Saturday, November 03, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

January 11, 2007

If you are involved romantically with an actor or actress, you really should think 2,3,4, or even five times before letting them run off to some international movie set leaving you home alone. (I know what you are thinking/too easy) Well this actress has taken a shine to her new castmate. From the time filming started recently, they could not get enough of each other. She has been dating the same guy for awhile and this break from the mundane is exactly what she needed. At first she was going to treat it just as a fling. Not usually a tabloid victim means she can do what she wants and who she wants without much trouble. The problem is she has started to fall for her co-star and is maybe even PG(not like the movie). Her current boyfriend meanwhile is just waiting for his girlfriend to come home.

Mila Kunis


Anonymous said...

Could it be Russel Brand and the movie be forgetting Sarah Marshall?

Jemtastic said...

Seems like she and Ashton may be made for each other; still don't get the girl's hype but she might as well milk it for all she can before she fades away (again).

Grace & Maeby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hollyweird said...

Boot Camp was released in 2008 and filmed in Canada and Fiji. No idea who the guy is though.

Bleu said...

Why does Enty say "... leaving you home alone (I know what you are thinking/too easy)...." and then it is in fact in regard to MacCaulay Caulkin (I know I spelled that wrong.)

L said...

Mila was shooting "Boot Camp" in Fiji OCtober 2006.. and then the filming moved to Calgari, Alberta [thanks Wiki!] - the other lead in the movie was Gregory Smith.
I wonder if the timing fits or maybe by Jan 2007 she was filming something else?
I quite like Boot Camp as an option, since the blind talks about international movie sets..
I do not think "That 70's Show" was filmed on an international set, was it? i would assume it was good old Cali

Princess ButterKwup said...

Ugh, Christina. You're probably right. Now Ashton looks like a step up.

L said...

Oh Hollyweird - Jinx!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a reference to McCauley Culkin and home alone....

a non a miss said...

Gregory Smith was in Everwood the tv show, also was the first son killed in The Patriot with MelG.

Bleu said...

Enty's blind came out in 2007 -- meaning whatever the movie that started shooting was came out probably in 2008 or 2009. Could be even later depending on whether it was a movie release that was delayed for any number of reasons.

Commenting said...

I think it's straight to DVD "Boot Camp". It began filming in Oct 2006 in Fijii.

msgirl said...

Jason Segal?

Ingrid Superstar said...


Just kidding it's an "old" movie and I was never going to watch it.

It seems like everybody on film/TV shows fall for each other, no point in having a steady relationship in the acting world.

This happens at various levels on any job, at least with me because I'm so magnetic.

a non a miss said...

LOL Ingrid. I figure if something is a decade old, you deserved to be spoiled!! I would have said he was the lead in Small Soldiers but I know I'm the only one who has seen that!

Staple611 said...

Hmm. This blind was first printed inside of an MV post/clues. And Enty told us Friday that we'd be getting another MV ("objective") clue. I wonder if that's a coincidence.

(p.s. I had totally forgotten about FFFs).

AKM said...

Can someone tell me again how a clue regarding MV would be subjective versus objective?! All of the clues have been factual/objective, have they not? So what would a subjective clue be?

(I asked yesterday and got no answer. Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this weird Entyism for me.)

Staple611 said...

@AKM, I didn't really know either. I'm hoping that what he means is "obvious," but I can't tell. I'm hoping it will be clear once we see the clue.

Like, "Rhymes with Nennifer Nopez."

Mutableblue said...

wow, there is a noticeable difference in writing and content now compared to 5 years ago (popped through that archive link).

msgirl said...

Ingrid - yes there's tons of sex and romance on sets and in plays because it creates an intense closeness and family feeling. and if a good production trust and security since you need to be vulnerable if you're any good.

Hollyweird said...

@L yay wiki and IMDB!

Hollyweird said...

