other than foreign born with an interesting name, the other facts don't fit.

  43. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Not Tom Hanks- he was on Bosom Buddies.

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  45. @Libby - I can confirm that MD is as equally into brunette guys as he is women...his longtime bf is a handsome latin guy - not famous. A good friend of mine has socialized with him in LA, and said he's very down to earth and lovely.

  46. Oh Barbie! Say it ain't so...Not my Matt..That 'splains it.

  47. @MalibuBarbie: I don't believe you. Damon lives on a really tight schedule and spends most of his free time with the wife and daughters. Anyone can make up anything here, but I don't see where Matt even has the time to have a LTR with any guy in CA.

    I may be in denial, and I'm sticking to it. Matt has never remotely pinged my gaydar.

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  49. Yeah I dont believe that Matt Damon thing either

  50. not my matt!! *covers ears with hands* refuse to believe it.

    BUT - whats this about his wife's secrets coming out???

  51. @Jamie2 - you don't have to believe me. I'm simply sharing something that I happen to know is true. Have a great evening...

  52. Interesting it says "other night" if it was the Gothams that was the night before. I don't know why but I'm leaning towards this being connected to London Theatre Awards which were held a few nights ago.

  53. MalibuBarbie, love your name, and I think we have heard whispers of that here before...

  54. Yes, doesn't that corroborate the Lainey "Cuba" blind?

  55. Nothing posted here corroborates anything. It's called blind gossip for a reason.

  56. I was going to guess the great French actress Catherine Deneuve but she did 1 episode of Nip/Tuck and hasn't been married since 1972.

  57. I first thought of Matt and Franka, but she was just married this summer.

  58. Thanks, E Gee Be - it's an homage to my second city ;) MD's a great guy, who happens to be bi, with a great bf - no big deal.

  59. But Lainey also states Bradly Cooper isnt Gay. sooo