OT: I'm kind of new to this site and have been reading a lot about MV lately which someone kindly explained as a "Milli Vanilli" in the current pop star world. But if this is JHo why wouldn't she be a better singer??? Her singing voice is absolutely bland and atrocious!

Unknown said...

@stefafa...I agree...but I think it's more like a couple of years ago since I was offline for about that long and really noticed the difference

Kelly said...

I'm with @Christina Forgetting Sarah Marshall was released the same year as Boot Camp. I think it was her and Russell or Jason.

Jolene Jolene said...

@AKM, it makes no sense to me either. Every clue has pretty much been objective. Maybe he got the definitions of objective and subjective mixed up? LOL

The Black Cat said...

I'm sure this reveal has ruined Jason Blue Eyes weekend :(

seaward said...

LOL Hollyweird. I have no idea why people think it is her. MV is supposed to absolutely rock the music world, why the fuck would JLo lipsynching be a huge deal? It wouldn't. Her singing voice a) isn't good, and b) is the same as her speaking voice.

L said...

Filming for Forgetting Sarah Marshall began in April 2007 at the Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore of Oahu Island in Hawaii. so it's definitely a possibility too...

All about Eve said...

I was thinking the same but have no idea who it could be

All about Eve said...

Well she can't get away with this anymore! The paps are after her everyday now!

Sherry said...

My first thought was ..."Sarah Marshall" but what about Jason? I really think it's hin and not Russell.

ljsmed said...

Ahhhhh, the North Shore.....

crapbag said...

James Franco!!!!

KellyLynn said...

I think what he means by objective rather than subjective is that he will give a clue based on fact rather than opinion. For example, instead of saying, "MV was A+ in the singing world, but now is an A- reality star," he'll say, "MV had one of Billboard's top 20 songs in 1999." Or something like that.

sparklynan said...

@seaward...isn't it a big deal because one of the blinds said she even had a backup singer record as her on an album of hers? I thought I remembered that blind back in the day.

Cassiopeia said...

Whatever movie it was is rated PG.
The clue 'not like the movie'.
I am too lazy to Google.

Jolene Jolene said...

@KellyLynn--Well yes, but it's confusing because almost all MV clues have been objective--she was born in the US, she has at least one child, she has released an album in the past 12 months etc. None have been subjective so far, although that's how he makes it sound.

L said...

OK - Forgetting Sarah Marshall was rated R.
Cannot find MPAA rating for BootCamp - is it possible it's because it's a straight to DVD release?
anyway the movie seems to contain sex and nudity, violence and gore, profanities and drugs _ frightening/intense scenes [a campt staff member rapes one of the teen campers...]
basically - again, it can be both.. uff!

Katie said...

Pg= pregnant

Sunny said...

I am reading this as the movie NOT being PG.

My interpretation: Mila may be PG (pregnant!!??) but not the movie

Sunny said...

Katie! I wanted to drop that bombshell ! :)

seaward said...

@sparklynan well yeah, of course the actual MV blind (blinds) is a big deal. The answer of JLo wouldn't be, though. We might have a month or few months of "omg!" (Think Ashlee Simpson SNL) But no one actually gives a shit about her singing career.

seaward said...

It's been a few years since I've seen Boot Camp, but I don't remember her having a lot of scenes with Gregory Smith. A little bit in the beginning & a little bit at the end. But maybe I'm just not remembering correctly. Regardless, I think it'd be JS on Sarah Marshall.

SpecialK said...

What about Extract with Jason Bateman?

Groovy said...

MV=Lady Gaga

katsm0711 said...

There's a really old video of Lady gaga as Stephanie Germonatta with her band at I can't think of the name, a famous club in NYC with a brick wall behind the band. She sounds amazing and is dressed in regular clothes. She definitely has the "I'm going to be a star" personality but I'd be surprised if she started the hoax that far back. Oh fine let me google it on my pc.... It's very good

katsm0711 said...

WAIT A MINUTE I THINK I WAS WRONG AND THIS DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THE GAGA OF TODAY! I mean it's very old and she sounds like a kid. I know John Mayer sounded completely different in highschool but he did work on his vocals after he dropped out of Berkley, but even Gaga's speaking voice here sounds different to me. This WOULD be shocking. I used to think it was Madonna until I saw an early video. Now I'm convinced it's Gaga. Who else do we have audio of that sounds different from her early years?

Lady gaga at the Bitter End

Anonymous said...

I hope it's Lady Caca, she is derivative at best. She even copied Bette Midler's mermaid in a wheelchair bit.
Plus, she just did an interview about being positive about others and having compassion, then talked about how fat Adele is and how no one talks about that. Let's forget that her fans decided to ridicule Adele because she was nominated for more Grammys than her. Adele doesn't have to have her tits out to sell records. sorry for the rant but this bitch gets on my nerves and calling her original makes me wants to throw dictionaries at people, plus say anything bad about Adele and I tend to flip my bitch switch.

Staple611 said...

I have been on this blog since about the third or fourth day, and I'm not going back to check to be sure, but I'm almost completely confident that the MV Blind predates anyone ever hearing about Lady Gaga.

Plus, yes, there's the videos of her singing as a student where she looks like a normal human being, so that would be reason number two that it's not her.

katsm0711 said...

You're right, MV is older than Gaga. Well it doesn't mean that Gaga isn't the NEXT MV does it? It's been done for years. The guy who made Milli Vanilli made Boney M back in the 1970's.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, but I think the one person that would destroy the music industry if this were them, is Whitney Houston.

katsm0711 said...

That's a good point @christina. I guess I' can't make a guess bc I haven't read all the clues!

katsm0711 said...

Ok my last guess until I read all the clues I promise! Has Mariah been ruled out? That would be SHOCKING bc everyone was blown away at her 8 octaves.

Audrey said...

This blind was way before Gaga. I think it's jlo. She was big when this blind was originally posted.

Silly Girl said...

But Mila wasn't pregnant then, so what gives? I'm confused.

oralangee said...

Hey dia poop paya

You need to back to mexico.. filthy Mexican illigal alien.l

seaward said...

Ok, Enty. I've gone through every single comment in this original blind's post, and every single comment in the posts that are linked from that. If that last part made sense. Too much reading on a tiny screen. ANYWAY.
What I found:
-Lots of reasons MV isn't (insert a shitload of people here).
-A few undisputed reasons MV is Mandy Moore.
-A comment from you that was supposedly a big clue that you deleted.

I still don't get it. Mandy Moore wouldn't knock Milli Vanilli & Ashlee significantly down the scandal ladder. I don't think she was a big enough star for that, but what was pointed out about her fits.

Personally, I was always on the Shania Twain train, but I'm pretty sure MV was born in the states & Shania was born in Canada.

Ok, that's all from me.

astrogirl said...

seaward would you please elaborate on your "undisputed reasons", because I felt exactly the same pegging J Lo for it, and would enjoy reading another view.

Monica said...

MV IS NOT JLO. Someone already listed the reasons why above, but I'll say it again: 1. JLo's singing voice sucks (MV sounds good). 2. JLos singing voice sounds just like her speaking voice.

Please, everyone, for the love of God, stop guessing JLo for MV.

(also, Mandy Moore doesn't have a child, so wouldn't that exclude her?)

astrogirl said...

Monica, every clue fits J Lo, so don't be so quick to slam other people's guesses.

The original blind stated it would rock the industry, it never mentions the calibre of MV's voice.

smash said...

Go fuck yourself you troll ass hole.

smash said...

That was to orlangee. I don't use those words lightly.

astrogirl said...

Should I publish the trolls real name, might be harder to hide then hey Angie M....

smash said...

Astro girl. I am over this ass. Dia said nothing rude to deserve this outburst. Call them out!

seaward said...

Well they're only "undisputed" because they were the last comments, so I think people may have moved on by the time they were posted.
Fuck, my phone isn't copying properly, but "Moore's singing is conspicuously, distractingly pre-recorded."
At the point of that post, MV's real identity had never been mentioned by Enty, Mandy had never appeared on the blog.
There are 2 different performances posted (youtube) that are identical down to the "random" woohoos.
2 possible clues in the original blind were "epic" and "the firm." Mandy's first label was Epic and a later one was The Firm.

I don't actually think it's Mandy, but these clues fit more than anyone else, imo.

Monica said...

@astrogirl, but JLo's speaking voice sounds just like her singing voice. Mostly because she doesn't really sing very well.

finally tomorrow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KS said...

Seaward, Enty notted Mandy Moore:

Today's Blind Items & Your MV Clue

To borrow a phrase from Ted C, MV ain't:

Mandy Moore


Norah Jones


Having said that, I have no idea who it is!

seaward said...

Ok cool, Lisa B. Thanks for finding that!

And yeah, I still have no idea. :/ I wish Enty still interacted in the comments.

KS said...

Yeah I saved all the clues and pasted them into a document so I can go back and check.
I even went through the whole Hilary Duff thing last week, but honestly you could attach just about any entertainment attorney to many famous singers!

Eeekalicious said...

@oralangee Push. Push. Get back in your nasty smelly troll closet.

Agent**It said...

oralangee aka angie muncillo is supposed to be Amber's troll, not Dia's! Amber will be so wicked upset:)

see comments:

chachi said...

check out Lady GaGa live on Howard Stern just singing while playing piano. She's phenomenal - can't be MV.

Jolene Jolene said...

HAHAHAHA Agent! That's a good call.

I mean seriously...dia poop piya and some unoriginal racist bullshit??? If you're going try to be a troll, at least be a good one.

Eeekalicious said...

Trolls are getting scarce - people are going to have to start sharing, I guess...

astrogirl said...

Monica I think she took voice lessons and now sings in her own voice which still fits the MV timeline, after S got sick.

smash said...

Thanks agent. Clearly there are some disturbed people out there.

Agent**It said...

smash, 'clearly disturbed', indeed !

smash said...

:) high five! Have a great Saturday night Agent.

Deryn said...

Do you think there would have been any shooting on Max Payne early enough for this blind? Because ... international (Canada). And both male leads are fling-able -- looks-wise and "they're married with kids"-wise, so you'd go in knowing it could only be a fling.

califblondy said...

My memory stinks but I was here when MV entered the scene and first thing is the MV blind pre-dates Lady Gaga. The clues were this was an A+ list singer and if the truth came out it would be a huge shock. Because MV had been mean to the REAL singer of her sons, the majority of guesses were J.Lo 'cuz we've all read what a bitch she can be. I think there was a clue that MV's singing voice had changed during her career because the real singer wasn't singing for her anymore.

Other than that, I got nuttin'.

califblondy said...

songs, not sons...

Rolf said...

wouldn't it be nice, if the MV guessing were held in the appropiate place? I'm still guessing, who the other persons were in this actual BI reveal. Macauly Calkin (I know, wrong spelling) seems to be right for the boyfriend left behind but who is the skanks love interest on the international filmset? I'm with D.K.Kurtz and my guess is Mark Wahlberg or even better Ludacris.

Amber said...

LOL Agent! I'm trying to get sleepy and happened to peek thru the comments here. So glad everyone's favorite racist with the reading/writing skills of a 5 year old is back :D

SLane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marie23 said...

sarah marshall was filmed in hawaii.. which is the US... not an international set
the only other filming location was LA so I don't think that works as the movie

La La Lady said...

Yay! Back to the reveal. This one has been bugging me and I figured out why. There are two clues no one has mentioned: "2,3,4" and "taken a shine to" - both of which point to the movie Boot Camp. Plus it was filmed in Fiji and Canada making it a true international movie. That said, I have no idea who the costar would have been.

Mrswife29 said...

Back to MV (OT--I know I know), but I always thought that this scandal would have been a big deal at the time (2007?). Back then JLo (my guess for MV) had a career that was super hot and it might have been a shocking reveal that she was totally faking it. Today, not so much.

alisontheoriginal said...

Enty said it was not Mandy M

alisontheoriginal said...

Enty said it was not Mandy M

seaward said...

Actually Rolf, I think this was quite the appropriate place. Enty was leading us on teasing about an MV clue this week, then posts a blind that takes us down the MV rabbit hole when you read through it.

But I'm with you with Mark Wahlberg. I don't know why, but the first time I read this I didn't realize the filming was international, for some reason I was thinking film fests where the movie was being played. Still don't think Gregory makes sense, Jason wasn't international, leaves us with Mark.

LottaColada said...

I completely agree with you on that Mrswife29. Part of me thinks MV is Jlo but part of me agrees her singing and talking voice are too similar.

Terrier Pines said...

I thought it was revealed that MV was Alicia Keyes.

Mrswife29 said...

@Lotta, yes, you're right!! JLo's voice just isn't that spectacular. That's the only thing that doesn't fit. IDK, I'm sticking with my guess since i think it would have "rocked the industry" that her whole singing career was phoney. Also, she hit her height around 2000 (not 2007--sorry, I have no concept of time!). Also interesting, after going back through the MV blinds, a poster mentioned a rolling stone story about Madonna wanting JLo on stage for that vma kiss-- not Christina A. But JLo said no. Strange for such a fame whore like J to turn down a live singing opportunity with Madonna and Britney on tv unless...

Sherry said...

And it's official: I am a dumbass cuz HI is the US. See I really suck at blind guesses.

Miss Obvious said...

Everyone seems to forget that Jennifer Lopez broke out in the singing role of Selena. To think that an unknown actress who couldn't actually sing herself would be cast in such a monumental role is just ridiculous.

Also, we all know that Enty frequently misleads in clues because if he/she didn't, they would be far too easy to guess thus there would be no point in them being blind at all. So from this we can assert that not every clue is necessary.

astrogirl said...

Miss Obvious, J Lo was picked for Selena because of her ethnicity, not her singing voice. She lip-synched to Selena's real voice in the movie, and she was quite convincing.

I believe this gave her and others the MV idea in the first place. If you know J Lo's back story she started out as a back up dancer not a singer.

The Black Cat said...

Astrogirl, you may be onto something. I think this blind has jumped the shark though, who cares about JLo and her singing anymore?

Desiree said...

I'm late to the party as usual but I distinctly remember that MV has children. So no Mandy Moore.

Also, I agree with other poster...JLo sucks so if they spent all that money on someone that sings that badly...shame on them.

I would like to throw out Alicia Keys....I heard her on the MTV awards this year and she sounded awful. And I'm not sure when Enty added the clue about the children, but could it work???

Desiree said...

I'm late to the party as usual but I distinctly remember that MV has children. So no Mandy Moore.

Also, I agree with other poster...JLo sucks so if they spent all that money on someone that sings that badly...shame on them.

I would like to throw out Alicia Keys....I heard her on the MTV awards this year and she sounded awful. And I'm not sure when Enty added the clue about the children, but could it work???

Miss Obvious said...

@Astrogirl - She did lip-sync in the actual movie but this was only decided after filming was started because the producers thought people would want to hear Selena's voice more due to how soon it was after her death. This could either be simple preference or perhaps she is MV and that fact speaks to her terrible singing voice. But either way, every single Latina actress was auditioned for the role with every intention of singing so I find it hard to believe they would pick someone who can't actually sing well.

astrogirl said...

Actually Selena's father was executive producer and he wanted to use the real vocals from day one.


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